New Skins, PvE Details, Pharah Rework, & MORE! - Overwatch 2 Season 9 Breakdown

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@masteriangamer: Let me know your thoughts on these new Season 9 details by dropping a comment below! Thanks for watching and be sure to hit 📺SUBSCRIBE and 🔔NOTIFICATIONS to never miss any future Overwatch videos:

@lordtelion: As someone who has mained pharah since ow1 and hasn't played ow2 in 3 months I can't say these changes have made me excited enough to return. It feels like changes solely designed to make pharah less annoying for people that don't look up. It doesn't fix he main issue of being a glass canon, she still has strong attack but now is more mobile, which just makes he feel like echo. And they still haven't addressed her ult which is by far one of the most underwhelming coin flips of an ult still in the game. Not the worst but it will either sit there half the game waiting for an opportune moment to be played or end prematurely with the pharahs death. I enjoyed playing her because of the hang time in air, it feels great to approach the battlefield from a different angle and navigate it in unique ways, which this hampers. But I can't say it surprises me. The new maps have been very anti fly with low collision ceilings and barriers at jump pack height making bottle necks impassable by pharah. Plus its clear that the whole point of overwatch with it's roster of unique heros with diverse abilities for varying play style isn't just dead, but being specifically irradiated by the Devs. They have consistently buffed or add the more conventional shooter type heros while repowering any other hero that interferes with those heros play. Ow2 was fun, but with each season it has become less and less for me. It's just not worth the effort to launch it anymore. Maybe other people will like this change, but I'm betting it won't be the ones playing her.

@austingrist9737: Loved the vid. super helpful

@brandonhill5976: Pharah main here!! I’ll report back soon!!

@allivans6681: Watching this because servers as usual, do not work.


@strawberryketchup: WHY NULL SECTOR?! THE WHOLE THEME IS GROSS MONSTER EYES AND TENTACLES, THEY ARE ROBOTS! They should have added evil ogres and goblins or something!

@Derknomicon: ehh, more micro transactions and the game is turning into paladins. If you like cool, but what made Overwatch special is gone for me personally.

@szab04: As a Kiriko main, i can feel the new skin within my grasp. I'm sad for the Moira mythic tho, cuz i have hatred for the hero

@itzpurple_queen9711: We have 2 unknown BP skins then because Sigma was shown with BP skins but we now know he isn’t which means there are 2 BP skins we don’t know about. We usually get 5 legendary skins in the BP. We know of the Hog, Ana and Soldier skins so most likely 2 of them are BP skins. Also I’m upset with Blizzard because the trailer is false advertising because Sigma’s skin wasn’t with the other shop skins 😂 someone f’ed up

@benjaminhager6285: Id say for the Pharah rework it gives you a great chance to reduce risk of being caught in the air by allowing you to fly back to cover again, although I am a bit dissapointed that you can't inf fly anymore I feel that the changes made can work. Im excited to see how it worked but frankly I will still feel that Pharah does not need the rework, she was perfectly fine (I dont know about higher tiers Im a plat player)

@Direkt_Xero_Gaming: It has been confirmed by stylosa,karq,flats and other overwatch influencers recently, that the new upcoming event is not a story campaign mission chapter or chapters. It is just an event like the 4 heroes vs reignhardt one, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but invasion was their first and last try at appeasing us with the campaign pve, in the layoffs the team behind the overwatch 2 pve campaign were part of that, if you don't believe me by all means ask other overwatch influencers and other non streamer players about it who are big fans of the pve campaign mode.

@chrislabedzski9076: I think this just creates dps meta spam with this change, now they be even less tank players now so people will be waiting longer que times because they be lining up for dps,

@elizabethwall4456: I like the idea of nighttime junkertown

@Lyra_dragonal: They really do be shrinking some paladins into the game to see if it will make it better. (It probably will)

@angeliqueforsyth: I knew that was gonna be enemies to fight I’m glad it’s robots

@masterofinfinity479: eldritch, jade skins and supposed cowboy bebop: Orisa's Mythic Skin is lookin' pretty good right now

@haeven1622: I'm excited for PvE betrayal, HP and size changes, and Pharah rework. Everything seems on point!

@agamemnonvega5926: Wait what about the map

@Trollamity: @2:57 its not The Los Muertos.

