Shocking Plot Twists of Penthouse Season 2 | Theories

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Drama Hyung: 🥰 Some Clarifications: - It might not be Min Seol Ah soul that tells Bae Rona. Because that's very fantasy drama thing. But Bae Rona might have known Joo Dan Tae's secret somehow. - The trophy Eun Byeol was holding had only 1 wing. The other wing got broken and it will be somewhere on the floor. Joo Dan Tae will pick it up and use it to stab Bae Rona. - Yes. Season 3 is coming. It's already confirmed by SBS

Maylin Hernandez: I’ve been saying this while watching The Penthouse. Joo Dan Tae is the main/biggest villain. He’s the most evil one. The story is slowly building up to defeat Joo Dan Tae and I believe that will only happen until season 3.

nct is the grass to my mark: The Joo Dantae being seolah’s killer theory is so goodddd

Omnomily124 _: I love how this drama is the birth of thousands of theories to the point that we just assume that everyone who died is still alive. I mean who knows, Min Seola might still be alive even though we know how she died. This is a joke btw don't take it seriously but like what if Min Seola IS still alive like that will be THE BIGGEST plot twist in this whole drama.

Khpop ???: I just know that oh yoon hee didn’t kill min seol A. I am so happy

Runa X7: After season 3 is finished they should do a spin off with just the kids in university

dobbysshiho: I heard that the producers of penthouse already said Rona will be in Season 3? I’m not sure if it’s true or not I just heard it.

Crista Cortez: 1:17 when bae rona fell in the stairs she didn’t had the trophy in her head, but when everyone found her dead it was there. it might be possible that someone saw rona fall and that “someone” did tired to kill her. or it might be a small mistake idk lol

Mochi's: this is logical!

90scraps: MANNN SEASON 3?!?!

Thankyou_Next: So umm Rona mom didn’t kill Min??? What

Simply Keiko: Shim Su ryeon came in and I was like “SHE A BADDIEEEE”

Jennifer T: Guys who is mr Park? I know he didnt do it, someone prob blackmailed him into this and now Rona’s case can be closed, but did we see him in s1 because i dont know him at all

Vik Toria: Eeeeeer. But who is gonna believe that the ghost told her all these beautiful facts?)

6ixth: Bruh how's everyone forgetting about the fake minsola in s1 dantae took off the oxygen mask but in reality it was just a drug

Leia Richardson: Plausible but in season one when Yun Hee was sleeping Min Seol Ah appeared in the dream and asked "why did you do this to me? I trusted you"...paraphrasing of course

Nahlin Ankon: No one dies 🥴🥴🥴 why man why

Mayank Bodepudi: Ju Dan Tae may stan her on the head but I don't think he can remove the ventilator tube. He uses darkness to kill normally but the environment should be controlled. Like, incase of Suryeon's first husband, that secretary was there too. Incase of Suryeon, he's got almost perfect privacy and a scapegoat in the form of Oh Yun Hui.I seriously how you're right about Oh Yun Hui not killing Min Seol Ah and Bae Ro Na alive to know that truth. That would remove almost any bad spots she had except for betrayal of Suryeon

Elaine Villaman: i have a question , do seok-hoon and Bae Ro Na get together ?

Queen B: joo dan tae have some mental issues with blood too lets not forget

M h: of the theory true is or not lets just hope that ro na is alive en she wil come back in season 2 or 3

Sherm OO1: But wikipedia shows we have only two seasons

Sherm OO1: Everything is possible but we don't have time come we already watched half of season two

Momoring4life: my theory s1: su ryeons Revenge s2: oh yoo nee and Logan's revenge s3 : Bae rona's return and Revenge

sweet sumiya: Noooooo I can't wait for season 3

Valeria Martinez: I wouldn’t be surprised if Rona is not dead its not the first time Logan has faked a death

Mya Simmons: yeah I bevile that she is not dead because they didn't show the scene

jii M: Your theories are SIMILAR to what I was thinking about... finally jljkbuiiyvyivtc7tc

Eggie Leaf: I also think Bae Rona is still alive and Logan is keeping her somewhere safe!! (I'm working on a theory video too lol) 🌱

sameeha syed: i hope this is all true!!


