The Clegane's reunite - Game of Thrones (Season 8 Episode 5) 8x05

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ΕΥΛΟΓΗΤΟΣ: I am one from those whose was disappointed but the thing with the fucking internet is the tendency to demote everything... Theon and Clegane got a epic ending, music was perfect, acting was spot on, direction was great... yes writing could be a lot better in many areas but for me this ending is far from the worse GoT could get....

Lovvia Lovve: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssszzzzzzzzzzgggggggggggggggggggg

Lovvia Lovve: paitea band patter

Lovvia Lovve: infracturestractored

Lovvia Lovve: the all fucking blowbacks what's dead to me now

Lovvia Lovve: sally Sidney y r u always so not ronginghunm

Lovvia Lovve: ye kon hai kiss ne Ali k naam se glory key maabankarkay bajadee victory mein meri koho

Lovvia Lovve: Humpty Sharma Sharma kay he had a grave fall knotty key tarhaan column

brussell639: I hated the way they edited this with all the cutaways back to Arya. I know they're going for some kind of symbolism there, but it was unnecessary.

Willliam Taaffe: I like to pretend a version here where qyburn didn't say anything and they managed to move faster, find Jaime and escape out of there

Gerrick Whisenant: The mountain must have been holding back for his brother. The man just one handed threw a man to his death and then goes on to punch the hound with moderate damage😂

Kameel Sabri: Whilst this shit shown was going on... Heisenburg: I won.

Brayan: Ser Gregor- “BRICKARYS!!”

TyrStark: Probably the only good scene in the entire season.

Chris D: The hound and the mountain were the *Only* character arch's that I felt made sense and were done justice. I'm sure they could have had a bigger fight with more action and everything but I found it was a fitting end for both and I was satisfied. Their hate for each other was born from fire from when they were young and it ended in fire for the both of them as mortal enemies. Cersei and jamie dying from rubble falling on them was just ...disgusting... the fans deserved better...Imagine if Darth Vader just died to a regular old explosion from a x-Wing blast...Lord of the Sith killed by explosion like a regulars common storm trooper and Luke never even confronts his father! That literally what happened We watch Cersei develop and grow in evil for like 8 years and she spends the entire season 8 just brooding in kings landing and looking evil and barely saying anything. Cersei and Jamie literally got stuck in a fucking hallway and just hugged each other and died to a big rock ...Fuck you G.O.T writers Arya's immortal plot armor and her just NOT USING HER FACELESS POWERS WERE DISGUSTING! she literally became the main character who stole all the glory from Jon Bran's story was disgusting I'm pissed just thinking about it...he did *NOTHING* vs the Night King when I thought he was going to become a power to rival and ultimately have a major role in defeating the army of the dead. I thought Bran would warg into Danny's dragons to directly control them or somehow wrestle control of a large portion the night king's mindless undead minions similar to how he once controlled Hodor and it would be a battle of wills vs the night king as dragons rained fire in a epic battle...nope... He spend 8 fucking seasons crawling around with no legs only to reveal jon's birthline That's literally all his powers are used for....oh and he becomes king of Westeros out of nowhere...because sure why not.... Lord of Winterfell? "No, no, no... I can only be the three eyed Raven" Lord of Westeros? "Of course! Why do you think I came all this way!?" WHAAAAAAT!!!?! The battle with the army of the dead was hilarious because Plot armor has our heroes getting swarmed and gangbanged by undead in slow mo for like 30 minuets out in the open and just ...not dying so many better ideas to make sense how they could have survived. they could have done the "300" thing and funnled them into the narrow hallways fighting shoulder to shoulder and swapping out wounded and tired men and slowly getting worn down by the waves of undead. ....They put women and children in the crypt....vs the man who can raise the dead....Wooooowwowowwow Jon and the night king NEVER EVEN crossed fucking swords!!!!!! I HATE the writers of this show! the fans could have gotten together and written a better season 7 and 8 in a reddit forum in two weeks for God sake and these guys had like 9 YEARS to plan out the ending! I seriously cannot even watch the good seasons of GOT knowing how horrible the last two seasons were. WHATS THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THE LORD OF LIGHT AND THE KING THAT WAS PROMISED!?! His Red priestess just peace's the fuck out after the big battle and oh well... That was the lord of light's master plan?! Why did he bring Jon back if Jon had literally ZERO role in actually killing the Night King!? What the fuck was the Lord of light's master plan!? It was just so lame. Im just pissed because GoT needed 10 seasons to flesh everything out ... Dont even get me started on Danny's plot twist ....omfg...7 seasons of building her character to be dashed away with the ringing of the Bells... I Love the Idea of Danny losing sight of herself and going full mother of Dragons Sithlord ...but they just did it sooo poorly They needed 10 seasons...and HBO offered it to them ...FUCK THEM

