First Match, First Thermal! 🔥 Season 8 Begins | Arena Breakout
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@semivanski: Rip MK14...
P.S: Do you like S8?Написать
@ilyasoyun_apk: Güzel hile
@RJchaotic: Anybody else feel like the rare loot rate has been amped in the new season? Cuz I keep finding reds more often
@Tonton_commerce: Bravo Maestro !
@jamesojana5102: My first season 8 round I just found idk if that even red item or a new red item I found gold snake which is worth 200k
@josuemarin4865: I lost 2 thermals in a row trying to use them in this map, both times same spawn surrounded and both times didn't get teamed with anyone
@Antrax.0251: First match BS... You know how to hide in that spot.
@jaythelap6089: Wait, you can see footsteps with a thermal? 😮
@muhammadirfanfaruqi1149: when the storm comes, you can't see the enemy clearly hihi
@EljanRustamov1: Remove the settings menu in the middle of the device because the game has brought aim assist for help
@trevorc5715: I love your videos man. I’m learning more on how to approach fights and how to take them. I never was a fan of gyro but I started using it while ads and it helps so much. Hoping to get better! Love the vids man.
@Onix-7q: First match of the season I found a vase on my favorite map port in the port authority free safe 👌🏽
@ellyy6568: At first i was like “oh this guys serious” then i was like oh. this guys SERIOUS 💀💀
@Sickrets10: What phone do you use??
@jayv_65f65: Will boss skins comeback because I really wanted that Porrero skin, never got it because my mom didn’t have enough money for it 😢😢
@roga5219: Not first match, great tho
@DR_Fate007: Why everytime I get 0 loot value in the end?
@小林-Mrmax: 🇷🇺 и стака 20 серия графа полиция Это матч тв
@lockedin4439: 3:44 the first engagement
@SquadGoGo: wowowi
@WigneGomes-v9o: 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷😍
@dragonbublik: FPS60?
@DADA-u8b: 😂😢
@JairMS06: Semivan cuál es tu código de creador ?
@Obnaxdrakonis: SEMIVAN IN A VAN
@techtimepro1954: Why the fps meter shows only 60 fps
@Deathwish699: so that thing on your head lets you see like a thermal on screen in game ???
@lindelsonTITAN: Excelente
: Semibus should do a Insight on s8 settings bro
@Hamza46378: İ literally got a thermal ax50 in my first match
@SextoCerebro: 👏
@JotaPr-k1m: É quase impossível lootear os airdrops com o tanto de player campeão eles
@FranciscoCoronado-k4k: You will upload gameplay of a new Mosin Nagat accessory
@G8ttmit8ns: Brenton? Its you?
@_idga_1: I found a red already
@enda_twin: Longer duration please bro... I'm not satisfied if it's only 13 minutes... 😅
@NikoDemus-o7t: First match s8 TVS i got teapot
@AhmedRabaoui-u8g: Did anyone else noticed that the sh12 helmet got buffed That it's now equipped with the ZO38 headset
@KarlosPinedo: “Exapec expe expecta expected value” 😂😂 ur so funny man
@MoistSock22: How do you get the blue blood
@FROZENHAWKpk: notice the grass bug 0:35
@Dombele126: Sidder din patch ikke omvendt på din arm
@PyaeSone-j2g: bro i really like ur hairstyle 😂
@spidersplitsecond9225: Hey SemiVan there free backpack chest rig and Weapons skins in this season!! 😄
@JorgeEnriqueEkRíos: Hola chico termico
@JordanKnapp777: How did you claim the h4 skin? I pre ordered and don't see where to claim it
@FlameS.Arena1: I found sculpture and gold snake from main guest room in my second match of s8
@renaultstojkovic7311: Fuuuuuck !!!! Owsome video bro but way to short. Love your gameplay
@Samuel-pi8ij: 😊I hope they add the valley as a forbiden zone soon.
@VegasViking420: Anyone else can't open the game rn because there's a bug in the new season? Or is it just me P.s. I have a galaxy s24
@Dirov_Morozov: Que y donde puedo activar para ver los fps en la parte derecha inferior como semivan? Alguien sabe?
@benkamit3701: 12:55 me clapping your mom
@erlyngita1903: In new season i got covert in vally lockdown and killd 1 player.. and got 500k loot😂
@WILDWOLF_PRIME: I ain't get a damn dub from morning I'm just delivering damn loot to players bruh 😭
@227Legion: Did he loot the guy at the bridge?
@thisisleytooficial7131: Good
@Dasay313: Best bald 🗿
@S73N: hi please show sensitivity
@gigasquidward: I am not used to every new season so i wait till mid season
@xumvzs: isnt the servers down?
@Tazkd: Where mk lmao
@CaptainZilmote: I send you friend request on that time when you was making this video , (you didn't accept it) 💔
@Golden_Top-h6l: In my first raid at Normal Farm, I got AED from a sniper's bot backpack. That is very lucky to be alive.
@KenedyGamosa: Bro you forgot about the guy at the bridge 😭😂
@Ayob-g6x: Nice 👍
@Lunax163: I found module laze in a bot🎉
@TyriqueMicky-wy5nc: I FOUND thermalscope in farm in covert op
@RichaultAbarca: Anybody knows anything about Mine LD?
@elsupernestor2828: I watch your videos on the TV
@T_X_4.: I retired FPS 20-10
@iramaijuwita4647: Wow season 8 soo❤️🔥❤️🔥
@EnesKAYA-m5j: I found the golden lion statue in just two minutes, which was my first success of the season
@WIW-dr6ro: 👍🏻👍🏻
@bestflorentino3715: m14 pls ❤❤🙏🙏
@Something_dumb29: watched the video 8 times and i don’t like it
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