My Current Season 5 Barb Build - Blasting with Whirlwind Diablo 4

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@Rob2628: LIVE SEASON 5 Launch! Watch live at YouTube: Whirlwind is still a solid build especially for all the farming content! Made a few tweaks to the build I wanted to share with you. Planner:

@rhozpogi: Oh cool same as season 4 lol

@Ramzesss618: It’s too many armor.I think on pants it’s no need of armor anymore,IF you have shako

@ryanh2831: How are you generating fury with leveling. Im 66 and without Lunging Strike I can't generate.

@bUllad11ctO: hello! can you kill Lilith with this? I try every season and I still cant hahahaha I never played Barb and this is my first time. Thanks

@trev6783: How do you produce fury?

@astoriasxenon7760: Rob : let's try a New class! Barb?

@blupditz9826: I made the Upheaval Burn build you made, with a couple of tweaks (changed one of the aspects to Anger management), it's not a speed farmer but man it's actually fun when you change playstyle from WW.

@DiomedesTididax: If I already have the older versions of shako and starless skies, which one should I replace first for the new ones? =)

@deadleader20: How does the Disembowel glyph procs in full uber version of the build when there's nothing in it that applies bleed?

@horus666tube: i am getting 1 shot on almost all bosses in nmd 80 with armor and res cap lol wtf is going on ...

@KonstantinFederal: And why he use vulnerable damage if in the planner we stack crit

@KonstantinFederal: Can someone tell me, why we not use grandpapa?

@noneya9421: Tried the “starter build” 😂 this thing sucks dude

@dhunter2620: Whats the Increased Crowd Duration temper for?

@joshnovak480: Wicked video Robb so is whirlwind better then bash?

@Thiago.2639: Bash nerf ??, 😢😢

@AUZlE: SHAY - KO Christ man, get it together.

@MrJBleedge: I lasted 6hrs this season, bored to fucking death

@g0ndal: what mytic you recomend to get first?

@SlashedUpon: Is there even any point of respecing to bash now

@luciddre4m: Your dual wield weapons are tempered with damage while berserking, but the planner shows critical strike damage

@Hifrid.: I maybe skipped something but I don't understand how we generate fortify with this build

@korxac: Can you test Upheaval for endgame?

@zarethd: Do you recommend whirlwind over other builds while leveling/farming? I'm only lvl 62 and I switched back to rend/bleed cause I missed having my chains but maybe that was bad.

@Kndrmndr: Just need people to give me mats and gear like u and gonna make the build 🔥

@blazedehart2748: Looks more like a Dust Devil Barb to me. Why is Blizzard so deadset of on a Dust Devil meta?? 🥲

@Antdogg566: Dude is fully decked out 2 days in the season .... did they buff uber drop rate cause last season i only got 2 Ubers after 200 runs

@ZoSaNa: Thx for neff uber drop

@DavidT811: Damn Ubers and limited to farming 80s? Big Ls I might stop working on my WW barb

@ForTheHorde01: so do we just stack crit dmg now? jw why you're using vuln gems

@danielkanewske8473: Seems like this build has more than enough toughness to survive. Is there anyway to sacrifice some toughness to increase single target dps.

@luciddre4m: Can you explain the interaction between whirlwind and inner calm? Does using the skill not counting as "moving?"

@hxze.9930: Is your barb build fully up too date ?

@clawiper9705: Can you please make a tanky hardcore version of this build?

@vegetamere: Why did you pick call of the ancients over berserker ?

@sebastiendafonseca7602: Try to figure out how are you always full of rage 🤔 definitely miss this info

@Pokdemon: Love watching Rob videos: "Barb is still good guys, just need GA on all ur gear and 3 mythic uniques" xD

@turbocole: Is Shard of Verathiel bad for WW?

@ulas797: Hi rob. Attack power scales dust devils dmg?

@Eas_the_Planeswalker: Problem with WW is you need mythics to kill bosses and you need to kill bosses to get mythics 🤔

@xunrealx83: pffff not even a 4 star shako.. How are you sleeping?

@Abber64: Wow, great job! EVERYONE, me included, thought that the Barb was dead in the water this season, and your determination has proven everyone wrong. Keep the good content coming!

@scottcunni: is there also something going on with the iron wolfs again this season ? I thought I heard you can rank up with them again like last season

@Scheibi85: Where is Hota without WW?

@nosceteipsum7757: Is this playable without Ueber Uniques?

@flowqi212: Attack speed is for Tyraels only right? Since WW itself doesn't do damage and twisters have a fixed proc rate?

@jarr3tt: Size matters.

@MMoer: Rob: This is my build: 3 mythicals. Bey peasants

@aaronp9835: Does aspect of elements buff the twister damage?

@Heman88888: I definitely agree that Sharpshooter was the easier boss for me than Mother Judgment, one of the few changes I didn't like, but it's not a big deal.

@Vesataeuc: I belive your seasson ended... you can beat everthing in the game solo. Nice 30 hours seasson :D

@dfillio8993: What do you think about bash, is it still good running the new 1h sword?

@dukenukem2480: Where is upheavel barb

@glucosepappy9663: Dude I’m already 70 and can’t get ANY dust devil aspects to drop! It’s literally the same 10 useless aspects over and oer

@kevinxu7835: Why polearms specifically?

@PrettyMuchCarnage: Glad I stuck with my whirlwind barb. I knew someone would be able to build it to be usable still.

@lipsimple7561: さよならドリエルw

@drawzor: I dont feel that we are crazy strong this season, everyone said we where going to melt everything and speedfarming pit 120. Playing sorc right now and its ok but not that strong.

@TTGAX: “Size matter my friends” 😂😂

@zacksphantomvids7198: I’m making a barb next but I’m still not 100 on my sorcerer. I wish someone would make a sorcerer boss killing video.

@ethan007: Told you, barb continue to dominate no matter how it being nerf, forever the best pit clearer and torment boss killer. Thank you 4 weapons wielder!!

@kainscs: Rob why you make this game look like a joke? Thx for your hard work 😀

@PestiLencE638: nice

@sevendust6020: First

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