Manauia 88: How come you use v/o. now 😭

Sabaa Shudaik: Thx for the Information I was crying the hole where I saw Bae Rona and Min Seola Ah thx because, they died .

Jahaé Brown: This is finally making sense eun byeol isn't going to go to jail bc her family is the main antagonist in this drama. Seok Hoon and jennie is going to get revenge on eun byeol for killing rona they dont know that JDT did it so SH gon trying and get close eun byeol to make her confess that she pushed rona (because everyone knows she crazy over him) . rona is OYH weakness that CSJ always use against her logan knows that so he's trying to give OYH more power oven them and they have less over her. OYH did do something To CSJ phone so she can hear her conversations ( that how she found out that CSJ is need a singer) she PROBABLY over heard HYC and CSJ conversation at the bar that makes she's so suspicious of him. he could be the one that killed rona for eun byeol maybe he found out that she over heard that he bribed the pianist but it can also be JDT that man is the devil himself. Rona is staying somewhere with Hye in but who knows this drama is unpredictable

Ayme Athirah: I really like this theory

Kimberly Orozco: Let’s pray it’s true 🙏

Jewel Mae Gonzaga: I hope that your theory will be true, I'm so sick of waiting for the another episode to come and I want them all to be punished for their sins. And I am so curious about Shim Suryeon's comeback. What do you think she is up to? Hmmm

Divya kumar: Look if it is like this please rona seok hoon and sun byeol should be main characters in season 3 I just hope so and if possible it could happen that rona misunderstanda seok hoon as he start dating ha eun byeol after her death

Nurzia Yilmaz: 1 theory: yall remember what shim su-ryun did with her step daughter? she putt something in her bcus she knew JDT would kill her. i think someone (mby logan or the new SSR) did the same and then swiched the bodies when they burried the body.

Potterhead Girl: Geez I got goosebumps

Juliette Ramirez: 2:32 omg this could be true

Spoorthi V Raj: why season 3??? can't they just finish it off! its so difficult to wait for another season! the curiosity!

Summer Snow: Dont think about the logic ..if u means....doesnt make any sense...

Anaghazie Bibian: This drama is so twisted but very addicting. I just hope that Bae Rona is not truly dead.

Khyati Srivastava: Thier might be a possibility that someone else other than eunbyul tried to kill bae rona cause we didn't see eunbyul hiiting that trophy on bae rona's head. It was somebody else who did it.

Army_BTS Ot7: While I watch the ep 5&6....I think my tears are like lake or one bottle cuz I'm crying so hard😭😭😭... Idk why I hate Mr. Dong chuld so much cuz "what if bae rona's true father is him and he don't know that he killed his own daughter".. And what if " Oh yoon hee is actually pregnant the day they broke up😭and she gonna tell him but he left so oh yoon hee find another man and that's why in s1 the grandma didn't like bae rona's cuz she's not her true granddaughter ... " I'm right!??

園田ゆめこ: I miss your last voice at the end of the video its really so soothing and relaxing lol i want your voice back hehe

Mimii Stay: I have 1 question.If jo dan tae was the real killer of rona by that trophy then how did that trophy went back to eunbyul's hand.Also the girl who has the same face with su ryeon was not su ryeon it was her twin( my friend told me)

園田ゆめこ: Bae rona will come cuz this was possible for writers if it wasnt possible than bae rona never fell LOL sorry for my trash english 🤣 🤣

Khyati Srivastava: Bro you have so much brains like how do you come up with such great theories ?

JEONAERA: well,i think the one who takes off bae rona's oxygen supply is the detective because look at the jacket that the man wear,it same like a one detective at the police station.and if you guys noticed,at the police station when oh yoonhe was shouting at mr.park(the man that was work at the highschool and say that he doing that bad thing to rona)the detective look at oh yoonhe like he is hiding something.maybe he are friend with ha yoonchul,i guess.he look sus tho. im sorry if my grammar is bad,english is not my first language.

