Humanity's Strongest Tag Team | Dr. STONE Season 2

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Crunchyroll Collection: Watch episode 10 here!

THE BRUH: Hyoga knew senku made some electric weapon, he literally saw it and realised, why tf wasnt he running???

Jacob Martinez: Sounds like they borrowed some sound effects from Fireforce

MNZZNXplay: This is the only Time when Hyoga opened his eyes

Shane Lyons: Senku x kaseki claps hyoga x tsukusa

zyler: can’t wait for ryusui, francois, and the why-man part to be animated. it’s gonna be exhilarating

Muhammad Salmaan: Electrocuted straight through his thigh highs

zach seidle: Still waiting for my favorite character to make his appearance in the anime.

Angel Pelaez: 2:34 he really deserved that

DABI Animelover: You know what I like doing , every anime I love I watch it at least watch 3 times and every time I watch them it makes me rediscover what I love about it and make me love it even more.

Hitogiri San!: Yaabeee

misterawesomeman1: Just let go of the spear?

The Uncle that doesn't touch you: He could have just let go of the spear. Both his opponents were not gonna be able to put up a good fight and he didn't seem worse for wear. He could have just put down the spear and stepped out of range.

Invader Player: I wonder what the giant cockroach jonson would have to say about this twist of events...

rich520: ZAPITTY ZAP ZAP!!!!

ShanochiTV: "A bandage over his finger" Every Anime Villains: Let see what's going to happen.

Gregen: I watched too much Pokemon to think that shock actually did something

Stanley Ndomo: Normally he should get the power of Thor, Static, Flash or something... Oh, wrong show, we don't do that here.

Professional Reader: This just turned into a fighting anime

Bruninho rs: Essa parte foi de arrepiar.!!!

FalconGamer58: This is like Goku and Piccolo teaming up against Raditz

Sara Winardi: It makes me wonder now, what is Hyoga's back story

Cj B: Ok when did Senku watch a Michael Reeves video?

Nadav: Senku revived the bad person and later tsukasa the bad person revived the bad person.

_OLIV3 R: Now we know who is stronger then goku

CharCoal: I like ya cut G

HAMATIPLAY: ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Half a Loop: Never abandon the bros

Vinisipi: tsukasa nooo:(

Shining_S: wait so their working together now????????????

Brain Architect: INTP and ISTJ??

Steven Friday: The moment when you realize that Dr. Stone could containe spoiler for arc 5 of Re:zero.

Adolfo De La O: This is exhilarating

fatima mona: "I had fun, to, tsukasa tag-teaming with you" Meanwahil Hyoga : Q_Q

Ronald fleury: This is the most underrated anime there is but people should love the fact that is a scientific anime get excited

Um Gamer Senpai (UGS): With one finger my friend.

Eduard Tarmet: why not let go of the spear and back away?

Lord and Saviour Shrek: All my guy had to do was let go

Luffy: Obliterated 😋🤣🤣🤣🤣

SizTS: I expected the scene where Sangenshoku was playing but then again, the entire episode was hype so i can't argue.

MLG gamer: What have we learned ? Science beats everything

Bonnie Chung: Senku: explains he has a taser Hyoga: doesn't move away

Deven Cody: There is only one fatal mistake that Hyoga made. The only mistake that led him to lose. It was he didn’t let go of his spear.

MrMaster: I wanted to see the high-five too

Traveon Herring: did anyone else see his bones

UberLink: Bro was his hands super glued to that spear?, it looks like he didn't even try to get away from senku and just died willingly

Never_Ending: I think the only problem I had with this episode is that Hyoga didn’t kick Senku and just let him taze him.

Waifu For Laifu: Yall who are hating on Hyoga rn, you're gonna regret it so much next season

TheAwsomeManny: When they use the first op of the show in a fight scene in a civilization building anime

adolph gracius: He should've learned that senku never lies about science

dracoslayer16: Only thing I didn't get was why didn't Hyoga just let go of the spear?

