The battle begins - Game of Thrones (Season 8 Episode 5) 8x05

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Bobby White: Whoever decided to plant all those explosives right on the other side of the main gate should have known it was a bad idea and would explode as soon as it was hit with dragon fire

The Senate: Where are the elephants

TAALIB HOSSANDORF: I thought the Golden Company had 20,000 troops......

Klara Nek: Dothraki making noise like Native Americans.

al Mamlūk: The moment they started saying "fire" instead of "loose", I knew this show was dead. Every other season, they made sure to say "loose". This is just laziness on an unprecedented scale.

horiadragoiu: That's a stupid movie

Inkuiri: Age of Empire 2 campaign is better than this cwap

Kevyn Morgan: Why did she choose to attack in the day time

NewYork975: Trion really was a bad Hand, she should have listened to the rest of her allies and attacked immediately.

Petak Danum: 😲😲😲😲

LoreNMore Reviews: Plot armor at its best, seriously hundreds if not thousands of scorpions firing at Drogon and not one hit him, then the Golden Company goes from 100,000 with 10,000 cavalry to 10,000 with one cavalry. Such a terrible final battle in general.

jordan shaw: What a horrible way to end what was once the best show on tv

INFINITE TOPICS: I haven't told this to anyone but I'm the true heir to the throne

Longtimer: Hey we have these giant ballistae on our walls and the enemy is right outside the walls. Let's not use them

Yūrei Chan: More like the BATTLE ENDED

Sam Nieves: Questions come to mind- how did the dothraki survive the battle of winter fell? Where did they go after Daenarys death? Why didnt greyworm wear his helmet? ;)

Carlos Rodriguez: The amazing clímax of nonsense.

David Ribeiro: Dasnerys only won Cersei for cause of her Dragons,troops lannisters could battle with dotrakis,the sea was of Cersei. Only the Dragons give the victory to Daenerys

Nald Cerino: 2 daragon it's a mistake

Weihnachts Mann: Of all the issues with storywriting people complain about, I actually enjoyed that the Golden Company and their leader just died like that. I enjoyed GoT for its unconventional story arcs/cliffs and thought most fans do. Euron Greyjoy swimming ashore as a sole survivor of his army just to fight Jaime Lannister - thats an example of a hollywood'esque lazy story arc.

Dolly Brown: Drogo....did what balerion couldn’t achieve....take an entire city 🥰🥰🥰🥰

AminCad: That dragon has an endless supply of kerosene in its gizzard

Lucifer Parker: So... where are the 10,000 horses Harry Strickland told Cersei a few episodes ago? I see just one horse in the entire Golden Company. Can they at least try to keep the continuity for just a few episodes?

Glynn Cordry: Nothing burned on the other side of the wall the dragon exploded.

xXxTinyBigfootxXx: God such a stupid scene

Sean Sorice: This show went from a unique,intriguing political drama to a standard, watered down fantasy action movie.

CIA: made a huge deal about the golden company for them to be wiped out in a second

MrDude826 MrDude826: Fist of all rock doesn't blow up when hit by fire. It blows up if the fire is indoors and lacks oxygen.

MrDude826 MrDude826: I just wish the would have killed Danny and her dragons to subvert our expectations and given us a real fight between Jon Snow and Cersei.

Katha Rina: I hate the end of the show! Suddenly Drogon gets the realm in less than 4 minutes without breaking a sweat 😬

William Alfonso: I just hate how incompetent the Lannister Army is shown here. The show always said that it was one of the best drilled armies in the 7 kingdoms because of Tywin.

icervoid q: Two slaughters

Andrés O.: ... everybody's gansta until the dragon shows up

Pebbles Ramirez: Drogon avenged Rhaegal! All Hail Daenerys...Mother of 🐉s !!!!

Robin Heling: No! No! No! This didn't happen! I'm still waiting for the last season. Still hoping they can somehow magically safe that sinking ship!

SerienGhoul: Why did the algorithm grant us all despair in the same time man

Joseph Tsang: now this, this is what I call total annihilation

Annie Holstadt: All those weapons firing and not doing anything... am I the only one getting angry seeing this? It just feels wrong... obscene... unclean.

Kyle Netherwood: It's a good thing Cersei surrendered. I was worried Dany would have to burn more of the city down.

SF Vistorias: The season was bad but still great to see northern soldier slaughtering lannister soldier.

