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@Wildnightanimations-ln5cw: Well.. here we go again...allons-y, geronimo.. whatever you say, let's do it!

@MitchellTF: ....Well, we know she's not gonna die for at least this season...but then again, RTD is fond of technicalities...

@Keplok79: … not gonna lie I just want to see more of the retired tenth doctor. At least he gets a normal human life though. Bigeneration was kinda crazy though.

@marcuswalters8093: I'm still not entirely sold on the vibe. And I'm more than a little worried about the fact Disney are now involved. But we'll see. Davies has form, after all.

@Vulpinate: doctor who has been SO BAD for the past I don't know how long, but this is actually looking good

@leenoble7472: Nope, just can’t stomach this abomination of Dr. Who. I am sick of this woke movement, ruining everything. Unsubscribed.

@Charango123quena: I love how the paid comments are trying to make this show look like something interesting ...


@TomSidProductions: Meanwhile, 14 is still chilling in the back yard.

@joetaviusturtle4212: It’s not gay enough, I’ll have to watch something else

@MrPremium183: "Dont forget to click below to subscribe to the offical doctor who youtube channel." -The Doctor

@IntrepidInkweaver: *SCREAMING EXCITEDLY*

@MacrossSD: The fact that they can now afford to license David Bowie's music is a sign of the Disney budget bump right there.

@Alagboriel: IM EXCITED!

@mandyeosphantasmas1202: "I'll keel her safe, I promisse" And then they find satan waiting in a pit under a black hole...

@Kajago: new new season 1..

@robertschreiber6431: First disney takes the doctor from the bbc and then turn it into this rubbish.

@TRex799: Damn I can’t wait!!!!

@mia-rx1zk: Looks trash, no thanks.

@ichangedmyname4276: I swear this was supposed to release in February ?

@garywilson818: something tells me he may go through regeneration sooner than expected

@jskav03: Can't wait!!

@morg775: just from the little I've seen, he's captured the eccentric nature of the Doctor, and added his own idiosyncrasies. This looks quality and has even got a slight Hitchhikers guide vibe. Cant help but notice there seems to be fewer earth adventure flashes. Fly's the Tardis like a streetrod lol

@becky2k2011: Ruby no longer in doctor who as she leaves the show

@CesarAngelBenitez: Ruby: steps on a bongo *Scongo's tardis materializes*

@lonetemplar1748: I'm... not sure what I've just watched, to be frank. We're throwing supernatural things in the who-verse willy-nilly now? To be honest, even after watching several times, I'm kind of confused about it all. I guess that I'll watch the first couple of episodes and make a decision then, but.... ah, well. If it's good then great... if not... I can always read more books.

@Marissa-ys4qp: A washed doctor who....called it before he even opened the door

@ProcInc: I like how Season "Season 1 I" had Rose and "Season 1 II" has Ruby

@TheSingingOwl: Ooh it looks like it’s gonna be so different!! Exciting to see where it goes

@gillesphilippedeboissay109: *stamp on a butterfly* Doctor : - ohhh Her : - What's wrong ?

@thebluetardis: "I will keep her safe, I promise." Uhh…yeah…uhm…Spoilers.

@Maxderafffe: Why are they making a new series? just continue the old one

@welshcrusade1562: I really like the energy the new guy gives off

@nymfog: Omll I was already jamming to David Bowie and then I saw Jinkx and SCREAMEDD

@user-mo6sw2ly2m: That seems more interested than last four seasons

@AMTMM: I cant believe we went from the Darkness, the Ood, Weeping Angels & Vashta Nerada to this overly-polished cartoonish kids version of Doctor Who. Such a shame.

@trayahzz537: Doctor Who is dead...

@timel0rd57: I have concerns...

@lupino77: Okay, I'm really anxious to see a very well done Ruby evolution throughout this season❤

@lupino77: 1:10 , please, bring back the Gelths!!❤

@lupino77: "I have the whole universe at my fingertips..."; "and I'm all alone..."; "I'd love it if you came with me." Okay, these are surely three different quotes, from different scenes.

@pferreira1983: It has an uphill struggle ahead of itself.

@mckinneyc1000: Rule one, The Doctor lies. I'm sorry Ruby

@pcmikefl: So is it a continuation? He's a Time Lord? Don't hate on me😅

@husseyking: Should change the title to “Doctor They/Them"

@Nicole-yn1wx: I hate him, and I blame sex education for this.

@mdsabirhassain: Doctor Gay, yakkk

@KingVulpes: Season 1? So another new chapter in the series?

