SNEAK PEAK at Cobra Kai Season 4!

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Ahkaf khan: ayoo i thinjk that whole 'ucks'' arra of the video was refering to brucks! u know hakws bully in season 1 and n season 3 hawk bullied him lmao but anywyas i think its brucks actually

MonkeyKing 4431: My god you are crazy

MrSirMeowMix: It’s barely been a month since they started filming and we already have two sneak peeks jesus in about 4 months we gonna see the whole season already

Theodor Steenberg: 5:34😂😂😂

MARTINA GALAN ARISTIZABAL: 7:07 puck is the black thingy they hit in hockey so maybe they are on a game (maybe Miguel invited sam on a date and daniel and johnny are keeping an eye on them), or in some sort of training that requires pucks

Lolo Boom: 6:32 😂😂😂😂

roy staton: I wonder if Tory will find a Mr Miyagi type mentor at the Sushi restaurant who will impart her some Japanese wisdom that helps with her redemption arch. Her working at a Japanese restaurant can't be coincidence.

TYRON TOWNSEND: I have a couple of theories that I'd just like to put out there if that's okay with you guys: Well throughout the season I feel like Daniel and the original Miyagi-Do students may run into some problems because of Cobra Kai's extreme aggression and the Cobras may have problems with Miyagi-Do's defense and kata. I feel like Daniel may be more than a little hesitant to trust Hawk considering he was the one that attempted to attack Demetri in season 2, broke Demetri's arm, attacked his daughter (Sam) multiple times, and was one of the kids that broke into his house and destroyed some of it. Daniel may say something to the ex Cobra Kai students about how they fight and Johnny might step in to defend them. Johnny and Daniel will get into an argument (or maybe multiple considering how those two hot-heads act around each other most of the time) and that may jeopardize the student's training. Also, Sam will most likely have a hard time trusting Hawk since, again, he broke Demetri's arm right in front of her and attacked her. Hawk, who is now on the good side, will probably have trouble adjusting to the most likely less aggressive ways of Miyagi-Fang and may get a little too violent during training at least once or twice. Also, Hawk will struggle with his persona because almost as soon as Hawk came along, he became very aggressive, violent, and angry. He most likely will be scared of reverting back to Eli and will struggle to keep Hawk alive. Who knows? Maybe we'll get another persona. I also think that Hawk may or may not get attacked by Cobra Kai and maybe get seriously injured. Additionally, I feel like both Miguel and Hawk will get to fight Kyler in either a public fight or the tournament or maybe even both. Miguel will get back to his full strength and he may not be the best student fighter anymore considering that Hawk had gotten pretty damn good in season 3 but he will still be a much better fighter than he was before considering he's learning both the way of the fist and strictly self-defense. I apologize for such a long comment, but I had a lot to say and I've been holding this in since I finished watching Cobra Kai season 3 the day it came out. If you take the time to read all of this, I thank you and if you have any thought on my theories or any additional theories, feel free to reply to this comment. Have a great day and stay safe :)

Yaman Balata: Bro when u said Miguel and Sam are gonna fuck u made me laugh Laugh

brand: Didn’t they say something about Johnny gonna be thrown through a window at cobra kai

Movie Maker 780 gaming: Was this even a sneak peek?

William Overton: Hawk vs Daniel

Michael Eskander: Maybe “let’s begin” means let’s begin the tournament, and “respect” means respect to Miguel because he came out of a coma and still won the tournament.

jegaming: FBI OPEN UP

John Fernandez: I researched pucks and it resulted ice hockeyss

LAI HORACE (6E09)黎昊儒: Pucks or Brucks

XxSeb -_-: 6:33 imagine I will lose it

Connor Lousignont: What if Anthony decides to join and then gets injured by cobra Kai in the tournament and then that gives them motivation to win but it is a stretch

Jack Stanton: 6:31 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Kevin Thompson: What if watching hockey gives Daniel an idea about teaching Miguel and the other Eagle fang students about the physical aspect of balance before getting to the mental part since Johnny is all about physical training. I did ice skating once and in order to keep your balance you have to bend your knees, lean forward, and tighten your core. So what is Daniel and Johnny take their students to an ice skating rink?

Thomas Alexander: I have rubbed my hands with the whole season. Good luck in enjoying season 4.

