Borderlands 3: Season Pass 2 Official Trailer

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Borderlands: To accept the Arms Race mission, interact with the poster to the left of the Quick Change Station on Sanctuary III. Final Form cosmetics can be equipped by interacting with a Quick Change station and selecting the new "Body" option, as well as a new item in the "Heads" section.

acid: Borderlands fans: TWO SEASON PASSES? THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS! Tekken 7: *laughs in Clifford the Red Dog DLC included in Season Pass 88*

Виталий Локи: Boombox Cartel & Dillon Francis - Drip (ft. Desiigner) who is looking for a song

Greg Men: season pass 2? you gotta be fucking kidding me.

Vytalych: Track pls 🙏


israel israel: Borderlands pantalla dividida 3 jugadores

XileMauser 227: Now what I find dumb is that I pre ordered bl3 super deluxe edition for $100 and now I have to pay $30 more to get a 2nd season pass although I bought the game for $100?

Dungeons & Rapeize: How the fuck do you even give a like to a game that hints a second season pass? Gearbox is shiting on your faces and you praise them for doing it. The concept of season pass was completely broken, you pay for it in order to get all the future dlc content and they just bring another one, make you pay more $30, to not even bring a new character. This is a shame

Unlimited Power: BL3 vault haunters are so fucking bland, make the old ones playable or add some new ones

Dan Copeland: Can't fucking believe it, a few months back I bought the first season pass, as well as the full game so that I wouldn't miss out on anything, and now I find out that I need to buy ANOTHER season pass, which is exactly the same with a couple of extras. I've always loved the borderlands games but this was the first one I actually bought. People tell me all the time that pirating games is bad because I need to support the team behind the product, but video game companies are all the same, with your loot boxes, pay to win mechanics and then this shit? When Borderlands 4 comes out (if there even is one) you can be damn sure I'm going to get a cracked copy, at least that way I'll be able to play the full thing. When I bought the season pass, I'm sure it said "All DLCs and future updates", but no, you had to squeeze your fan base for every penny it had? Go to hell, I hope other people in my situation do the same thing and never give you another penny.

Ryan Kelly: As a huge Borderlands fan and owner of all BL games and DLC across 3 different platforms, I have to say I’m a bit disappointed in the pricing and content of Season Pass 2. The advertised content so far is very little compared to season pass 1. I don’t know if they have more content planned in the future but I hope so because new skill trees are not worth $15 IMO and should be included with the Designer’s Cut DLC. If this second season pass entitles me to more planned content then my complaints are invalid but as far as I know this is it for BL3. Am I wrong to believe there is no more future content coming or did I miss something because $30 really seems steep for what I have so far. I have to say I really enjoy all other DLC and the value is amazing for what you get in content with season pass 1.

king savage: Anyone on ps4 wanna play


fish cake: Seriously, season pass 2? A fucking second one??

Chronoire: Get better writers for your story campaigns

Deon thegreat: How are you going to charge the same as the main season pass that had 4 story dlcs?

TrapWHre: When BL2 had it's ultimate edition, I was already upset that it did not include any of the Headhunter DLC's despite the publishers making it seem like you are set for life with such an edition. When BL3 released, I immediately knew that owning a season pass or even the Super Deluxe Edition would never mean you'll have access to everything that is to come, yet I am still disappointed. It was 99€ for the SDE and you have to pay another 30€ now, joke of the year. At such a high price you just expect to get it all. And if that wasn't trashy enough, they release an Ultimate Edition now for 99€ that contains SP2. It's unbelievable what developers & publishers get away with nowadays. But can you really blame them? They're a buisness afterall. Too many idiots ready to throw money in insane amounts at things they believe to enjoy. edit: I just found this on the steam group announcement: "Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition delivers the quintessential Borderlands 3 experience. It grants you access to all released Borderlands 3 content as of November 10, 2020." The fact that they emphasize released content UP UNTIL NOW basically just leaves room for speculation that there will be more content in the future, which will not be part of the ultimate edition. Can't wait for the super ultimate deluxe edition in 2021.

Hello: I don't see anything new except for skins, skill tree and more weapons. I dont know if that's enough to peak my interest. And the DLC shown was with the first season pass so is this false advertising?

Shura: Will DLC be 1 year Epic exclusive though.

One Sensitive Artist: If a story dlc don't acure I'ma be mad, already pre-order for super deluxe.

Hush Gaze: I don't understand. Why do people that bought the Super Deluxe Edition don't get this "season pass 2" like... What the actual fuck ? We paid 100$/€, we got the dlcs and now you're selling an Ultimate Edition, same price BUT with that season pass as well ? Do you think we're that stupid ? Kind of insulting, lads... I expected a lot from Gearbox and Borderlands 3, but not it being that much of a let down and disappointment

Ivan D Maldondo JR: Do I need both season passes or just buy the 2nd season pass for all DLC and upcoming ?

thetank971: Imagine “super rare” weapons: shooting mini blackholes, imploding star grenades/ launchers, neutron collider, atom disperser, bandit summoner, mini GBR gamma ray burst riffles and so on

Luke H: so is the bounty of bood riding to ruin bug been fixed yet ? when i cant even complete a dlc because of a bug that hasnt been fixed after since july im not going to buy the new dlc

Drake Fiedler: So I gotta pay another thirty dollars to my $100 version I got? Nice.