@Kerosiin: Love how they’re making you hand over more money 😍 remember when you could earn cosmetics guys

@ping4d064: i know the answer is that they don’t care abt console, but i still have to ask: if she has an ability on secondary fire, how are console players supposed to be able to aim while hovering? lol

@extrajuu: um... thats a weird lw skin

@blee1997: Looks like someone’s going to be “SUS”

@blee1997: This is literally gonna be among us

@CaptainOverLoad: dont like pharah changes

@welwyrmientertainment4450: Cool, can't wait to NOT pay this sh*t companny another 30 dolars just to play some extra new missions.

@jacob3761: I look forward to trying the new pharah and maybe finally enjoying playing against one

@DarkRaven9891: I mean ok... Bigger hp pool... bigger projectiles... But why all heroes will have hp regen out of combat? Hp regen was always unique passive for supports and now all heroes will have it. Dunno about the rates but i think that will slighly destroy the concept fo support heroes.Will see in couple of hours how that will work

@remiwatson7574: :/ As a Pharah main, most of her changes I don't yet have an opinion on - I'll wait 'til I've tried them out - but one that I already know is going to piss me off is the new ability taking up the secondary fire slot. This is because, as a console (PS4) player, that button (secondary fire - L2) is one of the two buttons that controls hover jets - the other being the regular 'jump' button - (X) - which is controlled by the right thumb - which is also the thumb that controls aiming. If they take away L2 being used for hover jets, that means that to use them, your thumb has to be occupied by holding down 'X' - which will mean you literally can't aim while hovering... rendering her virtually unplayable - unless I can find a different, accessible button to bind her new 'Jet Dash' ability to, to keep L2 for hover jets. This is the same reason that I can't play Lucio or Echo - you can't aim while wallriding, or aim while flying, respectively - as holding down 'x' occupies your thumb. This seems like a huge, really stupid oversight on the Dev's part, and I don't know why I don't see/hear more people complaining about it?

@amirkhusroohamid9705: The game will now be more centered around DPS instead of Tank. Because of the 20% Heal Reduction. DPS will have a far more bigger responsibility to choose whom they wanna reduce heal to, and that would be the focal point of the rest of the team to shoot at. There are many things achieved here: 1. Flankers can stay at the backline. 2. Flankers won't worry too much from being ignored by Healers (Tracer & Mercy) 3. It may be easier for a Flanker to deal with a Mercy Pocket Soldier. 4. Pocket Players will be the main choice of the game (which has been since OW2) 5. There won't be two-taps anymore as much except perhaps Widowmaker. If the focal points of targets is not focused on per say a Bronze Fight perhaps: The match could also be endless full of Immortalities and Cancels.

@seagsseagull: Overwatch Among us

@hgrenm: the life weaver and sigma skin not being in the battle pass hurts alot 😔

@GrilledSkittle: The angel lifeweaver skin is gonna be in the ultimate battle pass or shop?

@Sombraspussy: For me personally, i am happy that the lifeweaver skin is in the ultimate pack, since that means I’ll be able to buy the valentines skin for reaper. The cost would be 50€ for, which will be worth it. At least for me.

@anthonylebrun1977: I'm guessing every DPS & Support heroes are going to have 250 HP instead of their standard 200 HP. Plus Pharah is toxic with her airborne assault alongside with my lack of accuracy.

@anettelma123: bro I thought they will nerf Phara... she is so braindead hero, doesnt require aim, somehow she is silent in the air like zen on the ground, I dont get it

@Soundwave04: You can pick any hero you want in Hero Mastery Gauntlet, I think I may have found my new home! The Event PVE mode sounds pretty cool as well - Though they seem adamant to make you play as Mei in these PVE things. Controversial, but I am looking forward to the bigger projectile sizes, might help a bit!

@BlakeTheGamblingHero: im honestly in love with the lovecraftian horror/cosmic cult theme of the cosmetics. They just keep getting better and better, and as a raodhog main, im eating good with that cult skin. it looks straight up like something out of Dusk.

@kendrickvieraramos: What about more pve missions like the zenyatta mission

@bobbu3250: instead of hanzo shooting logs he now shoots steel beams

@doominator4072: In my opinion Pharah doesn’t need a rework as she seems fine to me. Wouldn’t mind them giving junkrat a slight speed boost.

@DeathDragon5000: soooooooooo who will be the new character?

@anettelma123: Im so glad I kept my money for premium battle pass! Orisa was disapointing so I didnt purchase this premium battle pass

@mashypotatos7906: The battle pass skins look sick ngl

@Vamatt99218: Time to kill will be longer?

@jackbarrera1117: bro when are we gonna get a right click ability for Reaper and when will tracer get a secondary fire?

