ALL New Weapons & Tools GUIDE (Season 12) | Sea of Thieves

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@PhuzzyBond: Live now For Twitch Drops

@staxrelax4146: i love new weapon but in pvp you will use better the old weapons XD

@ejtimeandspace: I love all the new stuff by and by good for the sea's and shenanigans

@AustinsEdits: Zip lines should be able to go up too like a pulley

@YTInnerAgntAuto: does the throwing knife have a backstab multiplier? it feels like incredibly effective when using the heavy stab against ashen lords in their stunned form (today I completely skipped phase 3 just by backstabbing them)

@jayelfive198: Question : can i shoot an enemy’s harpoon to retract it even if someone is standing on it?

@Timbermannetje: I still don't really feel 'it' in SOT... What is the goal, the point... Just to gather customization items?

@evanheadrick5737: Is crud launching patched?

@not_DJ_Ender: What im hearing is that both new weapons are kinda trash

@prodjlane: I always dislike phuzzy vids even if I enjoyed the video lmao

@markbaker2090: Thanks!

@thecasualsperspective: Im gonna be doing a sword/dagger combo so that i never worry about ammo and have short to mid range fully covered. If Im long range I can just run away.

@LJT9393: The wind blower should really accelerate fires not put them out.. am I wrong?

@xMerkulezxGaming: As if SoT didnt break down the new stuff in several videos but better lol..content

@tednewton332: The sloop life feels like it just got harder lol

@killigin: Fun thing. You can shoot the body of the harpoon to cause it to retract. Good way to drop pirates into the sea.

@Roberyy007: 3:01 lmao

@climax050: Man I just want a new "real" melee weapon like an axe that is slower and does more damage or something. Hopefully I don't have to wait another 6 years before we get some more weapons!

@pandamoniumsan: a very anti casual season I think considering the amount of new toys scattered through the world only available to people who have the time to go get them and then go pvp hunting

@Matrixmagee: Is the solid stone curse an actual new curse? I’d love to see it but no one has dropped a video yet

@Bigoldietz: I love your content so much, can you do a guide on all items in the game

@markpharoah1297: How do I get the rib roast commendation to get the double barreled pistol?

@balance6083: Hey phuzzy, any chance you can stream on YouTube as well please? I don't really use twitch but would love to see you live more often. Keep up the great content and vibes. Good day sir

@tommybahamii: This isnt a guide. This is you just reading the patch notes It provides practically no strategy.

@JustTom117: How do you get the handheld harpoon gun ?

@Random_guy82: This is the fastest I have ever seen an update review drop

@robinellis83: Hey man, just tested it. The fortress ghosts die from one shot so it’s better than pistol on kill speed 👍

@elliecurrin: Great

@sladevalen2120: Since the double barrel pistol leaves them one shot to anything, outside of throwing knife light attacks, im going to run double pistols for the faster reload and good hipfire accuracy follow ups

@michaelwatts207: Thx, man

@the.virtual.universe: What’s the outfit on the far left of the image for this video? The one holding daggers?

@jakubelek4383: not enough content for a whole new season imo

@TheDanibits: Question 1: The skelly grenade kills your own skellies if you throw a second one, but is that effect per crew or per player? Question 2: how fast is the jetski method? Can it catch up to a moving ship?

@vamperic: I'm rocking the blunderbuss/daggers and it's working real well, always keep 1 dagger for the melee

@DjKripasta: Am I the only one thinking the new weapons/features weren't really needed? Yeah it's cool to add stuff to the game but I think the game was good as it was before the update

@Skirakzalus: Amazing breakdown of the new toys! As someone who played since the first month of the game's release I would have never expected to see more base weapon types being added, this is great!

@whiz-kee1111: 2:05 Think more like a what…😂😂😂 Jk good stuff and tips! 👍

@cloudss2993: Bro dropped it asap wasted no time

@Malhaloc: Been so excited for this update! Firing it up now! Thanks for the info, as always!

@Spicybeans6164: 😁

@Alex_XD4life: Phuzzy is speedrunning update reviews

@AavaSelonen: 12 views and no comments he fell off

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