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Event Horizon: Only bad players play in 3rd person so they can cheat looking around walls without exposing themselves. This reason I only play 1st person

viCky CoD: RIP to Gyroscope player because of new movement of screen 😭😭

Eirryanne Khate Labadlabad: i love how his beard was to thick 😂

viCky CoD: RIP to Gyroscope player because of new movement of screen 😭😭

Daniel Churchill-Mcarthy: HOW

Sasmit Basu: Dont know whats wrong with season 2 1. My bullets are not properly connecting 2. Only few bullets of the opponent are knocking me 3. Movement became smooth but hipfire is kinda weird 4. AK47 got some serious nerf

Rohan: So I'guess im not the only one struggling with movement

Shini Sreenivas: I think i matched aganist u today and won u didnt used any of ur legendary guns the flying platform was near black market

Anthony bowie: Yo sup im new to your Channel

Rushil Navadia: Is it just me or does it feel like the AK-47 got a huge damage NERF I feel like it takes ages to kill someone with a level 3 vest. Also all BR hit markers feel different.

Dilshika Chatu: Kvle join br paly

Riccardo Casotti: Hey kyle what do you think about the AK117? Did you try already in S2?

Triple 6: Cool 😎 ❤️❤️❤️

The Blackhood: See they still got that "they can shoot you while your behind them" glitch 😐😞 GGs tho bro

RievenJade O. Quibral: Nice 👍 idol 👌👏

Jireeh Tolentino: "8:48" Happy to get This from *CODMOB.ONLINE**

Xuerui Ma: 6:17 Rage quit XD

Paulin: Mano, esse cara é bom no COD! Alguém me adiciona Add: CHOQUE*

Mr. Clean: U were in my game a second ago u got killed by a zombie

Austin Stidham: Reminds me so much of Yanrique’s channel with the sounds and voice mannerisms hahah. Good video my brother, and 10/10 S2 lobbies are sweaty af 🥵

Stealth Ghost: What up with the skins?

Kimmy Anne: Weres the truck

Jayz_13k: I hate this new update

Aerin Aames: Will you post the new sensitivity to

Xylyl ghost: Season 2 started today?

Gaming with Clownsey: Clickbate

vivek raghuvanshi: So delay bomb added in isolated map?

AVM3798: Where is the 120fps option like they promised us? I have a galaxy s21 and just updated this morning and there is nothing...

Coskun ozturk: beginning issue foot steps suddenly is going and enemy foot steps can't hear gun shot is coming unknown sides

Sanal Raj: Nice truck 😒😒😒😒

Solanki Read.: What is GGS

chanaka max: Top boy😍😍😍

Afaq X: At the end you said ho he shoting me it is because of the ping 50 to 60 ping is not good

Sam Lee Man Hey: I have played Call of Duty

Sam Lee Man Hey: Hi bro, the new update is so good

Henry Palmyh: oh so its you who killed me

Joseph Harris: You can turn scopes off this season

Gvb Matters: The graffics look sick. This update is a sick one. All the details everything is sick on this update. And also ninja is fixed 😎

Techz Gaming: I watched this during livestream, kvle sir😁

Mukesh Katyal: Nice

Çınaro Töre: Montaj 1000000

Christo Collins: @kyle you killed me now just in one of the br matches and so my team mate killed you and picked up your ak117 meltdown, GG's🔥❤️

alwintka: 4:23 nice flip

JNblaa: How to be like you man ❤️


Ravi Kumar: Worst season

Rudra Jha OP gaming: Does he plays 3 finger????

A B: Lobbies are so sweaty now I think

Fery Al-Squad: wOw men Trying Hard bruh


Katerina Platova: Видео короткие и не навязчивые. Подписываемся https://youtube.com/channel/UCClJtKr0q1RDpR4Ftz8XScw

paul brown: 2:51 Just 2 shots took soo much life

Harshit Agrawal: Purifier is OP

Maharu Khan: New BR sensitivity please🙏

Vijay toriyama: I want ak117 meltdown so bad if anyone can give me

badboy: Season2 trash

Omkar Khurana: *CODM turning into Cod Warzone* I like it😉❤️

Zeeshan Tariq: Guys anyone notices the game has become so hard to play ? I did not win a single match today.

WOJTASON!: Is this a chinese version?

RED 444 YT: Due to gyroscope your movement looks so sick!!!

Alex Stars: BY -15 Broke

Damian: You really not letting up uploading, do you ever sleep? 🤔🤣🤣🤣

Seiquan Mumby: Mines is still updating

Knife Mask: 11:57 Codm really said New Season, New Bugs

Vaibhav Chaudhari: OP ❤️ SIR 🇮🇳

Nova Blaze: That screen shake thing hurts my eyes its so mehhh ;(

ex sᴍʜ: 4:25 that was smooth

Eder G Fragozo: F ak 47 😢

Kent PH: 11:55 I think it's a Lag or your ms because sometimes your ms is getting higher

Knife Mask: Garena version play this game for dayss now and we experienc A LOT of bugs. They really give their 100effort to skins but in game is very trash

Bo: That ninja play at 7:20 was beautiful bro 🔥

Dianne Razon: Iwill rate this season is 99.out 100😂😂

Vasu baddula: bro I subcribed to your channel

CoD_Exid27: Damn your gyro got me dizzy too much screen shaking going on😂😂

Fayz-CakeYT: I like the new truck br is kind of getting more like warzone the only thing I don't like is the movement has changed a bit in mp

Sina M: 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👑

Ruales Jonex: I've been waiting for your upload idol Kyle😭

diamondchaos19: Is this the first time that he use a free skin ???

Janna Rayne Zhea Navarro: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Frisa Julyanto: That recoil 😆 Need find another gun for my custom

Newton Knight: Dead silence is back!

Ladda Evolta: Cant hear own foot step for ninja now yeah?

DHIRU28: Bro please make some tips video

Baldwin Sutton: 0:13 vom.lol

فضل الله ابراهیمی: Jrjrj

Anggad Das: What is the new character in br?

Jahangir Sk: Nice Bro❤️👍

SimmonAU: That shaky screen makes it harder to watch

Kenaz P Saji: Did anyone noticed in the video that the M SIGN FOR MOBILE is removed from the airdrop 👀

CYBERshooter: OP!!

Kenaz P Saji: No one Kvle: forgets to remove red Dot sight from ak frostband🤣🤣

erikpalencia official: are u using gyro?

Himansyu Srivastava: Do a custom room

Aqil_coll RBLX: 4:30 did he just said shit!

John Christian Galvez: You're so strong than me Nice game brother 😁

Kenaz P Saji: No notifications 🙁😞

Random Guy Post Anime Updates in Youtube Channle: I love the gameplay kvle GGs!! a

ToniTonii: Im early aaaa! Hi kvle i love your videos omgg! you inspire me to do better in cod 😂

Lourd Was Here: 4:30 it sounded like he said shit

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