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YoungOreo: Does anyone know the release date or deagle I heard it’s on the 25th of November I’m not sureНаписать
berke güler: I hope we can use the double desert eagle ln br mode ...
Vincent: 0:39 Ferg's talent agreement
goodly: Deagle is cool... But imagine perk system 2.0
p valley: Anyone got the frank woods bundle
RedTeam Videos: I love Ghost so bad in this season and i dont have money to buy the battle pass anyone can help me please???
ii_xiiguavas Vlogs!: 🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻👈🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻 BOBBYN
1ivan12exe: I like this battle pass but season 9 was my most favorite one bc it was on my b-day
Javier Cruz: My favorite weapon in mw is coming to mobile. Great.
Rehaan Enoch: The deagle didn't come in season 12
Braden Regan Dunn: *Bobby*: plays any video *Also Bobby*: ITS TOOOO LOUD
Xonocks The Lost: Imagine if the deagles were a primary 0-0
Max Bell: How do I get the deagle
Murda: Most iconic Price Woods Ghost Mason
Silent Tallon For The Cross: KN-44 got a buff yo
Chillergi VG: BRUH It’s Thursday at 4pm. And there is no Desert Eagle as of yet. I’m hoping it comes later in tonight
Jonbarian: Sadly the legendary will cost a shit ton
ThatLofiKidツ: the deagle reaload animation is from MW 2019
RedWarrior 173: Stopping power with deagle 1 shot
Plaugy Doktah - Yoshiaki Douma: its not a og deagle if it has attachments on it
An Ace: Qq9 got something last season, last season was not bad. I know people say COD Ghost wasnt good but I enjoyed it. I wouldnt mind seeing logan and the others
urboibrody turned18: ghost and mara to me r the most iconic characters in the story
I FiQQ: Teacher: class tell me whats your favourite animal... Quiet kid: *desert eagle* Everybody in the class: Hol up, wait a minute, something aint right
Zakyel Dupuis: the best akimbo you can get is lag and glitch it's been there since they started and they didn't fixed it so it's the most op weapon
Nico Gamer: Akimbo fennec x akimbo deagle
Nighthawk 009: In BR the agr has the 556 which makes it fire AR ammo yet you need to pick up light ammo for it. LoGIc
Tadiwanashe Tawengwa: I paid $2 for one battle pass and now I get all of them for free 😂😂
xXSolid NukeXx: R.I.P. to the people who wanted to hear what the gun sounded like🙏🏼😞
Gabriela Rodas: Literally
Trey Tern: They should keep make a shiny chrome camo for all guns
Simp Gaming: Why do YouTubers like animated skins? Like why
TKr: Yayyy the gun is farther away lol mw
PEAKK-: Uhhh did Locus Got Buffed also? Cuz the Dmg of head and the body is 142 and from the hand is 185
Stellaris CODM: Me: sees Urban Tracker in the BP ME: *its time to simp y’all*
Mayls: 3:38 are you being sarcastic?😂
Angel Diaz: Ramirez and Woods
Sumi Sakurasawa: Bobbyyyy, you need to react to this! https://www.facebook.com/185314879088926/posts/488965815390496/
Tri Z: We would love if we got tactical and full reload
Jeyy C: legendary deagle is on nikto legendary draw
ITFYmorgen 24/7/365: new call of duty going dark before that 32min. of action https://studio.youtube.com/video/SsdedKW4exE/edit
Kuzumo: Premium (BP plus) if you buy this you'll get the bundle BP
Brian Webster: Im always just run with origanl ghost from season 1
Mr Aflatoon: When ur a pistol player and finally get .50GS ....Imma reaching legendary soon ❤️
EDV PROPHET: Woods, Alex, ghost, and price
Niño Luar: I used agr in br it's op dude
Nikita Sokolov: Price and soap but ok its not like soap is prices student like mc Miller
FastCash Kj: i just got the notification...9 hours later
EleazarL27: 4:34 Battle pass***😂😂your always getting confused bobby
DIZ-Plazzy: I bought season 1 and 2 and maxed them out. Seasons 3-10 I didn’t buy but still got all the free rewards. And I decided to buy this seasons pass and imma buy season 12 too 😂
Adam Blakey: Hey bobby with the battle pass bundle it’s basically just saying in a fancy way that it’s a premium battle pass bonus
Flyspere: How do you have the play button you don't have 100k subs but I hope you get there
