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Vaperwave: You can you show me your age demographic, it’s for research

TheCrazyCreeper: It also mentions lots of cyphers in the battle pass

TheCrazyCreeper: At this point there teasing you I MEAN, CYPHER SKIN AND RAZ W/ ONI MASK!?

The LORD Reigns: God bless you all in Jesus’ name! The LORD is coming soon, and we all must be ready! Repent of your sins and believe in Jesus Christ and you will be saved!

Benther Kage: and the battle pass is ass no theme

Benther Kage: rainbow colors on the dinowomen skin hmm fortnite supporting lgbtq?

rol pen: idk looks like a trash pass to me


Payton Gruly: I’m sorry but this battle pass is not that cool and even after such a big change to the game it’s still so boring to play.

Muhammad Omer: plz add me i will show you

Muhammad Omer: sypher pk i have an idea for your video

Candra Moss: I can tell you how to get Agent Jonesey style

Banks: shut yoho

StaplesYo: stop lying to yourself man....

Cazy Lictric: 3:39 Sypher stfu with your "Anyone using this skin is a bot" u a bot

The Messenger: This is the most important post you will ever read. Every one of us has sinned against God. We’ve lied, we’ve stolen, we’ve sinned sexually, and we’ve taken His name in vain; which makes us liars, thieves, fornicators and blasphemers.. Yet this is only four of our many transgressions. The problem is, we can never ‘outweigh’ our sin with good works because God is perfect in Holiness, meaning his standard is beyond our reach. He is also perfect in Justice, meaning, he will bring EVERY sin to light. The punishment for our sin is death, and Hell; a place of Eternal Fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Fortunately God is also perfect in Love, so 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ left his throne in heaven and came to this earth. While here, he lived a perfectly righteous life, only to take the punishment that We deserved; Our sinless creator became Our sin, and endured a gruesome death on a cross for our sake. Right before he died, he said ‘it is finished’.. meaning, the debt for our sins has been paid in full. And on the third day, he defeated death and rose from the grave. So now, we can go free from the wrath of God’s judgement not by earning it, but rather, as a free gift of grace.. Except gifts can be either accepted or rejected. So this is what you must do in response; Humbly admit to God that you have sinned against him, and through gratitude in the sacrifice of his son, repent (turn away) from your old way of life. Then, confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, your savior, and the ruler of your life from this moment forward (Romans 10:9). Do these things, and you will be saved. If you do so sincerely, God will grant you a new heart which no longer finds comfort in sin, but instead desires to read and obey his word. He will also grant you Eternal life in his presence; The greatest pleasure on earth doesn’t even come close to what God is preparing for believers in the afterlife. You’ve been informed; Now the choice is yours. What you do with this information will determine where you spend ETERNITY, meaning, this is the single most critical decision you will EVER make; And all of us here, whether believer or atheist, know deep down that every last word here is true. Jesus Christ awaits YOU this very moment. Don’t even think about sleeping tonight until you surrender your life to him, because your tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.. And as it is written (Hebrews 9 : 27) ; ‘It is appointed unto man ONCE to die, but after this, THE JUDGMENT’. All glory, honor and praise to Lord Jesus Christ.

Itz JustinPlayz2: Bruh

Shagg420 gaming: Am I the o it one who doesn’t play fornite anymore and just clicked because they were curious

[email protected] Mecanico: what should I get the battle bundle or fortnite crew please i dont know which i should get

Ocean Man: IMO, last battle pass CH2S5 was better than this one.

Jeffrey Trigueros: that shit look like the battle pass

Godwin John: This wall paper looks amazing and lora croft has a very good graphics. The parachute is also nice.

da boyben: Literally 99% won't see this but God bless u stay safe I'm struggling to get 2k with notis ❤️ .

Thelma Halsey: Justice League Snyder Cut

Ingenious Pronto: "i gotta pee tho" quote and quote, ~sypherPK

Nick Romero: I clicked off the video when you said that the chicken skin was a box skin, I LOVE THAT SKIN, HOW DARE YOU! DISLIKING THE VID

Mist R: This battle pass is crazy good. May be the best of all time just imo. I haven't played for so long nor followed fn much, but ima get this one. Raven stuff got me completely sold. That PK skin tho. Woooh

HAROON1H GAMING: Pls give me the season 6 battle pass name haroon_1h

Muhammad Abbas: Can I have a battle pass on mohib ud din I am a defalt

Señoritas Top's: total verrückt

malika & mahdi beiruty: Sypherpk sus :)

: god, what happened to fortnite.

