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andrew clark: this event was so awsome they actually talked it was cinematic and you got to shoot the blasters in the battlebus

Parxxx Trapty San: This will be the best fortnite event ever!

Debbie Morris: This video is so bad

Stevie Forsyth: In the nockout things if you get dooms bomb you can see a picture of ultron

M3 Boyce: me about to say i hate the music hes playing realizing i have another tab open

Hamish Roche: 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮

Ana Lopez: Hi

idk yeet: from now wonder from this video, and on I'm going to say this, when can you do a face reveal

Franklin Cricket: We need you this week I like this Tuesday morning to play

Jakobi Higgins: no duhh stuipid of corse Galactis is big he eats planets for a living

Braydan Vradenburg: What's the location called where Galactis is going to be found at.

Jan Zenrich Macaspac: M

GamingWithDae: I want the old map back

dat boi gaming: "countdowns usually last one week that is 7 days" woah i didnt know one week is 7 days

Trish Stahl: epic games needs to give you a skin

lada shamelashvili: When someone wants fortnite vbbucks, only use i9900k.store They are the real deal when it comes to this! ଏସ୍ତଙ୍କସ୍ତଙ୍କହା ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ

XLR8Lional: Make some better content dude

ariana nemeth: WhEn SoMeOnE wAnTs fReE vBuCkS cLiCk what the heck do they mean.

Rollyegg: Waffle... Waffle.. Waffle that's all I do all day because I'm CG and I do clickbait for a living

Msu Castillo: Why does the pic of galactus look scary

Dion Nguyen: We need to peper for battle

Michael Rouse: Neff

Golden Kit: Glastoes

Celeste Turner: Im sad i cant watch it because that date is my birthday

mohammed alsheikh: Ali

Caleb Wales: Firework night = wrong Bonfire night=right

Micky Rhea: How many times do we have to watch clickbait

wyattlord101 kitty: What if we use a boogie bomb galactus?

Derek Zinzow: I do not like your rambunctious attitude, I clicked away after 1 min


L3ST3RMZRGS MD: Bait click idiot.

tina wall: It is going happen on the 28th

Janet Gomes: I am waiting for season 5 roo

Janet Gomes: Im waiting for galactus

Janet Gomes: But the galactus will start the event went

Janet Gomes: I was playing fornite i wanted to see galacus i thought he was high up but galactus is down so close

BoxingWolf696 Isaiah Cervantes: To anyone who reads this the part he us talking about in the title is at the end and it's just a creative gamemode... but wat the code?

Peter White: Literally mate, stop YouTubing as you are seriously the annoying and irritating person ive evey heard. Most of the stuff your saying is made up and half the comments you've got are from spammers

Stephen Harrison: Y’all gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuyyyyyyyy

Paula ortegaprotes: When someone wants fortnite vbbucks, only use i9900k.store They are the real deal when it comes to this! ଏସ୍ତଙ୍କସ୍ତଙ୍କହା ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ

veee: Can you not talk with al that confidence like it's annoying

jazz Garcia: This is fake news 😂😂😂😂💩💩💩WERE NOT 5

Sasha Philo: Win a game for me please im begging you


Marwa Ebrahim: Do a face reveal so u could get ur own skin

Link Main: Fortnite world go boom boom

Pr. Pwabloion: HI how got the bugha commercial

Steven Ferguson: Face reveal

Toon Tastic: Yo I got the galactus event and skin early

EV0ACE: I appreciate the content but Geeezus dude you can scale back the fake exaggerated voice a tad.. yo sound like you’re narrating a children’s television show and you’re excited about counting numbers

Luka Boss099: The ruins is called ruins cause its going to be ruind by the hellicarrier

Ethan Joshua: FAKE CONENT

Roblox _movie fortnite: If you need your skin you need to do a face reavel so epic they can see your face and put in the item e

Deadly_ Leader94: Why are there so many scam bots

Ved Nachanekar: Thats my drop doe 6:28

Lord Doom: Do y’all remember tyrant a sentient machine created by galactus eons ago

WavyIsAwesome 1: Why do he sound like a wanna be ali a lol

Bryanel Frias: Yo stop talking like morgz foreva!!! The heli carrier actually gets destroyed !!!

