The Problem with Fortnite Season 6...

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Alex Shreve: Honestly they should just make weekly updates like the old days for pubs and let comp players vote on what they want. In a pub match fun op weapons like the non nerfed drum and combat etc are fine.

Assassintt 226: If Fortnite would add like elements like in stw it be really better

Eshery: Man just shut up already, everyone keeps complaining no matter what epic games does.

Jimmy John: I haven't watched in a few months but damn Sypher you look great. I knew you started a workout routine but wow.

Brendan Goosen: Accuracy doesn't matter, you can just spam people with bows or run them over. Hate the last few seasons. I only play to work on mechanics that's it.

Emma Rowe: R.I.P sniper... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

GS2MM: My favorite kills are from explosive bows. That being said, I only use explosive or fire bows. Haven't tried stink bows much.

Camila Martinez: I used to love fortnite I hate this season why can’t we have the normal weapons I don’t even play anymore I used to play everyday now I play probably once a week

David Dominguez Ledezma: Sypher pk is the best

kaiosun: so "pro" players want the old map back (because it is so small) or even smaller one...with no effort weapons and 100% loot for spawns.. so they could land on a spot, get few weapons and flex with their ping trying to get 30 bombs.

Jahdari Al-Haqq: The Macshift shot is op but it reloads sooo long bruh

SirShredded Fitness: This season sucks. They need to unvault jump pads, bouncers, hover boards and snipers

your mom hair line: in my opinion just bring the old map and the old pump back into the game and the old guns and style

Cyber: I hate the skill gap I'm a pretty average player but when i play team rumble the whole opposite team is just Justins

Juice NZ: 7:10 Damn how does he build so fast without even touching his keyboard. This man cracked 😂

A A: Didn’t you say if they added the book you won’t complain? and epic is listening to you they made the makeshift shotgun fire rate faster even though they were planning the makeshifts as a way to make the game slower paced in the beginning so I think they’re really trying, I understand your trying to make the game better by giving them suggestions but the title is really misleading so they might take it the wrong way, I love your videos keep on grinding

AgixPlays: Bro the bows are one of my favorite things they’ve ever added y’all hating but this season probably one of the best seasons ever

Ian H: The best thing I ever did for my enjoyment of the game was to step away from the community. The examples in this video show me that nothing has changed.

avrage: Is this valorant?

ItsJFM: Season 6 sucks because you vaulted snipers!

smiTe Phrenze: 5:45: it doesnt change the gameplay enough me: i died because of a raptor one time story: arena third zone and raptor comes at me. I kill it and somebody starts pushing me and another person starts spraying at my box. the first person that pushed me edited the wall and killed me and i didnt even notice because i was focused on holding the wall that the kid was spraying at. so yea raptors, i hate them

BLOB: Skphe Mary me

noxi2nd: I just want the snipers back...

itimelord: The thing with me is I actually enjoyed last season and have enjoyed most Fortnite seasons. So when I say I dislike this season I mean it. I enjoy Fortnite just not this season.

Lucifer: Just play minecraft

Meowscles And Freddy Fazbear: The first circle should have at least have 40 or 49 people left cause players die to quickly and the game feels quiet and slow when their is only 23 players left in such a huge circle. My idea for the makeshifts is they should buff the rifle. It’s honestly the worst make shift. The shotgun and smg are ok makeshifts but the rifle is horrible. Also, if you landed on the non primal areas I think having a more likely chance to get mechanical weapons is good. So when people land on the primal areas it’s more likely to get primal. And if you land on either areas it’s likely to get makeshifts Here’s is a percentage of what weapons you should get if you land either areas: Primal areas: 50% Mechanical areas: 50% Makeshift weapons:30/40% I think it should be a 50/50 for both areas, but a 20/40 or 30/40 for makeshifts in either areas. That way it’s more likely to get good weapons and still have the makeshift weapons 👍

mgvisuals: They needa make the storm faster or do something about the slowness of the game

ULTRA INSTINCT: sypher looked better with weight on

BA HAHAAHAHAHHA: I’m just updating fortnite after not playing for 2 months I’m probably gonna get in the game see a sweat fest build fight and log off playing-

Evan on 30 fps ϟ: The problem is they keep adding these dumb updates that are ruining the game

Jamie Stanway: Also Sypher: "if I get this book at the weather station I will never complain about Fortnite again"

Zesty44: I’ve been playing apex lately instead of fort and it’s actually rly fun hopefully fortnite next season is good I may get back into it if it is

C L O U D: You want, you get, now your mad about it

Food Reacts: Why do people keep watching fortnite videos there just people under 10

Food Reacts: This game is shite because it’s only fun if you go and play creative for 5 hours a day , Everyone’s a fking sweat it’s so boring

X1_m1dn1ght: nice job sypher your complaining about crafting well you are crafting nice

FaDe_ Ed1ts: Sypher likes everything about fortnite because he wants a skin

Matthew Xanthopoulos: The problem is one cross platform! Before that the game was just great

Anti Hero: You know what truly ruined Fortnite? Competitive and sweats

Ethan Figueroa: This season staler than the bread in my pantry. Legit too many sweats. Like me and my friend were so tired of dealing with sweats during the floor is lava ltm. Its so aids dude.

Michita's World: this may be like the video # 1239102931 about the problem with season 6, so tiring

Ben Nesterenko: did anyone notice that sypher was playing the game in the beginning and he wasn't towards the end?

