Littlefinger lays dead in Winterfell - Game of Thrones (Season 7)

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Shihoblade: Him handing Sansa to the Boltons still makes no sense. His obsessions with the Tully girls runs too deep. He had Sansa under his control and with her a chance at Winterfell. Why in the hell would he hand her over to the Boltons? It would be one thing if he took her virginity which would lessen his obession a bit but no she was still untouched and he was the only man around her. No way in hell he just hands that over to someone else. And a bigger question, why did Sansa go along with it? I thought the plan was that she had connections in Winterfell. That the northmen would support her which would give her a voice and backup in the Bolton Winterfell but no. She literally just walked into a cage her enemies own with no plan and then became their victim. That whole section was dumb.

Mary Immah: Damn!! Sansa was the last word that came out of his mouth... Harsh 😁

Prajakta Nadkarni: Ah.. the dialogues .. the acting .. So satisfying .. What happened to all this in season 8 ?

Wintercat: "I'm a slow learner, it's true. But I learn." SANSA FUCKING STARK

AIZER ALI SHARIEF: If you're having a bad day,week or year definitely watch this , it will bring confidence to your soul and a smile to your face.

Steve Charles: Clean up on aisle 7... what was that sir? you spilled something.

obi emejulu: "I plead the fif"!!

R Squi: Worst and most out of character death in the GOT its all went down hill this season.

Arjumand Anjum: John snow would never be and to do this.... So happy Sansa did!!

P F: Revenge! Oh how sweet it is.

Booker1912: Probably a more satisfying death than Joffree

2x1C Gaming: I still loved how Arya just kill him so casually.

Hanz: Little Finger is like "What ? " "me"

Steven H: That was one of the most cold and brutal scenes ever shown on TV.

Ewout Hagdorn: 3:50 when you know you've fucked up and there's no way out anymore

JazzByDaBay: I just love Arya Stark

Freethnkr Flick: A nod to Pink Floyd

Paul: Season 8 was 100% trash and it ruined all the buildup from previous seasons do you deny it?...

Roger Whittaker: Arya was the John Wick of her day babayaga lol...I once saw her kill a guy with a needle a f@#*ing needle...

Pawan Chauhan: One of the most satisfying moments of the show.

Zane C: Is there a character D&D didn’t ruin? Littlefinger, varys, Dany, Jamie.... what an awful, awful show.

Jonny O.P.: Just garbage writing...

Redskins 11: Too bad the last season destroyed the whole show. Pointless show!

Phelton Phive: for all the Sansa haters, when someone wants to hold power and is humble enough before this kind of assembly and says "I'm a slow learner, it's true, but I learn!" she deserves to be Queen in the North.

Phelton Phive: to make Litle finger feel secure that his plans was working she made the whole thing look like she was about to execute her own sister, so he wouldn't have the time to prepare counter measures!

Buffer Buffer: 3:50 At this moment he knew, he was fu**ed

Suraj Thapa: Whats Aberama Gold doing there?

Rousseau: It took one creepy boy who sees everything, a natural assassin which can even sneak into night king and a queen of north to take out Baelish. My man was the real antagonist Baelish > Nightking

TheStopShort: 4:33 You cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby

Infinities of Reflection: I'm still convinced this is a Faceless Man and not Littlefinger. Too many inconsistencies with his character.

Kevin Morthorst: One of the worst deaths of the series.

Sukhjinder Singh: The time when I felt justice is served, litlefinger was an asshole

William Pence: Better than the ending lol

Nunya .Bidness: That was so satisfying!

Baramisio: Great character written off in an instant with one page of BAD writing, awful.

PROFESSOR PŘØ: Littlefinger was a pro player But killed by a hacker

Chibz92: Shoulda stayed in Baltimore. Shite show.

Philip Newman: Shouldn’t Sansa have been the one cutting his throat since she passed the sentence?

Relevant Duke: Oh how they ruined your character lord baelish

Anthony Ju: While this is all very impressive this should not have been how it went down. Yes Bran is an omniscient but what he says can't just be taken for truth. He should still have to show proof of his claims none of which was done. This could have been a great character building plot point for Bran where he knows all these things but no one would believe him out of hand and he doesn't have the physical wherewithal to get the evidence to show people what he is telling is the truth. He could drop subtle hints to Little Finger that he knows like Columbo taunting the murderer to make a mistake. Because of course let's all not forget the conflict of interest this all is.

