Diablo 4 Season 5 Best Class Tier List (Guide)

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@Insanemonk11: Still maining Necro, no way its that bad

@youngiew4111: no shit. season isn't even out and tiers are out. lol that's what happened to frozen orb last ptr. fuck tier list just play what you want

@TheFrigidMidget: Unexpected Invincible clip got a good laugh from me.

@remek5758: everyone puts sorc at top, so it means that barb will be king

@matthuck378: I haven't played to level 100 with a Druid or Barb yet...Wanted to try one of those, but also want a stupid broken build to play with that isn't drop dependant.

@matthuck378: re: Necro mobility. Blood Mist should just increase speed, not decrease it. Simple. Done. It's also fine to have a less mobile class and playstyles. The game would be boring if everyone had to play "hyperactive Rogue" or "telestomp Sorc" all the time. TBH, it's kind of annoying everyone has to use Evade at least once in a while...D2 didn't require mobility skills, but they sure made things easier. Game still needs a few good TANK builds.

@csharpbest4085: Previous season i played sorc despite it was labeled as a crap.

@Famous007i: The person who hate the most d4 making video about d4.. alright not a clickbait.

@mikycarney5779: Minions can overpower now, how is the necro not twice as good as it used to be

@Wraithlen: I haven't played a serious Sorc since S2 I believe. My favorite all around D4 class so yeah, I'll start there. Buddy is doing chain lightening to start....so I might hammer out firewall. Should be a decent combo. Looking forward to this season and then of course the expansion. Let's go!

@JuicyFinn: After YEARS of watching Rhykker videos, I have finally obtained the uber rare, uber unique, uber unicorn: The sight of Rhykker's hair. Majestic. Absolutely majestic.

@Saberlena: Blood Necro. I played it in S2 (because it was thematic sue me) and had fun with it but didn't push it anywhere.

@MarbsMusic: Excited to get back to a Rogue this season!

@ggreg15: Thanks ryker

@adamu.2674: I'm really hoping for a good shred build to show up thanks for the various Buffs and reworks. I love playing poison shredder in season 0 and I've been waiting for them to bring werewolves back to a playable state that doesn't require just smashing the tornado button. Please just one good season for freaking werewolf Blizz, that's all I'm asking!

@jowens1411: I love Sorcerer

@slickperspective2745: I usually go for the lowest tier classes because I usually like playing classes that people don't like playing. So I'll go for Necro this time, although I thought was going to go for the Sorcerer because magicks is my main pick.

@BlackyMox: I always wanted to play sorc in d4. Never sticked to it above lvl 40 because it just felt so extremely different to d3 sorc. I might start with one now and enjoy the well deserved buffs

@bouncyjester: You know it's an important video when the hat comes off! Thanks for the Tier List!

@simonbelmont0993: Putting Necro below Druid seems kinda wild. Their Bone Spirit build should do damn well in endgame.

@SelenePR17: I havent seen any videos at all for season 5. I wonder how necromancers minion build will be this time around

@LordHazanko666: Why anyone would want to play any range rogue build idk there skills them self are so clunky almost as bad as playing bone spirit Necro lol

@flexibleknot: I say druid raven build will obliterate this season!

@ManofCultur3: Somebody been using their gf shampoo

@benjamincl2409: D4 bad

@Biyonzo: Isnt season 5 also the release of the new class?

@Yxalitis: Necro will be S-tier once the dust settles

@alsman8508: I haven't played since S3, so I was wondering if I could ask a few questions here and see if someone replies Is obtaining class specific loot easier than previously? I had HORRIBLE unique luck the last time I played. Couldn't get a single one out of THREE I needed for my build and I was level 100. Is leveling still the same, or a bit faster? Is inventory/ gear management better? I had about 2-3 WHOLE stash tabs for ONE class build because of "oh I'm gonna need this for later" reasons. Not to mention if I wanted to play more than 1 character that season, it was a nightmare. Is this any better?

@Anpeo: I'm playing druid just because it's the only class I'm yet to try out. I'm prepared for good and bad.

@zorzizero: You're smoking crack Drew to always be asked here it's the easiest to level and the best and I'm the number one rule in this world and I'll f*** all you guys up on my druid come meet me in PvP bro

@TatoHaven: When I saw you weren't wearing your hat I knew the tier change situation was serious

@shadowhunter0: for me the sorc and necro are on the bottom they are the least fun and have yet get one to lvl 100 because they are no fun to play and the druid is on the top always start out has a druid usually shred and always of the most fun with it

@Lance-xy8hv: I played with my friend and he was stomping season 4 with minion necro. Then i transitioned from barrage rouge to heartseeker and dude was left in the dust

@JuneauGTW: Oh, I'm playing Sorc next season. I played Spirit Bomb Necro in S3, Anduriel's Visage Flurry/Puncture Rogue in S4, and that means it is time to go back to Sorc for S5. I might try an Anduriel's Visage Chain Lightning or Fireball Sorc. If I can stack enough Attack Speed, Lucky Hit, and all damage multipliers, I think it could pop off.

