Cobra Kai Season 6 | Tory's Fight

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@dancerkris95: For those agreeing with Johnny about letting her continue to fight Sam. She was being a little bit reckless. The kids were even seeing it by watching how Tory was fighting. She wasn't in the right head space to fight in that moment. She could have hurt Sam or even herself. She was legit holding everything in with grief and anger and wouldn't talk to anyone, including Robby, when he had been trying to reach her since the day before. Daniel and Amanda were more worried about Tory with her mental health and well-being as they should. Yes, Johnny knows what it's like to lose his mom, but don't forget Daniel also knows about loss as well he lost his dad at a young age and then lost Mr. Miyagi later in life, who was another father figure to him. He's just as much of a hot head as Johnny and Tory is. I mean, fighting a punching bag is one thing to let it all out, but to do a 1 on 1 fight match, no, it wasn't the right time to do that all it takes is 1 reckless move and it can can injure someone badly. Any of your top athlete coaches won't let their students practice/compete while they are in a fresh grieving state with anger. Look what happened when Robby was filled with rage when he fought Miguel in season two at the school. All it took was just the 1 kick that sent Miguel into the hospital with a coma and had to relearn on how to walk.

@obsidianstag13: Unless I'm forgetting a plot point from a previous season, I'm confused why Amanda received a call from the medical center regarding the passing of Tory's mother? She has no relation to Tory other than being the mother of someone Tory used to want to pummel. Unless it was just to advance the rest of the episode, and season's plot, I don't get it.

@Fer16L32: The saddest part is that Robby didn’t even go after her…. Hope he won’t judge her for her choice and will end up together, on the podium as well.

@cobrakaineverdies4589: Well as usual, the Larusso’s have to baby Sam and they proved Kreese right on what he said to Tory. Threw the leader spot to Sam and didn’t attempt to get Tory back.

@gomolemomutshweni9977: But that just means tory wins then💀

@misterwacky3186: It’s crazy to believe that Tory has nothing to where she came back to Kreese (heck, could it kill for even the new Cobra Kai guys o offer Tory some comfort even though she was given a brutal lesson which resulted a broken wrist?). Even so, attacking someone to justify the reason for bereavement is wrong.

@YoFavNyema: 0:34 0:42 1:22 1:43 1:55 2:08 2:24 2:36 3:26 she using cobra kai

@clevelandcbi: *Tory will 100% get a happy ending after Kreese adopts her and her brother to keep them together. She's the heir Kreese has been looking for. Book it.*

@mekhinooowaaayyy7663: I feel like they should have kept fighting I don't care what no one says that fight should have went on. Yes Tory was fighting out of anger because her Mother died but eventually, that wasn't going to last forever. I agree that Johnny should have let them fight the match wouldn't matter it was just to be who was gonna be captains. So i'm going against everyone in the comments that says it was a good thing Daniel stopped the fight tbh him doing that made more reasons for Tory to leave and join cobra kai. And beside Daniel kept shutting down anything Johnny tries to do and to teach the students.

@Andrews_Wrestling_Life: Kreese is involved somehow

@cindyduangmala554: I hate every single time Tory gets mad or in her feelings she runs to cobra kai 😒😒 honestly I really hope Daniels daughter wins against Tory she needs to be humbled so they can go and get her therapy and possibly adopt her into the family.

@nicholasnowak9457: I would honestly love to give Tory a hug if I could. She needs one

@penoyer79: 0:27 poor tory is so distraught she goes to line up on the wrong side of the mat😭 Peyton List, take a fucking bow. This young lady is magnificent. I hope we see her in other stuff soon.

@adriansharoyan5899: I had a totally different image of how that scene would play out when Tory showed up at the dojo. I expected everyone to realize mid fight what happened and to end with Tory crying in Amanda’s arms and her friends, you know, actually being there for her. Way too much talk about the fight, and the tournament, and playing favorites. Sam’s first reaction saying she wants to fight too but it doesn’t feel right sounds like something a person would say a day after finding out the girls mom died, not seconds later. It isn’t in Robby’s character to not go after her immediately either. That said, the way they did leave this makes it a hell of a lot better as a cliffhanger.

