BUSTED - Hermitcraft Recap Season 7 - week #55

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ZloyXP: I apologize to all our subscribers with scopophobia

Yeetforever: 2:28😂😳😏

Samuel LAITY: “It’s a minigame made up of minigames!” He just described WarioWare

liffty XD: The gigacock is truly mesmerizing *GIGACOCK*

Sam van Remortel: Tfc needs more support, and etho

It's Milan: Do be do be do ba Do be do be do ba Do be do be do ba Do be do be do ba Do be do be do ba Do be do be do ba Agent P

Tugi Fox: Hermitcraft Recap = *makes episode 55 for the umpteenth HC season n in a row* Also Hermitcraft Recap = We have this wonderful idea to run a weekly recap for this group of Minecrafters... Let us know what you think! I love you guy sooo much XD <3

crystal: tango’s reaction to perry makes me so happy

Justin Ng: Theres a small mc creator your should highlight! the channel name is Dream. you probably haven't heard of him but hes pretty good I reckon he'll go big one day. Last i checked, a year or so ago, he was just over 100k subs

Kevin Andrawos: the only thing in common that doesn't move the whole video is the arrow. It only changes its size sometimes but they all have the same center.

Jack Allan: Spotlight away, sounds great.

Dr. mnbvcxy: .

Christian Sarmiento: A gigacock is also the na- Nope, can't do it.

Rupa Yadav: The thumbnail is just an absolute one-of-a-kind art piece

David Dro: (@hermitcraftrecap) I always has a these two question in the back of my mind when I watch her recap videos. Do you have original Channel with your let's plays on the server? And my other question my back of my mind. And my other question If you say you don't play regularly play on the server are you just a subscriber taking clips and recapping for us. Or do you know them personally? Sorry for the paragraph everyone else who sees this please make this get a lot of likes so he can see it and answer questions because last time I asked you didn't see it or reply it . :...(

phantomphoenix: Bamboo powered super smelters are still viable today

vegabotain: I still wonder if Grian didn't get the memo about the proximity chat XD

a random flowey on the internet: somehow the thumbnail reminded me of explodingtnt

Nicholas Schulz: My choice for minecrafters that deserve much more attention in no particular order: Fwhip, pearlescent moon, pixlriffs, zloyxp.

BabyDevil: Finally tfc in the recap after a long time

jdmj707: So, I’m part of a tri server coalition, complete with our own form of government, and we have some insanely talented builders and redstoners. How might we make contact with y’all? ❤️

Zack E.: Impulses basically just built YouTube's CC Dispute System in minecraft. 7:45

Enderboy 416: Heyy zlong

xyrsh: Can I say, Bdubs's business is still BOOMing. /I'll see my way out.

Abhijeet Shrivastava: Z L O N G

Jillian Beatty: Yes recap Fixxett 412 Minecraft lore and epic builds. !!!

KRO 222: I am so pleased that the gigacock made its way into the recap 😌

LightningAussie: As someone trying to grow their channel, i think your idea is a great one, looking forward to seeing more great content creators.

KingOfSpades 509: The idea at the beginning sounds great to me

Mekumcream82: there's perry

Joe Lindemann: Love the idea of highlighting lesser-known content creators!

AngelofGrace96: lmao cannot tell if that ENEMY SPOTTED was added by Xisuma or Zloy

Jaden Existed: That thumbnail just makes me want to never sleep again

Tyler W: to your question at the start HECK YEAH! THAT SOUNDS INCREDIBLE!

Ugapiku: That thumbnail lmao

David Aspinall: Not sure you should be using the HC recap to advertise. Use your own channels that aren't taking advantage of HC fans. To me, this pushes a border into using the HC label for your own purposes. Advertising others is a way to make you look good...don't even bother with that weak excuse that it is purely altruistic. You can do that with your brand...not cashing in on the success of another. You have "Recap"...but now you want to push it. You have been given the inch...don't steal the mile.

No One: 0:06

Michael Modreski: Is no one going to talk about the villagers and beat up‘s bedroom getting it on

j p: it's the incredible power of the mustache that lets munbo be in the sun

Darko X: Love it

Flush City: As a fellow Minecraft content creator, we love the idea of you guys shining a spotlight on some of us smaller youtubers! (:

E rrupt Clayton: 292

bolthole: cool idea

Spy Wroe: I love the idea of promoting other people. I look forward to seeing it in future.

