The Flash 7x02 Promo "The Speed of Thought" (HD) Season 7 Episode 2 Promo

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Amz Dornan: I love this show but iris been stuck in that universe for too long

Gunnhfran2: How good was grant gustin imitating all the different wells! His Harry and sheloque were so spot on!!

Hari Krishnan: We could still see the eobard thawne as Tom and be satisfied. We're gonna still miss wells and the "run Barry run"😐

Andrew SYH: Thank god team flash is getting back together finally, after the first episode, speechless.

mazlynn2: Great episode but I really want the Iris and Mirrorverse storyline to wrap up and move onto something else

Lorenzo_f2: 0.25 speed at 13 seconds, tachyon device is back

ziya fatimah: I don't want Iris I just want all the wells back 😭

Kishan: VFX is pretty good this time

Aryaan Hassam: reverse flash is coming

Renee Bruce: Looks like Iris may have some type of powers from being trap in the mirror world

ItzDexity: Ok but no one gonna talk about that suit up

MiroDev: so the speedforce is now the Wellsforce?

Shouvik Das: For Fuck Sake Was That Necessary To Kill The Only Remaining Wells??? Couldn't You Keep Atleast One Wells Alive??? Fuck You Flash Producers

Fed up: Flash for da past few seasons, problem arises, tries to solve it, no work, cringe speech, oh look i got an idea, now it works. Half of last ep was also just- speeches. Still love the show, i jus wish it was a lil less speeches and more flash, nobody likes repetitive shit.

Sakari Richard: why did it take the writers this many episodes to figure out a workaround for taking Grant Gustin's mask on and off? that seems like it shouldn't have taken this long.

Sakari Richard: Wells dies...AGAIN...what else is new?

Mohammad Areeb: Last time: Run....Barry.....RUN! 😭😭

Abbot david-west: 1 Why are all the Wells Dying? 2 Is it me or the way Barry but's his mask now is cool alien tech maybe?.

Suolanen bs: I have a theory that all the Wells are in the speed force and some point Flash will go inside and get them out except 1 so the speed force doesn't collapse.

satvik sriramagiri: everyone who says wells instead of nora in the speed force is correct cuz this is not the actual speed force this is the one that they created

satvik sriramagiri: i think that this is the og barry the one at the allen house that night mixed with the barry who needs his team for everything so now i wanna see him operate solo

boxeq: Bro wtf was the death of wells for? That was a bs dwat

kiki: flash is nothing without cisco

RME 901: Bro the first episode was dog water bro like it was just a bad way to start the season smh

JackRabbit E2E: You know I don’t normally cry during heartbreaking moments, but damn seeing the Welles talk to Barry before he was gone was incredibly sad and I did cry. Long the Welles!!

Devonte Hardimon: Fans: "How many Wells' do you wanna kill to motivate Barry" CW producers: "yes"

blizzaroxxx: who's the pretty girl at 0:10?

Dark: Its been a year.. and the enemy is still not dead

Trojanfan666: Is she still stuck in the mirror? if so i'm glad i didnt miss much after not watching for a whole season

The Bandit TV: I see KILLER FROST 😍tho i want her to come back as Caitlin.

The Bandit TV: Im so excited for this. Cause the 1st episode was so bad! It wasn't even Flash. How dare they make an episode without CAITLIN AND CISCO AND KILLER FROST!

The Bandit TV: We NEED CAITLIN SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Siva Sukumar Reddy: Dude. that suit scene looks like Nano tech Ironman suit from Endgame.

MasonIsNotKek: God damn I love the nanotech mask upgrade

Ella: I can't believe they killed off all the Wellses when Cisco wasn't even there

Ella: My theory is that Barry will be able to talk to the Wells whenever he enters the Speed Force

LeoDav Marvel Gomez: respeto mucho a las personas que aun siguen a este flash, pues ya se me hace aburrido ver sus capitulo de telenovela

xavier ramirez: this episode was actually really good. seems like the writers are going back to their roots!

Dyllon Susi: Bruh episode one isn’t even out

Dont Cry: I hope he shows in Superman and clarks son says something like so dad can you teach me how to run fast then clark says I don't think I'm the right guy to show you that son... Scene cuts to star lab cityy. Only if his son gains super speed lol

MobCh: Damn.. its been years i forgot bout this show.. Because of the new superman and lois show im hyped again for DC CW version..

Duane: 0:07 why does that look so familiar? Hmm....

Sonja: Looking forward to some OG Team Flash action!! Love seeing Barry, Cisco and Caitlin together!

Emek4: the retractable mask is so cool

Cherry Rose Mararac: According to tptb of Flash these first 3 episodes are actually supposed to be the last 3 of season 6. Anyways, it was really good, although I tend to zone out a little when they're talking science.

