Season One, Episodes 3 & 4 Livestream

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Chrisamos412: Fantastic, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to watch, been waiting! First time seeing this, it’s so realistic and believable.

Laura Schwickrath: Praise you Yeshua! Thank you for this production. God bless you!!!

Wildride 567: This is the first time I’ve seen the chosen but, 1 & 2 is Amazing!!!

Tammy Brewer: Thank you for all of your hard work!! Amazing! God Bless you

Caedmon Noeske: "We Romans rule the world." Not Germania boi...

Terry Pease: Come I will make you fishers of men.

Paul Belyea: I love this episode with the children

Caedmon Noeske: Free Palestine!

Roger Bust: Why dies the Chosen use Hebrew, yet the Lord's name, "Jesus" is left in Greek?

Sandra Collazo Betancourt: When using Captions, the verbiage is distorted. Wondering how to fix it???

R Johnson: Finally downloaded the app!

toni sargent: i love this tv show can't wait until the new ones

yulan blumhagen: The joy of our Messiah! God is so good!

Deborah Newsome: This one with the children is one of my favorites.

Anne Christensen: A wonderful series! Thank you! I have one suggestion and that you add accurate captions. I, and I'm sure many others would also appreciate it. It would also include those who are hard of hearing and the deaf community as well, if the captions were accurate. God bless!

Katerina Papaxanthou: Seeing Him tear up when the kids are saying the Shema 😭😭😭😭 I believe He does this whenever children pray ❤️

Lino Costa: Really loved very much, God bless everyone involved in making this series.

Dino Santerini: This is film with the actors acting contemporary ,it's not really realistic, I rather watch Jesus of Nazareth it was more real

Dino Santerini: What is with the wobbly camera movement it's annoying... don't they get it they didn't have cameras back then so why you making us aware this is film by jiggling the camera

I'm Just Jeff: It brought God's word alive a little more. Gotta say...

Diane Sellers: Episode 3 brings sweet tears to my eyes, it is so endearing. <3

Jane Smith: Annoyed that I cant get The Chosen app in the U.S.A. for my IMAC. Please fix!!!!

omega drawings and other stuff: That scene where the children meet Jesus is very funny

Thecla Paolini: Robert that is my reaction too One cannot help it it is a grace added for us

Ashley Penn: As someone who watches a lot of dubbed anime, hearing Brandon Potter as Quintus still makes me geek out every time. He's been in so many of my favorite shows. :P

jaine miller: Anyone know what part Shahar Isaac plays? He's listed first in the credits - before the actor who plays Jesus.

Anette Bianca: Simon in the boat is SO me - it was so spot-on I had to laugh ♥

M Benn:

Gloria Smolenyak: I have two or more sound tracks , trying to make sense of it, is there a quick fix?

TONYRYO13: Blessings... This is great.

Martin Walters: pppppppp

Beverly Haro: I watched up to episode 6 today and can’t wait to watch the rest of the episodes tomorrow. I’m so drawn to these movies. 💕 Jesus is portrayed how I imagined him to be.

Ange T.: The chosen truly reveals the Father God's LOVE.

C S: i want to believe this is 100% good. but this guy wrote a book based of a show he made witch is based off the bible. he added and twisted things and is profiting off it...yeah i just don't know....

C S: even the devil can quote the bible, but he can never admit Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.

Petal Richards-Chambers: Love the scene with jesus and the fishermen

Petal Richards-Chambers: Love the scene with Jesus talking to the children

Anna Bischoff: Awesome!! I was blubbering ,emotional beautiful!🙏🙏🙏

Tr1Ck ShOt: Is this mormon

Donna Watson: I love how you show Jesus simply praying in the camp...simply alone....just like it really was....2000 years ago

Donna Watson: Is Angel studios former Vidangel?

emsie76: The parable Jesus recites on the boat gets me every time. I cry every time I see the miracle of the catch. 🙏🏼

T. Higley: Props to everyone involved in this project. The casting, the acting, the costuming and scenery... everything about this show is just excellent. May God continue to use The Chosen to bring the gospel to the entire earth.

