The Finals Season 3 is AMAZING! But...

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@chubbierb: Blood you still gotta understand it’s a preview event and it’s still a work in progress, also you gotta understand that that can’t fix ranked in one season while it’s still active they mentioned this already even before they gave you the preview event. Another thing is embark isn’t a big game studio and frankly a new one, and having to work on an entire game mode whilst pushing out weekly fixes and updates are hard to do place your opinion on it as much as they want you can’t rush the process of game development. I’m trusting the way they are going with this truly I’m not a TA fan by all means but still I’m gonna respect there decision with the way they were going and if the wanted to fix terneys ranked then let them it’s better then receiving small updates thought out the season with some that could be game breaking, we’ll never know but just bear with them of only just this season

@bergerblancsuisse.: Stuns in FPS are never fun, look at OW McCree and Roadhog, none of with have 1-Life modes.

@JanNzee: They're killing their game with bad decisions. Playercount will keep dropping because of TA Sadge

@leondwolfy5341: My biggest complain about the finals, are the random crashes who made me lost half of the last season pass, simply IMPOSSIBLE to play... i hope they improve the game and fix these issues

@bergerblancsuisse.: Ranked 3v3 Cashout would have been fine, throw in role lock and you've got a great unique competitive experience. For those that say "but you have to reach THE FINALS", fine, make it 3 rounds of 3v3.

@ShootFirstNS: They're affirming solo players who don't want to/can't be bothered to play with the team, especially lights. They have a majority casual ordinance and that's what they're balancing for but casual players don't stick around and don't spend money

@xetotorian3566: I don't agree with most of the takes here. People need to stop complaining about the "Comp" scene. Competitive Gaming is what literally kills games. Look at Apex. They changed SO MUCH to coddle to the streamers and competitive players rather than keeping things more on the enjoyable side and that game lost its charm long ago. (Golden Knockdown change, if anyone rememebers)

@_A1m: Another whole season waiting to get a balance lmao

@dtoodlez513: lol so negative and the season didn’t even start

@jeff9760: I think in general the finals makes it feel like you're always moving forwards full speed even when you're losing yet in term attack it just kills that entirely and makes you sit around waiting way too much

@user-de7nt6nr6m: me at 12am

@Platinum_Python: 9:34 nooo Oscar

@tankdgamer: Shouldn’t they just make the most popular game mode rank instead 🤔 how would that not encourage more people to play the game especially when seeing people stream it often..

@dylonfleming2702: Thank you for making great content for the finals! watch all your vids :)

@spicy4208: Hear me out, why is ranked still a thing in ANY game. Everyone is just complaining that it sucks, no matter what game it is. Blows my mind


@MrJavishjoel: I hate Terminal Attack since it came out, I couldn't even complete the challenges in Season 2 cause I couldn't stand it. I didn't know the game mode got so popular that they would replace cash out with TA. I'll keep playing bank it cause I like chaos

@inspiringdragons1326: You should play the casual content before your trip. Then try ranked when you get back.

@justplayalready6056: the way to get free multibucks is such a good idea, embark cooked with this one

@LG20144: I feel like your point of not taking TA seriously has to partly be because of the preview event and progress didnt actually matter. We’ll see in live how it changes ig

@toryspelling7737: I think you are 100% right TA NEEDS the smaller improved map flow

@MarloHumphreySZN: The finals is a dead game* should be the title

@MacGuffin1: I love the finals but I hate Terminal Attack, it is not representative of the game and trying to force ppl to play it by making it ranked is a terrible idea... Who cares about ruby/emerald if it's meaningless?

@snaggyak: Terminal attack doesn’t belong in this game.

@Khaotism: does anyone know his crosshair setting

@regularphill: We dont want FUN weapons in a video GAME. We need a new meta weapon. I want an fcar with 21 bullets!

@Rodonuts: I love your content, but I think you always miss one key aspect as to why some weapons exist in any game; and it's simply because they are fun to use. I much prefer using a shitty weapon that looks cool, and is fun than a laser beam. Besides mastering something that is objectively worse than what your enemies use is very rewarding.

@cooperriuse2981: All they need to do is make two different ranks for TA and cashout. Would fix all the problems

@user-vy6vt6lz9h: 너무 재밌는게임

@ectofps: Terminal attack just sucks, it’s a strategy to gain new players because it’s an easy concept.

