House Stark is reunited - Game of Thrones (Season 7)

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Light Treason: Am I crazy or did his lips not move when he said “It’s wasted on a cripple?” I guess they added it in post production?

Captain Pike-a-chu: I can’t stop thinking about how this is Isaac, Maisie, and Sophie’s first time acting onscreen together since the pilot episode when they were kids, and here they are now reunited as professional adult actors with their own respective experiences doing different storylines with the different filming units. This must have been a joy for them to do, finally really getting to act together.

For the love of cats: The night king was Jon's. Cersei was Arya's

Othello Academy: Bran already looked ahead and realised the only way he can beat the Night King is to pass the dagger to Arya lol

DrCarp: I wonder, did little finger recall seeing Arya when she was Tywin’s cup bearer? Did he realise how they both foolishly let her slip between their fingers, when it would have made all the difference in the world!

David Gorman: Arya is one of the few people not freaked out by Bran. Surprised yes, but she's seen so much stuff that it didn't really phase her.

shahbaz aamir: Reunion incomplete without John

Kimon Blackwood: The moment Sansa realise Arya list is real lol

Eduardo Negrete: Is this a happy ending in GOT?

Narayan Verma: Imagine, in the final season, the Night King walking up to Bran, after defeating and killing everyone, then Bran pulls out a dagger and stabs the Night King. Lol! And the season ends with Bran Saying! "Why do you think I came all the way here (to this tree)?"

Stephanie A. Lowry: Season 8 foreshadowing: Bran gives Arya the dagger that would later be used to kill the Night King. Also, it happened in the same place too.

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