@bentheanimalxprt: The Pharah changes are going to destroy lower-ranked competitive gameplay. She was already oppressive with a Mercy and with this goal to make her more solo think of it this way. You just made Pharah Mercy several times stronger. I hope Blizzard adds a kind of nerf to Pharah Mercy, like reduced healing midair. I think this is a good change, but it will have consequences.

@kimjonguwu2186: So are they pretty much confirming that they'll only have battle pass skins as new cosmetics, and everything else in the shop is just going to be recolors? It specificlly mentions them as "remix" skins.

@user-lx5gw8mw6y: Of all heroes... WHY PHARAH ? It's not like Echo's ult is absolutely garbage or something 😂

@TheRealHypervizor: If the Jade weapons were actually Jades that'd be cool but really they're just green metal(gold) recolors. Low effort as heck, but as per usual.

@HegeRoberto: "non-canon" has no meaning as currently we don't even have access to the canon missions... archives disappeared, pve is paywalled off, and.... I WANT OVERWATCH 1 BACK GODDAMNIT

@93Chowo: All these new modes, changes and unlockable skins make me really excited for this season. I´m glad that even for seasons where we don´t get a new hero there is other interesting content to try out.

@Camenye: So, coop pve among us?

@Raydieschen: so will we have the option of choosing a mythic from past seasons instead of the current one? I know they announced such a feature several months ago but never gave a concrete date?

@brodiepasker9918: They haven't mentioned the team mode for competetive, did they scrap it?

@Crusty_Sword: Junkertown changes sound good I hope they actually are good changes and if so maybe we can take steps in the right direction and maybe even do the same for circuit

@sagepapi9617: I'm terrified as a Pharah main rn she is all I play smh

@jamestrout9871: Ngl I was scared that the LW skin was gonna be in a store bundle. Glad I can pick it up as well as grab the sigma skin and new battle pass!

@civet-coffee4442: seems strange to me that they would change pharahs flying SO MUCH but still keep something like sombras annoying hack when they reworked her, in the sense that the things they consider part of a heros core identity seem kinda random? like how would her flight not count as a core part of the hero fantasy?

@itsmax9535: the fact we got two brand new pve modes and yet they arent working on the actual pve mode annoys me

@oinnxfusion3125: The fortnite music in the background got me fd up

@ArmyBlinkStayOnceMidzyMoaMY: So in total: -Reworked Pharah -Reworked Junkertown -PVE Mode (not Mission which sucks) -Hero mastery gauntlet And thats it. No New map, gamemode or hero. Doesn't sound good at all tbh

@shootingstar.3789: Oh GOODY. I can't wait for hyper mobile pharmercy. Definitely not going to limit the DPS roster further than it already is with that flying bitch.

@Bulbaguy: This is something that should be a halloween season

@kiwidoh: thank you for the breakdown! can't wait to see the changes tomorrow

@mikeockslong4795: Is it just me or was there fortnite music playing in the background

@marcusbullock2753: PVE? Doubt

@rrayan.4u752: R.I.P yznSA = R.I.P Pharah

@your__daddyy: man i really thought that sigma skin was a battle pass skin! now we have to spend $40 to get that! it's quite unfortunate

@someguysomething: why does the ana skin look so weird? i have to see it in game i guess

@bryanar4134: Having to land constantly to be able to fly just kills Pharah's whole identity as the flying hero, she is just officially a way worse Echo

@electra9709: my account got suspended for 31 days...i hope the new kiri skin isnt in the shop before my suspension is over😭

@braingamer5820: So we are *not* getting a new map?

@RacingSnails64: Looks like there's more to this season than I expected 👍

@watchpointoh3354: The tower defense looks fun! I just wish it could be on actual game maps against actual enemies instead of just buffed training bots. It's not like we have footage confirming the existence of a working prototype of such a mode three years ago or anything, just my speculation.

@jukoza: Not really sure why they would use Null Sector as the enemies, especially if it’s not canon. Missed opportunity to make some scary enemies that are inspired by the overall theme of the mission or even of the entire season (horror.)

@HeavenlyClash: Is the overview video coming later today or tomorrow

@ironbender9295: Yo, new Among Us game mode is being added!!!!

@st.paddymad7085: I take it Pharah’s lore hasn’t been reworked back to what it was before either?

@ICEDObsidian: Amazing video Ian ❤

@OG-G: Will there be a coverage video about the skins?

@Titancontroller: Let's gooooo

@RainenStar2264: This looks exciting!

@terrencew8193: Hello there

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