The Handmaid's Tale | Final Season Trailer | Hulu
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@arijohn8413: I stopped watching years ago. I thought Aunt Lydia was deceased & where is June & Nick’s baby?Написать
@mljs_stv5664: Never thought I’d miss June’s long, weird, annoying stares into the camera 😂
@B.B.Digital_Forest: "They will never see us coming". Ooh...where have I heard that before? 🙄
@jacklinekendikinoti: The ending has to be banging looking forward to this.definitely worth the wait.blessed be the fruit😊
@celestia486: If we don’t get all the episodes at once I will 😖♥️
@quentinbarrentine5114: "I am TRYING to give you a way out!!!" As someone who has read "The Testaments," I know exactly where that conversation is leading to.
@tashawnaherbert4417: I just need The Testaments to come out right after this
@minicooper4100: Don’t think I can watch this while trump is in office.
@rRobertSmith: When Pandora opened the box, she unleashed all manner of evils into the world, but when she closed it, the only thing remaining inside was hope.
@geysonkid: She's gonna die for the greater good.
@AbbyRose90: Full body chills.
@TheSpaceman332211: It seems a bit cringe and has lost the seriousness of the first couple of seasons. It's like June is now wonder woman.
@AmeenAhmed1105: Anyone else feel like we should be taking notes while watching? You know what I'm talking about.
@Mermaid722: Omgggg I thought the show got cancelled
@apara2005: I never watched the show pass the first episode of the first season (too disturbing for me). This show has been on for such a long time. I bet many will be sad to see it go!
@pouyamahmoudi: Literally Iran right now!
@laracroftvideos: Just here to say I need Janine to have a happy ending.. PLEASE let her have a happy ending
@ReezePiecez: This season better slap so hard it sets us up good for testaments 🤌🏻
@EuniceDheka: Wooooo!! Looks like Luke's finally grown a pair!
@Drbetchcraft: I remember starting this show when it first came out and halfway through the first season I was ready for her to take everyone out then and there. Honestly haven’t watched the show since, so I can’t imagine hanging on for this long and not have a satisfying end. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on how this ends. But like some have expressed, the fact there is a spin off in the works lets me know it might be a total conclusion.
@rosangelafruyzkanekiyo2307: Nick and june❤
@duaasalm4451: It’s deserved all this years of waiting
@marsdreamproductions: 🙌🙌🙌🙌Finally
@owenpotter1638: 1:03 noice otf 🎉
@xXNekou: Just in time
@fadeintoview: Wait I thought this series had already ended 😂
@Throw-e9n: Goosebumps. Literal goosebumps. This show has not let me down. Cannot wait 🙌🏼
@sgrant4558: *Possible spoiler* I'm curious how they'll find a satisfying ending to this show for those of us who already know the plot of Atwood's second novel about Gilead, which they are also adapting for television.
@Ghostbustersfan01: Is Mckenna Grace coming back?
@brunaaemilly: Ual!!!!!!!!!!🥶🥶🥶🔥❤️
@firestar29: Final season airing on Hulu when Prequel is happening IRL. Rise up before IRL Sons of Jacob get what they want.
@shelbybilicki: Janine looking absolutely gorgeous and strong as can be. She has her power back. I can't wait to see how they wrap things up. We need the revolution.
@elliemaxineperalta3763: June: it's time to finish this. *Takes a gun. Luke: Yeah, you better go there and do it, I'll keep our home safe. :) *Puts his apron on.
@JoyceFons: Serena needs to die or go to jail this season, she can’t seem to get it together
@thisiszara: Bro i was waiting for so long I'm so excited
@olyaPeterson: I feel like some people took The Handmaid’s Tale as a lesson/ an example when they should have taken it as a warning. Our country is heading this way and we’re just watching it happen.
@bobathicc6188: please tell me it’s also going to be available on Amazon prime! Like the other seasons PLEASE😭😭😭
@MalcolmRandall: The Handmaid's Tale Season 6, Star Wars: Andor, live action The Last of Us Part 2...April is gonne be FIRE! 🔥
@joaovolpi2635: aaaaaAaaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaa
@DejanFUBAR: When they finish this, I expect spinoff in Washington DC or something like that. They want just let this end, there is more money to be made.
@massiele3974: The way i felt this trailer in my entire body and got goosebumps, it's beyond!
@shokoufehasani2255: جااااان😍شروع شد
@empathyworks8890: In a world where there is actually a cover-up on the lack of available men on earth to procreate with, the handmaidens tale is probably one of the best media psyop deflections in the history of human kind.
@ThisTwilightCity: The scariest part of The Handmaid’s Tale? Realizing it’s now categorized as “historical fiction.” Watching this show in 2017: “Wow, what a dark cautionary tale.” Watching it now: “Is this a documentary?”
@David-lb5py: If Janine doesn’t get a happy ending I will write mgm a strongly worded letter lord protect this Sweet woman 🙏🙏
@OBaianoJoga: This trailer was absolutely amazing
@lucasbaldridge9407: JFC FINALLY😤
@anakreyszig303: "Where is June Osborne?" Everywhere. We are all June Osborne.
