NBA Investigating Meyers Leonard's Twitch Live Stream! 2020-21 NBA Season

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S Sumlin: That was clean!

BigOmes: The funny thing is the word he used isn't even Semetic lol, how could he have been Anti Semetic?

Uzzi-EL: With the name meyer Leonard you'd think he'd would know that lol

I Am That I Am: *laughs in trashtalk*

Kashaun Morris: “I ended that mans whole career”

Mc Yeetus: I think he’ll be in trouble for a bit then, as usual, it’s gonna blow over fast

Bradley Murdock: I mean every other person that streams says bad words

breadstickzzzzzzz: Bruh I'm 30 years old and never even heard the "k"word slur he used. Homie went DEEP in the racism bag with that one

Jerb Sherb: For those wondering, he said Kike

David Ruben: Jews r so nice y would u say that #jews r the best

josh chigurh: What he say

Lusch 9120: Still doing stuff with China hahaha

Fan Sne: Isn’t Meyers a jewish name?😂

Ramy Samara: My new favorite NBA player.

Kev Odd: Blazers will welcome him back.

Hero Protagonist: Group of ppl your not allowed to say nothing about

MikeTownesGaming: Not everyone knows what that word means

mac ferris: Damn hopefully the nba don’t find me n the boys audio clips😬

Mr Smith: Totally forgot the Commisoner is Israeli 😆.. Damnnnnnnnnnnnn Son! Yo..Lakers need to pick him up!!

Francisco Samir: They are gonna make an example out of him, sad where we are going

gurinder singh: I never even heard of the word or what it even means until now. Cancel culture smh

Eric Bay: He was fined 50k and a week away from the team...that isn’t career over

pops1 pops1: Freedom of speech doesn't exist

Krazy Reckz: Nba is racist af to white people

Filip Todorov: NBAs a joke

Prince Ojukwu: wtf is the nba gonna investigate

k4rlo: based leonard

jc sj: Yup, that's the NBA for you White guy says a random comment while gaming and his career is over Black cusses out white guy with racist remark on the court - nothing happens

mr raodman69: What did he say? 😂

- Tremaine: Did he say the n word?

andrewtheballer23: Ok but what did he say

P.J. Tucker: Man sucks for him Atleast i can drop 30 bombs!!!

Club-Mate: Even my Jewish mates didn’t know about that word lol

Darth MAGA Vader: Are you going to investigate what was said to Jeremy Lin or what Montrez harrel said to Luca?🤔

Grammar Police -: Kardashian toyboy tristan thompson is still only a dad to the kid he has from a white woman and no media blames him for discriminating his son. The NBA and world needs to hold black men accountable when they disrespect black women too. Equality shouldn't mean immunity.

Sebastien Demetrius: The humorous trousers fittingly attach because uncle booly moor mid a lewd expansion. loving, physical process

Enigmafiresup: We live in a world where making a joke leads to "league wide investigations" As if the NBA players aren't already trash talking each other on the court with the n word. The league is mostly black after all.

Bro Majik: He so Dumb smh

Boxer McCoy: Thanks for actually quoting what he said. Context is extremely important

Steezboy3000: Lmao investigate what? Caught in 4k hahaha

La Flame: What’s there to be investigate? He said a racist word in 4K so make a decision as to what happens to him. He deserves to be punished

D1v94: If he just converted to Judaism he'll be fine

Ash: The only reason i know him is because of his wife 😂

Omar: May God burn anyone who supports the terrorist Zionist state of Israel in the eternal Hellfire come Judgment Day. LONG LIVE PALESTINE

Leonhart11: What did he actually say?

Tamarindo: What about Jeremy Lin, already forgotten?

1422 NV: What he say?

Garrett Fisk: People saying that a kid ended his career. No, he ended his career. No excuse to say that.

Velveteen Dream: Just go full time streaming tbh

Ivan Kovalev: I miss chris smoove waiting on noobs :\\

Brendan Burke: Why is the nba investigating? We already know what happened

Domo: Dude stood up while everyone was taking a knee it isn’t hard to tell that dude was racist

The8347135: gamers just can't be trusted with the internet

Adir Atia: there are so many anti semic people in the world, i honestly im not even slightly offended by that as a jew

Jakub Kuruc: Welcome to the NBA, the place of double standards Leonard said improper joke about Jews - banishment Harrell called Doncic b**** a** white boy, D Book and Lebron yelled n word on the court - no problem

OsphateB: Too bad people can't just grow up and mind their business.

Zukorlix.OR: People say a lot of bad things about muslims and nothing happens, he said something about jews everyone is trigerred.

David Edeni: We’ve all made mistakes and we all need to examine ourselves instead of just condemning others. Now that being said what Meyers said was wrong and shouldn’t repeat itself.

HPTRK Kreed: Turns out he wasn't a culture guy after all

Kerry Pierre: Yes

Timothy Blake: What did he say ?

HeyitsmeUzi: What did he say?

Giant Cafe: Jew ain’t even a race

TyJamar: You fool

NG17: Nah he’s done for lol the heat owner is Jewish

ED: Man he loaded that wording to. He literally waited and chose to and how to say it.

Officialj0nn 20-12: Not a big deal

Officialj0nn 20-12: Who cares

Anthony D: Bro people so soft now a days

Mvp Dj: Wat did he say

Rosauro Andaya30: That aint no wife Its Adam Silver Callin ☠️

retr0 solo: Nba went from 🪨to ❄️

jerry: I seen the video 50 time and I still dont know what he said


Doczilah: nah i wanna keep seeing his wife so lets not cancel him

Sean Kelly: what did he say????

Almightylo 2x: What he say???

FBI AGENT 02: What is there to investigate lmaoooo

Douglas McArthur: what did he say?

Pumpkineer _: What was the slur?

elio chedid: Soft society 🤦‍♂️

Gioele Elerdini: So gobert locked down the league and nobody did anything but Leonard says a slur and Nba starts to investigate

Eric Pirillo: If I heard that name I'd assume he has some Semetic blood in him. Weird

Alan Matthew: God bless you all! 🙏🏼

Harry Hilbert: But what did he actually say???

Slim Charles: Using anti Semitic slurs when your boss's name is Adam Silver...? That's a noob move.

JAMES COOPER 23: She's in trouble

katra: Best Heat cheerleader and highest-paid one at that.

Mosab Amleh: smoove should upload some warzone gameplay

Juan Fernandez: What’s there to investigate? Its clear as day

T OM: Big fucking deal. An age of over sensitivity.

Eater of chicken: imagine if he gets waived from the Heat and end up playing in Israel

Gaming Life 380: But it’s okay to have South Park say way bad stuff that is more worst 😂😂😂😂

boys org: lol

Ermias Thomas: He should’ve jus said the “ N” word & he would’ve been fine

Meekah She: Man got fired on his day off smh rule #1

Ben Kylo: The racist said racist comments? What a shock!!

Tahir Robinson: Hope we gets back

Juanillo Rios: He’s a bum on the court anyways so nobody cares what happens to him

The Wing *: Oh come on, really?

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