Among Us Zombie Season 2 - Ep7 ~ 14 - Animation
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Софья Пархоменко: Хорошое видео
SRITHARAN A/L LOKESWARAN Moe: uh.... sorry swit dom but y are u doing a video for 1 min
Emy365 official: blackkkk,pinkkkk
Sukarti Reza: hebat impos
OMKAR RATHOD: Let's hope that the remaining survivors will find a vaccine and help cure BLUE.....Till then Stay Blue
Yat Yuan: Lol
Bainora Piang: Las ng tunog ng paa kuya
Duzty 101: Rip Blue He turned into a zombie after he got bitten by those zombies. 9:37
Lee Crawford: Cool Video cool video
Janie Donnell: It was so sad when blue died RIP
Marina Almonaci: Jenial 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
RSNN Ramlall: Imagine blue wasn't fully a zombie and they could somehow revive him
Joa Mav: Who else watched the weekly releases and the compiled ones too🙈
viral zadkyel: Yfhfgrffheydjxbfhs😱😱😱😱
Santi Rex: Ok ok es muy buena la animación
Breidy Encinas: .
I Love Da Coconut: PLS SEASON 3 IN MIRA HQ
Pablo Olivan: Why blue????? Why???
Sesselja Ásta: Blue will always be in our ❤
Rodrigo marin: F en el chat por el azul, a si termina?
Anayeli Piña: Como sellama tu juegi
José David Guardia Colina: The final of Among us zombie
Mariam Toklikishvili: how download zombie mode?
Butter Cup: why is blue in this episode, he deid in the last one right?
はとむね: 握手するときのキュイキュイキュイキュイが可愛すぎる😭
Daphne: Their teamwork is astronomical✨
jonard rivera: Poor blue he didnt have a weapon
Егор Илясов: Кмаамаампмеь ппоамеамп. Грпрршп. Дд быбжз. Ь ььбэ
Anmol Jeet: Tj🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Μανώλης Δεληνταδάκης: its good its so good rip blue
MyLegend Playsroblox: noooooooooooooooo i feel sad for blue be got eaten by zombie now hes a zombie hes not a survivor anymore at the end theres no medicine for that if u bacame it u cant get back to human anymore very serious u have to survive if ur infected its the only choice for safety is to sacrifice.
Andrea Gail A. Lorica: Cule
Clarissa Bernadeth Cantos: Mira hq gonna be season 3
Auni: Furfisgk Ifjifgbjtfugdfjfdvkdshireevjutttiutthy . Kgfhdv vhxhfcjdhmcv🇳🇫
Julianna Bless Llaniguez: Hi mama
Haley Xherie Cobrado: hahhaha red is like thor
Jaden Ruff Costales: way no green crewmate po
Lupita Sanchez: Noticias
Lupita Sanchez: Conferencias religiosas
james relano: I wish blue and lime is still there.
Ofelia Beltran: Congrats for reaching 500 subscribers
bored kid: What animator do you use
cool boy: Crewpostor crewmate can vent They more and more zombies often.
Natalia Ortega: Yamate kudasia
Jennie Chang: ,,,,,,,...ㅣㅣㅏ
Iman Syazwani: Season 3 4 5 pleased
Adenilde Batista: Legal
Xiao Yang Tao: funny how theres no cyan
Rafa: Very good zombie (•‿•)
Laura Albrecht: Que aburido es el episodio
Brickz: Are you going to do a season 3?
Romana Oropeza: Yeeeeeeeeees new video sorry for the hour not have time
Thien Nguyen (G5): White and brown my favorite So is black
pinoantrax360 yescas: yo ya espero que sace el capítulo 15
GABRIEL GAMER13: Mira hq infected security zone
Miss Sousou: Its so good
Jhoselyn Vega: oye puedes subir la 15
Nigel Fox: Zombie sus
Dragonex J: 11:18 no se porque pusieron el sonido de alerta no se si sera por lo del zombi que era de color azul
carla dirani: 1000 zombies vs crewmeates
SB H: Next please fast
Irshad Qureshi: Omg this is awesome 💓💓
Araceli Galvan Mena: Mas episodios 😁
Kです: Blue…😭
Tio Ben10k official: I love this series, man, the best series among Us
RTN: So a good work 2 seasons are ended. I think in season.3 they will go to Mira HQ to kill the zombies most thinks that season.3 is the last but not think so there is airship and I think you will do by airship more seasons then one.
Tatiana.: 3 season?
Zac Robinson: Are we going to Mira hq in this
Azaan’s World 10: It is my birthday on the 6th
Romy Regina: You're super those zombies are perfect 👌 and I love zombies among the US
Olga Ghimp: I love among US zombie
Yusuf Hamza Özkan: 1000 zombie
Aliah Balde: how did you make zombie mode
Ryan Choi: Next Mira Last airship
Eduardo Goetz Dos Santos: Like like like
Dewi Suyanti: hey Swit Dom nexts Ep to Map MIRA HQ OR POLUS again
BigBroBarzi Tv: I love it❤❤
Aziz Bayramcavus: Yes vov
Suhaila abu bakar: 👍50
Bartek Kostrzyński: To jest genialne Speak Polish
sero peh: Oh mis god
Светлана Левина: Класс
FBI OPEN UP: if they find a vaccine for blue that would cure my depression Edit: blue dies Me: plays the Valiant Hero song
Saravanan Chandru: Is this real among us 🙄
jw gamer 1: I wonder if each other types of zombies different type of zombies red wine that has a different world like an imposter Road and like they are like smart and other stuff
Austin A: say f for lime to save blue and vote brown
-Flxme-: imagine blue somehow gain intelligence and started to fight back
Fernando Miranda: Among us zombies series meet among is -OUT- series
Daniel Romero: AZUL NoOoOoOOoOo justo es el color que uso para jugar 😭
VIONE TAN WEI RU Moe: I want to watch episood 15 why is it taking so long
Ilson Filho: New map polus please
Reba Lopez: The steep singer frequently fix because dinosaur respectively nod between a toothsome workshop. hollow, young bite
•Refara Gaming Øfficial CH•: R.I.P Blue 2020 - 2021
Yorlenis Concepcion: As uno en mira HQ
matias silv37: Bue it's dead :'(
phil margarico: Pls revive blue in the next season ( if there is) with the cure if there is one.
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