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Alien galing Sa mars: 5:49 you though i was karthus but I was actually fiddlesticks

Gabriel Luiz Roma Appel: R U bullying my janna? nonono....

José Luís Lopes: Smooth brain much? DH does not proc on items DoTs. They patched it like the patch after DH was introduced because Karthus was geting multiple DH procs across the map with ulti. Ludens passive still makes the ulti proc, because if it's a separate damage proc after the ulti, and isn't a DoT

Artur sanchir: karthus is too weak right now, this title of video is laughable !, need nerf !

Brainstorm Surge: Item dots like Liandry and Demonic do not proc Harvest.

Kyle Chen: Dark harvest only procs when they are low before the skill hits

Miguel Antonio Buenaventura: Hey per game is faster now

David Sanchez'R: dumbest streamer.

dark fire: Know what's more dumb? Yi with kraken

TheDutchBanana: You need to dmg then after they reach 40% hp (dark harvest range) so when they are full HP. you need to apply dmg AFTER they reach the 40% hp zone

JMO Kazuto: total dmg minus the resistance nightblue

GuldVixen: Why so many adds??

Wilson Neves: next video send a "Salve pro brazil" we love you dude.

Kantanis Theodoros: pls make a video with fidle and DmEmbr

Clifford James Concepcion: I really love rem is still in the intro

A.R.Genix 01: 12:16 *GASP*

Definitely Not Zed: this video reminds of his old karthus jungle video, where he says, "NO HANDS MOM" im sad that i cant find it anymore

alice fencer: I'm still confused at the item tbh.

TheIncort: Next game enemy team bans NB3 :)

SOLO ZED: Season 11 pro build SHACKO pls NB3 YOU PRO JF 2020

Maurits H.: Na "Challenger" doesn't know that dark harvest only procs when damage is dealt on target below 50%. Not when target would get below the 50%

グリムGurimu: As a Karthus Main, he's strong since then but peeps keeps playing the meta. So Champs like Karthus, Yorick, Nocturne, Warwick are so underrated and being forgotten

Shieda Kayn: NB3 Dark Harvest doesn't proc off dot from items; It will not proc from Liandry's Anguish or Demonic Embrace, but it will proc off of Teemo's e poison, for example.

Berryreef: "why die?" ahaha great comment

Ka'million' Woh: 2:14 man u so funny

Awi Sintaro: 12:23 Janna ??

Alexandre Morin: 362295 rp????????

DMF: 29:18 lux with the 4 man

Pablo Hughes: nightbluecringe

Hoshi no Hamada: Music starting at 11:00 anyone?

Professional Gamer: Hey nightblue i miss your video with edited lot of memes is funny video actually

tino: karthus - 43% wr btw

equitine _: The items are fun....tanks are useless...but I will say we sont need this many dashes. Pyke can decide to use his dash flash and then prowler claw to stun the length of half of the river....also how does dark harvest decide who toprock on with his ult?

Nikola Gavrilović: NB3 was like: Korega Requiem... da

Just another Random Guy: Galeforce is like Jett's dash from Valorant 😂

Shinra Tensei: Gonna play rammus after seing this vid LOL

molkan lol: everything is just not right in this season i just played a kha'zix game i got 40 kills and 3 death "no-cap" and mord had 10 kills and night harvester and death cap only one solo me every time how made can i be at this piont and im full build by the way

Quang: No one: Riot: 1:07 trundle and ashe can burst you

Ali Y: i swear i feel like riot just want us to uninstall league !

Aditya Srinath: Nightblue damage calculator: 296 + 216 = 1512

samuill kehaiov: oi NB3 play tanky jungle hp with warmog - after 3k hp the warmog heals u like crazy ( +200/300 per sec) out of combat

Oni: Nightblue magic pen goes through base magic resist so spamming it when they have squish targets that dont have much is good

Daan klein Nagelvoort: Start using blue light filter glasses for ur eyes. Ur rubbing ur eyes so much the same way I did and it solved my problem of tired/burning eyes.

Ralph Marco Perey: I see we have a new rap god

Dušan Davidović: I main nidalle, does horizon focus work on her or not??

