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Zenic: Rocket Pass showcase starts at 8:32 *SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE UPDATE CONTENT!!* ❤️

Ava Hurl: I would love fennec at the minute I have a sky blue one but I does not go with anything and fennec is the only car I use 😁

dekunex: This season is beatiful

Hamish Plenderleith: 129 of asking for gloriefier

LS-beast101: Can u tell me what u would offer for purple slipstream scorer I want to know

Hunter Yates: Yes they did bang teir 69

Hunter Yates: Rp is horrible but tournament rewards r rlly good

Chase Cameron: My user name is chaser-man11 I wanted the f fennec for two years please I need one

mattシ: 😎😎😎

mark Muriuki: My ID is Mark_master3

Erey: Can I please win a fennec

Erwin Schaijk: Schip140teurful

Erwin Schaijk: Pls hoge me 1000cr for the pass on rl

DanyelツTM: zenic, please give me some things !!!!! please !!!!!! A Black market, a fennec TW credits ???? please ?? I'm also from Xbox. GT: XxRocketxX32

Raheem Hamid: Love the vids!!

Raiyaan majeed: Psn/epic:king_raiyaan_786

Fierce snipes: any chance i can get anything just anything i got scammed when i was doing a tw apex trade and we used a middle man and he scammed me my xbox is fiercesnipes with naruto pfp

Creeperpro2016: this makes me wish i never traded in 5 exotic wheels, because the trade in was bugged and i got an infinite loading, and i restarted my game and i got NOTHING

Mees Hoekstra: Let my win plzz

loke gleerup: Zenic. I need your Help. I have been playing for 4 years now, and i Got a titanium white gripstride hx. Should I sell it now or wait? Much love <33

thatkidzain: How to be Zenic. Step 1: always use loud beat drops for ur intros and in ur vids. 2: Always say: "NOYW WAEY BREO

Jared Richardson: Switch FireJ592

JezWorld: Something weird happened to me when trading on PC... I wanted to put my offer in (about 16k cr) But the game wouldn’t let me put in more than 10k. There was a limit. Even tho I have more than 10k I can’t put in more than 10k into the trade... Is that normal? What can I do to prevent that?

kylo plays minecraft: honestly i see ppl all the time asking youtoubers for crazy like tw octane of lots of black markets and then theres me sitting here just wanting a animated decal because they look cool.

Smaphoso: In the Rocket Pass are only 900 Credits, but it cost 1000 Credits. Come on Epic. Really??

G Andrews: Done ps4:highfielder77 btw love the vids

SneaX_easy: Nice video you are my favourite YouTube man

Cecilia Faber: Wish I had a fennec :(

REAPZ: I logged on and got a free hand heart and hades bomb

Æøœłš Ñçē: You should’ve showed tournament rewards

Tav: loving the content zenic <3 hope everybody is having an amazing morning/day/night

Shakur Mirza: I subbed my epic :Shakur_Mirza

Logley: Video idea : you say that ur gonna give a nci in the trade for like 40 cr and then you put like a painted octane in or something

Sam: So did I get lucky i logged on and got untradeable hand heart

darin 77 kader: My psn is TJonaldo epic is DarinLalo


Kyle EatsBabies: *gets a very rare out of a crate* “oo another non crate very rare”

Robyn Sultanowsky: My epic I’d is Shadowrider3639

Jamie T: Is your highest rank diamond im diamond 2

Alexander Resnick: Hi Zenic i went on rocket league and i got the silver gold plat boosts but i got a nergal to.. does eversone get that?

Sport Plus: * Watch it if you want :D Biggest clutch of Season 3 *

Sea Nassen: The octane is black

Hamish Mahoney: Love u man keep it up

Lisa-Marie Graney: Done Epic Bobbyboy271

Tamim Reaper: zenic always back with a banger

Sheffield Wednesday Fan: Xbox HarvWALTERS

Hobbo: Everyone gotta appreciate how he spends a bunch of credits/ alot of his own money, just to do giveaways for us who he doesn't even know. What a legend <3

Qwvnnn: I got uncommon black dieci at mine come and drop

Kewin Gbyl-Kowalski: wheare is the stang ?