@adriansharoyan5899: 0:49 Queen Cobra comes out to play

@Kobethornton1234: 0:43 2:23

@spartyontop: This season was honestly way too rushed. It wasn’t a bad season, but it was just a mid season. I felt like the writing was way too lazy. After Tory left and Daniel found out Mr. Miyagi was in the Sekai Taikai, a second later it just cuts to them in Spain already. Like I want to know if anything else happened after that event of him finding out rather than just it cutting to them already in the Sekai Taikai. It’s just lazy writing and way too rushed. Like Tory joining back to cobra Kai was so stupid. I get her mom died but she’s literally with a sensei who tortured her and I’m not talking about Kreese, I mean Kim. Like what makes her trust her again? I get she trusts Kreese but Kim? Kim made her knuckle bleed. Also Demetri was so fucking annoying in this season. I mean he usually is but in a funny way. He wasn’t in this season. He was just mad about hawk not applying to MIV. He ranted about it every minute he talked to hawk. Every part he was in at least. It just got old. Now Johnny was still a good character along with Daniel and Chozen. The only thing I didn’t like about Johnny was him being a little more mature in some cases. I get he’s coming closer to being a dad but I love it when he constantly argues every second with Daniel or yells constantly at everyone. I mean he did the rest of his part good. Daniel was good but a little annoying about how Miyagi Do is supposed to be followed in a certain way. I get Johnnys hard to deal with but dude was in Cobra Kai and wants to show his ways to the students. I like that. I don’t know. I just hope the writing’s better in the next parts and THE STORY NOT BEING RUSHED!

@Will.Flavell: 1:36 Was Amanda an emergency contact or something like that?

@Xavion1200: I feel so bad for Tory

@stephenrichmond3038: Problem is Tory didn't over do anything she got Sam by the shoulder which Sam could react but didn't I mean I know she saw anger in Tory but still the whole issue was johnny called point before Tory finished landing blows lol and then how the hell did the hospital have Amanda's number lol I could see stopping the fight if Tory was completely unhinged but she wasn't

@LarryAndLawrieForLife: Spoiler Alert 🚨 Kreese killed the mom 100% sure

@marlonzogriffin6983: 🥹🥹🥹

@brunovianelli5923: Tory lutou demais. Se fizesse isso com os ninjas lá do oriente, teria vencido.

@oleschool2241: Hawk is very lucky this happened since he just had to show mercy AGAIN

@tammykolu1242: The karate police out here sayin everyone who dont fight for miyagi do is evil

@user-cx5fz6fs1x: If Daniel just leave Tory fight

@furkanipek390: maan this was a better fight than miguel vs robby

@MariaClara-lj2hm: I thought it was terrible for the series to have Tory changing sides....damn, she always comes out as the wrong one, look at the situation she's going through and where's her support?

@robertolafsson1260: It is going to be messy at the sekai takai tournement

@MariaClara-lj2hm: I feel very sad for Tory, she spent her whole life fighting.....I hope she gets back on the good side soon.

@DWoyne1998: I can’t believe I’m seeing all these comments agreeing with Daniel. So just because she’s going through trials and tribulations she suppose to sit at the house and cry all day? His style of teaching is gone get they ass whoop at the tournament. Now I do agree with y’all about her not taking her anger out on Sam. She stills need to fight though. This is the time where she should be productive. All that “let your opponent strike first” logic is some bullshit as well. So what if they strike first and that strike end up killing yo ass. Then what you gone do lol.

@felipeguerrero270: And then she end up joining back kreese and kim only to have them mess.with her head so she'll get angry with power but only to mess with her mentally and emotionally

@MrVimtomelon: Tory is the most tragic character in the Miyagiverse, period.

@jwilliams7554: I wish Mike Barnes was there to help because he shares the same hunger to fight like Tori.

@Eaglefan88: I really want tori to win the tournament for the girls but we all know sam will win because of plot armor. I've always been a miguel fan and personally i want him to win but i wouldnt care if kwon or robby won

@Deity_devil: People don’t realize Tory doesn’t win against Sam in the sekai tekai that means that Tory didn’t win against single important character in the past 4 seasons she’s been in even Miguel wasn’t protected in season 6 so Sam shouldn’t be either

@ajanay1200: What pissed me off about this scene was that not one of them went after her to talk to her they just said "Oh well Hawk you're coming to Barcelona with us since Tory isn't here anymore." Like bruh, she's grieving about her mother and y'all worry about a damn tournament.😢

@Leeknowssaurus: I watched all the season it was so good

@danaestorms6957: normally I do not agree with Daniel in the show but in this case he 100% in the right here Tory was acting on her grief in this fight (which I totally understand considering people will do a lot of things with their grief healthy or not) and she seriously could have hurt Sam in this match and Johnny was not doing anything to stop it and he was the ref remember what happened when Robby acted on his anger and literally hurt Miguel to the point where Miguel was in a wheelchair with a serious back injury the same thing (not to that extent though) could have happened with Tory and Sam here if Daniel didn't step in

@slobiden.2593: Take note Hollywood. This is how you do strong female characters. You show them being vulnerable. They’re not strong or even characters if they have no obstacles to overcome.