Micaella Marie: I'm really suspicious about the detective (Close friend of HA YOON CHEOL) the way he looks at oh yoon hee at the police station. And i think in the part that bae rona's oxygen was taken off by someone, i think it's the detective or logan lee perhaps to save her from the enemies or joo dante aleast. Ughhh this drama is really making me crazy creating theories about what's gonna happen next. This drama is really unpredictable there are too many twists

indigo_ scouts: Here's my theory: 1. The person who rang the alarm was the secretary of Seojin. He was also the one who stabbed Rona on the head with a trophy. Now this might not be true, it might be that it was Dantae. But there's a huge chance that it wasn't Dantae that stabbed Rona on the head with the wing. Dantae might have rang the alarm, but he wasn't the one that stabbed her on the head. 2. The wing of the trophy probably came off when Eunbyeol crashed into the glass that the trophy was in. It might've been that the wing was close to coming loose when that shield thing was broken. So, when Eunbyeol strikes Rona with the trophy, the wing mistakenly came off in an instant. 3. I can't stress this enough: RONA IS NOT DEAD!! Lots of fans are already boycotting Penthouse because there are "no more innocent and good people left" there are good people left! First, the person who disconnected Rona's oxygen was probably Logan, seeing as how the person was wearing black gloves ( that is Logan's signature style ) Logan probably did to Rona what he did to Suryeon other daughter. I'm sure Rona is in the U.S. getting better treatment. 4. Don't forget about the detective! The dude that interrogated that school janitor when Yoonhee came in. He was acting too calm and composed and he didn't even seem fazed when Dantae threatened to sue him. He also maybe knows the truth and he's just working for Logan. 5. There are so many evidence and people that will prove that Eunbyeol's the criminal. Dantae knows AND has the evidence to prove. Logan knows but I don't think he has evidence. The maid will surely have evidence since she's the closest to Eunbyeol, and let's not forget what Seokhoon is planning. If Seokhoon can gain Eunbyeol trust ( which will be fairly easy ) she'll reveal the truth that she killed Rona. 6. Eunbyeol might actually turn herself in. We saw in episode six how guilty she felt, and she almost turned herself in. All she needs is a little bit of pushing and guilt and she'll turn herself in.

Tuyết Hoàng: Really? Is it true?

Anita Tran: i wish seok hoon and Ro Na can have an happy ending.

chingu: Same bae ro na isn't gonna die I thinkkkkk

Hiwot Tona: i always thought that OYH tried to save min seol a but was only able to grab her necklace!! im so glad that this theory could possibly be true


HASNEEN JAHAN: The person who take off the oxygen in unseen. Writers surely have their twist :). Let's hope for the best 😍💕

Internet: I’m happy that shim suryeon is back

gonz puga: You have a point but my I correct you something Seol ah didn't say anything she just say that " there's nothing to be forgiven " But seol ah never says that joo dantae killed her 🙃

Shineheemi: If that so. Season 3?.. i cant wait. Nooo. They said that this season is FASTER than the first one. Thank tho

sandy cool: agree

Ruth Mahruai: YeA ! I cry with (Oh yoon hee) 😰.even though she try so hard Never do sth complete yet ! Sad ever

Bella Stella.: I believe that rona still alive yes

Rafael Juliyano: OMFG!! I thought it was Ha Yoon Chul that took off the oxygen mask bcs he wants to save Ha Eun Byeol at all risks😭 If it was true, I want a really hard-hitting regret of him

Sindhu Raj: Everything you said make ur really genius.

Udin Samson: oh yoon hee sometimes go crazy but we believe she would never kill.she almost push min seol ah down the stairs but only in her head.afterwards she even saved min seol ah from her nasty boss at the restaurant where she was working as a dishwasher

Girls Fashion zone: Wow...super..perfect👍👍👍👍👍

Bethel Segampong: Rona might get amnesia bcs someone or jo dan take stabbed her in the head but I think she might get back her memories ig

Nicole Endencia: I just remembered something during on the interview of Releasing The penthouse season 2 Seok hoon said that their relationship with Bae Rona is will be cold so that's mean that Bae Rona is still alive And I think so again that they just confusing ass so that we will be focusing to Shim Suryeon comeback so Bae Rona is alive I hope When Shim Suryeon die in season 1 we all think that she's totally die but not she make a big comeback on season 2 it's confusing right now because we don't know the full detail And like Bae Rona we think she's totally dead but not she will have a big comeback too on season 3 but I'm not sure if theirs season 3 but I think their will be season 3 I hope so So back to the demonstration Bae Rona will have a big comeback to like Shim Suryeon so that's all thank you PS.again and again this is just my thoughts and opinion

summy kim: ARE U SURE ???

