Squid Game: Season 3 | New Trailer | Netflix (4k)
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@SquideditWss: No, it's not my property. Is it going to be Gi Hun Front Man? And where is that?Написать
@Mamutcanbaba-f4e: Bruh aı trailer
@DJC1717: they didnt even add a trailer some are not ai its from season two to help u
@Akifasyraf-d1m: yo the profile same
@HuangRenjun2000-c6r: AI
@Sanji45770: ⚠️FAKE⚠️
@shateera2: Who gna believe ts
@MRDUKE5524: 0:52 let’s go
@snszdv3: there’s ai marks right there 😂😂
@ThachVuong-qb7kf: Duty after school SS3 please 😭😭😭
@og_juju_99: Wow what fake ai generated trailer
@Sugar04ek: Честно, похоже на нейронку
@Squid_front_man: Thanos is alive 🎉
@l14debneelbarik75: AI 😂😂😂😂
@sidra4880: Thanos is back 🤯🤯
@IremNur-vs2uh: The most ridiculous trailer ever 😂😂
@NatzNutz-c8l: I'm so excited
@DEVIL-cc3ju: AI editing video 😅 I am VFX professional 😎
@guillerminahuescamum663: Juego de calamar 😅😊
@manoniak2392: Ia ia ia ‼️‼️
@Bunny.Boo.s: I thought this was real but uhh...nvm
@shakirinzainor.: bro its clearly AI dawg 😂
@jessicapurer656: The frontman must not die.....😢
@user-gj1no3ux7n: I just came to dislike and report as child abuse because of the BS thumbnail :)
@ゆき-o4g-h3z: this is AI?
@اوسالكناني-ف5ب: AI
@yuki_871: Stop that ✋, dude Its fake!
@Iris_cat885: 456+001
@LiamRedogo: 0:52 omg ai generated yay 😀 but the
@Chaservision-e8j: This is sooooo fake
@ColbyMartinez-t8l: Fake
@kohjiajun1170: This is the most Ai thing I’ve ever seen 😭
@SantoshChatterjee-uw7zj: I wasted my time once again 😂
@womitachick3412: No lo se rick parece falso
@ricardocardenas9558: Fake
@TheoLara-f6y: Fanmade😂😂😂😂
@KarlamarianaSanchez: Ni mi ex me mintió tanto como está IA
@ThiagoMateoSaraviaRosas-o6z: Si como no
@Noisymphony: Lol
@Red13-f5b: Do you know why this is fake because they don’t speak English they speak Korean
@Marig8a: Es muy obvio que es IA
@armandomatasalazar5793: no digas mmdas meri yein
@Casasdilan: 😐😐Stop making trailers
@ShadeyAzi: i know its ai but its so terrible trailer anyways xdd☠️☠️☠️☠️
@grimmgrimes3565: Wtf why the fuck did I get notified
@AlexisRamirez-r7s: Es pura ia
@Lilka_2112: Aiiiii
@hectordzul5504: Is fake
@Asian-a12: Power of ai
@nayshachampiom3570: Osea Thanos no murió 😮
@benjaminrodriguez-ne1mh: Me sorprende lo que hace la IA
@Iheart_Ramen1: Erm why
@Alki-fy4oi: This is fake as hell
@cavanioliviere7369: Thats ai shit
@MisAnime-i8m: Me estas diciendo que thanos esta vivo
@JosueLacan-w6g: Fake😂
@CheesyFeetQueen2: This is so fake its funny
@Emozin-FF: Fake
@GkidTheGoat: This looks so real but we all know it’s fake😭
@Kennyplaycz2530: 0:18 Normandie
@albertogalindom1030: Ai trailer🤑🤙
@Mathias-b6n: 100% AI👎
@cjdefinitive: This ai💀
@sileesestotemueres: Por poquito y me la creía hasta q salió Thanos
@MiguelArias-j9e: esa ia
@ElvisRoncalsilva: Es IA
@ElvisRoncalsilva: Es mentira ese trailer es AI
@reginaduarte4372: Fake news
@ILOVEYOUPG26: The AI is clearly uncomfortable
@Lapinski69: I’m only believing it if it’s by Netflix itself
@theredpug5968: fake trailer is better than no trailer
@Darwinwaterson-b5l: No se nota que es IA
@arteompro5583: It’s not original FAKE!
@Bonioficial2: Jajajajajaj pura IA
@HarrySpiers-k2i: To be honest this would be sick if it was real
@Damian_animaciones: FAKE
@PietroSacchi: 100%rial
@MasterShorts335: Nice ai
@alexandrarojashiguera3034: Nomames wey😨
@HieradPablo: Is this real?
@RykieQkup: Thanosss??????Why is guard????????😭😭😭😭😭
@Gabichou10-v6x: c f
@JamalMusiala-i2d: Ai video
@larst7323: The parody:
@Aarushi1107: Ai
@ChloeHopkins-v4m: This is so fake…
@skullraider147: bro WTF is this this is a ripof
@GabeZambrano: I feel bad for ppl who think this is real Netflix made an official trailer and everyone believes the fakes
@ariannasiotto6473: Ai
@zelihaciloglu8356: AI
@TheGamermOffical: ai scam 😂😂😂
@Lennon_404: Wow amazing ai
@ЕфимАлексеевец-ч6г: Таноса убили это явно монтаж
@RobertoSoresdelimaSoares: IA fake
@cema-pc1vj: This fake
@AxelFanndal: why is this the most fun i have ever had watching a ripoff trailer it was all so funny and fake lol
@furkankaya3919: ooo iyi uraşmişm video
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