Fiora will RULE THE SOLO LANES in Season 11

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ForgottenProject: If you want to learn fiora come check out my twitch stream! I teach everything you need to know on there.

sphinxsway: duud

Dave: What I saw in 30 sec is iron enemy team. vs fed fiora. Caitlin cant even put trap under fiora while she is imobilized


Fruxo: Let's be honest here, fiora is only broken in this video because yuumi was permanently on him like a lost child.

Yuno Gasai: i like her with botrk and eclipse

Angus: 16:30 gore drinker works on the wukong clone, u prob woulda gotten out with the health

Mohamed Benhssen: For people who wonder why fiora is weaker, it's because of the nerfs to her main keystone Conqueror's adaptive force, so when fully stacked, you have 12 less AD. And it's not worth anymore guys, just take the resolve tree path with Grasp of the undying and take either inspiration second or Sorcery (mainly trenscendence) <3

JetJiles: hello, I have a fun video idea. Instead of the classic "cHaLeNgeR CoAtcHeS BrOnZe" you and me could do "bronze coaches Grand Master" !!!!!!

CheesyCake: What build do you recommend this new season against a very Tanky team comp with Fiona sir?😬

guinness1987x: Thay first death.... you e the vital and walk away. Then if he lunges you w ,then q away. No reason to die right there. I do it retreating all the time

Natdanai Aramrueng: Anyone have source for the thumbnail pic?

Forensik Patient67: Nerf Yummi too op

ahmed fouad: Forgotten project: Fiora will RULE THE SOLO LANES in Season 11 also Forgotten project: Puff fiora man this champ is unplayable

Wolf Treetruck: What do you think of Grasp season eleven on Fiora. I checked U.GG, and the pros seem to be taking Grasp Inspiration in about 2/3 of their games.

Roscoe Hurry: yoo that opening 1v5.....

Artifice: can we have a video of Fiora instead of a video on Yuumi ? cuz in game, i feel Fiora got nerfed by s11 :'(

Mark Ferguson: Dude you need to do a season 11 guide.

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻: idk i feel like fiora is shit in s11

Ghostmeister: gotta love how all the "1v5ing" is always with a yummi attached.

JAka DOmjaN: Yumi and fiora is not just fiora

Jamie Fox: Absolutely not. It was better in previous season.

Manuel SeNNN: Get out of my lane, little Fiora

Franklin Pinedo: no?

Project Fazz: Fiora all time beatiful <3

Trustme33: So I just started learning this game; how do people know what to do in moments like the first scene when the whole area is just exploding with particle effects. How do you see?

Bruno: we need more videos brat...

Trickfinger: how do you set that chat color up ? 29:02

Cristóvão Augusto: Yuumi faz qualquer acéfalo jogar bem

Ramal Collins: Fiora: *lifts shirt slightly to reveal yuumi on waistband* I keep that MF thang on me

Achraf Halimi: Ofc she's gonna do that since the champion is just unbalanced lol

blitzz blitzz: i want fiora just remove from the game, hashinshin is right its just not fair in laning fase.

Barış Aksu: What a bad gameplay

Todd Sjodin: Alternate title “Crazy season 11 changes, same yuumi”

NotConsti: Im buying Trinity on her for now ^^

Marcus Aploy: When you are 4 lvls over everyone else and have a yuumi on you.. almost everyone can do that

Fernando Filho: You are really cute!! Hi from Brazil!! I love Fiora Laurentt

1Qwnu: you need to update your guide

Kövit: Just a few days ago on stream he was talking about how dogshit fiora will be in season 11 lmao

Momo Online: "cat on me" yes!

DontRageItsOK: Jheez i was the draven

Simon Wang: Being an adc main this makes me sad. Top is too broken atm, ofc u were a mechanical god but still.

WaL仔: hi FP, im a fiora main with 250LP in TW server. I watched your guide in s10 to change my runes to presence of mind, bloodline and transcendence minor, which is much better than the resolve minor i used to have, really thanks for the recommendation. However, in S11, presence of mind, bloodline and transcendence all get nerfed quite a lot. After playing for 30+ games in S11, i feel like the grasp of the undying with biscuit minor is much better, wts ur take on that? Secondly, for the build. I think goredrinker is a bad item as the build path has no wave clear, no lifesteal which makes the laning phase so hard for fiora. After a bit of testing, i prefer going hydra first and tri-force second is a much better build path as hydra provide life steal for trading and wave clear. This is my little exp with fiora with the S11 changes, really looking forward for ur video to make the guide on S11 Fiora. Personally, i think the power spike of fiora has changed quite a bit right now. The 1item power spike is weaker, but the 2 items spike is crazy. In late game, i think she is weaker too as the deathdance is longer a gd item for her and there is much more Grievous items to build against her.

