10 Fortnite SEASON 6 Easter Eggs YOU MISSED!

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Top5Gaming: click the like button to reveal a secret Easter Egg (a blue thumb instead of a white one)

JhoverGadielle Barliso: i wish epic games added when smack the door with a weapon shrek come out and say get out of my swamp!

Doaa Rashad: Every one that is sub use code T5G

Mehdi ZARE: Use code T5G or u will never get a win

Novemberrain12: Matthew mercer is actually more well known as Leon Scott Kennedy from Resident evil

Christopher Colón: GET OUt of my sweat!

kaspian green: The tower will conect and ill mKe kevin The Cube

gautam srivastava: i was going to close my laptop but when i heard kevin yay

Christian DeMutis: Wow I never new that the rock was that buff

Christian DeMutis: Top 5 gameing u r a genius he is the rock

Aura Demon: SHREK!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!

Kenny Planter: The puzzled pepper internationally clear because route histopathologically join out a fluffy eight. wrong, grubby gruesome nest

Gaming with gamer Kid: M

Brianna Vattimo: I used the code for battle pass

Sckurge: My dads friend is friends with the rock so ive actually seen the rock before and he hates donald trump lmao...

myth_alex: If u haven't notice were agent jonesy got sucked in there are purple panel the are the sides of Kevin the cube and the zero point was inside it and the zero point gives of Kevin the cube power ( make sense?) Here my theory have a great day 😉

Josh Decal: i actually think they read my comment from last time with the house being SUPER related to teen titans go. i think the only thing i don't understand is why it is only one home. I will summerize with i have a lot of ideas but just so anyone knows, raven is 16,000 years old so keep that in mind to a relation between the cube. lastly, where is the house check that because i think it is where the cube spawned is in that exact place. and just so everybody knows i usally don't right that nice.

LlamaVR: how dare you not use code T5G...oh you do- well if you don’t make sure you do

ice baby: Does anybody besides me notice that she looks like a raya from The last dragon

JGM 100: Ok actually you need to stop clickbaiting and WHY would the rock Aka *Dwayne Johnson* be in a kids game

Christian plays: Og games 5:54

Luna The EMU: Another hint for the rock dewayne is strong and what did the foundation do to agent jones

mhazim haszrie: When he said Dwayne The Rock Johnson, I am very confused, is Dwayne Johnson the "The Rock"?

y es: You realize outhouses exist right they just because it's an outhouse doesn't mean it's related to shrek

Arctic_Crash: But it sounds nothing like him...

Vortex_Gamez: The mini spire towers are where the portals were from chapter 2 season 5

Tracy Deters: Use code t5g

illinifan86: do you smell what the foundation is cooking

Andrew Valdes: Are use the code I can’t believe I’m getting the battle pass my name is ninja till 10 ninja killer 10

Shadow gamer: You I love amine to

Please Stop: Still no proof he is the voices actor bozo

Teo F.: I use code t5g

SplatZ Ψ: I’m using code t5g

Jimmyjam225: maybe batman is the 17 character?

Denise David: Don’t click the Like button because you’re not even smart I don’t want to tell you this on Twitter or something

Johnathon Pittman: its ra lee

Somebody: theres always that kid who blesses everyones family .-.

shani yan: Midas is voiced by the VA for Levi Ackerman. You learn something new everyday.

Grady Sadboi: Wait but the guy who voiced mcCree also voiced jotaro so midas is jotaro kujo confirmed

Raph Gaming: 👍✌️🥰🥰

Will Andrews: 5:25 WELL EXUSE ME THERE CALLED CUCOOS!!! (No hate I’m kidding)

Denying Cai: Like them vidddddsssss bruh

Denying Cai: Yoooooo

Elizabeth Rowe: Is it just me or has anybody noticed in the live event whenever they kill anybody they turn into pixels just like in the movie pixels with Adam sandler?! Same color pixels and everything

Blaise Super sonic the Titan: I think that epic games is going to make a sonic season



Sp8ze: i found raven at her house

I like hunting and fishing: If you don’t use t5g you 100% gay!!