m. Davinci: This was so bad 👎

Adonna Rowe: How did he survive a knife thru the head

mr69intrigue: NOW THATS WHAT YOU CALL A REUNION!!!!!!!

Brandon B: If a knife through the head can’t kill the mountain, then why would a long fall kill him? Horrible writing😔

Mistake ZEBRA: He just carved Cake out of the 4 kingsguard just lk tht

iLL-Tempered Demon Hunter: That Maester should have just ran away...

barrington: The scenery and imagery are cool but the storyline is trash. Like all these years and he kills Qyburn like that? Really?

marcusnz chab: I thought I sore a dragon could been a flying putty cat though anyways carry on

Daniel Volosin: Best part of season 8, the only good ending for a main character actually...

Tyr Jb: The only good think of the GOT last season

Bradley Cossins: You have to realize that Sandor just wiped away four, FOUR kingsguards in the matter of seconds. That's how good of a fighter he is. Maybe not early on, but he probably could have held his own against Barriston for a short time.

Dave Wood: Ya know,,, I had such mixed feelings about The Hound throughout the show, especially early on, but by the end,,, by that scene, I felt sad he had to go through what he did but happy it was finally over for him. Mostly sad though lol

Icosiol: One of the very few endings that was done right. The only way those two should have ever ended was by killing eachother.

Faisal Abdullah: Qyburn.....just died..

Richard w: Would of been a better ending if arya was wearing jamie's face then revealed herself to cersei before slicing her neck open, revenge for Ned Stark.

Dorkoraptor: the fact that they didnt have Sandor use fire to defeat Gregor is such an enormous miss

VGL Studios: I do wonder, if the Mountain had won and escaped the city, how long would he last? It doesn't look like his body heals itself, he just doesn't feel any pain. Would he keep roaming the countryside like a medieval Jason Voorhees, picking up battle damage until finally his body fell apart? Maybe losing a few fingers here, and arm there, eventually a leg, and he's just crawling around the woods pulling the unwary down by their ankles? Finally he can't move at all, and just glares angrily as his last few tendons twitch next to what's left of him.

Guitaristmalakian: I hate it so much that they did the eyes thing again. It deminishes so much Oberyn's death to me... Now it's just a signature move, with Sandor going like "ouch my eyes" it's so dumb...

Crotchrocket: What an awful ending to a great show...

jonnycat529: What a joke of an ending. This was the ONE justice we all deserved. There was this “feeling” that the Mountain was somewhat afraid of the Hound. Why they didn’t push this or make this fight better is beyond me......... Horrible last season of any show.

AidanJMUA: Who else is seeing this for the first time because they ended at battle of winterfell and called it quits

Super PantMan: They probably told Anton Lesser that Qyburn would have a whole scene dedicated to his death, then the filming roles around and it's 'obey your quee...' *dead*

Alfred: the cutting between hound and arya really ruined the intensity for me. i couldn't give less crap about the random shit going on with. not too much about jaime/cersei either after they butchered that storyline too.