Beth Guilliams: I love this episode! It brings me to tears every time! THANK YOU!!!

Agnes R.: Has anybody noticed how Andrew moved his hand with the rope at 1:20:00 - He clearly can not decide whether he is nervous our excited. Noah is playing his character so well. And I like the dynamics between them both, Andrew and Simon. <3

JOY TRUJILLO: Simon...son of Jonah...3 days in the belly of a whale....??? Offspring of that Jonah???

JOY TRUJILLO: I love how Zebedee outran his children....

JOY TRUJILLO: I hope I have the awareness Jet does...hmmm even dogs get tired ...yet a dog will get up any hour and no matter the weather to protect.

JOY TRUJILLO: Which dog breed is more loyal...a German shepherd or yellow retriever? just a question

JOY TRUJILLO: I don't see any student trying to make money from The Word. It is FREE.

Empowered Consumerism CEBU: Excited for season 2 this sunday. Waited for more than 1 year.🇵🇭

Angel Suberlin Sheeba: I randomly came across this and started seeing ..I ve always imagined and ve seen videos depicting Jesus as a very serious person...but the way Jesus is portrayed here with smile nd love nd a good bubbly vibe makes me love him more nd it gives a different perspective of him ❤️❤️

Manuelito Torres: I watched this multiple times. The scene with Jesus and Peter after catching fish always make me cry, until now.

Wayne Logan: great! watched 2nd time, and sure to watch the series again, perhaps many time more. Thanks so much for the production, a great gift to the world!

Angie Biermann: That look between Jesus and Simon slays me every time...🤣❤🙌 Just proves to say God is never late; He's always on time and moves in the right way with exactly what we need.

Bk Jackson: I'm just now seeing The Chosen for the first time and of the 1st 4 episodes, this one is my favorite. As Peter was fussing at God while fishing during the night, I recognized my own flailings with my faith so it really struck home. Gives me hope that I'm not the only one who has stumbled and fumbled. And God can use me too! I thank Him for his patience with us.

Bk Jackson: "You people WANT to be ruled." Boy, if that doesn't sound like American citizens right now, I don't know what does. 8-(

Serene Soaking Sounds: GOD BLESS YOU ALL

Catherine Fabiano: Awesome

Teresa Quintal: hi from Australia

_ _oCaliD: I'm confused I dont want to watch yet if this isnt 1 and 2. Where is 1 and 2 or is the title supposed to say 1 and 2 instead of 3 and 4?

Lindsay Giraldo: I watched Many times!🙏🏻🙏🏻

Mic: Don't have a smart phone Guess I won't be watching your movie.

Mery Luz Moya: I love so much the chosen! I think you are doing an amazing job!! We are seeing a Jesus with a different eyes!! This God much personal with the human 😍😍😍 who feels, laugh, cry, get angry, hungry, thirsty, etc!!! Congratulations!! God blessings for all!! I saw the show from Spain! But I am from venezuela ♥️♥️♥️

Mery Luz Moya: I love when andrew tell simon about the messiah, and when they sees him at the beach!! He looks Jesus with faith, and want to do all the he says, first than simon! Jajaja i like it so much!

Mery Luz Moya: OMG! I got emotional like the first time i saw this chapters! They are so beautiful, jesus is espectacular, location, and other characters are amazing! Love jesus with the children, so cute! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Mackenzie: 47:00

Kay VanderVeen: The Season Two trailer gave me chills! Cant wait to see it all!

Read my ABOUT section PLEASE: Sorry for this comment. I'm not a bad person, just a desperate breadwinner. Lost so much since 2020. 😷 Have a spare $1? Savin to get a working laptop (home job). No opportunities outside, Covid cases got worse here. 😷

Gill Morris: Hi from the UK

Rae Brown: I loved that part between Jesus and Simon

Eunice Aceto: Will the new episodes be streamed on you tube? Or can they only be seen through the app, at first?