Da Demon Monkey: I want to know what happened to Sasha and Fiona. WHERE DID ZERO GO. What's Axton up to with his modeling carrier. Did Sal go to his Abuella


Nem: Cash grab number 2 thumbs down I bought the season pass to get everything not to buy it again and again for fuck sakes.

Whack bag: So the thanx i get for buying a Super Deluxe Edition on EGS when 3 came out is having Season Pass 2 "UNAVAILABLE" to purchase. Wtf?...Get with EPIC & figure this shit out already!

x_LastStand_x: Matchmaking on PSN still sucks, and the radiation nova skill on FL4K is bugged and causes the loader to harm itself. Yup good update.

XenoAlbedo: What's the matter, Randy? That Epic paycheck not enough to cover more content for the Deluxe Edition and Season Pass 1?

exzses: i want new dlc characters and headhunter dlcs as more actual story dlc's because we are where we literally started.

Erick Toledo: Because this, the BL2 is better. Too many good things, raid bosses and funny moments. BL3 just deception.

Kevin Maunz: I don’t even want to play till they are done maxing out the level cap , I hate farming a bunch of strong guns to only have them made obsolete a month or two down the line farming takes a lot of friggin time I regret buying this game won’t be buying this season pass this story for this game was such a turn off

Kevin Maunz: I regret buying this game and spending 110$ on the deluxe edition mayhem modes are broken and not fun to play on

983Stereomike 983: This is the worst borderlands in the franchise and you want us to pay for more content,I prefer to play borderlands 2,this franchise die after the pre-sequel

David Davidson: Tell ya what gearbox I'm not giving you one more cent borderlands 3 story was an embarrassment and I'm sick of the woke agenda you want to shove down my throat wish I could take that 100 bucks back when I did the ultimate edition preorder but I guess I live and learn

Mspinner02: So my 100 dollars does not get me this content. Awesome. Borderlands 3: joyless cashgrab

Colten Brown: Moze: hey nice shoulder cannon Zane. Where did you get it? Zane: I uh....just found it at a shop Doom slayer looks at his armory Doom slayer: HM?! (sees a note) Note: Borrowing it for the blue print Zane. Don't tell me anyone else is not thinking the same thing

VelvetTrigger: Okay so how much do I have to pay for you guys to kill Ava off and bring Maya back?

Bryce B: My dlc will not work anymore. It have the full season pass and everything is downloaded but won't load in game.

H S: man the skins dont even got custom lines and sounds. LAME

Sami: I'd rather play a game that runs on more than 40fps on a RTX 2080 Setup.

rtdude1: This mode is nothing more than the beginning of the game (no guns, no gear, no skills), named arms race, and repackaged as endgame content. Total rip-off. Gearbox has no shame. They’ll never get another penny from me again. Not after this bs

SSXGreg97: Now your just milking it gearbox. I don't mean to sound obvious but your falling down there with EA. Such wasted potential of actually sticking to your promises. But here you are again. Another failure. Another money grab for content that's been cut. I will put you into THAT category then.

hackpliot c: So i have to buy a second season pass wtf

jacket: fuck this im gonna wait until the goty edition is out and 20 bucks on sale


RedLion13bravo D: 30$ for arms race and a skill tree lol no thanks EA...I mean 2k

40Kal B: Ridiculous they have changed the season pass to a years worth of content and after such mediocre dlcs. Gearbox peaked at BL2 and BL3 has been nothing but a series of constant disappointment with its terrible narrative. No wonder the original claptrap voice actor left 👎

Raphaël Borgiot: Season Pass 2 ? This is a Battle Pass from Battle Royal games, right ? Kidding me...

Jubilation: you guys said season pass 2 comes with ultimate edition and i still dont have it???

BPEmma: and maybe... one... gun skin? just one? pleeease?

deez nuts: paid 150 cad on launch so i have everything to come for borderlands 3. season pass 3 comes out for 40$ extra, designer cut 20%. or the ultimate edition is 130. jesus

Dolppi: Perfect timing. Just when i was about to say i have done everything.

o0Classified0o: Whatever happened to the borderlands I loved. You all got greedy. I play this game with my little sister. Season 2 pass?? $29.99?? Or a $14.99 dlc for what?... New skill tree?? Getting to start over for more new loot?... $15 dollars?...

Bone Daddy: Can't wait for another wave of disappointing content whose whole purpose is to give you the most low bin experience possible. Almost feels like what Bungie is doing with Destiny. It's a shame really considering Borderlands 2 had dlcs that expanded the game world by a lot and gave you good memories to boot.

MrGrinder100: Já chci heavy metal muziku! Ta tu chybí!

