Moist Meter | Attack on Titan Final Season

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Trix Raid: The cliffhanger had me so pissed off

Gcf2099: Thank you for talking about the CGI. It's absolutely insane that trendwatchers are going apeshit over perfectly fine CGI. I've seen bad CGI ant AoT does not have it.

DominusDeLupis: Charlie is a big fan bc he’s the same height as Levi

Sussy buoy: average aot fans vs average aot fans

MV STUDIOS: nah fk gabbi.

Put the money In the bag: (Spoiler) I don’t hate gabby, but why tf was Lobov hanging off that airship? They even said they don’t have the weapons to take them out, so there was no reason to hang off the ship other than to get shot at

It's Hogi: Don’t look in the replies everyone. Just don’t

Sebastian Arrieta: I didn't like the music, other than that, amazing

Blizzchill: If you’re sad when Season 4 ends then don’t worry. Just watch Charlie’s videos because he’s the Dave Grohl Eren Yeager of YouTube.

Braxophone: Rated Re:Zero above AoT, thank God someone finally gets it AoT isn't bad but it's definitely stealing the spotlight from other great shows this season

Ainz Ooal Gown: Let's GO, Re:Zero got that 5% more!

Ainz Ooal Gown: Can't wait for part 2... NEXT YEAR 😭

Renuyel Pam: Charlie cosplaying as Season 4 eren

Theodore Baker: People calling Eren evil don't get Attack on Titan at all. Eren is doing only what is absolutely necessary.

Christian Flores: Who the fuck says the story isn't good??

That Dude: if you watched berserk 2016 any cgi is good cgi! didnt mind berserk cgi after awhile though tbh lmao!

Edson Sanchez: the thing about gabi is that i understand her standpoint and i can kinda sympathize with her at some points (due to some of the visible similarities she has with young eren). but that doesn't negate the fact that she's fucking annoying sometimes and honestly that's just my opinion. from the way she treats falco in the first few episodes to her self-centered way of thinking, she's a character that's really easy to antagonize. but yet again, she is a fictional character in an already established fictional world, so i can't really do anything about it other than watch it all unfold. i'll just repeat myself in saying that this is my OPINION and is very much subjective. so yeah :)))

elktaro: Eren knows we live in a society

SimChucky: I think the second cour of the final season will deliver a great final showdown with the shit they hinted at.

The guy Satan worships: ✨Jaegerists forever✨ Sucks that im a manga reader

banshee ki: i get so upset when people say the cgi and animation is bad. if you know so much why dont you do it

EsperFelix: There's mainly cgi because it's actually a different studio animating this season. It's good tho, i don't even pay mind to it, doesn't take me out or anything.

AA- Gamer: As someone who’s read the manga I’m warning you now, avoid the comment section.

Chris Nelson: What is so good about watching AoT is actually watching it a second time and actually seeing how well it is put together.

Joe Robins: I love how in this show the action matters. Every fight has to happen for the sake of the story. You couldn't remove any of them and still have the same narrative without massive changes, unlike a lot of animes out there.

Mirai Nikki: My fear is Eren is ganna have to get killed off and likely by Mikasa or Levi. I can see this coming a mile away. Hope I'm wrong in this regard but based on the common trope in snime that do this its likely I'm right.

Lucas Román: Gabi had all the reasons to kill ..., that person killed people important to her, and she already thought that person was a devil, the murder only making it worse, I really love the character that was killed by gabi, but that doesn't mean gabi is a bad character

Blubber MuffnMan: From what ive seen most people are almost always on erens side,Ive yet to see some people be against eren

Elijah Brown: un must

CuhShawn: show this man some love yall

Garrett Conway: Season 4 Eren becomes Anakin. Final episode, Eren goes Darth Vader.

Bluey: Wow..... manga readers love spoiling the show lmao.

Alucard For Smash: Spoiler btw: I don't care that Sasha died. She was useless comedic relief.

s5079282: The CGI does, in part, ruin it for me. The other aspects which ruined it for me was the change in music, drawings, and perhaps a couple of other things in the animation which have changed the overall feel and vibe of the anime compared with Season 1 and 2. I'm really disappointed they changed so much since season 1 and 2, why did they do it? It was so good before they changed it.

Promise: Eren infiltrating Marley was the hype at shit for me. REVERSE UNO CARD. “REINOR!!! IT’S NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN.”