NeonVolt: amazing isn't it

Ken Van den Abbeele: thats an amazing idea..... im here for it

WyomingPTT: The villager/barrel thing makes me wish they'd find a different block to associate with the fisherman. Most of the other blocks are niche or something but the barrel is extremely useful and I hate being restricted from using it around villagers...

EvoShot: That Thumbnail is cursed

electron: Wait... You're ZloyXP and Pixlriffs wtf

gaming theplaybolt: ''Its a GigaCock'' Ummm No brain. Bad!

Broseidonite: I'm sorry, it's a gigaWHAT now?

Tyler the Yoshi: Grian: "Are you telling me that noone noticed that that's gone?" That timing was too perfect.

marmarmargier !: I think the idea is great please do that

thesledgehammerblog: An occasional Truly Bedrock recap might be interesting.

J Ponte: I think it'd be really cool to see other creators in the community section!

notEriX: I think the creator spotlight thing is a great idea !

Gemilang Bayu Ragil Saputra: I miss doc and iskall.....

Ebraw Ebraw: 10:34

Ryu D: Thank you for the episode.

Franz Benedict Marielle Bueno: Loved the idea all I need to say

Rik Jan van Schothorst: I saw the pearlescentmoon post and she definitely earned my subscription

parchment Engineer: I would absolutely love to see more spotlights shown on underrated creators. I've been watching a bunch of Skizzelman recently, and he's absolutely incredible.

Bailey White: Is Scar also the mayor of aque town? or are they separate towns?

Riley k: Great vid as always zlong and pixlriff :)

Frederic Kennedy: I defo agree support all channels

Josep Colom: I should do what u said at the beginning X)

LazyUggugg -: Skelebro dies

Agent Gauntlet: The "haha pink is for girls haha" attitude is a rare bad mark on usual Hermit excellence.

ThomasTanker02: I’m all for the idea of giving other Minecraft youtubers more attention

Theifs: Thats a great idea

Credit Roll: love that community tab idea!


Supgamer: GigaCOCC

Nyerguds: I have to commend you two on the fact that you really brought HermitCraft together into a consistent all-perspectives storyline with these recaps. I know that without you guys, I would watch a lot less episodes from other HermitCraft members than the ones I'm subscribed to.

Creators Quest: yes

Drawn Chicken: That montage, splendidly <3

Potato: Highlighting under rated channels is a great idea

Alex stewie: One of my favorate minecraft channels (thats not hermitcraft) is J Wisp. He has a lot of fun stuff in his new hardcore series too

Lucas Harvey: Zloy's the editor?!

vulpix3337: I love the idea of a Minecraft creater spotlight

Rocco de Graaf: I always seen scars mumbo skin with his eyes looking up

spicycorn_: I think you should shout out the small channels, so many small channels make amazing content.

Hopefully positive: The idea at the beginning is genius

mohid shahzad: Me after seeing the thumbnail :o

Adam K: G I G A C O C K

Alex: To this day I'm still not sure if Ren has dog ears, is now a Vulcan or became an elf/elv, and I really want to know.

Log's Gaming: Yes community tab yes

EllaBrella: the delight in cleo's voice when she saw the tortured villagers was heartwarming. not as warm as the lava though.

Not a Zubat: :( somehow I got unsubscribed, made sure to resub and hit the bell!

Gabriel Lima: That's the biggest gigacock I've ever seen

mr.G: Nice

StarGazer98: Highlighting smaller channels is s great idea

znxster: Maybe slide a "in other MC news" at the end .. where you can promote other MC channels outside of hermitcraft.

AgentMiner: To the community for the community by the community

The suicide Guy: Wait they given each other half their bases. Is.. is this a marriage 😳

Jimmy Lundqvist: I love it!

WaterlemonTheArtist: You've heard of Catboy Budubs, now get ready for- Dogboy Ren

carpe dm: A community idea sounds great

Connor Jacobsen: Great idea!!!

Audrius Audrius: I hoped you would do it a bit faster!

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