@Jesus_Christ_OfficialAccount: Bruh to be honest I hate terminal attack, I don’t think it is enjoyable at all. Firstly, it is generic as hell, literally I could go and play siege or counter strike if I want the boring old plant and diffuse gameplay. Also, it is just too painful to play in a game with such crazy movements, because nine times out of ten it just evolves into a team death match, and nobody is even minding the encryption device

@Off_lucci: 3:54 - 4:28 bro literally explained at first we were winning cuz of skill then we lost cuz we was trolling and not playing a competitive in a competitive mode like your not making any point at all aside from the three lane structure and smaller Maps.

@gamingbanana7618: I think it's necessary to have maps with specific lanes to get to bomb sites for game modes like terminal attack. Either that or its like siege with one building to enter and plant. Also, the bow should draw faster and shoot farther depending on how long you hold it. Similar to Hanzo. There should also be a secondary shot that allows you to shoot multiple arrows quickly that do less damage.

@v.m.6549: So we got anime skins....?

@atadenizz9164: You shouldn't hate TA mode so much. After all, this game needs players, right? This is the most easily adapted game mode. Cashout is extremely difficult for new players. My friends are having a hard time playing cashout, but whenever they play TA, they somehow play. So I think you need to give it a chance in the new season, ottr. Btw why are you playing with ak and revolver in the early stage of the new season 🤣. This is very difficult to understand.

@JeBo-iw6gt: The maps are too big for terminal attack to be balanced imo. There is a reason counterstrike and valorant have rather small maps with every corner having a name to give calls on.

@Titan2User: They ruined rank and still didn’t nerf heavy 350 health, mesh/ dome shields, barricades, rpg Lewis gun and theirs 2 of all of these in comp. they can’t give light 175 health for high elo I’m done playing this game

@capolean2902: they should allow u to change abilities in bank it

@Mm-zi3bj: Bros talking about the map doesnt work for TA and this and that and blah and bllllllaaahh when the fix hes really asking for is health regen after getting shot. 😂 This is why devs should NEVER listen to content creators opinions.

@Titan2User: I’m think I’m taking a break from the finals. I’m tired of playing the no skill double heavy

@imAubs99: Ottr imma keep it real. You’re doing your viewers a discourage by doing solo to Ruby if you aren’t enjoying it. You can lie and say you are but we know you aren’t. So don’t do it

@willx6394: Ottr would slay in xdefiant

@willx6394: Throwing knives are too strong. I be dreaming at night hear the sound of throwing knives...

@t4w: When they make world tour good im fine with it, my biggest hope that world tour has skillbased matchmaking

@chucknorris5476: Don’t you think thinking the game should be crafted around 250 players in ruby is the reason it only has 5k total players? Like get a job no offense I’m just saying

@willx6394: U can still grind world tour.. or get a squad together for TA

@Titan2User: lol and they still ain’t nerf the broken no skill heavy class it’s a joke in high elo

@sc76399: Terminal attack is my least favourite mode as it just kills the fun crazy momentum of the finals and madness sense why sys horizon is my least favourite map

@JOKEMMM: I agree that the new weapons are low-mid tier. And it would be fun to have a new competitive gun. But i'm also happy that it's not like COD, and with every new season/DLC, there is a new OP weapon that everybody uses for 3 weeks straight before it gets nerfed. And just destroys the atmosphere of the game in general

@supertavio2: Oh man, you really hate terminal attack :(

@ccovera: "it's a casuals dream"

@londonwilliams4958: TA lover here! Just offsetting some hate😂😭

@sawyerbarnes7439: Do a "controller" bronze to diamond with crossplay on. And pay for the slowest internet available.

@dalgeubam: terminal attack being mid as a strategy mode I get but adding invisible walls is such a bad idea that I just have to hop off entirely

@xpxBIRD: TA has better competitive integrity because u don’t have to worry about 3rd parties or playing off 3rd parties.

@cosmic__s: Wait u get mb every 2 weeks not at the end of the season?

@colinwegman5724: I can see how TA is not fun as a solo q, my friends and I switched over to finals because of TA and the teamwork we could take advantage of. Makes it the game we grind now, and we all reached plat/diamond in cashout in S2. Ranked TA makes us way more hype for S3

@TheAceInfinity: Terminal just exacerbates the sniper problem with lights. Look how powershift turned out... It's just a mode for people to practice sniping and to have fun with lights.

@sSteppingStones: unless viewers are really high, dont do solo to ruby cuz TA is not fun to play or watch

@_f4lk0n_: I agree with everything you said here. I hope Embark listens to this and takes it into account

@ryans3795: The heavy utility is truly amazing and might actually get me to change fron the charge. People can easily dodge the charge, and with lights zipping around dashes and their sprint speed, it's not a way to close any distance. Heavies weapons don't really have much range at all and to me, there range needs to be increased in order for them to be fun again to play. This may prevent the need for a range increase, try triple dashing away, I might be able to grab you.