Fuzzelz: Sucks that they removed the Active from hydra

TurtleItems: this wukong is bad bruh ngl

- Zerenity -: Do people still play this game? God


Slypr: the game is in such a horrible place lol balance team needs to put in some OT

Omega Storm: I mean...with Yuumi + her new item, any champion is godlike.

Cook Leo: nice music selection

Little Buddha: Please stop saying "no" after everything...

Jacob Wise: "rules the solo lane" , plays match roaming with yuumi on the hip lol

Furkan Ekşi: Is muramana still op on fiora ? We can start the game with tear now

Romka K.B: Should I build Goredrinker first on Fiora?

Chlystone: overall I think the season changes fix most problems with fiora.

Chlystone: I think the strongest thing about fiora this season is new transcendence which with cdr from goredrinker can refund your riposte cd after a kill which is huge its gonna get nerfed

Dd_Lulo 004: Fiora season 11 best champ? Always has been!

exodius: Maybe you mean one of the easyest to destroy champions that exist

Bayek: Is season 11 good? My client is broken.

Jim Canterak: Look closely. This is what 200 years of collective experience in balancing looks like.

Бора Адилов: Champ is unbalanced and cringe af so u are garbage thats the saying of every other community of champs saying fiora is busted and cancerous

James Minter: You seem so much happier since moving out bro!

Arcky Stark: but dude for you, fiora will be always the best champ XD nice video btw

Josh Par: dblade cull instead next time?

DamnDaimen: 26:05 Damn, phantom dancer doesn't have lifeline anymore? In what universe do you build it instead of static shiv now? static shiv even a thing anymore.... Upon further research, its not a thing anymore. Oof.

Q t n: Is Navori Quickblade + Bloodthirst good on fiora?

AngeredYeti: Good lord well played man

James Williams: Nice carry

Key Mi: FEEL THE POWER OF FIORUMMI me and my bf won a 4v5 yuumi and fiora good times how we met

Ibnu Irsyad: Please try fiora in wild rift.

Macieqqq: Just messing around and wondering if i can get a heart from my favourite Fiora's player...

Prakash Raj: 1:30 I stopped my work with the help of, *p a i d t o b e h o m e .c o m*

Alan Pereyra: I'm in love with the Dashing Tiamat, it helps to proc vitals and the movement speed is awesome

LonePhantomWolf: fiora needs buff

Greyson Fox: “Jax won’t be able to do as much damage” but jax is actually op now with some of the other item changes and runes. Probably top 3 top landers along with Fiora and garen. Conquerer buffs are wild

Neptune: Cat on me belike

Anthony G: New home looks great bro

Get Rekt: More like: permaban yuumi from now on.


Lionliger •_•: I just played fiora vs chogath top, I solo killed early 2 times. He builds full tank and haste and dumpstered me 10 minutes in. His ult is actually 40 second cooldown.

RegaVanHooi: Isnt divine sunderer better on her?

O Soul_bolt O: Shieldbow fiora?Know it has crit, but Man...

Biggy Dizzy: goredrinker is so troll, trinity is way better

Spy: nice. and now again but without a yuumi

Gandalf in Heels: Dude you really know how to play Fiora. I almost cried I will main..Yuumi now nvm

Vinh Quang: Rìu mãng xà :((

yaff: yall know who we banning next game

Xinoverse: this game is like 4v5 collect all shutdowns fight 24/7 with a yuumi on top such unhealthy for my bare eyes

nej: i just love when thanks someone for subbing or donating lmao. So king! 3:34

AwesomeStuff: They fucking ruined all good pathing for top lane items.......most items need pickaxe and kindlegem, honestly WHY PUNISH TOP LANE MORE???!!!

Gamelp: 26:23 How did you parried Dravens stun? It is so hard to see. Was it a super fast reaction or just a feeling?

Gamelp: 26:23 How did you parried Dravens stun? It is so hard to see. Was it a super fast reaction or just a feeling?

Mark Xiao: You call that 4v5? That’s 1v8

Da Mi: ez claps

MrSqwiz: how can i make my league chat dark like u ?

Jeff Yuuta: i tried the season 10 fiora build of rav hydra rush, trinity, DD, steraks and GA and honestly it felt pretty nice even if their top laner inted into me early

Cobe Bryan Guevarra: idk what happened but you look 4 years younger OMG 🥺

Maximiliano Rubio: Exactly how she has been dominating everything in the past 3 seasons 🤣 We LOVE to see it

MOHIT MEENA: yo where are u . u havent been streaming

Burger King Foot Lettuce: Can you make a video on new items to build on Flora

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