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brnz 68: Cb d'oseille dépensé ?? Mdddr

Tommy Romero: "7:51" I used this today and got 420kVC' 𝗩𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗣.𝗕𝗘𝗦𝗧 在 整個 人類 歷史 上 , 強者 , 富人 和 具有 狡猾 特質 的 人 捕食 部落 , 氏族 , 城鎮 , 城市 和 鄉村 中 的 弱者 , 無 `` '守 和 貧窮 成員。 然而 , 人類 的 生存 意願 迫使 那些 被 拒絕 , 被 剝奪 或 摧毀 的 基本 需求 的 人們 找到 了 一種 生活方式 , 並 繼續 將 其 A 融入 不斷 發展 的 人類 社會。 說到 食物 , 不要 以為 那些 被 拒絕 的 人 只吃 垃圾。 相反 , 他們 學會 了 在 被 忽視 的 肉類 和 蔬菜 中 尋找 營養。 他們 學會 了 清潔 , 切塊 , 調味 和 慢 燉 慢 燉 的 野菜 和 肉類 , 在 食品 市場 上 被 忽略 的 部分 家用 蔬菜 和 肉類 , 並且 學會 了 使用 芳香 的 木 煙 (如 山核桃 , 山核桃 和 豆科 灌木) 來 調味 食物 煮 的 時候:

Alica Iolk: When does the token market open? Nba2k22

Zaid Al Bashir: my screen had lillard not wade

Anthony Zaragoza: Pg dark matter lebron

Anthony Zaragoza: Dark Matter Lebron calling it

dvon1097: Please DBG dont give them the idea of LeBron being the level 40. I really dont wanna grind again!

elizhiah dark: So ik im not going going to get david Robinson in two days because I'm only level 27. So with season six are they going to reset my rank back to one or will I be able to keep going until I'm able to reach level 40 and get the new reward ?

DKTHEBOSS142: Bro hurry & get d rob he’s nice

Dwayne Deadwyler: Wager Anyone?

l TheGr81 l: I Hope this vault gives me Kermit or Don I have played 80 games so far and nothin

Lotto: Point guard Ben Simmons isn't out of position though... That's literally the position he plays IRL lol

Udontfazeme123: lol people are gullible

luis martinez: I lost my shit....i was 2000 mt away from getting d robbinson. Luckily i got it back.

Sami’s Gaming: Wade will probably be the signature challenge

Perfect onion: @dbg I got dame

Sean Debellis: Imagine a lvl 40 pg dark matter isaac bonga

Corey Walker: I got drob and Clyde earlier this week about 3 days ago

Philly Cezaarr: I don’t want realistic cards I just want to be able to use a sexton or Murray or wall and last year at the end u couldn’t unless u played someone that didn’t kno how to play

Anderson Tanner Tanner: I think it will be Ben Simmons at PG but with like a 90 3 I don’t think they’ll do OOP this year

Fred P: Or taller players, like 6 10 dwade

David Bazin: Oh man!! So, if I don’t hit 40 in the next 24 hours I lose the chance to get D. Robinson?.... Damnit, I just hit 37..... (just got the game 2 months ago, I’m playing catch-up... but can someone confirm that’s the case on D.Rob level 40 card?

aidan shearer: should i sell my dirk with kobe defense shoe and diamond contract??

Alberto Galimberti: will the challenges remain even after the end of the season?

Gerik Wassmuth: My investment in 30 or so bongas is starting to pay off

Popyalar Jay: Then I couldn’t play

Popyalar Jay: Mine had that too

Popyalar Jay: I smoke too much I thought I was trippin trippin

סאם ח.: for me was a damian lillard picture instead d.wade!

Skyler Brady: For anybody trying to grind points for xp or assists... Do rookie dominations.

2kAJ 1: Don’t you think the servers this morning were peculiar

Big Ugly: When the out of position players come out that’s my least favorite time of the year

Yekami Racing: Point guard Michael Porter Williams book it

Dallas Smith: Why Not LaMelo Ball Glitched as the Level 40?

