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Ryley Bisatt: 8\10

ari_venture: I Like how every time we need vbucks in the game, we easily get them from epicgames.monster . . . 圾 ,;;;;在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜

Aimee Lewis: Hi hi

zd0ge74: communicGaming is the epitome of clickbait

Jacob Rossin: I will give the is Seson a 8/10.

Seby Boi: The most clickbait titles you'll ever get. Only at communic gaming

Jacob Plays: Man this dood is more trash then me

Jaydan Tomkinson: Just stop it

the: Uh oh shoot Fortnite please don’t go

Britt kuss: I can tell you some stuff will you friend me I will tell all the stuff that I know my name is wipe yourself off chest that I hope we do some crazy stuff together

Anthony’s Fun drawing world for kids: Can you give me the Hulk smashers pickaxe

Maritza Delgadillo: There is not going to be a live event

LeeAnn Ewell: I like to watch it

LeeAnn Ewell: Hi

Blake Beaumont: 6-7 days till next season

supreme gaming120: Can someone gift me the girl midas pls my name is xXkillerXx1292 plz

Misty Holland: Don’t you mean snake eyes

Kelly Casson: I’m so turns out we won’t be getting online event season one at the very start in the next season will be going to one of them so the basket bubble but that’s what we find in the files

Teresa Nelson: The 0 point is going to explode at Kevin the cube you could see because it's getting darker and darker just that came in to keywords so here's my thing is my theory is going to explode and cause a butterfly effect

Will Hurlock: ??????????????????????? Guys if you play fortnite theres a way to get free vbucks vbucks freebies $

Ice cream sandwich Fan: Bro I watched a consent that had that effect he is lying right to our faces. Does he think we’re stupid of something?

Josa Cortezano: thw event will hapen in march 16

Lo Sze Ching: Would you play room escape game for video~~???

Skyie Sweats: https://youtu.be/6leFnbOMDvA

Chicken: “I wonder if I can sue” Epic: no more support-a-creator code

Harry Xyz: Clickbait

Yael pro hacker: I need help to get level 100

Reconnecting: Oh god people make fake screens 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Laxo82: Fu

Laxo82: U saondLikaLea

Kayden Clark: I love this guy

Jaxxon: Did you say there would be no Ant-man skin it in another video and now you’re wearing in Ant-man skin ahahah🤣

WillMAdiqFit 69: look closely when the zero point is black u can see the monsters eye

Miguel H: Hi

• Chloe Bird •: “Due to the following error we have disabled Fortnite The zero point”

Angel Nerio: It was the best to be honest

Jose Zeron-Balbuena: Cool dude

Jose Valladares: I think maybe the cube is energy to the zero point

Monica Able: I use your code

StuFf sQuad: Ok ok ok what is with the monster and the zero point like i think the monster has an addiction

Maribel Gonzales: If you didn't notice that the zero point is turning purple do you know what's purple Kevin the cube

Niall Taylor: Anyone play on switch and in Europe and want to team up on duos on Thursday

Killerspud1 Yt: Wtf is he so aggressive over his words

Killerspud1 Yt: Cuuuuuube I hate this kid

Killerspud1 Yt: You are so annoying

Killerspud1 Yt: Rights now Cauuuuuuuuuuuse outs wtf is he saying

tymarioncreativedestruction2 Walton: scam the event is not coming yet

STEVEN JAIME: the zero point look like the eye of the monster

Mariusz Przeworski: The zero point had to much energy drinks

Mannie Ingram: I'm talking about the Ninja

Mannie Ingram: He's from GI Joe's

Sami Dickinson: No

Farah Afiouny: The beast. Has fangs

Stacey Cunningham: Click bate u just want viewers

Teagan Plays: When I get close to the zero point every minute it makes a charging up noise

Gerard Bouchard: I ain't capping this is one of the best thumbnails I have seen so far!

Super sonic speed W: Go to captain morty TikTok

Ethan Shewmaker: He sounds like morgez 🤮🤢🤮

Jonas3D banan: I Hope we Get the Old map back

The Cat Leader.: Ur just lying

Skylar Cunningham: Guys max is a lirer i go in game and it doesn't really work and it's a lir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Samantha Koper: I think your second I’m just stuck in the fence up to make more of an enemy so much baby Yoda now monitors more stuff that means more bosses the fight this is going to get bad I wanna suck the energy that means there’s gonna be more bosses and we don’t have the new rapid stronger stuff a default boss is 100 pop shotgun baby Yoda drop a mini right saber the air and a Jonesey going to drop his portal thing

Patrick Goddard: I think it's not the monster but Godzilla!

Cally Jones: The zero point has something Blu-ray on top of it and weird sounds plus it’s way to unstable

Z̸̝̃e̴̡͍͌͂R̶̬̮͊o̷͇̱̤̅: Shut up clickbaiting on my season

Mohammed Uzair: Zero point is exploiting

BBB Balll brothers j and A cool bask in the glory: And this too 4:28

BBB Balll brothers j and A cool bask in the glory: I told my friend this before I new it 4:21

Jose Immanuel Tanasaleh: CLICKBAIT

agent SD: Your the reason I'm smiling

Luffy and Goku Shorts: Yes, indeed horrifying really actually makes me feel disturbed I ain’t gonna lie, btw when he was MISS,, miss, MISS, miss! 😂😂😂

Typhoon gaming: Bruh everyone knows there no event this season 🤦‍♂️ There an event every other season I realised that in chapter 2 season 1

Nataniel Benares: Why is the zero point purple maybe the zero point is Kevin the cube

51CKL3: There will be no event

Hevenz S: I think the new monster will gets hatched out of the 0 point

Jhonny Khaleh: Can any 1 give me skins 🥺 Spirited-jet666 plz plzz

ari_venture: FortniteCash lachlan.monster

Journey Barnes: Yo girl midas if you go to the ps4 store and tipe in golden

hennryplayz: 10-10

Fishy brudua: What if the devarouror event is like the killing of the storm king

Fishy brudua: Ca u add hiby27 plz

Kim Bennett: Please friend me

Kim Bennett: My username is monkyman2009

Ahmed Gomaa: So You Can Gift It To Me

Ahmed Gomaa: My Username Is Mohamed_Gomaa So That You Can Add Me As Well Because I Want The Golden Touch Pack As Well

Bill Jolley: 7/10

Michael Cox: Face reveal plz! Max

Landon Folsom: This season is 🔥 but I’m lvl 91 tho my username is Landyrooslayer09 If you wanna level up with me put your username in the replys

NellaA: I don't mean to sound creepy... But when you laughed, it was cute- GOOD VIDEO!

Aiyden Taylor: So glitch traps been here

Phineas Broussard: ok max, see, thats total crap and we are not gonna have a live event

steve casales: The fact that this is more fake then the stuff that is on social media

Claudia Sanchez: Do you think the polar peak monster will come out of the zero point because he was stuck in the zero point???

Sonic. DSV: FAAAAKE!!!!

Chase Wheeler: There's not going to be an event just to spoil all the fun

monkey bacteria: the morgz of fortnite

godzila colection: 1:16 i just killed you

Darran Glenn: There's more cracks in the zero point

Lakeitha Smith: POV of me rught now:o

Khali Smith: the polrtal is glowing

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