Secure Ops | Season 7 Gameplay Trailer - Arena Breakout

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@ryangaming5287: The ragdoll animation isn't smooth anymore. There are so many bugs in this update. Please fix it as soon as possible.

@MoneyTactics-b9y: The new features in Season 7 look incredible! The tactical depth in Secure Ops mode seems like it will really change the way we approach every match. Can't wait to dive into those new strategies!

@Presidencraft.: S7 mengalami penurunan grafik

@cnjor2331: I hate that the devs make us play as the bad guys (colom) in story missions

@Antiakunpalsu: Im sucked fvck with gfl it so a$$

@Arshiyaak: Add Iran 🇮🇷

@misfit7024: Okay the new guy is horifyingly scary if it is the boss in a foxtrot or dark mode event.

@misfit7024: I updated and got super low graphics... I downloaded all resources but What happened? I can't see a hundred meters now.

@FTOWO: The worst season yet @zgillie you’re a liar and a fraud

@DonSpideyTheOne: Mine ld was pure fun no rats. Why u took it down?

@simounluz5063: Helly yeah we doing secure ops with Hectate!

@Gyokap: Pembukaan untuk season7 dengan memakai gaya vidio seperti ini aku Suka .👍

@Ody21: How do I unlock the RPG?

@MixedGames58-z7l: Renoir, Derwin, and Porrero!? Blackgold doesn't stand a chance!

@5Gcontrolsyourbrain: Anyone else have a garbage item they always pick up for good luck? For me it’s the cheap thermometer.

@gamerxgamez8988: No for PC?

@caydenph2741: Stop with the low quality animations and trailers omfg, you got all that money for what?

@Caynesss: Add everything to ABI

@Hanna.co92: bro you ve done the best mobile game it’s you doing my love to shoot and loot hardcore fps ❤

@Bartsman123: 3 bosses fighting at once?

@BebeWhax: Fix fps drops 😢

@adamman1920: 0:01 i guess that i am herring s5 trailer music

@Argentinopipo: Que le miran a la miniatura

@alirezahz5513: Why did you ruin the graphics of the game in this season 7? For me, all the settings are locked and even the images from the lowest graphics are worse??

@vandanapandey3983: Sorry AB devs I am installing this game for now because the the platform I used to download game don't have updated so I hope you will release update on app market so that I can again play this legendarygame..... please fast this time last time it took a lot of time... thanks

@marklorincz915: Dear Arena Breakout developers. Here are some of my personal and professional opinion. Thermal scope & T7: As of now Thermal is incredibly unfair. People coming in with 20 smoke, constantly spamming and they can easily kill anyone. It’s not fun at all. I am not sure if it’s realistic on the first place. Furthermore, thermal scope should not work in many scenarios. Not like this. When ur surrounded by concrete, walls, metal etc. that catches the light and warmth, it should be so much more highlighted than the character models, as body temperature is nowhere near as a hot surface. I think thermal should be switched to night vision. Or kept only in a weapon scope form. That would be a lot more balanced than as it is now. Speaking of Night vision, here comes the dynamic weather or more importantly “night to day” option. (I am not sure if it’s hard or not to develop) There are incredible amount of good that could bring to the game and community. 1. Protection for begginers and tactical players!!. Many people play the game as if it was COD or else. It’s 2024, short attention spam and ofc at the end of the day we have to let people play the way they’d like to and is fun to them. (Jumping out of corners like literally jumping and headshoting is not fun tho, frustrating. It doesn’t feel real, and you can’t really protect yourself.) Back to night and day topic. It’s incredibly hard to have enough money to buy thermal, but if the players have the chance to hide inside buildings during the night that idk, lasts for 10 minutes? They can simply wait out the night and not die. Many will not do that anyways, bc the shortage of time but the ones hiding inside buildings can have a very cool, very thrilling fight, which is a whole new feeling to the players. Flashlights would get much more sense that way too btw. Also, throwing a neon stick must be a cool added equipment. Flashlights as of now, are very unfair too. If I am wearing an expensive black visor, I don’t want to be 95% blinded buy a simple flashlight. If it’s a normal visor, sure okay. Anyways I think there could be so much more attention to the details bc the game has so much potential, the overall feel of a game, the graphisc are cool, a game this good must amaze you hwo it looks. How beautiful a sunset can be, how different times of the day gives you different vibes. Harsh light as of now all the time is just very monoton. I don’t know the numbers but I think people incredibly love all the storm and rain and fog modes. Bc of what I described. I stop now because I could write probably 50-60 A4 pages with Arial size 10. All because I love the game, I love that it’s this good on a mobile and tech got this far, I love that you guys truly listen and care about the community and seem very passionate about what you produce. I do have a tonn of ideas how to make the community so much stronger and so much friendlier. Like there’s all voice chat for a reason, no? Roleplaying is IN the game, but noone is using that. Just imagine that ur playing with ur friends, switch to all voice chat, and act like u don’t know u talking to all saying to ur friends, ,,bro I didn’t bring enough bullets, we should jumo out from the balcony, do u think it’s possible? we might broke our leg tho. (for context, it’s not possible at Twighlight apartment) So we said to each other ok lets runnnnn, and we did play it out actually, holding the door from 3 sides when all 4 rushed in and stood no chance. It was hilarious and we added the guys, they told us that this was the first time they were crying from laughter even tho they got killed. It’s creative, it’s hilarious, they will try that tactic in their next round being hyped. THIS IS actually in the game, people just don’t even know about it. Ofc, on mobile, voice chat is different, harder, u need a headseat not to disturb other players while talking, since you can hear the sound of the game that way :/ I think its the biggest issue why people don’t voice chat that much. If u think about it, many people spam the Cease Fire or You come to the wrong place. I work as a concept creative and used to work in advertising for long, so my mind sadly mostly sees the improvements there could be, but the game is cool, thanks.