Simela Sidiropoulou: You missed a easter egg a friday night funkin Easter egg on chest somewhere it says week 7 and Friday night funkin there is going to be a week 7

Hadrien Rheault: shrek toilet à

Isacc Lee: Use code tg5

Nichole Maynard: I use t5g

Blanca Rodriguez: O

EDKtribe: Use code t5g

Bel Lagoon: what if fort nite is a game for children to prepare for WW|||

nathan dietrich: omg i love ur videos

Robert Pack: how or where do you get the comic book/magazines from

Karina Espinoza: I watch attack on titan and I did not know that he was midis

Stream Sharkz: I love DJ. Like, and subscribe to T5G, they have the best content.

Jeyasutha Jekanathan: If shrek comes : SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME !

natalio Perez: Hey Tommy i live in Raleigh NC and they are actually building the epic games headquarters

Spidey Charles the hedgehog: “You missed” Me who has Reddit: no you

Si Guy: Ha I guessed the raven house thingy

Joanne Taylor: ._. ._. ._. ._. ._. .

lugio xx: use code 25g or i will call da police

Saedris: jonseys backblings rift gun (whatever its called) is becoming more unstable with each jump

big burna boi: Midas is levi, oml

Oscar Playz: Hey Tommy!, I used your code and i bought the new isabelle skin

becks hair: I love you

Filip Gajic: Sow-ron, not so-ron

Itz Vexx: Thats sad when not even the creator of the video gets more likes

ferg hughes: Why do they call them easter eggs, it’s strange?🤔

Mr. Sgiggy gamer: It would be cool if the Titans tower came right next to ravens house

Jordan Gray: This is how you know top gaming is a g because he even knows that he clickbait sand he emits to it

exotic-player9: Sre you really friend with mrtop5 & simpy lox

Espen Edvardsen: My favorate was grumpy stone

Benjamin Vaudt: My username is BennyBoi035

ApinaMies: Thumbnail is totally clickbait

Element: Ravens room is from Titans on hbo max


Lamb Sauce: Bro I live in North Carolina and I live close to Raleigh

SNM_SAMURAI: Right after I got the car and then I’m going to get a car to get the truck back and I don’t know if you want me there to get a car and then I will get it out of my truck so you I don’t have a truck I can do that you don’t want me out there I’m just trying not get it done ☑️ is fine with that truck I’m not sure if you have a truck I can get it done with you guys I don’t know what I want you want me out there ok bye yeah bye oh no yeah I don’t know how I did I was not really kidding you don’t have any money 💴 I’m not kidding I’m going back and then I’m going back home 🏠 I’m not really sure what you do for you I’m just going out of the way home I don’t want you going out to the shower I just woke you I don’t know what you mean I don’t know if you want

Thad Hulme: Ive discovered another easter egg that noone seems to be talking about. During the zero crisis finale event we can see the choppa get turned into chickens by a reality wave. Well in game when using a chicken the chicken will occasionally begin singing the raid of the valkyries song that the choppas used to be able to play.

Chicken Noodle: I want the foundation skin

Blake Watkins: I found raven in the house

Zachary Ross: Is the eggsplosive style for cluck a reference to Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia. The style looks like his hero costume a lot and he has the power to make explosions, and the style is called eggsplosive.

Tierrell Oatman: I subbed and turned on notifications

Nozza 07: jk ur channel is amazing

Dominic DiBernardino: I agree that the rock is voicing the foundation.

Carson Rathbun: I love the legend of Zelda breath of the wild

Rohaan Ahmed: I don't know Who the hell are these people

Theo Henderson: I love the game but The rock part of fortnite this has officially gone to far 😑

Toby Etheridge: Use code tg5

Andrew Dragone: fortnite suck

Hi Freshy: i not trying to spark hate but the attachments are from call of duty

Krystal Russell: I bought the T-800 with your code: t5g

Rsher126: Made a Easter egg video near Easter

abdulwasayseemab2010 jan: Midas never even talks

CreeperKid8369 Lover: Bruh this is fake that is not his tattoo lol

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