@MrZergMan: Blizzard Sorc

@kevincaruthers5412: Since Bliz won't sell me as much inventory space as I want, I only play one class. So all my gear can be used by all my characters. That class? Necromancer. So, looks like I'll be giving S5 a miss.

@Rauthus: Are a bunch of idiots playing druid? NEVER had a problem leveling druid to 50 from Vanilla D4. For me druid is S tier.

@arturo_cruz: Keep in mind everyone was saying DRUID and Necro were going to be the top classes going into season 4...

@Arbitrarian: how about WW barb?

@Stefiou974: Necro's minions are getting more aggressive (they tweak the AI) and golem now leap to target with the active skill. Plus, the new evade that make you slide like 10 times with the right setup, they definitely won't be the slowest class to speedfarm. They also probably will be near immortal with the new bonestorm aspect they showed on campfire. My guess is Necro will be A tier at worst ! And you should know by now, Barb is always S tier ! No matter what xD Other than that, I agree. I don't like sork and druid is ok but not for me. So im going rogue 😎

@ceniux1022: i just want meteor to be good

@Tigerpaw4000: Loved the "Invincible" clip trolling all the slow Necros -lol. Definitely going for a fireball Sorc build first - I've never used that staff (Endless Rage) even though it's the unique I've found the most whenever I've played that class. Also interested in doing something with a Rogue - the new aspect giving all basic skills Frost imbue is interesting and I think there's potential there with that (especially if you can pair it with a well-rolled Azurewrath). Great stuff...good luck with the new season! =^-^=

@anarkyst84: hi, do you know anything about the event: "Diablo IV Portal to Gamescom Contest" did you get the results of the contest winners? I tried to write 3 emails to the address indicated but I didn't get any response 🤷🏽‍♂️ but did everyone forget? I participated and spent hours making my project with the hope of winning...

@_Tomon: Your hat looks weirdly like a hair... Also did anyone notice what was the video about?

@SinHurr: Any class having a good build for each different activity is good, but also kind of _not_ because it costs 16 million gold and several minutes of clicking paragon board boxes to respec :(

@rickylam7018: Sorry if it’s a dumb question - the mouse pointer ring with trail you have in this vid, is it a setting in D4 or a plugin of some sort?

@coldfire22: I'm going sorc. It is the only character I haven't leveled to 100 so its a no brainer. From Season 6 I'll have to start thinking about which class I think is most fun. I really wish the game was more alt friendly like D3 was. Now Alts feel like a chore.

@gerryd7027: I'm still waiting on streamers to actually not just talk about builds but actually show you a couple. They have had the chance to play season 5 for a while and still cannot find one decent build guide 😢😢😢😢😢

@lostkeystudios: wow so this is soooo confusing....this tier list is th only one that has rogue in S and above sorc...???? everyone has sorc at the top and rogue like almost in like C class

@darthboomboom4264: Chain lighting or Fireball sorc

@kalebgrubb2272: Sticking with my Rogue and Sorcerer. Only two classes I play. Can’t decide if I wanna do chain lightning or fireball tho.

@TaylorFalk21: Am I the only one who purposely doesn’t pick a class that is OP or follow a build guide in any way? That makes the game easy and not worth strategizing to figure out good gear, skill, and aspect synergies that fit your play style

@CheatingLeftyDiscGolf: The Rogue “pissing” build looks so ridiculous. Both as a meme but also ridiculously good! 😅

@Dustin176336: plan on paying a sorc for the new lighting aspect seems fun

@PusoD2: i hope immortal sorc is still back

@mydian76: Barb is the only class I haven't got to level 100 (only around level 70 at release.) So, that's what I'm playing

@toms1782: I’ve wanted to build a hydra build, doesn’t have to speed farming but pushing hoards n stuff. However doesn’t sound like they care about hydra enough so maybe I’ll blend it into another build

@niquus1137: will they update lightning storm leveling for druid? it still hasnt been updated D:

@Willbot1972: First off, who is this guy not wearing a hat??? Second - glad to see the Sorc finally get some love and buffs. I know the Rogue is the only S tier this season, but I'll still start with a Sorc and see about going with a Rogue later on.

@PercevalDarby: We love you, Ryker your hair is everything right now its giving French royalty vibes

@abrahamblackmore3115: Yeah okay watch my barb still be s tier bucko

@Fredrikwikberg: gonna play barb & druid ...

