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Nightblue3: NEW META = TANK META ⊂( ・ ̫・)⊃

Colo: Like none of this champs are meta, but he plays them pretty well

Dyrach: jelkopie na chuj zakrywasz mape na youtubue

Rens: I got Battlecast skarner so im here

Péter Fenyvesi: dog

mathyy: 10:19 look at Brand's mastery points

Peter De Angelo: I run predator on Skarner and he's legit so good, and people never know how to counter him beyond just his ult I love him

Szegedi Ákos: im really happy, because im a skarner player, and i WAS a skarner player before this. and skarner is one of the best balanced champ in league i think

Jiggly-Gut Gaming: Why is the map showing two infernal drakes? one in Baron pin and the other in the dragon?

Christian Jalmasco: 3sum

Astaroth Frix: the fact that you cry about the kills so much while playing Skarner is the reason of people not liking this champ so much, Skarner is not an assassin, sure, he can destroy most of the enemies even in 2 or 3 vs 1, but he shine at cc, at taking the feed enemy and giving that kill to your team, to cc all the time so the carrys can do their job, Skarner is a good duelist, but is a better tank. You're not the one that need the kills and if you take all the kills with Skarner, you will still lose the game, because he's not a good pusher, he's not a champion that can delete the adc or the mid, he can't kill fast another tank, so the only reason behind his high win rate, is because he's amazing at ganking and giving the kills to the carries, and then he can do a really good peel in tf. If you want kills go Kindred, Shaco, Kayn, i don't know everything with high dmg, but don't use a tank and take the kills, that will ruin the game for you and your team even if you're 20/0.

Siu Ho: I thought tank meta since season 1 lol

Random Videos From Portugal: nobody: 10:58 me: ah..."int" exists also in high elo

Random Videos From Portugal: nobody: 8:00 me: how am i stuck in Gold 1 ???

Joshua Sierra: What that page ?

Dariusz Gorczyca: skarner suck

Wynowe TR: youtube translate = zach zack ehe

Alexis Bagacina: Omega or ohmwrecker chair

Drchef: nightblue content went downhill for me once he showed his face. hidden face nightblue is best nightblue.

Remember son, dying is gay: wait till the kid comes out black

Aidan Rogers: Night Blue: I'm not getting cucked Also Night Blue 3 seconds later: LOOK AT MY COOL NARUTO SHIRT!!!

Tyjacob 2: Try ap zac

BonBon: Does anyone notice the minimap not updating?

Brian Starrss: is tank cho still good

leo: why I have to take my grandpa‘s Morphine to finish the video

Kuri Kaize: I really thought he was fixin to flex some NB3 merch. He had me trippin

Shinra Tensei: New Upload pleaseeeeeee

Mantas: Where is your twitch rivals game 🤔

Emanuel Puşcaşu: what is wrong with your minimap?

Ray leight: I miss the best grill rem on your videos

clarkkent malabanan: i didn't rralize nightblue was so small

Kyle Bergquist: Ew naruto

John armin: Hey blue where is your editor

Christopher Bonadio-Cappiello: Udyr is actually busted this season no cap. Got 24 kills in a game and got 12 the next game.

Richard Cantu: What web site does he use for the stats and builds???

WilsonThePotato: Holy crap NightBlue3 is boring now where was the epic montages by Artful

Kosta Majstorovic: Time Travel invented: The person from the future: What was your favorite meta? Me: The Tank meta The person from the future: Nah, I enjoyed the Corki meta more. Me: wait wat

ESPZ Fafnir: Alicopter is the chad who lifted Stylish to challenger, wdym Mr. Dives and Dies?

playhard460: Like for that t shirt <3 naruto iz life.

Rabi Sanzen'in: do annie jungle next XD

Mameno: need the memes back ....

Stan Elwood: It's gonna be an absolute tank meta with Funfire Wincape. I played 9 Amumu games today and got a 100% wr. I went from silver 2 to gold 4 in just today one tricking Amumu.