Cobra Coven: Miguel isn’t number 1 in eagle fang, it’s hawk

Wisdom Georges: Godzilla vs kong ,the flash season 7,cobra kai season4 ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

popcorn lawson: i bet one of season 4 episodes of that the title of the finale is inevitable.

Stephfon: Miguel and sam being the two strongest is a joke

Thomas K 96: I really enjoyed these detective videos, they are the reason I subscribed.

Celtics Nation: Maybe Robby and Tory have a scene at the Sushi Restaurant

AppleLife4123: daaamn, youre the best inspector lol, you legit read through the papers haha keep it up bro, your sense of humour also made me laugh

bryce dreyfus: It looks like it’s 100% pucks

Gadji Bilalov: This guy is better than l from death note

Aryan Kapuskar: 6:40 😂😂

Aryan Kapuskar: Plz work with thw fbi.. the criminals wont stand a chance

Buc Reviewer: "Looks like Sam and Miguel will be wasting no time in season 4" Well TBF when Miguel was moping over Sam in season 2, Tory did suggest they "have a little fun".

Mark Desantis: Anthony and the 2 new young characters coming in make sense. The other "kids" are getting older in real life and in the timing of the show as well. After this season, none of them will be able to compete in the under 18 All Valley anymore so in comes Anthony and a new group of high schoolers. It will be interesting to see how the older kids stay involved after high school.

V44 CLIPS: you should become an detective

Dana R.: I think since Tory has been upgraded to a series regular, that we'll probably have more scenes of her away from the dojo since a big part of her character development and understanding her (at least in my opinion) is her home life. So I don't think her not wearing a Gi in the first episode/scenes means she's not training at Cobra Kai anymore.

The Swevy: No it would be hawk and Sam fighting because hawk it stronger than miguel right noew

Osian Jones: I think at the end of season 4 Johnny and Daniel will only take 3 students each,to protect the others from Cobra Kai and those will be (Miguel,Hawk and Assface) and (Sam,Demitry and Chris) And Then during the tournament Hawk and Demitry will go ageist each other while in the semi finals Tory will go up against Miguel and Robby will go up against Sam but only Miguel would win leading to Miguel vs Robby for the finals What do u think ?

Hafeed Lawgaly: Watch party cobra kai season 4 episode 1 is let's begin

Henry Lal: look im sorry ive practice karate since i was little and i need to say tory's form is fucking horrible a lot of they're form is but tory is by far the worst

anna hmxh: 1. Ali with an I 2. Tory with a Y 3. Pucks with a P

Miranda Di Marco: Can I just say that Cobra Kai are trying to keep everything private by adding thicker paper but somehow people like this guy still find a way. That's insane 🙌

Josiah Diaz: I was the 180th like

Robert Vaughn: White lady doing math equations meme

Miranda Di Marco: It may be just me but I spend hours binge-watching cobra kai theories and watch the whole season in a day missing multiple episodes bc of among us and then wonders why I didn't enjoy season 3.

Syd -: When you said Ant means Anthony I immediately thought of ANThony from Ant-Man

mobycat33: I don’t know how you do it, or why I couldn’t resist checking it out. Well done, as always!

Winter: Pretty cool how you can see the episodes all the way up to 5 on the tabs of the notes on the tablet, it's unfortunate that you can't see the names of said episodes though

Forest: I've been saying it a thousand times about people freaking out over this Pic. Martin kove said that production starts Jan 20 but no one cared.

king_breezy _11: I live in atlanta where there filming it and i know one of the episodes

vzpza: Episode 1 is finish?

Mr. M: Not really related to this but I feel as though season 4 is a good place to wrap up the show. I don't want it becoming repetitive and predictable. I'm not sticking around for Julie from the fourth movie, who by the way has nothing to do with the core characters. Besides extending this dojo war beyond high school is just ridiculous and unimaginative.

battletoads22: What sloppy handwriting. I can't believe you figured it out. I gave you like for burning your eyes out on that.

Funny limited: I really think that the next season will release on December 19th

Abdullah2410: You lost me at the math 👁👄👁

laser foot: Pucks--->air hockey !