@ThePmcderm91: TA is just boring. Oh wow I get to break one wall this round

@GustavoFavareto: Heavy has been nerfed so many times in row that I feel happy it got some OP especialization for a change. If it gets too annoying, they’ll nerf it just like the stun gun.

@prophet9154: Genuine question, the complaints about terminal attack; aren’t those key aspects of this type of gameplay that make it competitive? Like in R6 or CSGO, placement and those moments of flick chip damage are what give each round the tension that makes it enjoyable

@imorokr: I hate to say it but everything you said is true. I'd almost forgotten how lame last season's new guns were Problem is they can't really add too much. Like, whole point is medium shouldn't have an SMG for example Best thing they could do, imo, is 1) add a map creator for the community to make their own maps, and 2) lean into the simulated reality of it all - add more game modes, add more weird events like the alien invaders thing, make modes where we can't stop laughing from all the crazy stuff that keeps happening (we're almost there). Maybe they should have two separate teams working in competitive and casual

@jessepine1523: I feel like TA is like putting a crocodile in a fish tank. The full potential of the finals is displayed best through modes like cashout. Super lame that they swapped up the ranked. TA is way too tame to be a ranked mode in the finals

@ConkFiftyFour: Man screw ranked, casual is the way to go. Why you gotta try so hard? Its a game chill out it should be fun

@the_mochiking: Well I hope for the sake of the game you're wrong and TA enjoyers have a fantastic season. But imagining what diamond-stack level meta TA is gonna look like makes me sleepy. 😅

@Val-Yob: We got CS3 before GTA6 :(

@ninjazlayer9706: yeah I'll be so real I'm only gonna play or watch world tours...

@mathiasrojas2712: the best thing is that the finals has decent updates fairly often. I still believe.

@LunaPlayzFN: Bro the season isn't even released yet 😂

@arthyzlive3987: dont worry they will change it back, they only want to tezt the new rank and if everybody dont like it they will change it, dont worry

@nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh777: Personally i love TA, especially playing as a medium, it does feel a lot more chaotis to me for some reason

@solkvist8668: I’m someone who has previously enjoyed games like CS pretty casually, but excelled in the finals like no other game I’ve played before. Terminal attack is going to be an odd one, but I do think it will benefit from a 5 stack quite a lot. I haven’t personally done a 5 stack of fellow diamond players yet, but I can imagine it being quite enjoyable even if it isn’t cashout. Ultimately we get to test it tomorrow. I have an open mind on it, but I also didn’t hate terminal attack when it launched. It wasn’t really balanced well and teammates had the average IQ of a rock, but I think these issues will be less prominent in time. My sincere hope is that terminal attack is good enough to get people into the game again, and in the process they use it as a stepping stone towards stuff like cashout. It’s for two different crowds, but if you are good at one the other is going to be easier to learn

@cringe4581: If they going Siege route with the prep phase, when why don't add drones in TA? You can stay engaged in the game and be useful by gathering info, pinging enemies, maybe interact with something (obviously drone should be destructible). Also, why ban heal beam? Just limit amount of hp it gives.

@ApterTheRaptor: The only thing Embark have to do, is adding weapons at least once per half of season. And not only in the beginning of new season. I know the more weapons the more responsibility to balance them, but current state of meta us just ridiculous

@LunauticalDev: I'm glad you were able to keep a good open mind and say some positive stuff about the season. I'm entirely casual and had been part of the few that really enjoyed Terminal Attack. I'll probably play ranked now that Terminal Attack is there temporarily, however, I do not think Terminal Attack should have been put in as the ranked mode. I understand Embark's reasoning for wanting to make changes to Cash Out as needed this season, but I don't think this was the way to do it.

@iBullydog: Pretty lame s3 tbh

@julio1148: World tour is kind of an upgrade imo 🤷🏻‍♂️

@Weary01: Makes no sense they nerf the stun gun but then add a longer range stun and pull weapon for the heavy which already has the highest health pool and damage output. This game is all over the place and needs some revision i think

@blake7713: If I wanted to play ranked 5v5 I would play counterstrike or valorant or every other comp game thats the exact same.

