CHICKEN GIRLS | Season 8 | Ep. 3: “Leo's Return”

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XxElliePlayzxX YT: Why are the girls being mean like coco,txunamy and the other girl

Robinson Meibe: I love chicken girls

Carolina Zavala: y’all talking about leo and harmony but what about leo and p.k

Carolina Zavala: jordan is a sweetheart cmon

Some Random child: Corrin is so cool DAYUMMM

debolina: The mean girls are really mean ughh ..... The girl is trying to be friends with them but they're like so rude 🙄 I want Hermione to end up with her current bf and Claire with the new guy they looked cute 😀😀

krishna sharma: Larmony make sense to u guess

Ayodeji Victoria Ibitoye: Harmony :is confused on what to do about the three boys after her. Me :wish I had ONE chasing after me 😢

Arverille Maillard: Am I the only one who remebers the old shows like Dirt and Boss Cheer

stop reading my username: this whole show is pure cringe how can y'all still handle watching this-

Yashica Vadde: Eggie: drops claire's button thing on the ground Me: Amateur!

Daisy Satakeni: The black girl in the beginning i forgot her name but she's apart of the slay gang aka one of THATGIRLLAYLAY's friends

Nithya Dhivakaran: anyone else notice the sims Freeplay music in 3:33 or was it just me

Olanna Momah: Who else thinks Jordan and Leo lok alike

presley nolan: i need walker and harmony to end up together

M249: Show*

Justine Begg: is no one gonna talk about walker like awe notice himmmmm hes such a sweetiiee

M249: Ive been watching this all of the season every single day i love this how

Its Noa miranda: been watching chicken girls since like 3rd grade

Melissa Ashby: I think 4:27 Brat is trying to make a new ship.

mona: i'm sorry but im still not over the fact that the writers named a guy Eggie✋😭

Layla Cerda: I have watched this show for so long the longest I have watched a show 😭✨✨

Lily Ella: 4:20 why does it sound like sims music? XD

Buttercups: Am I the only one who misses Mani season 5. I just think that the characters were a little better ig.

Ferditha Momim: Aw... the Theme song bring us so many memories 😑🔪💔

Its Mich: Imagine people just watching chicken girls from season 1right now ☺☺☺🤭 Hi😕

Dan and Betsey Doebler: I have a feeling that harmony’s going to go through a whole love triangle with jordan and leo this season but in the end I think it would be sweet if she finally ended up with walker because you can tell he genuinely cares about her and deserves a chance


Andrea Ingrid R. Dumapig: the way jordan smirked tho HAHAHAA i think he's making fun of himself hahaha

NotTheWhiteQween1: why did i think this was attaway general

Julie Mugomoka: this was the best start

Liselot Rodriguez: Harm gets all the boys

Itz Honey bae: These episodes are getting shorter

Erica Li: What are we going to do about eggy

Melany Martinez: Anybody see how jordan smiles and turns away because he is trying not to laugh

Dance Moms Audioswaps: Ok but Leo looks like a mini Paul Wesley

Diamond Playz: Noo I missed the premiere :(

Gigi: I feel so bad that coco and txunamy are the bratz

Itssyanni: Txunamy and them other girls are lowkey annoying like girl your mom will slap you inside out and they need to stop doing my boy walker dirty


Ding0ateth3baby: the French pronunciation was way off, Americans just stop


Jubilee N: Is anyone else new here and thought eddy’s name was eggy Edit: wait is it eggy

Naya Reddy: coco so mean

Alwande Vlogs: Harmony is basically like rhyme cuz rhyme had like a new boy every season

BadBleEp LeL.: Harmonie and leo...just like rhyme and tk🥺

Ameena Mukhtar: 9:13 i liked the way he just smiled a lil😂

Sussa: The fact I'm doing "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in English Class and seeing this on the episode is insane.

Katie's fav songs: My friend hayley

Beach Life: I think that Harmony is going to start crushing on Leo and Jordan is going to break up with her but I think she will end up with Walker.