Reinder Bos: Aren't you supposed to max E on Skarnee first instead of Q due to the Q's bad scaling?

Gumolinoleum: Yee ekko is still going strong... Don't know what happend but Rocketbelt and Lich bane make you oneshot everything

exAP: nah bro, assassins are OP now

Efren Francisco: I was about to do my modules, then I saw this vid

Brainbro: I miss the: GET OUT OF MY JUNGLE JOSH!!! BUNCH OF “CAPPUCCINO’S” I guess our god have changed

Digital Hazard: Infected Mushroom?

Demonstrativ: Oh i know it my homie skarner comes back

Tikki Vangu: 8:14 "Do something Samara" She did..... She died.

John Loklin: worst league youtuber lmao

demonitised: Is gp worth maining?

Aidy Wilson: Lol zac is o.p Love your bids nb3

Oliver Kamp: On which Site is he looking up the Builds and WinRates? Site is seen on 1:26 ☝️

ADAMAS SADACHBIA: Is not season 11 yet

Владимир Беляев: 5:35 XDDDDDDD Nunu is a god tear :)

Tabs Tv: Trick’s hairline and nightblue’s hairline would be a classic battle


4eren Negar: Skarner = Good content

Gavin Merlo: That Naruto shirt is straight drip my guy.


Dávid Herich: Since when is he screaming like a moron? Ffs i thought that some streamers wont be shouting in community full of screamers... i was obv wrong.

Patatas Gaming: broom broom motherfu..😂

Preston King: Is this guy like 33?

pedro fernandes: The t shirt make me put a like and continue with the good work 😊👍

Living Legend: I miss the *haha ey it's ya boi* intro Petition to bring back Artful 🏳

Happy Life: Tryhard goblin

mclin la de: What site is he at 1:30?

The PhotoFreek: Darius Jax skarner rammus veigar Annie are good (looks like the skillchamp meta finaly began)

U U w: you weeb ?

Erico Verdecia: can tell you live with your parents if your spending 500 dollars on a t-shirt. no sense of responsibilities what so ever

erwin cruz: Im not doing well, im a victim of typhoon ulysses :(

Abdelrahman: Woow nice t-shirt 😍😅

Loop: still waiting for the music and focus spikes to come back day 2

Sifat Ullah: I'm so happy to see your regular videos

Sebastian Vahl: 0:08 I ain’t never seen two pretty best Friends

Serious sAm: Zac is the greatest

Ivailo Ivanov: Love Skarner! <3

patryk szulc: Aatrox in jg s11

Peter: Your videos are more boring. 0 efects and boring cut.

Spirit . Guard Plays: I like your shirt bro :)

MM MM: Ez champ i can 1 shot him with zed 😏.

Kenneth L: FPS dropped 7:19

der echte: I have the same cat tree as you:‘)

Alexander Bebida: Please pray for the philippines!!

Саня Харьков: Artful, come back. This montage is so bad, so not fun.

Roman Salazar: Mages in the jg are weak rn? Play sylas

Pixel Malware: Rengar please new item rengar

Kenny Yip: any shaco game plxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Casey Nguyen: What website do you use to view these stats?

Việt anh Đặng: Ys from VietNam

Maximamos: I know you want serious gameplay now but not even music anymore???

Zuko: His forehead is shocking big

Dominic Galarosa: Actually Nightblue you can get mastery 7 by missing q's but it takes really long

nguyen xuan huy: bro is that thing near your TV a Mordred portrait ?

Cyrille Gaming: The juggernauts are back baby!!

Beast sama: This is really a tank meta. I just played against a Poppy and Garen and they were literally unkillable 😂

swayam pokharel: leesinnnnnnn season 11 brokennnn xDDD

iHurt: D1

iHurt: Yeah imma switch from JG DIFF to *"Lane Diff"*

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