POKETAR 920: You should do a moist meter on naruto

Gingy: People who hate the cgi in this season haven't seen berserk

Chels The Game Ruiner: I believe it's confirmed that there will be a part 2 of the final season coming in the Winter

Bob: Personally I love it

yxles: I only watched the first season then got bored to be honest

Andrew De Tuncq: Let’s not sleep on the soundtrack.

Texas Lyfer: Spoil it for me : is levi alive? Last I left off was that he was caught in an explosion.

TableSlayer Gaming: Gabi was a bad character because unlike Eren she has no real reason to be the way she is. If she started being like this after eren did what he did it'd be more understandable. To me Gabi is just an arrogant, narcisistic piece of shit. It has nothing to do with "what she did".

Endless♦Fate: Damn, my opinion is the complete opposite. I think that Eren's immense character change, the way he treats his childhood friends and him suddenly working together with his half brother that he never knew and who killed many friends / comrades of him makes very little sense or is just very poorly told due to the time skips. Apart from that, I found the storytelling not very interesting (especially these political scenes were very boring), all new characters that got introduced I didn't like. Honestly, the only characters I still liked were Levi and Jean. Furthermore, I think the art style is also way worse (I really liked the old art style). Only liked the new look from Eren and Armin, the other characters look worse. 5:07 It definitely can ruin the show for you. Attack On Titan used to have a heavy focus on action and combat and saying that the CGI is fine is just your opinion and not a fact (seek some help because I have a different opinion than you? Okay, dude). Compare the Beast Titan in Season 4 and when he first appeared in the show, it's a fkn' joke, they really wanted to make him look "apish" I guess. Also, there are plenty of people like me that never watched Beserk (which has a great story most likely), because of the high amount of CGI in that anime. Stop saying CGI can not make you not like a show, it's just not true and that is a fact not an opinion if you like it or not. My Attack On Titan hype dropped like a rock, because of Season 3 Part 2 being so good and Season 4 being a pure disappointment for me.

Leopold Taylor: Mappa: integrate two artstyles in the flashbacks to make sure nothing look weird and inconsistent Ubisoft: I am gonna sell a game solely as exposition and prequel/sequel, but I am not even gonna make the character's costumes look the same to make players truly connect this game with the older entries. Who cares? (I am talking about AC Rogue just in case you dunno)

Anzel or magic: I miss the old eren a lot but yea I 100% agree. There are parts where the cgi just kinda weirds me out but it dosnt make me fucking vomit my stomach out like other people seem to do

Yuta Stars: Man mikasa never fails to be ugly and annoying in this show

Alexandru Goga: Not a big fan of the female titan part, or the historia part. Also don't like eren turning evil that much but, asides from that its a really great show.

Ale: this made me very happy charlie. thank u.

: When an anime takes YEARS to finish, most of the time it's terrible. But AoT is one of those good ones. I know FMA is whatwhat for some but to me that's another good example of an anime being finished PROPERLY. Hoping the same for AoT.

JMM: Naratively pt 2 will continue pt 1 but a year and a half between makes that "final season" claim a lil bs

Spooky Noodles: Thank god someone finally said it. If you don't like Gabi then you couldn't have liked Eren. Everybody's just mad that she killed *SPOILERS BELOW, READ WITH CAUTION* Potato Girl.

Sam The Messiah: Are we getting a moist meter for Dr Stone season 2?

AniYasha: Finally someone understanding Gabi.🔥

Ewan Dalzell: Congrats on 8mil!

derpydoggaming 2: The manga also is great with how much it covers

KIKO: Chad like


actrambley21: Man, the manga makes Eren's arc so much more meaningful. I have no idea how they're going to wrap it up in a single OVA.

ThisIsToXiN: The worst thing in this awesome anime is the censoring. They go hard on censoring gore and shit unfortunately.

BDC Matt: the first half of season 4 makes up for the grind of the first 3 seasons for me.

whatdoyoumean Stewart: Season 4 is ducking boring

Daniel Morris: Levi's new squad: [the thing happens, you know what it is] Erwin: "jUsT aNoThEr DaY fOr ThE sUrVeY cOrPs! Ehheheheheh!!" [Seinfeld theme plays]

Arngrim: damn , I think you could have gone just all out with the spoilers (as long as the anime goes) so we could have captured more opinions about you on different scenes .