Modesto Cruz: Your videos becoming this long is a good thing to do to waste time while waiting low priority queue

Lorddz: Imagine if he could go liandry

SleekLaberdo: You get 1 kill ahead and its game

Can Güleer: 31 sjsj

GentleUncle: U are not calculating mr tho

Greg Babar: hey nightblue3 get collector on karthus next time as 4/5 item xD ik ik its ad item but you will see some dark magic going on

Aiman Kurosuki: wuhu daily upload 🥳


Leo Paul E. Montano: They change everything about league :( It's not classic anymore. This is why a lot of player played other games
Calvin May: Imagine being an adc main right now. Now you get shred by not only mages, ap supports and assassins but also tanks now. I don't understand how people still main this role lol, you are literally useless 95% of the time and have to rely on your team to carry you.

Δημήτρης Αυλωνίτης: They need to be already low to collect dark harvest. Dude..

Digital Buu: Rammus is an assassin tank if you play it right....

Yuko00005: This proves that s11 will kill you........ literally

sxnburst _: I’m loving the new thumbnails dude nice

Just funmers funmers juga: Bring Back.. RoA

Loop: bring back the music and the focus spikes aaaa

Zen Sen: Are you smurfing again?

Leonardo Torrejos: 7:10 did he just said the legendary word?

Toxic Dog: *SIGH* They said season 11 is gonna be better , i say league wont get to his 12'th season tbh.

SquareK: You need to learn how does dark harvest work... It procs against champs who are already below the % of hp, not when your dmg gets them to this level

Scrubness: Whats the song at 3:59 plz

5k without videos challange: 2:47 bruisers yes ornn

Mr. Gomibako: Season 11 karthus be like: wait you have MR? Thats illegal

Boy Bata: I have one question: Are there still jungle items? Can we still upgrade smite?

Miles Anton Solano: Season 11 is the 2020 version of league

iHurt: Btw karthus has been nerfed nb3 KARTHUS THE BEST!

Jonathan Berrios: Nb3: "This is the Chinese super server" YouTube: nope. Here's an ad :)

Ruth Gaming: Try using the executioner

Henry Zaini: Fiddlestick is broken in this meta

schwinn: Love the thumbnail dude 🏵️

Arsenije veljovic: Dark harvest doesnt proc on all 5 because it can only be proced on one enemy, and that refreshes when you kill someone

Mixioniukas: 25:12 hello tower

Anarchy Aries: NB3 be like Don't F**k with me I have the power of God and anime on my side, AHHHHHHHHHHH!

Zhyler Liebesleid: AMUMU!!!!!

An Nguyễn Quy: Adc 2021 be like :(

Jahziah Whittaker Beckham: Still recommends that I buy a tear of the goddess on ad melee champs

Nightmare Dragon: Ss11 olaf is broken or I mean balanced

Emerald Knight: Nb3 is unkillable you never know when Rengar is gonna come outta that bush on top of his head.

JustSomeDude: You want a new OP, build kracken slayer and the collector on vayne. Other items are interchangeable.

Emil Nielsen: Nb3 Can you make the videos shorter? More highlight

Marcos Anschau: Can't edit to put a song or some effects, but can to remove "bad words" \-/

Big Boy: This content is so dry

Big Boy: These videos are so much more boring man... like can't you make them at least a little bit more fun with some edits

d4rcr3st: RAMUMUS!

Hosea Mathews: Nice high elo gameplay lol

Ezequiel Matias Crespo Altamirano: rip edit, cy@ nb3

Josip Ivicek: Imagine playing league for the first time....the game became so complicated for no almost feels like it's not meant to be fun anymore...

MeLaNo.: Get ready to get killed by everything

Gavin Love: So what happens when vayne gets that one item tho

Professor Yone: He said the legendary words cy@

nnyahahaha: "Singe is healing them" *sad singe noises*

A Yasuo Main: Where is editing

Limonada777 Papah: Pleaseee shacooo with draktar and critik

Twisted Fate: well +1

Agamenton G: 1:49 Literally what Riot was thinking when preparing for season 11.

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