STEP 2: SUPERHEROES - 44 - Hermitcraft - Season 7
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Lewis Green: you should do grian as grootНаписать
Jeffrey Lee: Sewer CATS
GamingWithBinky: Can you do a toturial on how to make the superheroes or armor stand plsss
Cameron John Doe: The door bandit has evolved
Artemis Nightflame: FINALLY someone sees Clint as I do 🏹
Ernest Ang: Oooh please add chicken man 🐔🐔🐔
Tammy Trouble: WOW cleo, your armor stand builds are absolutely stunning. I can't even find words for this. Just absolutely genius 👌💞
Pearl McCarthy: Make a new one for poultry man please
Daniel McIntyre: That cape turned out so good
ssharvey8440: Metropolis is superman! Batman is from gothem
Prakhar Kant Lal: 19:25 that thing is called arch reactor
Guillaume Globensky: Scar being Mysterio is perfect. He is all about creating carefully crafted illusions.
Benjamin Bitterling: Brian, Bubbles, and Eempulse
Anurag 69: I think X looks more like mysterio. Have you played the amazing spiderman?
not someone taking over the world defnautly not: One day someone is gonna trigger that trap somehow. Mark my words
not someone taking over the world defnautly not: I am offended by the fact that there isn't a grian villan here.
Lab dogs: Oh noes the sewer is close to being found
not someone taking over the world defnautly not: I like how they are now blaming eachother about the changes.
4r0ggy: That was awesome, you figured out the trap so quick!
Full Bump: Well done getting rid of the trap!
jamie stagg: Omg Cleo that was youbwothbthe glass I totallyvthoight it was Bdubs doing odd jobs for shady E's lmfao 😂🤣
Mouse: You are a magician!
Shadenplayz YT: 😅😅😅😅
Jeff Person: Impulse and the Sewer Cats
Solei: “The best way to deal with this is to not” Love it.
jalen king: don't think this will be seen but I need help with the armor stand book it not work and you are the master
jayvhon calma: OK you've got some stray cats bruv
Springer: do all these invisible armor stands not impact server performance? I have a plugin that lets you edit them like cleo does on my server and I love playing with but Im always worried if I add to many it may cause issues
MusicalHB: Love how Cleo has her dark side and her cute, innocent side XD
Aradillo27: The Grain Goblin
Nicholas Turner: nice to see some fellow wandavision stans
thejonguy: Dang! I was hoping she’d fall for it.
Kyle REN: Check under your base with your camera account
Jack The JAAM man: Was the mini wave of celebration a friends reference?
gemmeg Gallardo: My new favorite phrase: "Because I can."
Circadianarchist: Well, Tango IS Ironman!
Patrick !: You could add tumbleweeds in the one office building with repeat floors!
gemmeg Gallardo: Me: sees all the cod head people. "Why are there so many Grians?"
Laura Maki Hernandez: Well grian and impulse and bidubol0 did it
Siwy Gaming: Russian Cleo is not real, she can't hurt you. Russian Cleo: 0:06
Stuart Black: Scar, grian, impulse and boobels have mayed secret bases in your bases and thay are stealing stuff and hiding things (clue sewer cats)
Marcel de Boer: Am I the only one who’s a little irritated by the fact she build Batman and saying she doused like DC. Batman is dc
toorimakun: 1:15 Unless you're super girl...... great job CW... killing yet another show. Not even going to count bat woman or what ever it's called as that never even made it off the ground.....
Joshua Rosen: I love the way Cleo brings something unique to Hermitcraft. The armour stand creations make such a difference to what was previously a bit sterile even if it was really impressive.
Strawberry Cow: Hey Cleo! Maybe you could put red carpets sideways to make stresslet’s headband
Darren Barlow: Keep up the good work ^-^
SarahSwick: OOOOOOOOOOOOOO I’m pretty sure people know why I’m “ooo”ing about
minecraft with hamster: You forgot to make poultry man
PeddlerOfSmiles: "That's funny, but that's EEEEvil" great take
lucien niles: I named my new dog Cleo after you
Christelle Maillot: It’s not keralis in the graffiti it’s bdubs and also grian started it all
Marius Vaiciulionis: Just:WOW
Adam Stockton: Mysterio needs a purple Cape but wow those armour stand
Willie van Zyl: Yeah, you're so smart. But you're also no fun. Play along, like everybody else.
