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Charlie Lee: 15:15 매우 흥분 보인다 😊Написать
Charlie Lee: 4:02 SANA 매우 귀여운
15ffan: Why am i getting heechul vibes form momo? Especially the clean freak part 😁
Justin Keith Baliscao: Mo-beom....... say whut?!
Nicole Demetrio: O waw nayeon i love
Rangga Wirdinata: where is jeongyon ?
Yanet Lescano: Ves el Subtitulo en Español y estás como: "nunca nadie se había preocupado tanto por mi" ah ✨
Mochi Min: hi mina tapakan moko huhu
JavaGameLand: ➡️ ⤵️ B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's —L—o—V—e—S—e-X———❤️😘 ..👍 !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1618592414
Joshua Delos Reyes: Mina: Nayeon can start as an intern starting today... The other three, please see yourself out. Long pause,,🐦🐦🐦 Sana: I'LL TELL MY DAD!!! Momo: *sanitize the seniors* Jhiyo: (okay i'm out) 😂
Kurumi senpai: 17:19 sana sounds like that one meme stuck in my mind😭😭
Lolythe Rose: Is jimin copying dahyun personality?
Maricris Dumoran: Who loves twice? 👎
Fangirl 18: Nayeon: I'm pretty MoMo: y'all are dirty *spray* *spray* *spray* Jihyo: Artist, I'll take care of my artist, artist artist bla bla bla Sana: I'm the daughter of this company's president
Fangirl 18: when Nayeon said She's pretty I already predict she's gonna say that hahaha 😂
Fangirl 18: and what's with sha rich hahaha 😂😂
Fangirl 18: Nayeonie is really so so so cute
Lynnchai916: Tzuyu
Seyoungie: Mina: Working Everyone: Plans to eat ramen Saida: SAILED!
Seyoungie: Mina: Welcome. Insert Tzuyu and Dahyun with intense stares* Meanwhile Chaeyoung* Where am I? Who am I?
Seyoungie: So in short. Nayeon is your pretty worker. Momo is that one clean and organized worker. Jihyo is that hard worker and Sana is that... daugther of the president worker. lol help me
Seyoungie: Sha Rich: I'm the daugther of the president. :) Mina: Stares* Inner Mina: So what?
Ryan Juan Lopez: I learned a lot from Nayeon. Now, I'll use those knowledge to my application and expect a higher chance of employment.
ザクルシ[ザクスピードルシファー]: 2:06 モモりんの自然な日本語w
barbie Chang: 💜 Tzuyu 子瑜 💜 💜 Love you Forever 💜
Kim Girrafe: 💜
GenLexi Carbonilla: What happened to jeongyeon
E B: I love this so much, nobody is really taking the acting seriously and it makes it so much funnier 😂
이루미: *Twice⁹* 💙💙
Yuen Chun Lim: Tzuyu
yfhrni: mina gives a shim suryeon vibes and i love it 😭
Power Power: Mina
鈴野未光: ナヨンちゃん髪型可愛い🤍 面接官が年下4人ってのがまたいい!
Abigail Turner: 미나 💞
Myrel Aaron: 13:47 Sana. Jihyo and Momo: Flashbacks to Sixteen😭😭😭😭😭
HoIocaust is Fake: TZUYU
Elizabeth Lescano: Sana en modo Draco Malfoy 14:15 ✨
이루미: *Twice⁹* 💙💙
aniko aniko: 13:57-14:05 🤣 i love them
A. Wermann: I love how Sana's "I'll tell my dad!" sounds just like Draco Malfoy's "My father will hear about this" xD
GG4EVA: I think the result that nayeon was gonna be picked had already been decided before the show, coz they can't have two jihyos or two sanas in an office can they? They did it to make up a story so that the audience wouldn't be bored.
Dexie Pasignajen: It's kind of rare of Nayeon to be the normal one
Nataliaᄋᄉᄋ: NAYEON <3
Jrayl Maron Longworth: Ok, just want to say. I clicked cause of the thumbnails because it is gorgeous.
lordson: nayeon best staff!
lordson: again, tdoong ent >> jype
lordson: again, tdoong ent >> jype
ygrrr: 7:11 Tzuyu LOL. too cute.
Mauricio Madureira: Gg
Tintin Calauad: the way mina laughed chaeyoung
Ronmar Tesio: (so what can ?)
Iam_ isha: Pretty pretty tzuyu.
さくら: Awsome jdjsjs
charis LIU: Sana and momo is so cute!!!! They play their roles so well!!!!
ZO EN: 要中文~~t寶站出來~~
Win Aung: I have never seen that Sana and Mina dissing each other before😅
Little Squirrel: lmao Momo pun is so funny
Prerna 1906: Mina
Little Squirrel: TZUYU being so funny here,
park jihyo: comments are full of "TZUYU"
Ke lly: TZUYU!🥰🥰🤍🤍
Lucas Lau: Hahahaha sana is so funny!!!!!!
Still A Human: We need actress Myoi Mina debut ASAP
Gabriel Mayo: 1:36 Le salió chistoso y tierno
Gabriel Mayo: Mobeom es como Sheldon, tiene el TOC de la limpieza excesiva xddjd
Gabriel Mayo: 17:18 De que chucha se están riendo? Xdjdjdjdj
Andrea Kate Balboa: I can't with sana--- she's like chloe from Miraculous Ladybug -
Gabriel Mayo: Nayeon es como el Moai, muy humilde
Gabriel Mayo: El huevo va primero porque antes de las gallinas existían los tyrannosarus rex, los cuales fueron evolucionando hasta transformarse en gallinas, por lo tanto hubo varios huevos antes de la primera gallina
Gabriel Mayo: Hwejang es trabajólica o acosadora, no hay otra opción xdhdhdh. Edit: Llegué a la parte cuando les preguntan como se desestresa y creo que estoy tirando más pa la segunda xdjdjd Edit 2: Llegué a la parte donde dice que se quiere casar y ahora estoy 99,99% tirando pa la segunda xdjdjdjdjd
Gabriel Mayo: 2:52 A Nagasu, por ejemplo
kawaii potato: DAHYUN😍
STAN G IDLE: mina: so what😆
Kristoffer Dave Jaraba: Momo and Mina😍
りいみかん: おもしろい🤣こんな美人揃いの会社入社したいわ〜♡
Ashlee Hero: 4:11 4:42 omg I love twice TVs editors 😂😂😂 that was so random lmao I diiiiiedd!!! Tzuyu often has an intense look on her face without knowing it and it’s so cute
Angelo Theo Clete: 17:19 sana's laugh
Jusin002: alright, I'll go over this now
이정원: 이제 그만 선택해라 우리 모모야 그래야 니가 살아 by 신세계 정청
Clara: TZUYU
mariya: minari❤️❤️
오병석: 아시아에서 가장 완벽한 9명의 여자들
Sofía Rojas: I love this; is so funny !! 😂❤️🍭🇨🇷
Gorjesspaz Nanaism: The young ones are the superiors and nayeon is an intern
Kyle Fernandez: Lol Sha Rich
stan twice: the way sana look at jihyo
stan twice: ILOVEYOU TWICEEEE!!!
Soumya Binu: Jihyo and mina
DIK_ TaTa: TWICE 😘, SANA 😍😘😘😘😘
Felicia Metta Angela: Penguin Mina
이루미: *Twice⁹* 🥰🥰
fxf tv: Tzuyu so pretty
fxf tv: I love you
fxf tv: Hi
Red Curtis: When will we see the angry Mina in the TTT teaser? AAHAHAHAHHAHHA!
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