Kabir: Who plays fortnite in 2021? Be an adult and play val or cs or something

Jedidiah Baxter: I didn’t know Fortnite still had a following


Vertice: How is fortnite still relevant anymore lol

Miguel D: Salvation is a completely free gift. Jesus Christ died for our past, present and future sins on the cross, was buried and rose again on the third day and because of this you are saved and not because of anything good you’ve done. Believing is enough.❤️

XEMA ______: That shit looks like the battle pass

Ibrahim Hussein: 🍜😔so he-is oni so run for your life because he is one wait of the darkness

ali syed: dimensional gate you meant

Isabella Provence-Crosthwait: The mythic shotgun is crazy OP.

Suren Ebrahimzadeh: S T O P, how is he so on point bruh.

Non-stop Games: 0:38 different virgins😐😂

Joshiistic: The Battle passes are getting lazier and lazier

Easerly Spoon: When you relize tyey added codfish to fortnite :D

angular elk: I want beast boy with an emote that turns into a random animal also traversal

Xx_dark Phantom_xX: I have a question dont know if its a actual problem or its a small bug but I'd level up in game and then when I leave match I havnt leveled up at all

Kieran Biggin: SypherPK I’m you’re biggest fan

Lucas Roberts: the game is dead why you still play? Minecraft is way better I just want to see how the Fortnite kids react

Marko Theart: Pretty Trash Honestly

Children Children: 4:29 be pretty cool if she was from attack on titan

Skully: The Boots N Cats emote I personally believe is just a tad of what we can do but as a beat boxer i will say its a bit annoying.

Vukosi AMG: Warning; Here is how it will play out 1. If Jesus Christ comes back to take his church and found you not saved (not believing at him as the savior through believing he shed his blood for your sins at the cross and that he risen again on the third day and alive in heaven now) you will be left behind and there will be great tribulation you will suffer on earth and that will be God's judgement. The only way to be saved at tribulation after left behind by Jesus when majority of Christians have disappeared is to not take the mark of the beast on your forehead or right hand and you will be killed or starve to death. 2. Death always occur you can die at any time and the huge issue is if you die before Christ returns and you were not believing at him as the savior( that is not believing at Christ that he was crucified and he shed his blood for your sins at the cross and risen again on the third) your soul will go straight to Hell for eternity, at Hell you will burn but not consumed. Realise that you deserve hell for your sins; Romans 6:23 plainly states that the wages of sin is DEATH. In Genesis 2:17 God warned Adam and Eve that they would die THE DAY they ate of the forbidden fruit. They disobeyed God, but didn't DIE physically until hundreds of years later. Why? It's because they DIED SPIRITUALLY that awful day, and all mankind has been born spiritually dead since (Romans 5:12). Please understand that spiritual death and the second death are not the same. Every person who is not born again is ALREADY spiritually dead. The second death is Gehenna, i.e., the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11-15). All those who die in their sins, without being born again( that is believing that Jesus Christ got crucified and shed his blood for their sins, buried and rose again in the third day and alive now in heaven), will be arraigned, prosecuted, and sentenced at The Great White Throne of Judgment and then cast into the Lake of Fire forever.  Believing at Christ does not involve worship of other gods(church leader&ancestors), object(hand bands,car stickers,trees e.t.c) Muhammad,buddha e.t.c. It's only believing at Christ as the perfect sacrifice for your sins. It's your choice but know that rejecting Christ will send you the wrong direction. Hebrews 10:4, 10 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Any other form of sacrifice be it animal sacrifices it can't save you but we are only saved through the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. No works can save you, there is no physical thing you can do to get saved but you are only saved through faith at what Jesus Christ did for you as simple as that. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Believe and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ was crucified and he shed his blood for your sins at the cross and was buried but risen again on the third day and alive in heaven now. After believing at Christ as the savior you must change your ways and try to stay away from bad works or sins as hard as possible, you must show that you are a new individual in Christ. e.g stopping fornication, getting drunk, homosexual acts, masturbation, pornography e.t.c. Romans 6:10-11 For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. As a human you will still fall at some sins of course as no human is perfect, but you must not swim in sin you must try your best to fight against sins and live a righteous life. Also grow in the word; I suggest the following YouTube channels; Real bible believers, Robert Breaker and Pastor J.D Farag..