Invincieblez Music: Poorly done, but i must say; after all the grief they dished out, its satisfying to see Lannisters get slaughtered

Stebles: The storyline may be trash, but the music is so fucking good

FluffyFooFookins: The CGI for the Golden Company standing outside the city walls looks terrible, looks like a Total War game on low graphics settings.

abhishek sood: Golden company my ass! 😂

Paul Nguyen: Looks like they nerfed scorpions during the last patch

Idiodyssey87: 2:09 Soldier 1: "Look at these walls!" Soldier 2: "Yea. They're pretty nice!" Soldier 1: "Probably offer a tremendous defensive advantage." Soldier 2: "Unquestionably." Soldier 1: "So where do you want to deploy?" Soldier 2: "Outside." Soldier 1: "Yea, that works for me too."

Arhatu: Worst episode of any series I have ever watched so far.

Guillermo Gutierrez: What a great series it was, until the last season. Great acting through a crappy script.

Bill Baraka: God this is so lame.

Snowscape phile: They asked for "Fire!!!", they got it.

Samael Morningstar: It could've been one of the best war scene ever (including battle of winterfell). But the Lannister didn't even put up a real fight. This isn't a war, it's a massacre

Bob Cochran: Proves again that without her pet dragons, she really has no power. This was so predictable and tired.

osakan526: Samuel Tarly had more kills thank the entire golden company Let that sink in

polakqt: So Drogon casually sneaked to the gate from the inside and blew the gate up.. cause nobody noticed a giant dragon walking on the ground lol

big bob 169: Do not mess with dragons , for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup .

Mack 09: Kill them alllll

Deathstroke: ends.

Josh Watton: Didn’t know Drogon was a Super Saiyan, apparently he gets a huge power up after every battle..

RhiaKitty: I see they lost all their accuracy after killing Rhaegal

NSA: Drogon has the thickest plot armour. Euron had a crew of “mutes” Fire instead of loose Golden Company from 100 thousand to a few hunder soldiers Those Scorpions can’t aim.

Dave Turner: Stuff like this was one of the reasons I stopped watching.

Paul Groves: How does fire blow up 2 metre thick stone walls. 🤣

slymnkeles: Everybody just forgot what walls are for

Canitin Gasigapasstra: What a terrible scene, dragon is OP but not that OP.

Steven Corscadden: Based on the TV show euron talked the talk but couldn't walk the walk.

Antony D'Andrea: The visuals and effects look good even of the storyade no sense

kousik sarkar: Lannister commander: Fire! Lannister soldiers: I see that, everybody run for your life!!!

Phillip Hamilton: Tyrion: We can't win this. Call in air support!

Young Min Kim: The battle began and ended soon... Maybe Danny should have did this before fighting against the Night King. I still don't know how Euron killed one of dragons.

Jason j: Yes! Burnt them all

Alienbreed2010: Bad battle tactics attacking from the front, why not you know surprise them.

Christopher Frost: Let’s have the undead Unsolid Revive and the darthark too

Tahmel Anderson: Anyone else notice that the flame that comes out of Drogon's mouth is some kf the most powerful fire in our known universe??

Felipe Montoya: khaleesiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ciaran Power: Ignoring everything else that happened. Does anyone else really like the armour those Lannister Ballista operators were wearing, I thought they looked pretty good.

Hugo Haddock: Attacking with the Sunlight as a cover was BRILLIANT. Knowledge is power, power is power. Both are right here.

Thescott16: D&D (Dumb and Dumber) writing this scene was like; D1: "Hey D2, you know what'd be great?" D2: "What?" D1: "If we took all these threats that we'd been using to build up tension for Dany's side over the last 2 years, like the hundreds of giant balistas, Euron Greyjoy's fleet, and the Golden Company, and just destroyed them all in less than 5 minutes with no help from her army or new allies." D2: "So you mean like there would have been no point to all that buildup? The teasing of characters and complete lack of planning shown from Dany's side just mean that she flies in with a ton of plot armor?" D1: "... Yea!" D2: "I love it!"

Edwin Capidos: This is damn satisfying until she got mad.

Marco: Sorry. I was happy with Drogon cooking all the ships... But... It seems only 1 was firing at him??

bjorn joseph: The most epic battle in the entire series hands down... lolz

KDMN: Lannister soldier: “FIRE!” Drogon: “OK!”

godurmumishot: Why would they say “fire” while its them getting “fired”

ngu_: imagine that now we'd be excited for another season, imagine that this great series would continue, if dumb & dumber haven't fucked it up. :(

achmed: validates my decision to become a pilot rather than a sailor

Tibby 123: F*k jon snow. Should have remained dead. She lost everything and evryone for helping him and he betrayed her... dont care what anybody says...

JB: Lol, 'The battle begins', more like 'The slaughter begins'

Ahmad Tahhan: OH god I'm so obsessed with this scene I watch it everyday it gives me power😭😭😭😭😭😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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