For Honor: Year 5 Season 1 Asunder Launch | Trailer | Ubisoft [NA]

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wiki: look brothes the v cruzade is start to begin

Git Sum Gaming: this game is like Siege...keeps adding more and more cosmetics that go against the original theme and looks utterly ridiculous.

Tyler: This game needs to be cross gen

Random-iky: 0:10 when you see the second coop emote. Not bad not bad 🤔

General Franky1: 10% of the comments: oh look cool new stuff. 90% of the comments: *DAUBENY SHOWED HIMSELF!*

Mohamed Elshal: Ubisoft: New seasons Everyone:.... Ubisoft: Daubny is back Everyone: We ride at dawn bitches

Ivan Schiavina: Gg Ubisoft , u Just made me uninstall for Honor After 3 years of playing

Dinotom13: Daubeny praise the sun god

Ian18993: anyone knows the song?

manolo banolo: Where is the new armor or personal execution

No1 Normal: you were supposed to nerf warden! not buff him!

Wamplei: Please add Apollyons sword to warmonger

Blue Berry: Daubeny new hero

SpringBiscuits: 0:44 - 0:47 New Kensei and Berserker armor???


Cekseiro: I've gotta say, I love the armor I could make out on my cramped, 5×3 tablet screen. You guys seemed to have pulled out all the stops on this one, so far, congrats officially on 5 wonderous years, and a toast to many more years to come.

dogão do sertão: Ooooh amazing! All of this in a non-free game and you need to buy "battle pass" for the garbage emoticons that tf2 does best. And what clowns have to do with the lore of the game?

Gentleman Today: 0:13 _ He actually drank within a metal mask on his face

takumiမျထ fujiwara: Bro can we get warriors from the middle east?

DARTH VADER: I still think the deer and wolf head should have been the illustration effect/head you get when executing

Infernal Centurion: We got Apollyon and Holden in the game, only person we need is Daubeny.

LUNARPENNY 6: But can we get our lightsabers back?

Raven Bell: k

Petrichorus: MAKE THIS AN AD!!!!

Ducky Bo: ya know , that jester vibe is cool , probably cooler on a hero 👀

Noah Miller: New character is the jester from Darkest Dungeons calling it right now!

Foxzilla X: If you guys really listen to the community you would nerf Gryphon

Jonathan Joestar: Person on PS4 bê like R1 take It or leave it

Whiffy Chicken78: Let’s Goooooooooooooo

Brett Skinner: No new hero classes not impressed and no new areas no new story NO ONE CARES

Kamikawa: He's back!!!!

Brandon Sibert: The jester stuff looks awesome

ShymidnightFox ': You guys forgot to say you have to pay $10 for pair emotes

Andrew Manuel: Hope the harlequin masquerade is cheap

AJ Laughter: This actually looks really good

Douglas Dickey: Bruh just come out with For Honor 2 already.

Breaker Outlaw99: Give us a new warriors and new maps

Micah Russell: Wait whens the release date?

FLUFFY HAWAIIAN: The war rages on!! Fight with honor and die with glory warriors!!

Dorime Hame No Hame No Latsiva: So basically medieval renaissance english mad max style, niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice


Hervis Daubeny: Ah... Its good to be home.

Mister Ra: All the people want is a new faction and new heroes.... GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT

That guy who left a comment: They’re pretty cocky if they think most of the player base is going to keep playing after they’ve royally pissed everyone off for 3 updates in a row with almost 0 redeeming qualities for each one

Snake Emperor: I alredy love that Zhanhu chestpiece, i'm not a fan of these kind of masks though but it still looks cool, it's just not for me.

Ian L: Finally, I can drink alongside my For Honor waif- I mean, comrades.

M D: Oh choker....warden refreshed. Never been done before in the history of every patch for honor:S. What a fuckin joke this game became

SofaKingWeTodEd: Lmao @ putting Shinobi in the trailer when devs still don’t know wtf to do with the hero.

Blood Raven: Daubeny is back, i rate this season 10/10

Yolo Team: Daubeny comeback! *ANOTHER KNIGHT HERO*

Hector Gonzalez: For honor 2 please

NipplesMagee: Hell yeah stoked!!

JSPR 127: Gryphon in the thumbnail lookin like he's tryna sell me a Dos Equis

The Broken Machine: I don't see a Gryphon nerf 👀

BeatNik: Gassss

BereuS: Pair emo yeah everybody on war zone are friend

Adam Kerr: Notice how only 11k watched this

KR4ZZy: This is underwhelming...

Maqsimous: Is this game active?

Nicole John Tahup: Are you a prey or a predator in the battle field.

Vincent doesn’t exist William Is Glitchtrap: 1:06 gryphon:Finally My nemesis came back.

Milk Devoure: I notice there no new hero coming out :(

The Jobro: Now Gryphon mains can embrace their inner clown with the new effect!

TheMadDog: gotta love them prioritizing a event that dies in 2 hours over tg and actual armor we want :)

RedRose ultra: Let's goooooo

Leonardo Chacon: Best season so far i believe !

Zz CrazZy Zzz Z: Paired emotes yay


Fryingpan Man: wait its all delayed Halloween? always has been

Papa Foundry: Jester hero when? Kek

工 山人十匚冂入门工川三: Whoever made this idea is such a clown

TheOneAndOnlyZN: Yea yea but where's the year where you chop gryphons legs off

Testo Boi: I am quite excited for Glad's buff. Though.. I do want to ask. Will paired emotes ever be able to be done with enemies? I want the ability to chest bump someone before combat.

Rev0King: CANT WAIT!!!! :D

Morrigan Evadastar: A new Breach map or 2 wukd be niiiice

Stalin Cen: 0:44 looks like theres the new armor for zerker and kensei. zerker got some very clean leather armor, and kensei got some super shiny piececs

x Cryl: What do you guys think should be a paired emote? I have an idea where they could dance together but I'd like to hear your ideas so reply and lets share what should be a paired emote!


허민혁: no gryphon nerf yet?? guess i'll join horkos

Felix Maldonado: Ok, but HOW MANY years have passed?

Dark Skull893: Daubenys shame

Prince MilkyWay: This trailer is badass! 👀



Ori the Marshmallow: Finally we get emotes that can interact with other people!

Lord Aknosom: This Music is so awesome what is his name?

altanowski: DAUUBBEENNYYY 1:06

MrGog34: Ubisoft :look at all this cool stuff in the new season. Fans : DAUBNEYY SHOWED HIMSELF!

Nicolás Grosso: I don't think anyone knows how this game is still agonizing but not yet dead

Värdarkraph: Crossplay

Danny Ohio: 1:07 Daubeny and Holden Cross finally together.

Danny Ohio: So. Ubisoft admits that they're f×cking jesters.

Jungle Jim900: I just want a jorm buff please make his unblockable track better and have hyper armor I’m always getting hit out of it and people can dodge on whatever timing it feels like

Kaiju Slayer333: So when are we getting cross progression? Also I see Shugoki on Taiko drum. That better end up being a emote.

NanoSmoke X: Think I'm gonna take a break from FH everyone is just sweaty

Broken Sword: pretty cool remove grpyogn now?

dk kanofkash: No we can chug with the boys in For Honor

Papa Bear: I thought clowns were a thing in 2016 but hey, last thing was blue pekka-looking Knights

Reis bällchen: New season but still unbalanced bullshit

AVSTON: I like how the new effect perfectly matches gryphon and jornunger players

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