@zoraidaquinones235: All Serena wants is Power and to her marrying an important Commander is the way to get it. Remember how she came on to Commander Lawrence to perserve her position in Gilead.
@yaha1313131313: I'm so hyped up rn 🤠
@billruption26: A lot is said about how the fast and the furious movies have basically evolved into superheroes with cars, but no one else finds it overtly goofy that she's basically become Katniss Everdeen/Spartacus in a show that at it's start seemed to intend to be a fairly grounded portrayal?
@lesmercredis: Given everything that’s happening in the world lately, this season is going to emotionally destroy me
@lucianeramos6157: Ansiosa demais 😮
@MissyZilla: It looks like Janine is in Jezebels…
@EcoJulie-vx6rx: April 8 😱 so soon I need to rewatch all seasons!!
@johndavis8669: 1:48 I can think of millions who got forced to move from their homes into Government owned Public Brick apartment housing while Gilead tares down the homes or repurposes it for commanders
@johndavis8669: 1:29 I guess commander Josh will ask if she had some last words and that is probably what she will be saying.
@Ragaiahusiripati: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@SayyedalimSayyed: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@RafaqatSandhu-g3z: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@RahulRahulKumar-m9t: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@NandkishorRaj-u6e: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@JawaharlalMishra-q1s: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@alexhaynes7220: How and where can I watch this in England
@alexhaynes7220: When is this out
@FjakqMala: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@KaaMala-h8b: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@shauntebooker: And they better get Hannah back!!!
@Dublin90210: I'm surprised the current US government hasn't tried to ban this yet.
@DNdhdhddVdhdhd: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@SpaceRob: c'mon HULU - this show is running 24-7 on FOX
@tadeomeers: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@ravenpinkman6322: I want Janine to be alive at the end of this
@therankingguru6960: Imm soo excited!!
@SkyNetGeneral-: Very good show . Let’s end this adventure, stranger things , cobra kai also need good endings .
@tdxugv-o3n: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@Holly-s7q: Josh Charles! I love him.
@IMoveAlong: Omg i cant wait!! So exited for this😍😍😍
@Pheckphul1: Wait, is this reality television?
@marciecoleman6558: We need a nation of handmaids now bc we are living in gilead
@jahedislam3398: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@Lilliana_WorldOfHorror: May The Lord Open! ❤🎉
@bidishha: I have read the handmaids tale (book) sequel The testament and it was nothing but disappointment... The entire book was about aunt Lydia and her past and every few pages about june's baby. They eventually run and reach their mother. Hope the series gives a better ending.
@Christopher_Robert_Evans: Seeing this trailer, I hope this upcoming season will inspire millions of people in the U.S. to finally start fighting for their right to exist and live happy & fulfilled lives free from all the hate and corruption that has ruled the U.S. for many decades now and that has caused so much daily suffering and unnecessary deaths in & outside the U.S.
@jarriksongabriel5207: Finally 🤩😍 it's time for the end
@MdRipon-jh1zl: I love how this trailer keeps you guessing.
@marionthomas5947: This could happen (& almost is)in any country, anytime. Be careful who you pray, too.
@donna25871: In keeping with the tone of the series the resistance will fail and Gilead continues as normal.
@yolandawright2046: Finally, it better be good. We waited too long for the final.
@Noellexafael: I had to stop at the end of season 2 because of how mad it made me, a child raised by strong woman seeing all that i could just not take anymore. But maybe its time to go back and endure the pain until i get some satisfaction.
@effigy8620: Serena is the best thing about this series. Love her!
@hagarmoner: this should be for every Arab woman in the middle east to remind her that she has a voice, despite the suffering, under the suffocating grip of patriarchal systems that seem eternal in the absence of resistance. and for every struggling woman in the world, trapped in unbroken cycles, endlessly fighting for freedom.
@eanarchygle: The way that final image looks both like handmaids legs opening for the ceremony and at the same time looks like their wings is TOP TIER!!!!
@amitshah3586: Please don’t let us down and bring hope bring the fight back to us to fight our reality
@vikkancs80: Ohhhh, Josh Charles....
@lauraw3407: 1:17....Tell me June isn't going to be executed??...also 1:29.....someone tell me I'm wrong! :(
@senguptasayn: She will always be Peggy Olson to me.
@hustlebudgetglow: It’s war!! Praise be letssss go June time to take your freedom back:)! Praying for a happy ending!😊
@taylormullen2815: This is so relevant after the election. I haven't watched for years, but I hope June ends up with Nick. I don't think it's realistic, but it would be nice. I love that this season is honing in on the mission, and the violence. It's not presented as an extreme; it's their last option. Similarly, we women must use our own tools to fight for our freedom. Nobody wants the Handmaid's Tale to actually become reality. Unless you're Trump, of course.
@Fauntleroy.: A preview of coming attractions in more ways than one.
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