@davidwilkinson4634: Nice

@Sizyphus: Honestly I want to love TA and I definitely like it more than you lol but your point is super valid. IMO they should have left the throwing key, made the points way way closer together, and shortened detonation time. The two issue is the maps like you said, but only when paired with these current mechanics. If these mechanics were present, defense would be more inclined to actually defend close, planting would be preferred over just killing, and we wouldn’t get the rounds where we see nobody like you mentioned. It would play beautifully imo. The only thing I don’t know specifically what to do about is chip damage. My best idea is to allow attackers to move into positions during set up phase, akin to choosing spawns or selecting lanes in R6 and Val. So just moving the barrier to surround the points, leaving enough space to where attackers can’t get a good look at where defense is. I’d love to know what you think about that.

@LoboTH90: I recommend reading the "Aurora Project," a 69-page document (so far) filled with tons of changes and suggestions for The Finals. This is the result of listening to the community for 2 whole seasons and putting all the ideas together. Embark has this document, and several current changes have come from it (for example, Winch Claw for Heavy, although in the document it was described as a modification of Light's Hook). Open your Google Docs and paste "14qdeNL72R7Mr2kq00WD4EEXYbQinH7f9lTnwGz-gM9c" after "/document/"

@julio1148: I know I don’t like vegetables, so you won’t see me going to a vegetarian restaurant for lunch. My taste doesn’t make vegetables inherently bad, as much as I could nitpick everything about them. Ya’ll know you don’t like TA, don’t go into it expecting to somehow magically change your mind. TA and Cashout are different enough where whether you like one or the other has nothing to do to their quality on their own, but personal taste.

@RiverReadyMiller: Seriously we should all stop playing ranked. Don’t stop playing the game or we risk them closing the game down. If everyone stops playing ranked then embark will notice it. Then hopefully change it back to normal. Obviously there or many many more changes the game needs but that’s would be a step back in the right direction. If season 4 doesn’t have normal ranked back they will shut the game down due to a lack of players.

@FERRO21: For me the problem of TA is that you can't revive and heal yourself. A limited number of rianimation can make the modality better

@ThePmcderm91: Why the fuck would they make ranked terminal attack

@prettysadcat4958: tbh i hate ta. I know everyone asked for this mode, but its just horrible right now, all this chip damage, maps not made for snd and other problems make it a horrible experience

@neverthelesz: Now we just miss a robin hood skin

@yggdrasil9805: I don't play CS:GO and Valorant for a reason, I will not play Terminal Attack I hate it

@Simplygrime: Hate TA, so gutted its now the ranked mode... killed the ranked side of the game for me

@FailedSpec337: Skipping ranked this season. I absolutely hate how terminal attack feels. It does not work in this game