@AFanOfYouTube-eh2cn: While people are thinking John Kreese had involvement with Torys moms death I am going to say right now. This stinks of Terry Silver. Here me out Terry Silver bribed the referee in that contest that Tory didnt win and she went public about it. She refused to be a champion off that tainted victory. And by doing so she caused unwanted attention when Tory and others broke into Silvers home and found the evidence of what happened and uploaded it. And we must remember Silver does crap like this when he wants to get what he wants and wants revenge. Do you all forget how he made Daniels life a living hell in Karate Kid 3? Or how he framed and sent John Kreese to jail? Silver has had involvement with destroying people for money and power. Trust me. Silver did this.

@enlighten2seven605: Tory is the only reason why I watch this god forsaken show. Mmm mmm mmm

@Sscaler: for once daniel was in the right here

@TheVideomaker2341: What’s more interesting is that this is the first time that both Daniel and Tory interact/talk to each other in the series.

@boi2407: bro i understand this is a tv show but some of this shit is just sooooo unrealistic . U dont lose ur mom and then show up to fight for team captain a day or 2 later after u were ghosting everyone around u up until that point and then the wife gets a call that torys mom passed 2 days after it already happened and the call happens as tory is fighting coincidentally and then let her walk off after everyone hears her mom just passed and how bad she's dealing with her emotions. Genuinely i know this is a tv show and everything isnt supposed to be realistic but idk man this just seems like plot convenience and bad writing to me. I still love the show though. also why did the wife even get the call about torys mom anyways? that didnt make any sort of sense either. But u know, plot convenience 🤷🏾‍♂️

@Chosen_Cartoons: Daniel shows way too much favoritism towards sam, if this was Robbie vs Tory Johnny wouldn’t have said a word and let them keep fighting, the girls could’ve taken a break if Tory was getting to aggressive because she 100% intentionally or not would’ve knocked sam off of that platform they were on, Tori could have continued that fight if she was given the space to regulate her emotions and it’s not up to Daniel if she makes the choice to continue to fight

@shahanahsan05: TORY DESERVED HAPPINESS MAN 😭😭 They js cant stop putting her through shit (this & nerfing Miguel is js funny) Peyton was pretty good here man

@thomashendrie3902: I agree with Johnny he should let her fight with anger out of her opponent Johnny and Robby worried bout Tory sadness

@kagemaru2503: Johnny was the only one in the dojo who actually understood Tory

@andrewsimon713: I’m with Johnny. Tory was gonna score a point. Let the girl use her fist to cope. She could’ve won , be the leader then it’s up to her if she wanted to share the news of her mom’s passing. Danny poured gas on the situation protecting his kid.

@anesublessingchawonza2118: People are crazy to think that Tory would beat Sam fair and square Tory was fighting in anger and going all out but sam still managed to keep up with her If they face in the final Sam wins all day long *Its good they stopped the fight

@ahmadabboud546: Why does in Cobra Kai everything in episode 5 gets sad First season everyone hated Sam Second one when hawk and moon broke up Nr.3 when hawk broke demitri‘s arm Nr.4 when cobra Kai cut hawks Mohawk and Nr 5 when silver beated Daniel so hard and now this

@TristianMaikhaelMichaelFlood23: Tory Would Have *NEVER* Rejoined Cobra Kai If It Wasn't For Daniel & Amanda Stopping Her & Sam's Fight.💯 Tory *NEEDED* That Fight With Sam Because It Was Her Outlet. Tory Needed To Let Her Anger And Stress Out.💔💯 If Daniel & Amanda Had Not Interfered... Tory Would Have Won Against Sam And She Would Have Felt Happy That She Won For Her Mother.❤ Tory Would Have Been Freed From Her Anger And Her Stress Over Her Mother's Death. And Tory Would Have Been The Female Team Captain Standing Beside Robby.💯💔❤️

@andymaximoff9399: I think it was good to stop the fight even though it could have gone differently. If Tory wasn't going through this situation they would have continued the fight without interference, leaving the fight as it was, plus Tory was out of control and Sam still put up a good fight and fought fair, it is valid that Sam wanted to beat Tory but she would have accepted If she had lost fairly against Tory, not everything is overprotection towards Sam, plus either of the two could get hurt :3

@king_terben661: Im ngl Johnny pissed me off this season. "If she wants to fight let her fight". Bro shes not in the right head space. Daniel was 100% in the right here

@Fanatic-z5v: Tory needs the win this season, she deserves it more than all the teen characters. If she doesn’t win then the writers are biased its that simple.

@danemarais7398: Johnny was right. Tory was working through it. Fighting is all she knows. You could see the fear in Sam’s eyes when Tory was about to punch her. Tory would have been Sam again.

@DarkBean34: Johnny is in the wrong here, beating Sam in this fight won’t prove any or make it any better. She needs time to grieve, and support from her friends.

@opdarager4997: Why would the hospital call the mom 5 days later that's so retarded

@Smarty2able: Looking back it's Sam's mom's fault. Why the hell did she jump in? She's not even a sensei.