Daniel Alexander VCW: I have a bad feeling NMS players will get frozen out this season

Jeffery Parks: "7:14" I used this today and got 500kVC' 𝗩𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗣.𝗕𝗘𝗦𝗧 在 整個 人類 歷史 上 , 強者 , 富人 和 具有 狡猾 特質 的 人 捕食 部落 , 氏族 , 城鎮 , 城市 和 鄉村 中 的 弱者 , 無 `` '守 和 貧窮 成員。 然而 , 人類 的 生存 意願 迫使 那些 被 拒絕 , 被 剝奪 或 摧毀 的 基本 需求 的 人們 找到 了 一種 生活方式 , 並 繼續 將 其 A 融入 不斷 發展 的 人類 社會。 說到 食物 , 不要 以為 那些 被 拒絕 的 人 只吃 垃圾。 相反 , 他們 學會 了 在 被 忽視 的 肉類 和 蔬菜 中 尋找 營養。 他們 學會 了 清潔 , 切塊 , 調味 和 慢 燉 慢 燉 的 野菜 和 肉類 , 在 食品 市場 上 被 忽略 的 部分 家用 蔬菜 和 肉類 , 並且 學會 了 使用 芳香 的 木 煙 (如 山核桃 , 山核桃 和 豆科 灌木) 來 調味 食物 煮 的 時候:

MCM 711: I hope we get the Canada theme packs soon

Nick Rick: My thought process was if it’s “glitch” maybe they did it on purpose but it’s “glitched” in early as a “leak”

Aaron Paul: Hero dirk selling w hof clamps right now in auction house

The Messiah: Recently got back into NBA and been watching a lot to help get the team cooking, quality vids. Where abouts from Ireland are you from btw? COYBIG

Narcill: if it's true it's going to be the worst season of the year

Pete Perkwisit: Jesus, how to stretch the length of a video...

Caleb: For me it glitched, and showed damian lillard for a moment

Will Priestner: The entire game is as broken as it has ever been right now. I'm not even going to attempt to get into gameplay, how do the menus of an "A tier game" not even work? Just tried to play mycareer and my game crashed 5 times before I was able to get into a game. When I finally got in and played I didn't get any VC because if the game lags you out, it counts the game as played and thus doesn't reward you with anything. How is it possible that 90% of the daily spin prizes don't even work? That spinner is like 10-15 lines of code and it literally doesn't function. At what point do we legitimately start asking for our money back? I have been playing since 2K15, 2K21 is THE WORST 2K I have ever played and it isn't close. At least 2K18 was functional, sure the gameplay was equally as bad but at least you could ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME.

King Peraza: glitched positions end game

Randy Thompson: I mean the whole people getting xp reset and challenges disappearing that could have literally been a in game live leak as a legit “glitch in the system” thus them leaking it on a few accounts

White Mamba: Every Tuesday we will get a dark matter, a glitched opal, a pd/diamond, and a amethyst/ruby

nicholas de la cruz: Dude is still not level 40 🤦🏻‍♂️

Burtzy: What if they make a Ben Simmons evo card where you can pick a position and attributes- or something like that. Where you can pick SF Ben Simmons who can shoot, or a PG Ben Simmons that can’t shoot as well. Not saying it would be Ben Simmons, it could be a Giannis or Chris Bosh.

Gabriel Guitian: Center muggsy 😂🤣😂

Tom Steinkellner: If you are able to grind for the good cards like you could in season 5 it will be a W again

Axel Vlogs: This could be perfectly explained in 2min, stop the moneygrab

Fabyan Ayala: I got pink diamond sf bam


Zilin Chen: plot twist: DBG and ty: say goodbye to your short point guards 2k: centre Dwade

Thejeff 2020: Ben Simmons evo

Zilin Chen: DBG thinks pg ben Simmons is out of position

Rylan Louden: Please please 2K sauce us the Glitched Kyle Korver. I will be so hyped for that

PapiMcNut: bruh I was 1 win away from getting my pd box from unlimited and my unlimited stuff got reset :(

Nathaniel Lapid: I saw it too this morning I loaded in after a online game and it said glitched reality

John Laser: Good thing im working night shifts and slept until 2 pm lol

JimboCruntz: I can't see it being Simmons as a reward, I think PG Simmons, Giannis and LeBron bring in too much money. I think it'll be PG Jalen Rose or PG Grant Hill or something. I can see Giannis or Simmons being the Dark Matter in Friday packs though.