T: This fight wasn't what i expected😔

Psevdokranos: the mountain could have a great carreer in Walking Dead, no doubt

Kyce: 1:06 camera angle 🔥

will himan: Looks like Sandor finally got over his fear of fire

Craig Connick: 90% of the Season 8 hate is that Cersei didn't get her comeuppance. She deserved to go nasty but didn't and instead went in the arms of the born-again Jamie who we all came to like/love in the end. Sometimes the bad guy gets a relatively peaceful death after causing the merciless passing of others and that seems to be life I'm afraid. What does it say of us, "The Good" when we would have revelled in a crueller demise for her. xx

Sven Pieper: Probably the best scene in S08

Kyle R: It’s hard to watch Thor after what he did to Eddie

Jacqueline Lun: even the Night King in a cropped top was easier to kill than Mountain being stabbed in the forehead

Stephen Nielsen: If Gregor hadn’t been such a jerk as a big brother these two could have found wives, become good fathers and built a decent family name. Instead one became a member of the undead and the other became an disillusioned outcast who feared fire and they ended up killing each other and ending their family lineage forever. Let that be a lesson to you kids. Be nice to your brothers

Chewbaccafruit: Bro looks like a fucking dirty marshmallow.

Phil Tomkinson: I can't believe that after all these years and everything that's happened, Gregors still pissed off about that toy 🤣

Jesse Bella: The blind one that bored the crap out of me for all that time happened to become, oh god, i cant say it

crysis4real: I am glad the Mountain did not kill his Queen; those red eyes are very disturbing..

H4xwell Edison: It's not the city that's crumbling. It's the show's narrative.

D R: that "Fucking die" still makes me laugh 🤣🤣👌

Buluga06: The mountain survived

Robiul Islam Shakib: 🙂

Joel Van deimen: Only good character ending they pulled off, I guess Jorah giving his life to protect Dany was a good send off for him also.

Shawn Ruth: I wish the hound had survived...

ShadowWolf: Nowhere near like how it should have been

MayhemMac Raider: Cleganebowl, brutal and epic.

Sergej Cvetkovic: Now, while the fight scene might feel epic and emotional towards the end. The way they killed off Qyburn was terrible and pathetic... wait, the entirety of season 8 is already terrible and pathetic, oh no-

J. Vinton: 0:55 time to get the fuck outta here!

og sama: Arya walking through the city like yall called for my father's head now look at you.. Your all fucked 🤣

Sanctum Spiritual: Obey your queen!...fuck off..BOOM! lmao

Uzumaki's random vids: 0:33...I didn't know Gregor was an uchiha

JFKN: You really see the contrast of the characters between Arya and Hound here. They on the same path but Arya chooses life and he chooses death. S8 still sucks but I can appreciate that.

JFKN: The hounds face when he is looking up at the mountain after he pulls the sword out. We all know that exact feeling. Like OH COME ON 😑lol

Rurh McWatch: Worst fight ever

DontClick: this season needed to be double the length, it would have been so much better, its a shame that this was the only good part of the final season

300 blk: So rushed

Anastasios Gkotzamanis: -Bother! Let us embrace at last!

I am not a Cat: Best season. Top scenes

The Partisan13: And to think had they not stopped to hug like a pair of dipshits they might have survived

Peter13: 9:15 Maybe they survived.😌

Blake Cooper: It had to end this way, Danaerys was her father before her

Ry: Cleganebowl. Only good thing to come out of season 8

Michael Dodd: And so ends house Clegane.

Dani Play97: The Queen´s guard are suppossed to be the best guard in Westeros jajajajaj

Buster Hoodstar: She didn't age too well...

Eric Bosco: Aria thanking Sandor and using his name was the best moment of the series as far as I’m concerned and this moment is legendary

Monica Kelly: He cut through them like he was carving a cake.....bless you Ser Barriston, the show did your character dirty

ChaoGaming: Probably the best part of season 8 for me

Christopher Tracy: Oh, now Cersei is scared 😨? Queen Daenerys gave her plenty of chances! She's not playing games now!

zniesmaczony: The Hound died like a true fucking legend!

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