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BRO YOU WACK: Welp looks like Blizzard deleted Competitive LOL

Smokess: Anyone know why the season still isn’t out

Sam Lauder: You can tell he knows at least a bit about tank and dps but then he doesn't know all that much about support cause baptiste is so much better then Zen and Lucio is becoming meta again because rein zarya is coming back but I'll give it to him that Zen is probably a strong contender for 3rd best with Ana

Ryan Glassford: My game still has the lunar year cover and also in game it still says season ends in less than a minute ???????

Karlo Aluisi: make a discord server

Xolfy: Me who has notifications on but still showing up late: So am I good? Or bad

Jake Armstrong: It ends in less than a minute 😩

StrivingGnat 520: 1:34 more fwicwintly

YoshiMadness: Ngl I forgot Orisa had a passive

Little Timmy: Last season was a roller coaster, went from 2.5k to 2.9k to 2.3k to diamomd. Weird 😂

K1ngw1ng Jr: All you got to do is navigate to your healer both of my healers on my team I'm healing the tanks because I'm nOT sUpPOseD TO hEal dAMagE me like what

AIG Productions: Bro my season is stuck on season 26

Epic Scizorite: When ur a Mcree main 🥲

Clarisol Candelaria: Fweequenly 1:34

Spico: Do more custom gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames

David Borresen: I ended up in silver this season

North 29th: Even if you do say no, Mccree always roll higher on initiative than you.

Worthy Captain334: This is so my season

3n1gm4: last season all t he heroes he said would be good that season, all got nerfed before the eason ended lol

FIFA Gamer10: Hello

Jaedyn Govender: Ayyo bro I have post notification on was just at school😂💀

41st corps gaming: Remember me bro you wack I'm back I've been here since 45 subs I finally got my account back

Mr Small: I put post notifications on after this video I’ve learnt my lesson

Kevin Cederborg: Im sry for hutting ut feeling BUT U POST WHEN IT 4 AT NIGHT HERE

The gamer squad: It's not out yet

mk gaming: Those are my role mains (zaraya zen and mcree)

Travers Peter: Zen better than Ana?funny joke

Eimear Bradbury: I just started mailing hanzo.lets GO!!!!!

That powerful cat: I didn’t make it early I just woke up chill I’ll turn on notifications but I’ll still not be early but you at least need to make a face cam with mei’s dress

Uncle Phil: I don’t think bro u wack has the guts to ever choose Hammond as the best tank because I swear he hasn’t done it before

kapl: Bro you wack: loves Mei Me: loves Mei Bro you wack: says that Hanzo is a good hero for season 27 Me: BETRAYED

Mr Phantom: The Ammount of throwers in competitive are 10x more than how many ppl have loved me....

Chill Z: High noon is a good ult

Arvin Malhotra: I am sick at genji but finds Hanzo hard

Apex Kat117: cant wait and thanks for the suggestions since I have no main this could help me main someone!

Finn Gratenberg: I Play Doomfist,Genji and Tracer🦾😅

Definitely_not_a_ nerd: I got my first golden gun

TiedUpTime: im gonna try to get to diamond on at least 1 role, but all of my roles are at very low plat so i dont know :/

Gunter: Hello! :)

EKZA: I’m one tricking Hanzo this season

Adnan is the king of el Husseini: Oh new season am already top 500 I got mei spray

BaDen GaDen: I’m in uk so I couldn’t have but I love ur vids

J4MZ: Make sure you’re good at aiming *LITERALLY 5 SECONDS LATER* Misses two shots on a zen

AwesomeRolex56: Looks like for season 27 Reaper and Mccree are coming to play

Pieter van de Wouw: When u have the bell but u r asleep when BYW uploads...

אסף פיין: i hate overwach and blizzard cuz i cant play comp maybe cuz i got ban from season 26?

Joshua Rork: My playstation broke yesterday so I have not gotten my season 26 rewards

Neon_Lights: BYW: "Zarya doesn't get nerfed" Jeff Kaplan: A FOOLISH MISCALCULATION!