Yasmina Salhab: who remembers rhymes pink outfit

B M: Jordan and Leo look like brothers haha

Grace: Omg they used sims freeplay music when harmony and the others where reading Shakespeare

Hannah Roche: I love chicken girls. It’s amazing 💕💕😁

Hannie Stories29: HAYWJWGWG am I the only one that got reminded of jules and hayden from the thumbnail😭

Seab Bay: This the best thing I have ever watch I have even subscribe to the Chanel


Seab Bay: I wonder when episode 4 is coming

jkjkjjkjkkjk jkjkjkj: lol when harmony said hermione sounds like harmony and i think its Hermy-own not Her – my – oh – nee lol


TheMesh2853: Is it just me but, in a midsummer night dream Hermia and Lysander are madly in love this could just be a coincidence but I doubt; Harmony was reading Hermia and Walker was reading Lysander line!! Just saying this could be a sign. Also I am loving the bromance going on between Leo and PK but also loving the rivalry between Leo and Jordan!! Now one thing that I haven’t seen anyone say yet, even though I love Jentzen’s and Eliannia’s relationship in real life (sorry for spelling mistakes if there is any) I kind of ship Leo and Claire and maybe as Claire sees how kind he is for PK maybe she falls for him could be a call twist Anyways brat produce amazing content and I am sure what ever happens will be great (I’m an OG) hope everyone seeing this has a great day

jkjkjjkjkkjk jkjkjkj: hermione is gonna be like its herMIONE not harMONY

Pink panda🐼: Did y’all see Jordan laugh🤣🤣 9:12

heyo: Leo and harmonnyyyyyyyyy : shippp

jamiya: Claire is annoying me the way she’s standing and turning her neck.

Holly BUCKINGHAM: I am Leningrad about midsummer night dream in school

Priya Ally: Cool

Jessica Tonsing: Jordan is so cute and caring he walk Harmony home😘😘OMG I wish I was Harmony😔

Slytherin Squad: WHY HARMONY!!!

Weird Content: I knew they would of not wore the wacky Wednesday stuff lik

soapie: wait fr am I the only one who noticed the Sims music playing at 3:36

Kaykays Journey!: If you want me to be honest, I kinda want harmony to like walker because he might be friends with someone mean but he is like IN LOVE with her and he would probably treat her right

Lunario 8: Jordan is usually pretty chill, I'm really disappointed in him

Maame Yaa Kwakwa: Was there a Leo in mami? I can't remember

Yoshlyn Veerasamy: Yes be in the harry potter society

Srishtidisha: Eggie is soo mean eww

Crissabelle: 𝙲𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚎𝚘 𝚖𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚢 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚋𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚋 😅💋🥰💖🤭🤭

Usiphile Ngombane: Every one is here saying that Harmony is either gonna stay with jordan or be with Leo....But what about Walker i ship Harmony and Walker so much!!!!!! Just saying

Crissabelle: 𝚌𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 4 🥰 𝚜𝚘 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 💖

Amelia Youll: Not Harmony following in Rhymes footsteps with friendships and relationships then maybe joining the drama club like this is all the seasons all over 😭 also what if they do mr attaway again 😏

Joseph Victoria: Eggy is such a jerk to Claire......... 😂😑😭😭

Queen E: Whoever reads this have a blessed day and it’s not too late to repent

Zulaa Bn: Does walker like harm?

Angel Waithera: I love this show so much

Chicky Nuggie: lol Jordan broke character at 9:13 he smiled 😌

Łucja K: I literally can't differentiate between Leo and Jordan lol

SOFÍA SOREL MENA: I’m 15 hours later 😪

juinsethi sethi: Who thinks Jordon is jealous

Isabelle Walsh: THE SIMS MUSIC

Tamara Nahaboo: Leo is so ugly why are ppl saying he’s cute he’s not he’s so ugly and pls harmony break up with him

Apple pie: I feel like McAdams should date walker Jordan obviously don't want her to have friend boys and I don't k ow about McCoy yet he hasn't been around that long

rose maria: it’s so funny that eggy thinks he’s the most popular guy in school and thinks he can beat pk up😭😭

iiPastelclouds: This really was a tea filled episode 🍵.

Farhiya ugas: Please make it to be twice a week☹🥺

Sangay Yangden Tshering: This is getting better and better

Snow Wolf: anyone remember back when we had 15 minute episodes?

RARA: 9:13 He was about t smile

•Peggý•: You know when they are reading the book, and Leo interrupts them reading? I think it implies he will come into the love triangle and make it a love square, but then they always start reading again , because they are supposed to start reading again right? Sorry if this doesn’t make sense lol

Tshiwawi Life: Does anyone noticed the sims freeplay music in the background

Gerber Margarete: How Claire speaks out „c’est une catastrophe’’ 😂

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