Eggman Boombox: for all the people wondering what this is, it includes 1. new body types 2. some new game modes 3. new skill trees 4. more guns 5. amazing loot

djmurph123: Why are there no new characters wtf not interested in the slightest :(

Dom Swift: I hate this game cuz I have no friends

Rhyiona: It's so superb! :) Thank you, Borderlands Team! ;) I waiting for new amazing DLC: Borderlands 3: Director's Cut - Return of Fiona next year! <3

Jimmie M: Why can't I find anyone in arms race? Does anyone play it?

Lee Hastie: How to fix Borderlands 3 (Gearbox take some notes): Scrap the antagonists in Borderlands 3; they are pretentious, unfunny, cringey and obnoxious (and not in a good way). Instead make the story revolve around what you set up in the 'Heist of Handsome Jackpot' DLC: Jack's death causes anarchy within Hyperion. The remaining Dopplegangers try and assert themselves in competition with each other for the Hyperion Presidency. This causes a civil war within Hyperion. The resultant Doppleganger victor becomes the new Hyperion President. You can keep Timothy alive and use his character within the story to add plot exposition about what happened within Hyperion after Jack's death in Borderlands 2. Therefore connecting the events after Borderlands 2 to the third game. The antagonist of Borderlands 3 is therefore one of Jack's Dopplegangers instead of the awful antagonists Gearbox created for the original game. The story ultimately would be better because fans like Jack instead of the failures of antagonists Gearbox created. Don't kill of Maya. Remove Ava completely as she is a pointless character anyway, with no major contributions to the overal plot. Sorted. Borderlands 3 is fixed.

Owen Liquid Nitrogen: Was thinking about getting this game recently, but it's decided. I'll wait 4 more years untill all dlc is released and I can get the FULL GAME at once

Scott Yemm: My older DLC is now saying its not installed, I've tried reinstalling the DLC but still the same, anyone having same issue? This is on Series X BTW.

Chanceler64: Terrible should have been included in the first season pass. What am I saying, there should only have been one season pass to begin with.

newlgh: Lame cash grab, game is dead.

alexxander94: The matchmaking is already dead one day after the realise

TLCompletionist: Arms Race, the new cosmetics, and new skill trees are cool and all but I’m not gonna shill out 30 bucks till more details are released regarding the directors cut.

A Ripley: This is about making money, just plain old bulls. Fortnight copy 🤬 Not worth a buck 😤 Useless piss-poor job 🤮


XoRandomGuyoX: I wonder if Gearbox will do an official version of the unofficial "x5 Enemies" mods that people have made for games like Dark Souls...

Valdifer: I'm totally disappointed to Season pass 2, bought the game 2 times to me and my friend, the deluxe edition, and now I have to pay again :/

Jhabari Owens: So can we get like a six month long Cartel event next year lol

meme e: This game got worse

Oussama amrani: New skill trees instead of actual new vault hunters? Haha nice try

1gunnerShock: Does this pass come with a no Ava story mode?

Илья Еловиков: WHERE MY SKINS, EGS??!!

Koda Bear: Wasted my money on the ultimate edition of this shitty game and now they have a new season pass, so ridiculous

João Vitor: The heist one was really good, I would love more content like that bounty of blood, a serious completly new story was very refreshing (mainly because they didn't throw the "OH LOOK HERE, A LITTLE NOSTALGIA FROM OTHER GAMES" here)

João Vitor: All I wanted was a amara skill tree where you could go bezerk with her 6 arms and you could I don't know, jump/glide/fly with that transforming on a meele character with mobility. And maybe another vault hunter, I don't know why I miss a cool cowboy that uses revolvers Jacobs style (that don't play the game automatically for you)

V509Cassiopeiae: Sorry Gearbox but this is bullshit. No real content and this new mode is absolutely crap. I haven't played 500 hours and built up a character to then started from scratch in this mode. Rubbish!

NegX: This is not a good season pass, fellas

sure: Please gearbox I already gave all of my money to you please dont ask for more I dont have any please man just why do you charge for the final forms.....

golembiaski: Thieves!!!!!

shazriel: I thought if you already had the super deluxe edition, the season 2 pass and this designer's cut comes together with it. I thought wrong.

Mobile Chikane: This looks to be more of a refinement of the base game... where is the actual new content?

Sam Denham: So... Are we gonna get the option to pull Lilith out of whatever dimensional pocket she's stuck in and fire Ava out the nearest airlock?

Chester Cobblepot: Yea 30 bucks for a mode and cut content no thanks.

CaNERD: Season Pass 2 lol, should be a free DLC..

Douglas Duda: Soo, i was able to buy the season 2 pass on PS store, but i cant download or use it...

Andrei Stanciu: 100% milking

aspanger: TFW there will never be another borderlands game as good as B2

Chris Reynolds: Not interested. No new vault hunters, only skill tree. Easy pass. Add more vault hunters and I'm in.

Михаил Марченко: Not my Season Pass 2.

Boogie: Is this the first game to have 2 season passes? I havent even bought the first one yet and this makes me not want to but it if I dont unlock everything. Just my 2 cents

monkeyking61: Gold diggers!

Nano Herrera: 2020 dlc

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