Raj Kumar: The most satisfying moment of whole series.

Ben Corey: “You held a knife to his throat. You said I did warn you not to trust me.” In yo FUGLY FACE, Baelish

shashank bhatt: One of the most satisfying deaths in GoT

Irena Stojanoska: The most satisfying scene ever!

Don Allen: My favorite part of this complex scene is that Littlefinger never once tried to appeal to Arya's mercy... he just knew there was nothing he could say that would stop her. As she walks up he appeals to Sansa one last time knowing that no plea is going to stay Arya's hand.

Fia Marasco: The North Remembers

Matt Felt: I loved this show. And yet it betrayed me.

Olo: They nerfed Baelish to Janos Slynt level of wit

Taj Noor Faheem: Funny he thought he was going to be the king of the iron throne.

TheFinnPool: I love how Arya's just smiling when Sansa accuses Petyr 😂

Jeremy Leong: Winterfell *Chills*

RJ Paka: Love love love this scene

Bleg94: one of the view good moments of that season

Samuel Dillinger: When Thrones was on it's way out. Terrible end to a great character.

ZabbO 'wakeej: 2nd wtf moment after the red weeding!

Hakasauars: The only reason hes on his knees is because arya cant reach him standing straight up to slice his throat

Ryan Clarke: The people that applaud this scene are so cringey in my opinion, this scene is literally set up to be a fucking joke, yeah lets have sansa play little fingers game, thatll be cute for the audience theyll love that! BOOM BIG PLOT TWIST ITS NOT ARYA ON TRIAL ITS LORD BAELISH

vesicaful: So much for "He who passes the sentence should swing the sword."

Peluchan: Petyr was a really evil man, he took the series to the death with himself

Phionix Fox: this was one of the best scenes in the show this and the dogs eating the last bolton

Rage jun No Videos: He Choked...

Rain Man: the moment when you realize: you fucked up.

KARKOZ x: A show like Game of thrones deserved an ending where Baelish sat on the throne.

Jaclyn Caligo: Just when I thought there couldn't be a death more satisfying than Joffrey's.

Hilary White: lies dead

Marco M: i am a slow learner, but i learned... that a huge reminder for all of us.

jfayiii: Highly realistic.

Janggutan: the most satisfying thing on TV hahaha

Qui-Gon Jinn: What does a liar do when he’s dead? He lies still.

Shahana Kadri: Even if sansa tried to convict arya,arya could probably kill all those guys single handed.

Henri Blanche: And Littlefinger didn't have one ally in that room.

Jay Zikonta: I miss this show

japeking1: How hard is to clean blood of off a stone floor? Something to soak it up would have been sensible.

Chris Hanner: “Critical hit!”

Ka Sudano: Even after his throat is cut He still trys to lie

Ka Sudano: Even after his throat is cut He still trys to lie

Audience 72: It was such cheap misdirection leading up to this scene. Just another example of poor writing by D&D

Alan Higgs: If you think about it the Broken King which with his powers make him a unbroken king was clutch.


Blake: When a spider realizes he’s gotten tangled in his own web....

sarvadnya mistry: The North Remembers.

DGot14U: Sansa has the most complete story arc in GOT.

Joe Schmo: “None of you were there to see what happened. None of you knows the truth.” “You held a knife to his throat.” *chills*

Karl Orrocks: I just now noticed that LYSa uses Tears of LYS as a poison 2:16

D A: I had forgotten how dark and bad the production was



DaveMoongazer: One of the most satisfying moments of the show. Until all went to shite!

Alan Shore: Probably one of the most satisfying deaths.

Joe Saunders: You dont fuck with the Starks

Othello Academy: Lady Sansa, forgive me, I'm a bit confused... *Slash*, game over...

Zach Rengifo: I was watching best sopranos hits and this gets put on next lol kinda fits I guess

Grizzly Andy: Great Scenes like this make the ending even more criminal, sadly.......

Patrick Smith: A great scene in television history, buggered by an inept lighting director who did the same to the entire final season. What a "shame".

Astrid B. Øvern: One of the great SURPRISE! moments of this series. Oooohhh...I love it so much!

Mia Wallace: I hope some one take nots from Snyder Cut and redo season 8 🤦🏾‍♂️

Qwerty manoppo: When Game of Thrones not pieces of sh*t

Robert Lee: I would have kept denying

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