SEASON 4 MARVEL BATTLE PASS SKINS! Winning in Solos (Fortnite Season 4)

Категории: Разное
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Juan Lucas: Hi how are you doing bro

Mikey Russ: Hi.

Cole Smith: 58:30 made me cry

Kevin Alejo: My is edwin


VAX KANGAROO: I miss Jules mythica

cj go: You are cool ☺️😎😎😉😎😎😎😎😎😎😎🌞🆒🆒🆒

Zodiac Ł: Hi

Daphne Ahearn: Yo what's up exoph your cracked. But TG is shit

Rabia Hossan: I cant believe I missed the stream

Remy Teves: You look double so smart with your glasses (standard joke) :p

Verified.: Eggsoff is cool

Grady Mitchell: wussup

Grady Mitchell: wussup

Grady Mitchell: wussuo

Caleb Smith: srry i missed the stream but i always use your code n watch all your vids

Just_Jayden: Use code exoph. in the item shop

Just_Jayden: Hi exoph love your videos

_.makeouthill._: Did tg get the battlepass yet?

stop mm moshin 1: I went back in liked all your videos until 2 months in since I can't donate

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