Michael Pollit: It was my birthday when you made this

Mustafa Korjenčić: Fanye

elliot adrian vuokko: i live in sweden so i cant watch it when it drops but i really want

Abra Kadabra: Bro I'm a Junkrat main how do you expect me to aim this much in season 27

technos revaluation: Overwatch players who watch this: im a play these character Me: doomfist main with golden gun be like I am just gonna stick to doomfist

Holden Hubbs: 🥲 sombra never gets on the list

Gibson Sokolowski: 6:10 is bap a joke to you

tr1x_ ghost: My competitive season is bugged it says starting in less than a minute but doesn't change

Cheesy Beluga: Baptise can actually be a great pick as well.

WubbiePops Ay: You forgot to mention bap immortality stopping Hanzo zarya alt lmao.

callahan holsten: omg im earrly but hi zack love youre vids keep it up

Whos ZUES34: Ngl I feel like reaper is the most easy hero to play 🤷‍♀️

J: Lmao so no season 27? What a fucking joke. This game is broken AF...😂😂😂😂😂 Keep talking about season 27 when it's not happening today.

IvanoRichrds: Played against you on Rialto today and bagged you a couple times lol

Ray Willy: Season 27 is delayed until the 9th. On the bright side, If you already claimed your rewards, you might get double the competitive points

Lia: I love you too

Garner Howerton: I don’t even play overwatch anymore but I just love watching a bro you wack video there are very entertaining

AJ_-_-GGs: My ps plus ran so im here on YouTube watching overwatch until i get it back and can play overwatch

Ryan Kight: Guess I’m your fav

Alex Chin: Did anyone notice this footage was from before well diet got the recoil rework

Elliott Jones: No it is dropin on Monday

xCringe. Queenx: Yo it was season 0 for me for a while now it’s season 26 finishing in less then a minute for hours 😂o-0

Doctor Craft: Call be Me Bias but I think Mercy is also a great support this season because if we pair her with all the dps and tanks Bro you wack listed they can be very deadly with her damage boost. Not to mention when someone is damage boosted they'll do more damage so they'll get their ult quicker so they might be a lot of gravs and dragons. Also her Ult Valkyrie pairs up with zarya's very well. With everyone being damage boosted


itamar tam: Reupload 4 days from now

Colby Wolfe: What is your battletag for overwatch PC?

rick astley: "i love u if ur here as soon as the season droped" i love u to bb girl

Carly Martinez: When I went into the game it says it said it ends in less than one minute and then I left it for like 20 mins and it still says less than one min and yes I did close the game and I updated it

Q U I Z N O: "onley counter for grav dragon is trans" bruh wut about LAMP!!!!!

Nille: i can´t play overwtach anymore my disc got damaged lost 600 hours of my life

Bowlingdude 299: Season 27 will now go live on Tuesday @2 ET according to community manager Josh Nash.

Daikon Whore: *The season ends in less than a minute*

Fischer Jakowski: 1:35 fweakwently

Alexandra Darkbee: Me, with notifications on but no time to watch when video dropped: :(

Lotus: So do u reply tho

Nicholas Whisler: Me having push notifications on and don’t watch till a couple hours later

cooltriplets_2: As a long time Zen main... this makes me happy lmao 😂

OverWatch GayMer: I love you too ,🐻💕

Frododoggy Music: It would be cool if you made a discordserver

Audrey McClendon: i cant beileve he said he loved me 0o0

xBust3dx: The extra 25hp definitely helps

The Oni: 7:49 Sooooooooooo...

Sp4wntane0us: Should I get Ana’s or hanzos golden gun

Viggo Goldberg: Push notification flex

Jack Bowden: I’m a mcree main and I’m glad

Matthew Burnham: Guys I got plat in open que then played support on role que and won 4 outta 5, left the last till the next day not knowing the season ended and was gonna get so many points and high rank😭😭😭

Avery McMillan: I’m soo sad because for me for season 27 it says I can’t really play season 27 and I’m sad:(

What Happened?: I have enough comp points to buy 2 gold guns who’s should I get BTW: I already have mccree, rein, reaper, genii, doom and hogs


Illegal Pizza: I dont play comp but i use this tips to help my quick play seasons which i take seriously!

Furkan: Didnt s26 come out like last week...

TheNeatNick: when season 27 is NOT WORKING

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