Shoresy Season 3 | Official Trailer | Hulu

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@user-fc2tj8lf2m: The only thing I don't like about this show is that its not at least a hour long.

@michaelmarceau4863: Love the Jims.

@timoshi2k: Settle down.

@jonmel: Can we get this in the uk please

@jojoshaiken8888: "Everytime I go to war on..." What?!?! HUHHHHHHH

@progrocker2112: Who ready? Who hype?

@TheMattyPlant: Are you ready, cause I'm going!

@scioriano: What is the song in this trailer?

@Braisedin: Is it wrong I wish jonesy and Riley end up in this season as players for another team.

@JH-nq2fg: Easily the best show out right now!

@tylerchesher2474: Loyal to the soil boys, loyal to the soil

@kissmyglass7691: Nat, I'm telling ya' We'll Never Lose Again

@Briangoinpostal: I can't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaait

@oscarwinner2034: I wish they made a version of this show (edited just a little) so I can watch with my kids. They're hockey players too. The hockey stuff is amazing. Leave all that as is - but some of the off ice stuff is a little much for my kids (right now). When I was a kid - a friend's dad made a slightly edited version of Youngblood that we watched a million times. Killer hockey in that too. My kids need all the on ice chirping lessons they can get. Shoresy is a class in it.

@chrisglazener3613: Canadian humor is different

@JebHoge: Uh oh, looks like 98's going to get some comeuppance.

@g-tracks: Let's Go!!!!! What a fantastic show

@prestonakin6618: Let's get on the go boys , just stay where your at and I'll where your to

@antonioromano8816: Better not get pumped five goose on the campaign

@RWRogers: I didn’t know they were still doing this show!! Awesome!! I hope they at least continue with this for as long as possible after the end of Letterkenny.

@AshleyFUnderwood: This show is AMAZING.

@javierolalde: Can confirm. Season 4 got the green light boys


@operationgnp: the real mighty dogs

@jannabalthaser: This show is a gift.

@42069LT: Please get Riley and Jonesy for an episode

@TihetrisWeathersby: Letterkenny lives on through shorsey

@LesliePourHouse: “Settle Down “ , ok impatient me,we can do this it’s just a month!! It’s 5/21 I can guarantee I will be back to the watch the trailer 100+ times before 21 June 😂😂😂😂 “Gotta Dip”

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