@LoboTH90: It's easy to get carried away by the hype and always say everything is wonderful, but I prefer to be critical, for better or worse: Theme: 9/10 - I liked Season 2 more, but this one also looks amazing. Music: 9/10 - I liked Season 2 more, but this one still sounds wonderful. In fact, Season 1 did too; Embark's sound team is amazing, that's for sure. New Weapons: 5/10 - Passable, but I would change them to other Classes. Bow for Medium | Dual Blades for Light and move the normal Sword to Medium and adapt it | The Spear is fine in Heavy. New Gadgets: 3/10 - Thermal Bore is a bad choice for Light, it should be for Heavy, with a single charge and much less cooldown. It's a Gadget for breaking and entering, more fitting for Heavy. New Skills: 4/10 - Winch Claw is a bad choice for Heavy, it needs more cooldown because it's too overpowered, and it should be for Light and unable to grab players, only items. It should be a gadget for playing "tricky," like grabbing a fallen ally's figure, stealing a CashBox from the enemy, picking up a poison barrel to throw into the lower floor's teamfight, moving the CashOut to prevent them from taking it, etc. Essentially, "Ninja" stuff, fitting for Light, not a bulky character. New Map: 8/10 - It looks incredible, though I would have preferred it to be fully thematic without anything modern. I would have changed the floating "balloons" containing the barrels to giant Japanese lanterns. I would have replaced the barrels on the map with thematic ones, like using the rockets from the original Disney Mulan movie (not the live-action version) for the red barrel. I would have used period-appropriate ladders, not bright yellow ones... The ziplines could have been replaced with normal ropes. The jumppads could have been changed to period-appropriate trampolines. * I also would have liked a melee-only game mode for this map. Light Balancing: 5/10 - The bow is mega overpowered to get everyone to buy skins, but otherwise, Light still lacks DPS. Its job is to kill a lot if you're good and die a lot if you're bad, and that's not happening... you die a lot whether you're good or bad, and you just have to deal with it, unfortunately... Medium Balancing: 7/10 - It still needs a lot more arsenal, it should be the most versatile class, not just a Healer; still, it is the most balanced of the 3 Classes. It's the one I have the least complaints about (though Defibrillators should be a Skill and not a Gadget because reviving + healing are the two most overpowered and important mechanics in competitive play, and you can do both together, which shouldn't be the case; you should have to choose one or the other). Heavy Balancing: 2/10 - It is still MEGA overpowered, nothing makes sense with this Class... it's the one that does the most damage and the one that withstands the most, in what game does this make sense? None in the world... If you hit hard, you withstand little, and if you withstand a lot, you hit lightly; it's LOGICAL and BASIC in any balanced game... For some reason in The Finals, this is not the case; Heavy has EVERYTHING (except the best mobility, although when you play you realize it doesn't matter because the other Classes don't have significantly superior mobility to compensate for having much less HP and DPS). Medium is worse, and Light is even worse; that's the summary, and this urgently needs to be changed. Fun: 10/10 - The craziest, most arcade, and frenetic FPS I've played since the Quake and Quake II era, I LOVE IT. I couldn't begin to explain how much I like this game, how much I enjoy its mechanics, how much I love the "TV Show" ambiance and its deep lore. It reminds me of a mix between Hunger Games and Ready Player One, and I love it... Season Pass: 7.5/10 - Good, like the other Seasons'. Not barely passing but not amazing either, as I've seen much worse in other games but can also think of much better things for a €10 Season Pass, so... 7.5 is a good score. OVERALL SCORE FOR THE FINALS SEASON 3 → 6.3/10 Honestly... this would be a reasonable score for this game in my opinion. It's the most fun First Person Shooter I've ever played, but unfortunately, the fun turns into frustration when the game is so, so unbalanced; and I know, those of you who play Medium and Heavy don't agree, I know that very well... and it's because you don't understand how frustrating it is to die, LITERALLY every 2 minutes from any random thing (and in this game MANY random things happen all the time ¬¬'). Any main Light Diamond knows the great suffering of each fight and constantly being killed by much worse players just because they have a much more overpowered character... And I notice it every time I play Medium and Heavy, because I can do almost whatever I want, even almost troll a game, and still stay alive... and get healed, and return to the fight, get shot and escape, and return to the fight, and stay alive, again and again (which is normal). But with Light, it's not like that, it's dying, and dying, and dying, and dying... you spend 30% of the game watching the respawn timer... IT'S ABSOLUTELY UNFAIR, and this makes me end up leaving The Finals, forgetting about it for 1-2 weeks, and playing something else. I dedicated over 700 hours to Season 1... in Season 2 barely 80 hours, so it's quite obvious how this game has worn out my patience... For me, this game would go from 6.31 out of 10 to 8-9 out of 10 easily if they balanced it once and for all, but 1 Closed Beta + 2 Open Betas + 2 full 3-month Seasons, and I still see DAILY messages of "NO LIGHT" in the Discord groups for competitive The Finals, so the problem is quite real XD

@weirdcat02: I have an idea for the any future rework 1. Make the dual katana as a light class weapon. Cause it more suits the light class play, the dual katana suits the movement abilities light class has. The right click also can increase the survivabilty of light class. 2. Make the bow as a medium class weapon. Make the bow works like the hanzo (OW) bow works (left click for charge fire /1 bullet and right click for 3 burst bullet). It makes the bow more flexible in any range so people have a reason to use the bow. Hope the developer can considered my idea for any future reworks Sorry any grammar mistake. English is not my first language :D

@der_baumstamm: 5:30 I also noticed this exact issue. for this type of game concept to be "good" it needs more strategic elements. TA has no economy and no map control which makes everyone just play solo because there is not nearly as much of a penalty if you die compared to val or CS. Also most gadgets aren't really "tactical". The smoke aint gonna cut it as a smoke and the sonar grenade is the only slightly useful tool to get information about enemies positions.

@chucknorris5476: I honestly don’t give a shit about the ranked change if they just allow the rewards to be obtainable from diamond in world tour

@matthewmachan6009: They should change the health in terminal attack so you can’t get chipped down from far away. Reverse the regen health and the health you can’t get back. Nothing feels worse than your teammate shooting a gas barrel in spawn and now you have 20 less HP than everyone else.

@j-radbeatsofficial3392: Oscar looks like he having funn broo this game with all do respect i dont care what anyone thinks about this game honestly i love it has and if it has to go down i will be last person on the server i swear because i love it and u can't change my mind

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