SEASON 6 IS HERE (Live Event) - New members only video LIVE

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Noah Walshy: Rip the butter barn

Vortex: Once again we didn’t get the old map, I’m feeling like fortnite doesn’t give a shit about what old players want...

Mohammad SOUBRA: This event is sick

GD Astral: Unlisted moment

Royal WL: Show me love lol

Blake Price: Il

Ayman Hassan: Damn he really streamed for 9 hours

Eric Cartman: I love how people are saying first and second when it was streamed 10 hours ago U guys are far from first and second.

cono07: I'm confused. Is this rust or fortnite?

kyle_28: Yay he gained subscribers

Aidan Davies: I like how he has the butter barn in the background

Master Of Quack: Unlisted gang RISE UP!

The DiamondRELLIK: Bruh

x Gold Boy: i already i hate this season

Oliver K: 9th comment?

pcn Lightning: Hello muselk it would be my dream to play with you my epic is pcn lightning pls add me


GAVL4R: That Game 1 LOSS was so so so funny

adhil bin siraj: hear this song about muselk pls muselk was a little afraid of the big wide freshy boi

Juan Paulo M. Caruncho: 7:22:33 Sweat mode🤣🤣

RonaldMcDonald: Why is there zero comments but obviously comments

Esentional: Hi

Jebril Sadek: Second

Amair Kumar: Second

Gameredee33: 31st

skillshotz10: Second

Razeen Sudheer: First

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