@fabricioquintans1204: Por quê tiraram a zona de isolamento do porto ?

@Bee237-f1i: The graphics of season 7 are very very ugly 💔💔💔💔 you destroyed my heart as a big AB fan😭😭😠😠😤

@Keremm67: It used to be 30 fps, now it's 15🤡🤡🤡🤡

@jaydentam2263: This feel like at GTA trailer


@chewxdnd2: "Lets talk about how you can give daddy a hand." EXCUSE ME????

@Splawg: Best mode ab has ever released

@cheetosmosquitos001: 2:26 Does this mean we get to fight all bosses at once like from the recent Escape from tarkov update ??😮😮😮

@Regi-rm2yb: Porrero, Derwin and Renoir💀

@dapin_jawir: DADDY WHAT!?

@arktisch-humorgaming8993: Just got killed by hackers great start to the season

@rinduohaitani9552: Why 3 boss are in freaking mine?

@nistervts4237: Dev please remove automatic download I can't not enter the game i constantly Disconnect whenever I login...😢😢

@suntzu7771: Daddy deke is cannon now

@IsraelMederosFrayle: Mi celular 😢

@vellman4120: Where is solo mode??

@AkiAli-z5m: Насните делать трейлеры в реальной жизни.

@theducklover2652: 1:35 All ghillied up reference

@thebluetrooper15: 2:23 My Favorite Warlords/Bosses together.... Wow can't wait Bois

@White-wolf-opertator: 1:40 They are probably debating the current conflict in Kamona because taking into account that even the game itself tells us that the north-south conflict is reaching a dead end, in addition Derwin and Renoir are the military figures with the greatest power in Kamona and Vladlen could be there to represent Tevilah, my personal theory about why the abyss squad is there is more for a reason of flavoring and attempted assassination of the leaders, probably the cdis gave them the information of the location of the meeting and we were involved for our own interests

@SD-R-2010: 2:12 WEEEEE

@DR-nz9ns: Last guy is challenging the whole Kamona, Colom and Tevila

@dbeast8005: Sheeeeeeeeeshhhh👌👌👌👌👌

@jackjack5439: USELESS Events just like the devs

@Xandagli: Hi pls added me monte Mori Please add kill animation

@adrogamer7753: 2:32 isn't tha part from shadow fifht 3?😂

@Fishickris: Kind of dissapointing, the players can’t earn rank points from secure ops, you also cant pick other maps from secure ops

@darkphantom4321: Can i use thermals in Secured Ops?

@SD-R-2010: I'm waiting for the cinematic/lore trailer

@SD-R-2010: 2:29 - Derwin - Renoir - Porerro - Viper - Hecate - Bravo One 'Styx' - Obol/Randy[or whatever you say](that one with the hat like joel but masked)

@SD-R-2010: 1:43 person in the side is Vladlen

@SD-R-2010: 1:44 and there it is. Mine meeting

@SD-R-2010: 1:15 isn't that Farmland? How do there is functional cars!?