Spitzkopf Larry: Pretty sure they leak this on purpose to create more hype.

JB 2411: Level 40, unlimited and limited never goes with the theme of the season.. so Ben being the level 40 reward is more unlikely than Melo

Benji Plays: i got damian lillard on the loading screen instead of DWade

NYG 2610: I hope this isn’t where the game gets too out of hand with things like PG and range extender shaq, that’s generally when I stop playing lol

B Furey: Mabye the reward cards for this season are “glitched” cards with the moving card art because that’s why the glitched cards we have now don’t move

Sanin Radoncic: I got a galaxy opal Giannis with hof corner specialist and Kobe shooting shoe and diamond contract 4 hours left

Sanin Radoncic: I got a galaxy opal Giannis with hof corner specialist and Kobe shooting shoe and diamond contract 4 hours left

Noah Kloppers: That might have happened to me all my things reset

B Furey: Day 1 of predicting the first sentence that DBG says: So Lads, we have a leak!

Tevin parker: I saw Damian lillard

Noah Kloppers: I was on and thought they were bringing season 6 early When my stuff reset

G T: Do I get the Opal token reward or open token market packs?

Dalightskingawd: Someone glitch loss me while I’m 8-0 I’m selling everything for the new season

Liel: Pg Jared Dudley , and sf manute or bol bol


Scorp: All my Unlimited wins are gone. I was 1 win away from the pink diamond reward

Jack McNevin: It reset my unlimited record and said that a new season started rip all Cedric hope

Markelle Fultz: Is all star spotlight gonna disappear?

Dee Scott: Bro it’s not fake everyone had it happen to them

Gabriel Savall: I had a simillar screen but there was a lillard instead of wade

Travis Smith: But Glitched players in Flash packs have been less about out of position and more about giving a player different attributes than their real life counterparts.

Noels Jusdubs: The signature challenge is Wade instead of Jordan in the video for more proof too

XTeen DreamX: DBG i tweeted at you my whole thing was gone but it had lillard on the side

Plomien !: Am i the only wants to see pg eddy curry and dino

Adam Ritter: I’m worried youtubers like Carlos and Denver will get juice odds and get every csrd in game

ElectricHunter1: Do you think my Pink Diamond Point guard Ben Simmons will go up or down In value

Owen Master: DBG - Ben Simmons Point guard card has to come eventually Everyone else - he already has a Point guard PD

Vojin Nikolic: Hpw can we get hyped for season 6 when we cant go for level 40 because we can get reset any time and not be able to get the level 40

Elijah Smith: Surprised he didn't say what a peculiar morning 😂😂

Alden Peel: it could be a dark matter big o for level 40

Nolimit Jv: I’m 35k away from drob,y’all think ima get him by Friday?

InMambaWeTrust: My guess was something to do with glitched cards or OOP cards

ok: Point guard kristaps with 99 speed and max wingspan with a 95 dunk, and 99 3 pointer with hof clamps, hof range, hof quick first step, and hof downhill as lvl 40 or limited is my guess.

Eddie Alaniz: glitched eddy curry

Ghost Master: can anyone confirm that according to nba2kdb duo list the gerald walace and jason richardson duo give each other crazy HOF badges on ps5/xbox? it doesnt show in game but says on the site walace goes from 16 to 32 hof badges and richardson gooes from 10 to 29 hof badges. thats a crazy stat boost and both become opals in game tho just doesnt show the hof badge increase

VillainCrisis: Center Westbrook here we go

J Zz: This is just alot of bs

Saad Sachwani: Time to buy up Isaac bonga to guard Ben Simmons

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