Carlos Medina: ghost is the most iconic character but maybe reznov, mason and woods could be up there with price
Matej Sambolec: I like how everyone says "velikan" wrong🤣🤣🤣 It's a slavic word, closest translation in English is a "giant" but it doesn't have a direct translation (I think)
Jennifer Adoga: Soap says hi
Eliseo Lucas Ramon: The bundle is if you you buy the 12 tiers in the premium pass
Ak: Mason and woods hands down
Noobyilous B: I believe the battle pass bundle thing is the premium pass plus where you automatically get the first 12 tiers
Mike Gnagy: i can’t get the karambit😭
yosua gura: Hai bob, come on react gameplay JimsYT channel. He is pro player from Indonesia 🔥 🇮🇩
Lucas Wang: why are we getting so many qq9 skins in battle passes smh
No Regrets: No idea why I'm watching this, not like f2p players get anything from the battlepass
Takisa Garrison: It hasn't even really been released just yet for everyone and I'm already advocating for akimbo to get taken out the game
BucketsOfoj: “Getting back at airsoft cheaters with real 50. Cal deagle”
junez.mobile: Sorry but most iconic for me would have to be Mason and woods
Chainz Gaming: SOAPPPP!
Yoosh h. Masih: Man listen all this army classic looking skins are tough and gives a very different vibe and these skins distinguish between another games with color skins
Frosty The Snowman: I don’t get why ppl say that they are gonna skip a bp when they have already gotten one, because once you buy it once you get enough cp to get the next one. Will someone explain
Gamer Gaming: Im happy that battle pass is cheap 400 to 800 CP so I can just them
Frosty The Snowman: When you’ve seen the leaks 7 times already but you watch the video anyway
guerrilla: Akimbo pistols akimbo pistols akimbo pistols akimbo pistols akimbo pistols
Geeked Moneyman: Anybody else notice he looks like Vincent martella
KapaTeL Cod: MOBILE: https://youtu.be/ZrgtEdEfLe0
PROXYhx: The battle royale freezing issue hasn't been fixed yet :( It's not fixed as said in the patch notes...
Swiirl: He has 68k subs how does he have a play button tho 🤔
Ravi Kumar Sinha: Bp is 3 dollars in india😅🤣
FaribX 0: I still need more br maps 😑.
Carlo Gatdula: The battle pass bundle means buying the first 12 tiers
iVoid YTツ: I knew it was going to be DogeBeanie
The Guy: They should replace the credits after lvl 50 with the bp crates as they did in seasons before
Никита: Akimbo perk is the worst thing inside the CODM. Even worse than shotgunners ans other jerks
Isaac Santos: im watching youtube in youtube
Haari Vignesh: It was fun to see you got nuked 😂
Hamza Raza: In the battle pass bundle you just get the premium battle pass and a few other items exclusive to the bundle. For e.g. this season (11) you get an pretty cool epic bat skin along with a frame, sticker and spray
INDOMINUS GAMING: Where is the heart beat sensor btw? everyone forgot about it
ITFYmorgen 24/7/365: Season 12 out now https://youtu.be/c89zk9xROHI
ITFYmorgen 24/7/365: https://youtu.be/c89zk9xROHI
Najae Watts-Neal: did yall forget wee already had ghost in the battle pass season 10
Jimmy Uso Fan: How much is a battle pass , I have 880 CP right now , saving it for this one
Mage Trent: When you buy the twelve tier skip battlepass that's how you get the bonus.
Raj Jauhari: We need like 3 more pistols in game to make melee weapons better
Chikani Chesa: Ferg be like when seeing Bobby playing with the server 🤣🤣🤣😏
FATAL ECLIPSE PLAYZ: heck yeah finally i will get a clean ghost skin
Keyrel Magura: kerambit only available for those who buying premium battle pass only.
Yvng SauceGod: i dont even know what skins to use anymore
Abhishek Singh: Disagree?? Price and soap is the most iconic duo in COD history... Way more than ghost and price.... The modern warfare series dictate this in bold....
I’m sus ._.: Forget season 11 this is the real anniversary for cod season 12
Treking Tkg: just imagine if they put the whole task force 141 in the battle pass
The Weeb: kn44 dominates in raid, it’s so good
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