@GhostGL: My original fastest character was a Necro with 164.5 movement speed

@OverworkedPostalEmployee: I have 2k hours on rogue in D3. Fav buils were s1 ball lightning with perfect atk speed on my gear, spin to win, and multishot. I was also the OP person to dye my Andarials visage black with Bul Kathos shoulders, posted it to reddit, and alot of rogues copied it lol. I just can't get into them in D4. Had my fill of Necro, I only like WW Bard... gonna do Sorc I think.

@truthseeker6532: He's scaring us with his hair again.

@tegbam: Still torn between Chain Lightning and Fireball sorc...

@danielross9098: STOP saying POWERFUL..........

@heitorvserpa: Great to see rogue shining! This season guess I'll attempt a grenade build, it's the only thing I haven't tried yet

@Kechioh: Mythic hair reveal dropped

@S1nwar: gonna try thorns necro like every season. i just assume the new razorplate got interesting buffs like all the uniques

@xzyvvy917: I was baited into Druid last season. The tornado was one the clunkiest build I ever played that struggled with spirit in ST fights.

@antonriddoch8: Druid prob gonna be the worst in the game still

@D4-Merci1: https://youtu.be/nwocbhmPves?si=SSU09XLECeOo73cS

@AthosPetriDamiani: drud it is, let's go

@EC_Vegas: I’ll be playing the only class. Sorcerer.

@KK-qs2kq: Barb the Barbarian

@araphalim: Didn't expect you have a hair

@matthewjefferies2068: Is Heartseeker rogue dead?

@brianwells3316: I've never made a rogue for season start. Think I'll do that this season. Break from the necromancer

@pjtrant: Rhykker without a hat? sacrilege!

@j3annie1963: I am going to try barrage rogue, never tried barrage yet. Then for a secondary try Druid with companion.

@arcazon7385: Raxx ranking/Rhykker ranking Tier list (1 best, 5 worst): Barb: 2/3 Druid: 5/4 Necro: 4/5 Rogue: 3/1 Sorc: 1/2

@johnpoulsen77: After they have made a huge nerf to my favorite necromancer builds, i decided to leave the game. They can't do a reasonable nerf. With blizzard it's always all or nothing. Season 5 is not good for minion and shadow builds which is what i like. I an tired of them completely destroy builds instead of just minor nerf. I have had enough now. Ill try the new class in the expansion because i have bought it. But do they not get better at game balance after expansion release ill stop playing the game all together. They really went out on a necromancer rampage this season. I loved season 4, but now i just have blizzard and their nonsense.

@InfinityFishing: what about flurry rogue with AV?

@franciscoibarra8189: i always play 2 or 3 classes per season, with barb and sorc being played all seasons, now in season 5 im going to start with either a rogue or a sorc

@coldweathergamers: First is rogue - stun grenade/shadow clone. some of the new powers look fun with it. If it doesn't work or want to try something wild... Arrow Storm cause of the new powers and uniques that add to it.

@RechardSon-w1m: قتبينامjr he d

@TheSweChefJoakim: I'm so excited for this season! I'm going to start off as a Sorc, probably going conjurer with lightning focus again to see how much further I might be able to take it!

@Sh1fty152: Rogue's garbage

@danielsecara: GG on the haircut!

@DonTheCrown: Firewall sorc for me! Hope you have a great start with rogue.

@Bowen_Landry: It's always interesting to see how peoples tier lists can vary. For me personally , I will never have Rogue at the top of my list. There is just something about the mechanics with it that puts me off, and I have fully leveled it multiple seasons but not every one. I'll see if I like this time.

@aeon4591: i was hoping rogue got some love, wanted to play it a few seasons but last was necro with his little skelly bois, so cant pass that up! but its good that rogue has a few builds that works. Means i can pretty much play the one i like and still get somewere, cause i am very slow when it comes to diablo.

@californiadreamer2755: Going rogue main.. might level a druid for fun

@BattalionAngel: Fireball

@EnjoyGengar: Thorn barb enterse the chat

@nathanshepherd7027: Rhykker hair must stay

@marekpopioek7259: Chain sorc for sure. I need something quick and easy to blast through shorter season. Probably will alt for rouge later if I would have time.

@marekflek3055: Expecting some crazyass variant of flurry Andariels build to be discovered ☺️ my fav last season btw

@Fluxion29: Great Vid, thanks. Noooo clue what to play. Probably one of each. Made literally everything last season leveling was so fast. Didn't push any high-high content though honestly... I like the journey more... LOL 🙃 Just gotta get to 100, then figure out what to play.

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