@Punisher740: unfortunately season 7 sucked

@LocutorDJ: This stupid game become call of duty it's not extraction Shooter anymore only focus in battle not loot

@ahmetyldirm7849: Wow 🔥🔥🔥

@ZanaSparda: We need more daddy dele tutorials

@Mhann20: i lost my aek thermal when logging in s7 :(

@yessrodd: I'm alright with the girls Frontline collab, just as long as I don't see Snoop Dogg and ice spice on the field, I'm ok

@benjaminandoh: Well done developers ❤

@jezthercanete1367: Did you guys fix the bug where you can't loot your kills because they got buried in the ground?

@Jose96-Zzz: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


@Generalchez: NEW MODE!?

@vipdangerstar134: Story game should game

@ICELORD-y7l: Finally anime dolls

@Jffusilero: Please release Secure ops Mode PC please

@nhiljann14: Love the trailer ❤

@breakoutclips-sd7eh: Why are my grapics so bad rn in the last seson it was good i cant play any more

@PatriotMen01: Why my male operator didn't get his crop top?! I want justice!!! #CropTopforMaleOperator

@Jffusilero: When PC release?

@falldruid5540: Yo solo let's go!!

@RaiO_o: This type of trailer looks really fire man!

@GamerXtreme111: Why is nobody talking about how in the abyss documents we see how the abyss squad are planning on capturing Ajax and are going to interrogate Ajax. Midas touch MP5, Bigger Mine faction War, New car, New amazing weapons, Girls frontline Collab, Secure ops, New skins, And also the new Viper boss who looks BADASS❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🔥🔥😩😩

@Alirazakhan-rk7ph: Thambnail photo. 🍌🍌🌋🌋

@menacereconnaissance7406: Man there's no free Ranked store outfit to grind?

@hankJoel: Oh i will give u a hand daddy😂

@kaizernylsolpicosolpico2722: Just make sure the skins are no so flashy this is supposed to be a realistic military game not like codm

@COD_PABLO1: Arena breakout we love u

@Ryanzh42: Me, when I show deke about the possible threat that could be happening worldwide: 2:31

@jadetorr6360: Damn daddy's here😂

@sniper345-je7hv: 2:30 is that Renoir?

@TirthPardeshi: Is this mode permanent?

@ZeeZeeBoy: Huhhh why is hecate, Derwin,renoir doing on mine?

@Sort88: 0 recoil 0 dispersion 0 armor. you wanted to cipiare tarkov you have cipiato Cod and that's it 😂

@RedLine121-A: So? The rank points had Clothes again?

@Lrm-md5im: We can't download right now after the update

@SyahroedeanYT: 2:27 Literally me when i'm head on with Bosses face to face

@seekor_bebek: Idea : new snow mode, Features 1.freezing glass : you can't ses through glass anymore because it frozen including mask ,you need to constantly cleaning it 2.Ice: The water is frozen so you can walk on it 3.snow trails: You leave a trail on snow when you move 4.idk😂

@shinnki3709: Where tf operator skin on battlepass and rank shop go?

@fattyeater1230: 0:28 my deadass thought it was vault-tec bagpack 🤓

@djewane1159: Why everything they make it as temporary all the time ?what happen to mines map rank match ?it's gone . That's it . From season 1 to season 6 I stop playing . Unsub my monthly case n pass . Moving to delta force . Sorry breakout arena I've noticed all the good stuff are just temporary n now mines map rank match. From season 1 to season 6 . I come back and install the game when the Dev permanently set mine map in rank match cuz it's one of my fav map in rank . If anyone wanna buy my account do let me know . I have 12,981 koins left . I have 5 tea pot,2 lion ,10 gold sculpture statue n more red items . N yes I have 1 secret Doc. All of this red items high value I kept in my storage as my back up koins . Giving up season 7 moving to delta force mobile.

@lordviper8475: Porerro and drawin and Renoir meeting 1:44

@MFxDANZO: P2w skins already out on day 1, man y'all literally take mobile gamers for cash grab! Remove the goofy footsteps indicators, increase fov, fix the damn server.

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