Mr bear -: Wow

W & M Lego: Is this another prank or something

art kaj: Can i have credits

SLOSHY 57: Rp is sick tbh



josh edwards: love the vids, conent gonna be better with new trade in system xbox: rredaz

Tyúxar Tyúxar: I think ncvr gona drop the less, because standerds, and octanes.

Nag XQ: Xbox: Nag XQ

Micaiah Miller: PC Epic RL_ASH Steam ASH

noosx jiso: how did he get that gold color can anyone help

TorozSZN: Can you get painted halos out of the uncommon drops?

Tom Tommy: I wanted to commit suicide by 2:32 seconds into this video because you do not just take a break and chill. You dont have to talk that long, that much. I dont think one second went by that a noise didnt come from your mouth. Will not recommend and hopefully you quit YT. Good luck.

FoxpalSM: Jesus Christ dude slow down, you sound like a damn auctioneer Can hardly process what you're even saying 😂

Phantom: I actually like the new season 2 rewards, if you disagree, your argument is invalid. It's just a opinion

G3niusjr: Boost showcase?

random rhino 27: My Xbox GT is TTV ACE ZooM hope to win something 😁

Kaleb Pugi: 12:20 Zenic: tier 69 they have BANGED it! 😂

Random Color of the Week: “Done” “Epic: Iciemi1k” Niceeee

nanda kumar: ۞―P̳r̳e̳m̳i̳u̳m̳ ̳P̳r̳i̳v̳a̳t̳ ̳S̳e̳x̳―۞ ➡️➡️️ 》》 《《 —————————————————^^————————————————— ♠【﹄💖𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐊≔⫸LINK 💖﹃】 ♠みゃあこさん!ฅ( ̳• •̫ • ̳ฅ)ニャン !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1617845470

Marco Racano: Idk if it’s just me but when the video finished I went off zenics YT page and his name was Nightmare not zenic... but then I re-freshes it and it was zenic again...

NATE GINSBERG: zenic got black octane?

Kise: Great video bro

Panda lol: Hiiiiiii. Can I get the fennec

Cylix: hey the fennec is my dream car you dont have to give me one, but it would mean a lot if you just used the fennec yourself in one video discord: cylix#9849

Rising Phoenix: Lol I hate how now there is a trade limit

Caleb Rich: tier 69 they banged it

I’m A Gamer: Epic:Bikatsho2003

Kriby: pls luv your vids i want a fennec

Big Man: Me I wanna fennec😜

Marchyzz GANG: Ill give u tw fennec and can u trade it until a tw octane please cause im so trash to trade

Marchyzz GANG: Zenic can u trade for me please

Nitro: I bought something off the app and i still have not resive it i bought it yesterday but they said they need all there rocket league accounts to make it to level 250

crymore31: Do any of you know if black Emeralds will skyrocket in price? Bc everybody says that but it's still valued at 43p0 to 4700 for 3 days now

Inferno: “Tier 69!” “They have BANGED it!”

Casper 104: I really want fennec pls can i win

DryHigh0 Fanpage: I have a White flag goal explosion

MARK MURRAY: I got a sky blue octane from my import drop

Marcel. 071: i want the fanic so bad plsgive my i can trande anothere car back

UNSALT3D: Xbox snug pug0. H paragon Grey zombas noncrate W 900 or item op

Brychael Yt: Yeah noice. :) Psn: Gamerbryan18

bradarmpit: 12:22 nice 2:19 nice

Andrea Rodman: Zenic: “Nothing special, just Formula 1 car.” Me: “I wanna sound like a Formula 1 car!”

Patrick Jones: i got a hades bomb somehow with my rewards when i logged in

morgan wilcox: can i have a free fennec ?

Tyler Barwell: I had a purple fennec on my account but got hacked

Arun Jhita: Done Xbox- sikskillz5 I hope I win a fennec

Loic Chaussegros de Lery: I got a certified hades bomb when i opened my game. Can someone tell me if it’s normal?

Andrija Brkić: Rocket pass rewards this season are kinda shity last season had better rewards

RL Clips: Bro guess what I’m number 405 to comment

Angry Zoe 77: Give me please i love what hing your videos

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