Ahsan Mujtaba: In iron mans house it as docter stranges scrolls at starks cabin

Brett Ketteringham: What if we use the bunkers

Super Strike: This guy is so helpful I love the stuff he does

Rinke Jutte: Ali A 2.0

Rinke Jutte: Coolest tumbmail ever

Among us videos Among us is fun: Once this event starts it going to change fortnite forever

Gokuboku Goku: What happened to real venom?

Rajni Khare: clickbait

Evie Forster: Fortnite season 4 event is starting at November 30th

KothCap: I. Can not wait

Stealth Gaming: Idk

HMW Clan Ak: Applestore.com

Mike Jawer: *2020,Is fortnite still fun?* ► Like: Yes ► Comment: No *Whenever anyone want so many VbUcKs simply go to **PlaYuP.wOrk* Its intended on all devices+ සෑම කෙනෙකුටම පරිපූර්ණ ක්රමය

David Cicaheum: *2020,Is fortnite still fun?* ► Like: Yes ► Comment: No *Whenever anyone want so many VbUcKs simply go to **PlaYuP.wOrk* Its intended on all devices+ සෑම කෙනෙකුටම පරිපූර්ණ ක්රමය

William John thomas: epic name wide_clue

potato eater: Me a controller player is better than you

Nawaf Al Fadel: When Does Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 Start​ Season 5 of Fortnite will start on the 30th November 2020 The flow season will run until this date, as expressed by the Battle Pass in-game. In any case, some hypothesis has emerged that it very well might be deferred until the third December. There are difficulties set up for 14 weeks of substance, the remainder of which will start on the 26th November - which means this deferral likely could be a chance Here is What We Know About Fortnite Season 5 https://shrinke.me/kOK1loC

フォートナイト神すぎやりたい放題世界一の猫田愛子: HI!MY NAME IS NEKODA AIKO! NEW SEASON 5 IS LEAK! AMIYA!https://youtu.be/_Lw7Q6B5h0E

lada shamelashvili: When someone wants fortnite vbbucks, only use i9900k.store They are the real deal when it comes to this! ଏସ୍ତଙ୍କସ୍ତଙ୍କହା ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ

Pearl Salmeron: Me

Jacob James: This is the best

Mxchi: @CommunicGaming there's an easter egg at The Ruins if you go by the vault you can hear Midas laughing.

Brandi John: Kendrick-j-14

Brandi John: Will you give my brother skin on Fortnite

Brandi John: Hi

Landen Murray: in were you were fighting glatus there was caps shield

Carie Moeckel: I hate this

Century CZX: I search Galactus and fortnite was the first things that comes up and this CHANNEL! No offense.......

Aiden Danielewicz: W key

HT Gaming: Im just wondering where will be the heroes will appear if galactus arrives in fortnite island. NOV 28 2020 LIVE EVENT

R3Shadow Cat55: U know your channel is dying

gummybear 13: I don't oke how in every video he says hey guys no offense tho .

Sunny Washam: Bruh I’m ready for that event

ClapadomFN: DAWG I Want To See It

Alexander Aranda: I hate this click bait for once plz upload something real

Tasha Allison: stop the cap

shooq alward: No that one apple picking season nine so do you member that is Apple Pay I will know what homework he what is going on in season two and three and four and five but what’s the point of this that I want to know my favorite you tuber

Pat Vegas: There is nothing in comic book

Pat Vegas: This is fake

FELIPE ANDRES VILLEGAS: The foto was creepy

Your boi gabe: I think that first the big fight with galactus the superheroes and the centaurs start then the helicarrier will go towards galactus and galactus will punch the hellicarrier and the hellicarrier will break and fall on the ruins.

Hokage Jacky Jackster: Y’all now he fakes and pretty annoying

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