*NEW* 100 Player Hide & Seek in Fortnite! (Chapter 2 Season 6)

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Jane Thiore: He missed another bush person at 4.25

Eat_yo_greenz: Y’all remember them black ops 2 class setup videos? Man... what a time to be alive

Callum McConnell: Ali a you see golden lama

Linkin Park Shane: I love how he passed the same person like 10 times lol

Mesh Nahar: I want a battle Pass

Mesh Nahar: Iam Muhammad Ayaan 7 i supported you

David Hoeft: how do I join the Alia didcount???

your trash boi: Alia is calling us a trash can

Raj Virmani: 11:04 there was player behind the door 😀

hypxr_ nova: title: 100 player hide and seek Me: are you sure about that

Nana Mose: sup

Minette Cronje Uys: hi

TAMA TANDIA: Man voice

The Stoned Bee: I used to watch like all alias videos until all he posted was fortnite

Alfyris: Best seeker

Addo baba -zeraora-: 4:26 someone here to

Addo baba -zeraora-: 3:07 BRUH THERE IS SOMEONE RIGHT THERE

Haridas Faribairn: He's so bad at looking

Danyal: I say you add the person who built code ali a. And play a game

HypnoticAden YT: Isn’t he cheering he sees threw the walls

Ant Fall: Ali-a you got 78 kills

Muhammad Saad: rip pongo and the stuffed animals

Muhammad Saad: henlo wasup

Tizi Boi999: How did he not see the other person in the bush bruh dum

Temple Enterprises: I have subscribed please gift me the battle pass "NOMINALPUMA1984"

julie k: Did anyone else see that there were two people in the bush and only killed one?

Victor Torres: Wow i wish i was there i get anything😥

Rylan and Jared plays: I caught with my laser beam eyes me seeing someone else 🤦🏻

Syko Dom: 11:04 How did he not see him.

Itachikage: April 1st wait…

Arkeyu: Id just hide somewhere else and then move when the last player is left. Id also change my region so he couldnt spectate me.

Which didn’t happen: Come on Ali broke the world record

Joao Pedro Valino Arjona: They should make a Alia locker bundle

vane nicolas: HAHAHAHA

Infinity: u might as well quit 😄🤬

Nicholas Eckhardt: Lol he is blind get your eyes check my guy

Infinity: at the game

Justin Daniel: rip

jbthebest008 brown: Alia can u do a hideseek match with me and I used your code

Carl Mcfall3: I want to be in there please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Justin Benoit: Every time Ali does one of these videos I am just yelling at him wondering how he misses people from looking right at them

Kane Meinke: There was another person in that bush

Gloria Elox: Your so blind

Et the Beast: Bruh you blind

margarita sandoval: Bro its so funny he past alot of people

Miguel Angel Cervantes: Ali A i really want to play with you and im i big fan but i cant sub because my dad dose not let me but ya my user FAZE_DEADSHOT_ OK

Gavin & Will: Someone was using orange superhero in orange bush I would not have saw him 🤣🤣🤣

mnayak: In a video take off your hat because you always where your hat

TazifyFN: Hey Alister, I loved the video! 😀

Greyson Taylor: Marine back

Mathis Lacroix: 4:23 no way!!

savagegameryeet: 2:10 ANYONE ELSE SEE THEM

Alan Dockery: You killed tye chicken wing girl

marlo gamesXD: @alia can I please add you on Pokemon go 😬😊

Ronald Mcdonald: Zipwire?

Ronald Mcdonald: Their was someone else under the bridge

prince el: check new fortnite moves :@t

Shane Richards: "5:44" Happy to get from *VB2.ONLINE**


Ronnie Hennessy Gaming: I was here I was Ronnie YouTube I am now pog

Kool-Aid Man: Ll

darcie manning: He says I knew I’d see someone in the bush kills them but there was another in the same bush lol

danieltcherniavski: bruh i would just go in a tree

Nichole P: 😭rip

Jamie Bechtold: 3:37 Ali a:my lazer eyes made it so I could see you. The guy behind him: what is his eye sight

Ian Harvey: When u were killing onto of the spire someone ran away form the ppl u were killing and survived

David Brown: Bruh you could see the name tags tho

KickupAstorm PS5: Hi alia

Kristina Ruseckaite: There were two people under the bridge but nice try try ali

Wild Card: there was someone in front of him doing a medetating thing when he jumped off before searching the roof tops BTW I really hate writing long sentences

Planier8 Basement kid: Ye

Minecraft Kid: How about April fools

Ezell Calico: It was funny the super hero was like GG And i huge world record 78 elim..... that is quiet large

Byron Lee: You missed a person in the Bush me: alia missing 1b pepul🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

HH Hyper: 1:50 ?

Memphis: You didn't see one of the guy's in the bush

Nathaniel Segal ( Student ): i like how he has missed 3 people in the first 4 minutes and they were like write beside him

N3bula_11: Ali, you need to save your voice. Stop shouting. Just chill. Lol

Yo mama Obama: Ali you failed to hide your track hacks lol

LHBooms Gaming: Tell me you saw the 2nd guy under the bridge with his builds out

Levi Petoskey: If there’s a orange bushranger ima freak

Chacho Carrera: When your parents say fortnite isn’t fun :)

Jen Tafoya: Alia literally passed someone else next to someone he killed in the bush

Jen Tafoya: Alia: my lazer beam eyes caught you! Me: sees another person right next to the one he killed under the bridge that he did not see

Jack Morton: Is it just me or is he using hacks and letting him see other peoples names

Naomi Cuff: He is blind

Ishaanmaster007: He missed another in the bridge

obey_OMEN: me: seeing all the kids hes running passed ali a: "laser beam eyes" 3:30

Claire Kavanagh: When he went under the bridge there was someone ells there

Danny Otero: POV: you looking for the winner in the comments

Colin Sheep: Why you normal match but not battle lab

Colin Sheep: It shows yoU where they are

Harrison xx: I love these videos

Candra Gantt: 4:25 hahaha

Gaming with aidy and aidy: We need to hide and seek around the whole entire map

Zahra Zahid: He should have used the flying technique

ii Bawboe ii: Like show that comment

ii Bawboe ii: Plz shout me out.

wandaboii Miya: I came out number 42

God_LiamXS: The guy behind the door in weeping

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