@whamish_: This is going to do absolutely awful lmao

@AfuJana360: Dr Woke

@user-yo8hx8xr4h: The pose that ruby is in at 1:01 is… suspect

@snakedaemongaming6590: Oh everything is possible Declining viewing figures for a start This looks awful and he looks like he is going to annoy the hell out of me and as the last drinking game I did nearly killed me, I won't be watching

@user-or3oe4cq6m: "I is the Doctor, chickit!" so cool

@notdantenathaniel: well yes!

@Dirvinator: "I will keep her safe" *WELL THAT'S ALRIGHT THEN!*

@Colin-jm8sk: Season 1? I don't get it.

@AurumEtAes: N’cuti giving us a nice tribute to Dodo by not just picking one accent and sticking to it

@leahpinault1617: IM SO EXCITED!!!!!

@gulliblegiraffe: I’m not totally out but I was kinda disappointed in the new episodes. Looks like there may be some more song and dance and even though i’m a musical lover I’m not really a fan of it in this context.. hope the season exceeds my expectations!

@jamielawrence2216: Hell yeah! That looks awesome

@therealryan1329: Dr. Diversity

@greenbow7888: Hopefully the next few companions make it home safe. Amy and Rory got their baby taken, Amy got sterlised, and both of them got angeled. Clara got ravened. Bill Potts got Cybermanned. Although I think Bill got saved but I can't remember the details - I will google it. Not fair on the helpers, and a bit harsh for younger audiences.

@felicialee3238: 🎉 so excited to see this

@kf7094: Oh my bridgerton 😂

@captainwatercress: Would it be crazy for me to start watching Dr. Who now? Yes? Still might do it.

@itskevinjustkevin: I hope that the lads at the BBC can talk to the Terry nation estate and next season we get a dalek episode I really want to see the pepper pots again. After all by the time next to season comes it will be the 50th anniversary of the serial- Genesis of the daleks and the 60th of the 1965 sereal -the chase. I really really really want to see a new dalek design!

@cybersoldier178: Release date ?

@Kelvryn: what do you mean season 1?

@Fitchman55th: Woof - couldn't pay me to watch this abomination. The Doctor is supposed to be quirky and confident, not cocky and a @#&*

@play_timegd: Can't wait for it

@healore7892: Where are the Daleks, Cybermen, Master, and everything else we knew about the show?

@BandelliniDistributor: SEASON 1???????

@Demorez: Thank God we're finally past the bizarre and off-putting Jodi Whitaker era 👌

@channel-your-flannel: man the special effects suck

@sezhouse7897: So exciting and different, i cant wait. Im confused is Ruby not staying? The doctor and Ruby are fabulous together. The doctor will keep her safe. When theres a good formula and chemistry why change. Reminds me of David Tenant and Billie Piper.

@HikaruKatayamma: The Doctor rocken a fro. Sweet.

@920WASHBURN: How woke is it going to be?

@R3vSt3r: I don’t know what this is? but it’s not Doctor Who.

@terrysilverthorn4582: i Will keep her safe... i promise... OOOh Rule 1

@user-nd9fu2nn2y: Ждём))))))

@JewuiDlisoe: This guy is insane, far more so than Tom Baker!

@Pwj579: Looks pretty darn awful...more bad writing and ret-conning...maybe Eccleston could come back?

@DarknessIsTheTruth: To be fair, the 13th doc's companions all made it out okay

@ibotmania4284: Need to turn up the saturation a bit

@drmatarkin2100: So the graphics got better and the actors got worse. I hope it’s a good trade off!!!

@KotsovosFilms: Finally a breath of fresh air after the dreariness of Peter Capaldi.

@HarloffGoes2GalaxysEdge: Ha Gaaaaaaaaaaaay

@Chuckfinlee432: Am I trippin or is that the Avengers tower

@sprites4ever482: "Everything is possible - ToyoTARDIS"

@originaluddite: Interesting how we see a few different costumes on him. I prefer the 60s-70s ones - I feel that the Doctor should project both gravitas and eccentricity and those clothes help with that.

@AJAAlquie21: rule no 1: The Doctor Lies

@SackbotNinja03: Better be better than the last two seasons

@hobbabobba7912: It looks good!

@knabdank: woke garbage

@karnak50: No thx

@liamb8379: If this is anything like the 60th anniversary specials then I'll pass. Can't be arsed with all the woke nonsense.

@Joemama55122: This looks like a marvel disney film more than dr who (in tone and visually ect)

@oblivion1932: Well it looks nice with that new dysney budget to bad i cant watch it since its not on abc any more

@MrVictoryAN: Ruby in the library and with a melody. This seems to be a hint that River is coming back. Ruby Sunday = River Song

@hotrodred: why is no one questioning why it says "Season 1"?

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