Oliver Devereux: I think the best way of obtaining the funds for the full seven seasons is for them to ask the 90 million who have watched it to pay $1 via paypal, problem solved.

Carole Roy: Let's pray for the conversion of the 7 (and if there are others) who put a thumbs down to this series. May Jesus shower His love upon them that they may be powerful witnesses to His mercy and grace. I love You, Lord Jesus Christ!!!

RA שלישה: Why did I cry more today than the first time seeing this?? So much underlying emotions in episode 3 and episode 4 is also a favorite

GrannyMargeDragon ARAGON: All involved with this series , I pray that our Lord God continues to bless you !

GrannyMargeDragon ARAGON: I can watch this over and over and still my Spirit is always amazed!

Cyd Hall: The APP IS AWESOME!!!

Leona L: So good! So rich for thirsty souls. God bless season 1 and 2 with 100 fold harvest blessings!!

Margaret Broste: Praying strength and repair into the hedge of protection around all those who are working on this project, especially those currently working on getting the new episodes ready, but including everyone because our enemy is always prowling. Lord Jesus, please deploy all necessary resources to guard and protect them. Holy Spirit please refresh and inspire them and empower them to do all that God the Father is calling them to do. To You, oh LORD, be all the glory!

Ragini Gaur: Speech less brother... It's just... amazing..

Ess: I love Jesus and the children, I can't wait to share this episode with my children when they're old enough to watch 😊

grace and peace: The trailer is completely AWESOME!!!😁😍. Makes me SO EXCITED for season 2❣️❣️❣️

Sherri Zerbel: My 3yr old grandaughter loves episode 3! When she comes over she asks to watch “ Jesus”! ♥️ love these thank you !!

Daniel Morris: I just read an article by Deseret News about Dallas Jenkins, and the incredible way he is directing this miraculous show. It talks about when the actors are cold during a shoot, Dallas will take off his own jacket in solidarity, or if there is a stunt to do, Dallas will perform it first to make sure it is safe. It's reports like this that help me not only believe in this show, but believe specifically in Dallas. We are behind you 100%. You are called of God to make this show, and although the billowing deep may try to stop you, you have God on your side, and will be victorious.

Daniel Whitmet: Ep 3 macks me cry no matter how many times I wach it

Damianne Geppert: I believe The Chosen is truly anointed! It doesn't matter how many times I watch these episodes, I am moved every time! God is doing amazing things through this project and I pray for God's continued blessing & inspiration on all involved! Thank You!

Elaine Van Dellen: This story is totally captivating and worth watching!! Thank you, Chosen cast and team, for making this so easily available.

Liji Rasheel: Praise the Lord 🙏

Felipe Lorran: Jesus Listening the kids of pray was amazing!!

Bill Mahlerwein: 🎼🙏❤️

Gaurav Yadav: I think that we should pray for The Chosen series that the will of the Lord our God be done for them. Please pray for them if you wish to. Thank you and may the God bless you and protect you each and everyday of your life. In Jesus's name Amen and Amen.

MIG TV.: ❤️

Sharon Leslie-Clarke: I still think this is the best depiction of Jesus and His disciples ever made. I pray God's blessings on all who are involved with this project.

Sharon Leslie-Clarke: Casting from my computer is easier.

Sharon Leslie-Clarke: I was unable to cast the video from my cell phone to my tv through Roku - it kept asking me to put my name in there when it was already there.

LoveMercyGrace: I love how Abigail's "gift" would have been hidden for a while, so that He could surprise her later with an added personal meaning & nod to their relationship. Also love the rain, showing Abigail's determination to meet with Jesus, come rain or shine... & that's when she gets blessed with her gift.

Yashica Ashborn: Watching this all over again 💝

Benedikte H: I absolutely love this series! It is so good! 🥰🥰🥰

Youdjeeny: Praying for you the chosen team

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