HYDRA _FOB: BRO NO the bow should stay the same like wtf it hits for 180 in the head that good if there gonna buff the bow for that add the snipers back the reason i don't want the bow to be bufff is bc i like to stay still when I'm gonna shot ppl and i can stay still and i get hit in the head for 250 like the snipers use to do then I'm a stop plying the stupid game -_-

Roobar: I like the upgrade system, but I'm tired of doing it over and over and over again. I wish more higher rate weapons spawn more often. I'm tired of grabbing grey and green loot 99% of the time...

fat.nugget: From the thumbnail i only recognized 2 weapons after quitting in season 3 and 2

Hogwarts Vibin: Does he have a twin or sum? He looks different every video

ItzMickeyOnController: Fortnite is dying cause theres no story or map changes like season 4 we was fighting galactus what happened to that midas what happened to that THE 7 the like it's the fact that theres no story's is what's making fortnite die

TheFNAFKing Gamer: Only problem are the people who stupidly got the primal shot gun nerfed and the cheating sweats that are in every season

Chicken Nugget: This is the only season I have really disliked. I never had a problem with Fortnite. Yeah sometimes they had bad updates but I would only play a bit less. I have been ok with every season but this one. I haven’t played for a week. I usually play 1 or 2 matches a day with normal seasons but I absolutely hate having to work for guns that should just spawn on the ground.

aaron james: Fortnite isn't dead yet, but it is dying slowly

XploitZ Ahmane64: For the bow part I think the flame and explosive are pretty good they should make the flame bow light metal and brick on fire at least

RaccoonsLeek: I literally thought that mythics were gone at the beginning of this season...

Turfier: Yo Sypher throught the past couple of months I have lost so much respect for you. I hate to say it but everything u say is just not right, fortnite is at its worst state in a WHILE and its not all your falt but man just get outa fortnite business they listen to u and its ruining the game. I understand U need content but trust me this isnt it. I have supported u since 2017 and man I had so much respect for u.

J GRANT: I feel like every time fortnite try’s to make something everyone dislikes something like just enjoy the season

Remu Juopperi: i lowkey miss mechs:v it was fun running away

ifoundthisandthought: This is the best season ever. Spent more time cleaning the garden. You should see it. Lovely.

Wavvy JuJu: Lets be real everyone and they moms jus wants the OG map back thats all

OMG Dillan: It’s all about the storyline and that alone makes me appreciate the weapons this season. Are they all perfect? No they’re not supposed to be

kleiny: It's not just "the problem with Fortnite season 6" it's the problem with Fortnite on general because it is utter shit.

WHX-rex: I personally enjoy the new season and stuff with it, but i agree that some things might need to change. For example, when the f ur going to kill a guardian just to get some ball, then go and risk your life in a journey to the spire with a high change of being killed there by assasin just to get some mythic boots... I think normal bows are suckers, but when u upgrade them they are lit. Also i don't like the fact that animals can break walls, that's annoyinn too.

COBBLE_it 29: Ik this is way off topic, but I'll come back to fortnite if they add the spy games ltm back.

uri-the-player: primal weapons,to much changes,not og.

Mike Presley: This season is doo doo

namik Mehanović: There once was a ship put to sea

BaReJobbi: This season is TRASH i quitted fortnite

BaReJobbi: Rip fortnite

S V R K: ya he is saying right epic should increase the makeshift weapon's damage and accuracy

ekorre 2: i hate makeshift guns

SiVonn Hall: crafting is the most confusing thing about this season for me. i wish they’d just bring back the upgrade stations, idk why they didn’t just use that for crafting, i think that makes more sense than what epic is doing. all in all i like this new season 🤙🏾

Paolo Rossi: The only way to decrease the number of dead players at the start would be increase the number of players per lobby, but you would have to make the map bigger to split better the amount of the people per lobby. Another way would be remove the turbo build, but many people for sure will get angry about this. The crafting mechanic is very good, and as you said it slow down the speed of the games, but it's not enough.

MBZBOSS2: And they need to have solo, duo, and trio vbuck tournaments for all platforms.

MBZBOSS2: The wildlife does change the game. I sneak up on a guy then dinosaurs or wolves just start chasing me then I have two things to worry about. And this is in arena

Scroll飯 Fortnite: hey maybe its time to moove on form fn

MBZBOSS2: I also think they need to vault the special bows in arena and tournaments

MBZBOSS2: For me I want to w key cause if I go to try to get a spazz then there’s only like 5 people left


Betmun: Basically everything is a problem

Adam Mandelbaum: they stole the "recycler" from zombies

Bonic: If Fortnite didn’t add creative Fortnite would still be fin

Isak Brattgjerd: Rip Fortnite

across the universe: I like the pace for arena but pubs are just so slow to get loot

brian gregory: The problem with every season is that they still haven't segregated PC/Console lobbies! I know many players that have stopped playing because of this. PC vs PC and Console VS Console! Should not be any different

Cracked Earth: Im personally new to the game, so this is basically all I know about the game. It’s the norm for me. I kinda like it.

Daniel Young: The season is good and all but the makeshift is one of many reasons this season is has its down sides

Luckyy: Chapter 2 season 2 was good 3 4 and five but six fortnite dying

Cuxify: What I hate about the season is they didn’t remove the primal shotgun

Mehkie: Lemme hear these facts SypherPK🐒

Lucas Plays: Do yall maybe know why I can’t play fortnite in Xbox?

GeoH: this is all great advice come on Epic, your gameis so trash rn

Garrison Guy: Everything.

GeoH: What umbrella is that? It looks different


Beckett McMillan: Did he say gooder?

Victor Eriksson: i can just listen to Sypher pk as a podcast and its better

Samantha Henderson: U DID NOT DO THE CUP

Cunix: ...

drift swift: i'm enjoying this season

DeadlyWombat298: I saw 2 dudes get slaughtered by dinos

Leon Williamson: They could make it so you always get some crafting materials out of chests

Alexelfortnite 13: I don’t play Fortnite anymore I just don’t feel the same

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