NR MASHUPS: History repeats itself 👀

Evelyn Cornejo: What if it’s brucks the guy that hawk beats up

Froot Gaming: Did you go to a decoding School or something? Because you an expert and decoding fonts and that😂

Rohan Bhatt: I feel u in the beginning with the math 10000000 iq playz

catalina lozano: freaking sherlock holmes here

Talia al Ghul: Man waiting for this season of this show and season 5B of Lucifer is gonna be brutal.

Chelsea Kelley: I feel episode 1 will end with robby recruiting shawn and then episode 2 will be him training in cobra kai and earning his respect

BlitzSus: i have a theory that when you said it would be a fight between the 2 best students " 3:50 " i feel like Daniel is gonna pick Sam and Johnny is gonna pick hawk then Miguel is gonna be mad at johnny for not thinking Miguel is the best

GreenToad: This channel is hella underrated

Beastace: This ties into one of your season 3 theories. It was about the rule of 2, on how you were saying season 3 will be directly after season 2 because season 2 took place right after season 1, and someone from the crew tweeted that season 4 starts immediately after season 3. If I find the video I’ll link it (well, it was by you)

Josue Juarez: But hawk is the best eagle fang

Creative Person: If the All-Valley tournament is in this season, I want to see these four as Semi Finalists: Miguel, Robby, Sam, and Tory. I also want to see Shawn, Hawk, Demitri, and Kyler make quarterfinals and see kyler put in a bodybag!

ademir junior: The joke about Miguel and Sam having doing the nasty made me laugh way too hard😅

Icy Illusion: This is a very informational vid. thnx. My theory is that there will be an argument with Hawk and Sam about who is the stronger fighter Miguel or hawk.

Drew Vertical: @watchparty. My mom is friends with a wife of a person who works there and they’ve been filming for a little while

BeyUK Breedo: Dude, how are you not working as a detective?

Hair Ball: So the next all valley we’ll be in 2020 but what about COVID wasn’t that kind shut down because of COVID

lunatic fringe: Great work, thanks!

Brendon Honnken: I can’t wait for season 4 to be released which would probably what I’ve heard either late November or early December

Leo Alberts: This is so epic

Jamie Chevalier: idk if you know this but typically every page of script is a minute of screen time. thats not a steadfast rule but def something to consider

mike kitz: i hope there teaming up doesnt last long, ruins the whole point of the show

Rory Fan: If Tory isn't going to be back in the dojo anytime soon, then what is she going to be doing? That also leaves Robby as the only student left in Cobra kai that has a chance to win.

TheHappyHuntsman: This is to much information for my brain to handle.

Performative AMEYA: Who are you rooting for to win the tournament?

Okara The Saiyan Emperor: 6:24 I can read backwards pretty well And I knew it looked like fucks Lol Edit 6:36 Oh god noooo...... Nooooo NOOONONONONONONO FUUUUUUUUUCK 6:53 Oh thank god.... The roller rink Just like the photos And in ep 1 as U looked at

Hidden Ninja901: The title "respect" could be about Daniel and Johnny

Christian Krogh: Nice finds! You’re quite the detective ;-)

Okara The Saiyan Emperor: I think I should stop watching Ur vids till season 4 I wasn't surprised with chosen in season 3 and I felt robbyed ( get it) So is wait till season 4 lol

TheCloneBassist: 6:37 lol

J1der: I kinda feel the 2nd episode "Respect" will include Robby recruiting Shawn to cobra Kai due to their respect in S3.

Justin Marbury: The most important takeaway is that all of us who knew Johnny and Daniel would team up were right

wildmonkey: Is this the last season?

Jonah Wendt: I can’t believe this guy could figure out the length of an episode based on a brad 😂😂😂

Joe Mamania: This dudes better than the fbi "brass clip length" are you kidding me lol. They'er changing card stock because of you lmao


brickmasterMAEproductions: I think that tory might try to get revenge on hawk in the next mid season climax episode 5

Foxd Gaming: Your like the film theory of cobra kai lmaoo

Avery Trumpler: 1:01 this man really started investigating a fastener XD

Michael Presley: Watchparty do you think that Robby and Miguel will become friends.

snakegod: First comment!

Robert George: I think Let’s Begin takes place after the end of season 3

Star Wars Lightsaber tricks: I’m so excited 😭

TristenFilms: Yeahh, clicked immediately.

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