@marianafeliciano6601: Johnny is the one to blame here in this scene. He was being so immature about Daniel wanting to stop the fight, so proud of not wanting to agree with Daniel that he resort to making comments right in front of Tory making her doubt that them 🙄

@kennethhoward622: I'm with Daniel on stopping the fight, but there was a more tactful way to do that. Pause the match and have the girls turn and kneel so they're not facing each other so Daniel can brief Johnny out of earshot of the other students. Have Amanda lead Sam off of the sparring deck and instruct the other students that training is over for the day and send them home. Inform Tory that she'll still be able to have a clean match with Sam, but give her a private training session to channel her grief. Blatantly shutting down the fight the way Daniel did and pretty much forcing Tory to announce her mom died to all of the students put Tory's grief on display for's humiliating. It's no wonder she lashed out the way she did. That's one thing Kreese did right...when Tory was out of sorts in Season 4, he pulled her into his office to get the full story rather than put her in a position to make her business public. I don't blame her for going back to Kreese after this incident...

@CrimsonRoblox: I swear Kreese is the one who killed Tory's mom which is so worse. I think at the end, Tory will realise Kreese is the one who murdered her mom and Kreese might either die or jailed for life which I think would be the case.

@marvelgirlfan0119: While you shouldn’t take your anger on your opponent while you’re grieving. Tory needs to let all her sadness and anger out, even a punching back would help. it’s understandable, it’s how some people grieve, it’s how I sometimes grieve over certain deaths. Jonny gets it. But, you don’t need to fight your opponent to do it.

@Edward-ir3oh: I absolutely agree with Daniel, and I ain't a Miyagi-Do fan. It's one thing to take that anger out on say a punching bug or a bat with a baseball, it's another thing to take out on a PERSON. I'm sure Tory wasn't trying to hurt Sam, but because she is so blinded by her emotions, she's not in control of her actions. How Tory was taking off her frustration, was the equivalency of getting into a car angry or with your emotions out of control: you're going hurt someone.

@justinmartin1666: 2:49 2:50 how she just yelled it like that the emotions in the scene are so powerful like my love for Tory my love for my queen cobra 🐍👊👑🙏

@justinmartin1666: 2:49

@justinmartin1666: 2:50 how she just yelled it like that the emotions in the scene are so powerful like my love for Tory my love for my queen cobra 🐍👊👑🙏

@lancehood7916: Man The Larusso's should not have done that... They stop adversity.....

@brevonmckinney2537: Just want Tory to be happy man

@RPMAKINGSTUDIO: My mother has been sick all my life and still is I understand Tory’s pain

@travelator3035: Tory really needs proper love and protection badly.

@scruffd0g193: Man they keep putting Tory through the wringer.

@0428733: Freaking lapusso wont let johnny do his stuff, its like he views him as second class "Im your boss" "only the miyagi way" "stop the fight"... he believes every kid is pampered and spoiled as his own and he is so righteous and always knows best.

@adw1z: Why did they make Tory join Cobra Kai again after everything? After all they did to make her suffer to the fullest and she knows that, her mother dying litetally shouldn’t affect that decision in any way? They ruined her character by making her leave Miyagi Do

@DennisonLewis: Tory clearly still has some un resolved issuses with Sam and she clearly doesn't want to be second best which would explain why she rejoined Cobra Kai.

@stanleymoremi1709: Johnny looks different in white......think i like him better in red

@Gold-boy-he1zh: Tori vs Sem winer tori

@Burstangels_4kgaming: music ?

@MarcoHartge: Johnny so dawm loved dusch😅

@MarcoHartge: Arme Tori. Say one Word i come in the Show to console you😢😮😊❤ and Sam too.natural

@user-tp8ey3dy3f: oh my god

@alanchamberlain9902: They screwed Tory over by having her mother die just so she can’t beat Sam and go back to Cobra Kai after all the development? What was the point? Sam is the most protected on the show. Why would she join Kim when they despise each other and she tortured Tory? Their flogging Kreese at this stage. Massive steps back for Tory, they writers destroyed her. There’s always an excuse to not have Sam lose.

@sergedeleon9592: Miyagi is watching these events

@sergedeleon9592: Conflict in his mind are comflicated

@SpecsTube: I’m not going to lie, I agree with Daniel. As much as I can see Tory’s sadness, that doesn’t mean you can just take your frustration out on your opponent. The kick after her point I can excuse like Johnny, but grabbing Sam by the collar and pushing her to the edge of the deck with that kind of fist is way overboard.

@carbodude5414: The Larussos shouldn't have stopped it

@grizzlytv3955: 😂😂😂😂❤

@BroPaulSyrel: That's so emotional Tory leaves Miyagi Do

@SxauI3: First

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