Ovi Shoots Wide: Hate Gabi, not for anything she’s done but for how annoying she is.

Link yt: when part 2 is going to air your going to understand everything and change your opinions to something more better about eren

Miles Bowen: Yeah but for a 10 year old Gabi is some god tier sniper making 800 yard shots at moving targets heads. Gabi is trash

the magic conch: i'm gonna be honest here but it was just ok and i thought it was overrated

wikipika: Gonna be hard for anime onlys to avoid spoilers till winter 2022

mr milkyway: Gay

Keith Testaverde: The final upcoming parts are going to be insane. Just wait!

Manoroth Pit Lord Extraordinaire: Big disagree about season 4. The pacing was unbearably slow in many sections of this season. Also, the comparison between Gabi and Eren I find to be quite weak.

Kevin Aweso: Eren got mad cause his mom got eaten out, change my mind

Zukoyomi: All those tofu boxes in the background

Blurgh Gitty: I'm only going to argue about one thing, and that's the CGI. A lot of people were saying it wasn't bad because the fight was still good, or the shows good, but let's all be honest with ourselves here. It was bad. And while it didn't really ruin the experience it definitely detracted from it. My biggest complaint regarding the CGI is that this is the final season of this show, you can only make this once, why would you do that to it now? Now I've been told it was because of time constraints, that's why the animation studio changed between seasons 3 and 4, the previous studio was too small to handle animating the show in the time they were given so the project was picked up by a larger studio. So whichever big wig decided this final season needed to be done ASAP, rather than giving it the love and attention it deserved, is the real problem here. So again, it wasn't the worst thing in the world, but I'm still upset that they decided to throw CGI in like this due to time constraints rather than allowing the animators the time they needed to really give the finale of this show the love it deserved.

nemori: read the manga charile and make a moist meter pls i beg u

nemori: managa

ScubaLemur: Gabi is well written but she does genuinely annoy me at points

InterMob: PART 1

Fred Jenkins: You’re underselling it on story. This show really does have one of the greatest stories in TV history. The plot reveals and connections are all very well thought out and is even up there with Breaking Bad. Manga readers especially know this because there’s still so much more insanity to come

Limas: Agree with everything. Except the CGI really does take me out of the immersion. I wish it didn’t but I can’t help that my brain just looks at the Titans that look like they from a video game. Other then that the series is perfect

Goro Majima: I love how Eren has evolved of course i hate him now but i like that he now has developed into a character close to Danzo . He has the right idea but a wrong way of execution.

Bladez Of War: I’m surprised this wasn’t a 95%, I feel like aot really affected the anime market and mainstream appeal of all anime from what it did; but I guess 90% makes sense in terms of the genre it didn’t shake the shonen world

DMG Z0MB1E: Subbed or dubbed?

King: Attack on Titan is a modern classic I'm glad to have witnessed in the making

KDC Krusia: Mikasa kills eren

Rift VR: these comments are so spoilerific

shadowthetwisted: what Eren said to Armin and Mikasa, really solidifies his turn into an heartless soldier. did he mean what he said? dunno, wont know until another fucking year.

James Fear: Great review. Didn’t shit on the show and appreciated the great moments🔥

Solachinx: >takes characters down P A T H S P A T H S reference?

Redjux 1: Great review but I guess the only weird thought I had in the video is that he only gave 90% which is pretty high but he also gave re;zero season 2 a 95%, don't get me wrong I also think re;zero season 2 deserves a 95% since it's one of the underrated shows that aired. But I guess I'm just kinda surprised he didn't give it to aot considering he said the show(aot) didn't really have any bad moments

John Andersen: *you hear a distant rumble*

orangyX: i hate eren lol

Roronoa_6: Next week.. Its all ending 🤯

I'm Rick bi-arrp-atchhh ch: I love Rick Grimes'd Eren. And I love AOT expositions as much as I love Levi Vs Monke Titan scenes. So to me it IS perfect.

Sammy -: Eren's basically become Sasuke 2.0

Ken Kaneki: OMG thank you Charlie for addressing the cgi not being that bad

AJ: Can't wait until season 4 part 2, 2022 winter

AJ: I really like the cgi also Eren's attack titan looks awesome and the green faded from his titans eyes may be symbolic

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