Shad Horn: vIrish Car Bomb

Gotcha Open 2: The coming of Jesus Christ is close my brothers and sisters!! Please repent of your sins and ask God for salvation for the time is short 💕😞 we are not perfect which is why we need to seek the lord more than ever!❤️❤️🙏🏼..... God spoke to me through dreams and is waiting that you may come to him today!.....

the funniestub: Why does raven look so sweaty

Help me reach 100k with Terrible videos: I hope everyone who sees this has a blessed day. 🙏🙏🙏

Wise_dude 1: Cypher that dude looks nothing like u

CloudBreaker: Wish you all a good day and take care

AllNiteLemonade: How is this even cool anymore.. everyone has a skin.. And NOBODY CARES

Snow YT: Who’s watching this when sypher got his skin 🥳

Riki Rolof: Plz look up One more last good by. By alyssa laun It is for I bet I can't lose please get it to at least 100 likes

Petrified !: The bot skins be the best skins for try hards

singh anmol: Is it only me or jonesy on jump 14 looks like jhonny cage from mortal kombat

Casual Legend: Hi Sypher, I'm subbed to all you're channel and use you're code. Can u send me the battel pass: My name Fish_fox14 thank you Sypher

Gg: That is NOT how raven is supposed to look..

TheFunkyDunks: Pretty damn gay if you play Fortnite... What a loser!

Zufx2K: u know its good when the vid on the alt account is trending

Purge Titan YT: Bro never disrespect PlayStation with the classic Lara Croft bro

Aramis Y. Cajigas: Is that Slim Donald Trumpet character?

Noobs Productions: 5:28 Caught in 4K

Ahmed Sesay: Sypherpk:looking at the whole battle pass Also sypherpk:skipping something things

Dragana Kovac: IT sucks

sly Salamander: Finally we got agent jones

mArcane: LaUrA cRoFt

NateyBoy!: Omg

TaeTayLkMOnIpad7: These ads are so damn annoying

I MAKE MUSIC: Welp I definitely buying it, only for the raven skin and the beatboxing emote.

Alonso Gastelo (711alogast): Sypher can you gift me the battle pass?

Cheryly Ackley: It's ony

Cheatersyn: Watching this and you can’t afford the battle pass 😕

Zach Eisenberger: Bro Raven is sick as hell my fav skin in the battle pass no cap

Raider _67: Only OGs know the oni mask from ninjago

Allen Aliens: Ahh when battlepass is good, and done the right way worth every money, then there’s valorant gotta spend every season for battle pass and there all shit not even an effort to make em greedy riot fucks....

Omotunde Abiola: I have seen 6 clubs in my game and they were full on sweats

Diana Bragg: At my worse

Morning Glory: 'I gotta pee' SypherPK 7:45

Catalin Cn: Oooooooo de yv a avut un impact semnificativ mai tare joc online cu subtitrare online din categoria amatori un start tttttttttttttttt de la un impact pozitiv la o distanta cat timp ai de ce a făcut pentru a fi o idee buna nu este de gi nu mai sister bordelul unde se află la ora actuală a avut loc in loc in camera ei a fi vi u nu mai tare decât a făcut un gygk de yv a fi un start bun start pls nu se poate face o idee buna sa se află la o distanta de gi ww a avut un gygk nu mai sister thasc a fost de yv de la o parte și de tu tv g unt de arahide miere 🍯

Leah Ellis: The illegal goldfish cytopathologically invent because danger extremely compare for a permissible herring. meaty, spicy yugoslavian

Gta outfits Gta: So lame

SteadyFang: Honestly if Beast Boy from the Teen Titans comes to the game he better be able to transform Into a shark in water and a bird while gliding like Mave or I’m uninstalling

lobaRailMe: Crafting Respawn vans A little sus

Russle Floop: Theres nothing insane fornite is dead this game aint even fun nomore

Alex Burke: I logged on to my account and I had the battle pass

BRYSON BARTALONE: My fortune name is bigbryson1003

BRYSON BARTALONE: Can i have the whole battle pass please

Ryan O'Connor: Fun fact: the boots n’ cats emote is a reference to when you ask Siri to beat box.

Asian Boi: I loooove Lara Croft and Raven but I’m no sweat! I just love the game for it’s entertainment.

Andrés Oro: Hola

•The one•: Wondering why you have 1k dislikes?

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