Comics Collide: I don’t want to jump the gun but this might be the best season since season 2 ⚡️

IBP2.0: Premiere was mediocore I hope it gets better

Anon ymous: So I’m confused about this new ability of his bc I thought that he always had it, unless i’m mistaken? And Eva being a clone of the real Eva? I’m not surprised. I wonder how Iris will come back. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up getting mirror powers.

Tanya Golden: RIP to all the Harrison Wells can not wait until next week episode.

lex338: So does Barry now have nanotech

Player Slayer: I'm glad they brought H.R back

Aryan Jaiswal: Let Iris die and bring Wells back XD

Tori Adams: That wells scene had me n my feels, but overall this episode was very good, I liked how we saw the different versions of iris’s

MissingClover: Of all the heroes who need an instant nano suit Flash is the least of them lmao

Ashon Lewis: Good episode

Javier Martinez: So Hartley sawyer was fired sooooo what are they gonna do with Ralph

Ashwan James: Hold up, why,is the first episode not on CW50

ashique008: R.i.p nash Wells he was my favourite cac😭😭😭😭😭

Made Gayatra: 0:13 yo barry’s wearing that device on his chest that made him go 2x as fast (I think it was like that)

AJVRBoi 457: Flash got that vibranium suit

Alex Olsen: So the season finale of last year hasn't happened yet what's the heartbreaking scene? Was it Nash's death or does it have to do with Iris?

Issac Maya: Iris is not important right now. Go find Kate Kane

John Cruz: 0:08 Cisco: Where did that come from? Barry: It's nanotech, you like it?

Ethan, a carrot: the way they upgrade how Flash's mask can be worn is amazing

Stanley Ezen: The flash is back baby

Isaac Kestner: I am so happy Barry got his speed back

User: The premiere tonight was actually really good.

Among Christmas: The shock for his mask was legit

User: Is Wells actually gone?

Quéén Drésha: Killer Frost ❄️ is BACK!!! I’M SO EXCITED!!! for next week

Cynthia Ray: Everyone: the premire was so good Me: waiting for the show to explain why Ralph is gone or missing like Batwoman since the actor was fired

Saiyan Motion: Who else cried when Wells *ACTUALLY DIED*

Joshua Holten: Okay but his suit😳😳😳

Gurshaan Dhesi: 0:07 um ok then, that’s how the mask works now.

David F: Just end this series. It's getting worse and worse.

Paul smith: Always wanted to have og wells from season 1 that died to return somehow.since he was the one who originally created Barry as the flash

Trey Morris: This premiere was...okay. When this show first came out back in 2014, I was 9, and I was obsessed with this show. But over the years this show has declined in quality, and my interest has declined. But, I'll continue watching it. Not planning on stopping anytime soon.

Anthony Strader: Rest All Wells 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺😩😩😩

Crispiez: Rip Nash wells

ExctDavid: All wells died when I saw H.R I was so happy cause I mean he was dead and gone

Rohan Ranjan: Seems like Nano tech suit 😁

MIKE GELMYCH: Is anyone else hoping they don’t get Iris back

Rawdilla05: I'm ready for Flash to fight the real villain!!!

RVZ Raven: Looking forward to barryson wells

Out N About KP: Guess Barry learned from Tony stark to use nanotechnology for his mask lol

Syarif Alkaf: Where can i watch season 7 freely ?

Yesenia Pardo: I’m still recovering from tonight’s episode😭💔 I cannot wait for next weeks!!!

Evan Moris: R.I.P Harrison Nash Wells. You will be missed. You saved hundreds of lives. You were loved by Team Flash and all of us.

Zannia Ojibe: It’s gonna be so weird without a Wells on the team😭

Flashixi: It feels so good to be watching these promos right after an episode!

Rundøwn Games: 20 years later Me: I have seen 2,875,472 wells today and seen 2,875,471 have died because of a normal crisis

YiHong Epic: New season of Flash Wells: My time has come

Mr.PerfectCell: Nope, I don’t accept it, there has to be a way to restore both Wells and the Multiverse

Sofi Plays: More OG team flash scenes with Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco. iris should stay in the mirror

Sub Zero: OMG what happened to this show i wish they become back great as Seasons 1 and 2 again but looks like my hope will never happen sadly because this show turn into disaster and c'mon why they don't have a cool Villains anymore?? I know i make the right decision when i stop watching it after Season 3.

Kelsie Baker: I'm a little pissed Nash died bc that means no more wells...soo yea

Vae William: Did y'all know that we are still finish up season 6 of finales? or is it just me. Lol

Abraham E.: All the version of Wells from the multiverse are gone, we might see Thawne's actual face again, he might know Nash sacrifice himself by giving Barry his speed back

simpulx: The best wells was the one that sacrifised his life for iris 🐐

Andrew Hoang: Great 1st episode, but...not the Wells!!!! That final reunion killed me... I loved Harry and HR. How could the writers do them like that?!

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