Juan Corujo: I wish they put the opening right here when the shock was about to happen

TJ Din: Why didn’t Hyoga ...err... let go?

Noelia Leon: I loved itt!!!

Grimfrost AD: Hyouga: BUT I STABBED YER CHEST?? Tsukasa: should have went for the head fool Senku: scientifically speaking hes right

Mr. Slug: Behold, the one finger death punch

Kraxhor: I love how this series is faithful to the source not like the promised neverland all hail the sience of our smartest school kid Senkuuuu

Salvador Seiler: 👀

Laina Wilson: The power of science

Saber Pencil: Best chemical reaction in Dr.stone

PANインドラ: When the smart kid team up with the athletic kid to stop the bully

Mikhail Bravo: El dúo más fuerte

SWatt Officer: One bit of characterisation about Hyoga i quite like is he could have easily just let go of his spear- in the state his enemies were in pelting rocks probably would have finished them off, but he is so bound to his weapon as his source of power that it was literally impossible for him to do so. At least thats how i saw it

Some guy on the internet: Okay, But, Why not just let go of the spear to gain some distance??

Gabriel Silva: I was yelling "LETS GOOO!"

EL IMPOSTOR: Este anime nos hace ver que prestar atención a las clases y autoeducarse, si es lo máximo xd

Nicolas Chen Claudia Lin: What with that face hyoga lol

TheOneWhoLied: A certain scientific stungun

The Blitz: Cool scene and all but couldn't he have just let go of the spear and jumped back go dodge...

Oz N: Shouldn't he be dead scientifically to get that much volt into his body?

AJVRBoi 457: this was a goku and vegeta moment

Bernd Angelo: RIP Tsukasa! :'-(

Martin Willimann: This remindes me of when we first met Chrome and in his sorcery-battle with Senku he brought out the sulfurball, saying that its something that can be weaponized, before shoking Ginro with his finger.

Juan Vazquez: He could have used his cursed voice to stop him tho

7eventOutline: Senku finger >>>>> Saitama

VJ: IT'S TIME TO KICK IT!: Now that's electrifying!!!

M0nKey99: Why didn't he just let go of the spear though?

Yuto Tsukuda: Is this anime supposed to make me like science?

Sib's Art: This was the first episode of this show I actually felt tense watching. Good stuff Dr Stone

trey wickesser: YEAAAAAh! were done with the worst part of dr stone, now for the good stuff

Universal Potato: Tsuaka is like when you unlock the boss as a character

The souls of Haku: How did he shock him when he only touched his boots tho?

Luso Arts: I guess you could say it was Senku's turn to bring the thunder

Lucas Garcia: Tsukasa:Go senku, use thunder bolt

bigboiiisam: So because this moment was cool I'm just going to ignore why he didn't just let go of the spear and backed off

Lucas Fortes: or is it?

BLC 39: Why didn’t he let go of the spear?

Garfield: *poke* Hyoga: "BRUH"

Motirola Motoe: Why is tsukasa wearing a miko outfit

Abdo Essalhi: I really like the team up of senku and tsukasa but why didn't hyoga let go of his spear when he knew about the shocking device

TheNerdyWeeB: When brains team with brawns

Ammar Alramdhan: Wow this was *eye opening* Shock pun was overused

Dracul hellsing: 0:15 anyone else see that glitch? Because I'm getting that on my TV AND my Desktop.

FURKET: Tsukasa will die or not ?

TealTastic: this episode was so good man

Valgroth BloodOak: man was just like "chidori"

Elias: Hyoga : Noooo you can't defeat me im the strongest man now ! Senku : Haha stun gun goes brrrr

SinSlasher505: Rule number 1 of universal anime laws NEVER ATTACK THE CUTE ANIME GIRL SISTER! IT NEVER ENDS WELL.

Alpha C: Absolutely no one: Me: Zap him again 😈

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