Brian Arnold: Scar might've had the wizard outfit but we all know who the true wizard is
77Brainfreeze: Your creativity and ability to see the minecraft shapes and make amazing things out of them is wonderful.
nolberto nieves: Poultry man poultry man poultry man we need poultry man on the half house or apart of the battle scene just need poultry man
Pres: Keralis is trying to prank you get him back
Julian Fricke: Okay am I the only who has that happen? I now had to subscribe for the 3rd time in the last 10 days and i do not get why i constantly get unsubscribed to zombiecleo
GoldenSpeed 9876543: Tango should be reverse flash....
ihateyoutube: Nice endermite Bomb defusal.
S117 Oracle: Oh man, I love batman and that hotdog stand Cleo. Also all the spider Cleo stuff! You do such great work ^_^ Edit - frick, is Stress supposed to be Scarlet Witch? Yessssss. Who am I kidding I love everything you did in this video!
HappyGamer 4ever: I really like the superhero theme in the city.
TheBrassGeologist: Those armor stands are pure gold.
Petr Ševčík: Have to say Cleo's very observant. Especialy considering she didn't build the city.
Eleos: cleo is so talented with the armor stands I'm convinced that datapack is made for her
Luis Felipe Abad Guzmán: Witchcraft! Armor stand witchcraft, I tell you! She's a witch! No, don't turn me into a block, no, NOOO! Cleo, your talent is unique! Keep being awesome. And I hope you find out what happened to the lighthouse. I know it will be something hilarious and unexpected, as it always is with you all bunch of hermits. Cheers!
Justin Nottelling: Cleo, please, please, please, Poultry-Man??🐔
Gladien: would be hilarious if grian stole it.
Thee Polynesian: I’m convinced that Cleo knows who it is. Absolutely convinced
Redstone Jam: Cleo the stuff that changed was done by the sewer cats
Davis Cohen: Even groan said it was cool from his hermetic craft season
Wither Wolf: Batman is DC
Shelt'n Betts: Use carpet for scarlet witch headband
Nethanel Audre Budano: Sewer cats! sewer cats! Sewer cats?
Crimson Gamer: Xisuma found ya little prank, but had no idea it was you Cleo
SnowyPug 6610: What plug in is it forthe armour stand or is it a customare one?
Madi Justice: (Idk if someone else comments this but) “yOu sIT oN A tHrOnE oF LiES”
KelRan: Cleo please do Wonder Woman
Stephanie wegg: i just had a bad day at school and this video made me perk up a bit thank youuuu
kyle enriquez: Add SpiderCleo stopping a train like in the Spider-Man movie
Nigel: Cleo: i dont normaly do DC Me: Iron man is marvel, docter doom is marvel, maar Batman is wel DC
Kija: i.... dont even KNOW what i should say after seeing the timelapse of all the heroes and villains.... just amazing!!!!!! keep up the good woooork
OwOCrystal IciaOwO: The heroes will defend against the sewer cats
Ronan Gordon: how did cleo notice that the house was flipped
Tokanya: Tango as Iron man definitely spots on. Especially the iron part.
István Szikra: 29:43 GOOD JOB Cleo !!! Smart! if only you could find where's your lost lighthouse ;)
Lawens Saintias: Grian Impulse Bdubs Scar has a secret base and they have been taking stuff from the city
lawrence wigton: You have awakend polterieman
Kai Pickering: Where's Poultry Man???
jeffrey sun: docotr doom should have been agnes
Cyan Shotgun: I'm amazed by your technical skills with armor stands and the stories that go with them.
House of Pets?: 7:28 LOLOLOLOLOL 😂
ΒRΞΛTHΘFPHΘΞΠΙX: A DC vs Marvel theme would be cool. Like Green Arrow vs Hawkeye, Cyborg vs Iron Man or Flash vs Quicksilver. Or like a second DC area even if you aren't really interested in DC
AbsolutePicks: @ZombieCleo I know you did Doc as doom and I love it. But seeing as your Spider-Cleo think you could also do Doc as Doc Ock I think it would be amazing. And I think DocM77 fits more as a power crazed scientist lol.
ugandanslothh: we need a deadpool just walking and looking at the dr. doom scene!
Grimmer: tirck?
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