Langit Tinggi: May be Min Seol Ah has twin. Omo. Twin everywhere.

smelly cat: i think logan might've been the one who killed rona. he could be using yoon hee as ploy to ruin the entire hera club for all taking part in murdering his sister. he needs to anger yoon hee and at the same time he needs her with nothing to lose so she has no inhibitions in her revenge-- killing rona would hit those two scenarios perfectly. also I found it sketchy how when they saw each other in the cemetery he immediately pointed the blame to eun byeol. he is manipulating it so that they destroy each other instead.

Wtvrirdcfu: At this point convinced you're the writer. if not, can i have your brain please

Wtvrirdcfu: MAN IF RONA IS ACTUALLY DEAD I'M DROPPING THIS DRAMA. but who knows suryeon is also dead but is back 😼👍

Mousumi Talukdar: Again season 3

Belectra: It will be a grand revenge in s3, can’t wait 😩 but need to wait for one month😤

Thee Official Smiley: Who ever conducted this theory we need to talk because sir we are on the same page I was really hoping that Yoon hee memories was mixed up cause she wanted to kill her but stopped herself because she saw how she was living and felt sorry for her...this theory makes so much sense sir high five🙏🤜🤛🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉

Sanjukta Paul: I'm so sure this is Logan Lee's plan... Be Ro Na won't die, she can't die...istg

F I T . K I M: this is make sense tho

xxxyyy O: Wtf season 3😍😍😍😍 this theory is so accurate

Rainisah Basmala: hope so sana buhay pa tlqa cia 😔😔😔

Airis Shofiyah: Please don't killed her..I'm crying to much now I can't stop

kris Sharp: Politician guy missing from audience...

Hellen Roeser: I think the one who took the the life support of Rona is Ha Eun Byul’s father. B’c he is afraid that when Rona gets better she will reveal the truth of who attacked her. Because he helped his daughter to escape the crime maybe just maybe he made sure that Rona will never wake up to tell the tell of truth. This is just my opinion, I love your videos..

Princess Abad: What not dead rona???

Olga Regar79: In which episode will shim Su Ryeon come out?

kpop stand: But how can joo dan tae know that seolA's soul told rona his secret, how can he saw seolA's soul cuz it's just her soul. So I'm really curious why he kill rona!!!

Ainul Munira: now i know why joo dan tae seat was change in the hall scene...

hendery as mario: I love the way you explain

Helen García: Toda mi esperanza esta en Logan 🤞🏻💕

Eaint Hmue Lwin: I don't think there will be another seoson.

ashley m: this shit is so .... let me take a rest.

Koi Fish: this theory doesn't explain the blood on eun byul's sleeve when she got back to her room after everyone found bae rona...

Edelyn Bañez: My poor yoonhee i cry a lot bec ..of your acting .. i hate the family evil . .

shanell ENGENEstay: this is THE MOST FRUSTRATING drama I have ever watched but I'm not complaining I LITERALLY LOVE THIS DRAMA 💕

Analie Arsolon: Season 2, episode 1 Logan Lee came to save OYH and BRN and scripted the death of Ms Yang. Most probably, he is the one who will save BRN. He was wearing gloves while typing the suicide note. However, I was wondering how Dr. Ha survived because he was thrown into the water in Episode 1?

Maria Tolentino: I agree that he was the one who took off the oxygen supply. The walk (only feet shown) looked like Joo Dan Tae's walk. Also, taking the oxygen supply off...he did the same thing in Season 1. I didn't know any motive against Ro Na (the only motive I see is that she beat Seok Kyung and Dan Tae warned Yoon Hee about her daughter having two lives), but the feet walking (and the walk itself) looked like Dan Tae's. Yoon Chul and Logan walk differently. If Yoon Hee was trying to reach for Seol Ah, I wouldn't be surprised. Remember the sleeve that looked like Yoon Hee's sleeve in Season 1? Yes, it looked more like it was reaching instead of pushing. It's confusing, but that's what I love about this drama.

Anisa Sya: Okay, now I could sleep well tonite. Thank you very much.

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