Apex Season 9 Legend Teaser Plus Olympus Map Update! Apex Legends News #shorts

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Obble Bobble: Don’t tell I’m the only one that got hyped over wraith naruto running

Luc :D: Valk

killa blue: I been praying they destroy the da** hammond area in general cause things always go south there.

Timmy_Hotpocket: i think the ability is like one of the titan cores from titanfall 2. im not sure if its the northstar but you hover above the ground and shoot your opponent from the skies. it really seams like that because of the titanfall content coming next season

RONIN: That lifeline pistol looks like I could main that

Anunimos Minus: wooh mirage voyage. the cause of my happiness and the cause of my death.

Spartan 1337: you better buff tf out of pathfinder after this

FPS Odysseybros: I get this beautiful update on my Bday XD. Fix your servers tho Respawn

Nix Official: Horizon: Too overpowered for floating 3 stories up and wiggling Respawn: What if... they werent limited to just wiggling... and then we can nerf Horizon so she wiggles slower... Everyone:... Are you stupid?

Aroz: The teachers copy: nice and colourful Our copy: dark nightmares Apex map when it first releases: colourful When it gets map changes: dark nightmares

lemons uchiha: Did nobody else see that wraith had naruto run again

ItsMeDino _: I love nighttime maps so nighttime Olympus is going to be awesome

ZenoWeeb: Looks like their going to blow up another map again woohoo!!!

domonator5000: I thought it would have been cooler if they blew up turbine in the middle of the map and opened that whole area up but this new nighttime version looks kinda sweet especially with all the lights. Might be fun to mess around in with pubs but I don’t think night maps play well competitively unfortunately...

kingkuts: Jetpack?

Hopelesshope: Valk?

Matúško Cápa: So there we have 100% evidence that the new legend is not going to be blisk or ash

jesus christ: I just want worlds edge back

Nessie: OMG did i just see Wraith NARUTO run.

Jamie Frantz: Its Valk

Angel: I dont think it's a map update to Olympus, it looks more like it would have something to do with the upcoming arena mode.

riloe: A nighttime version (Deep sunset maybe???? Fingers crossed) could very well challenge original Olympus for prettiest map ever award...

Raccoon Playz: The place u said was the waterfall area is actually oasis. You can tell from the fact that it says “oasis” on the big blue things.The towers got destroyed and u can see oasis cafe because it’s exposed

Mr Practical: That’s definitely kings canyon and they just added a Olympus like style thing to it

Ilia Velichkov: Looks like valk is joinin' the gang

Hen_05: that kinda looks like a pilot from titanfall that jumped off a wall. ik its not realistic since they could have put them in right in the beginning, but it would still be damn cool

embalmer.mp4: *iT CaN FlY*

Adrian D.: im pretty sure thats just path finder from the other clip of him swinging off the building

OneIroPhobia: R.I.P The PlayStation 5

PlushPanda: Looks like a nice place. Im thinking this could show us Mirage's bar, Paradise Lounge, that would be cool and beside it would be Mirage voyage. That would be sick and its obviously near Rift because of the broken faze runner behind the place

Laserman 320: Pretty sure that's gonna be ash.

Nik Mcgee: Also just saying, MIRAGE VOYAGE IS ON OLYMPUS!!!!

Clay: Is that not horizon?....

ardenthebibliophile: What on earth is this video format?!

MysteryManStan: Wait, it can’t be Olympus. Look at the background. That looks kinda like kings canyon. Where’s the energy Depot?

Motheus Oficial: Dude look what gibby is holding

Kiangata Buzika: their going to bring back wraths naruto run

Supernova Gaming: Uhm isn’t that “season 9 legend” legit just path finder swinging through the air from the scene just before it

Ahmad Latipi: You guys know that titanfall you can walk into wall and went you jump you fly and is kinda ash

Just Sheep: This is just further proof that instagram needs to be burned with merciless hellfire

METTaViSh: Floating in air? I am damn sure it's valk

Layt1: RIP fps under that waterfall

Suck my pp: New legend is like Northsar from Titanfall 2

Joseph Javier Peralta Peña: wtf

Luca Albernaz: I hope we don't have another floating/flying legend.. haha

D B: love how wattson's not even shown as a member of the legends roster lol

Mr cheese jr: Ill say its momy mirage itk

Siyethemba Zungu: Horizon: Aaand Up... Floating Legend: Mozambique

Yoyo Cast: This is the best new I have heard because I wanted valk since she was leaked

K E R M I G H T: the destroyed my landing spot :(

Devin Heida: I thought the whole point of not having worlds edge in rotation was that it was getting reworked..

Denis XD: maybe the new legend is gonna have mercy ult from overwatch

chnnu Gaming: it is valk

Double Dippin: Definitely not excited for another horizon style legend. Really want more support type legends

Astronaute Bird: That flying ability is sus i think it will be the same as in tf2 hover

Grievingbow: It the new legend was leaked


Finplayer: honestly I think the map is the new arena map

Bukhary Fauzi: Is that a Wraith BUFF i see? Look how fast her tactical is, and looks like she has her old running animation back!

Arthur: Thats sigma from overwatch lol

Youssef Abi Raad: 100 million players = 20 million players + 80 million smurfs

Rainy Days: Bro that's clearly a horizon main doing a glitch 0:26

leopard2keiler gg: Northstar 😳

CR: Also gibby is holding a pk Pk coming back in season 9?

Dank Kamina: That’s definitely the waterfall between artillery and Rig on Kings Canyon, @ me later

Wayne Davis: Its valk

RageX_GG: that doesnt look like olympus its more like the waterfall in broken relay place on Kings canyon

Bartek Zawadzki: Am i the only one that sees pathfinder in the 'new legend' ?

The Christian's Watchtower: Man mirage is about to fall down a tier even more cause if you've got another mobility legend on the move especially a character who can glide like this will be able to spot the real mirage like that man respawn needs to buff there lower tier legends 😕😫😫😫

Noah Horsington: new character looks like sigma, and the ultimate is similar.

Mitch Danby: Looks like valk

Persian Warrior: Now it all makes sense why they didn't fix exploits for cheating, they ban cheaters and they make new accounts to cheat and boom, player counts reach 100mil.

Francesco Caterino: Turrrret

Failure# 0001: Olympus is getting destroyed yes

Sxicity: The legend looks like pathfinder and horizon had a baby

OXYBEAT is LIVE: Who noticed wraith naruto run will it be back again?

Prakasit wisetsiri: wraith naruto run coming back?

Teodor Pepelov: That's definitely not blisk

dragonzreaper: that valk legend floating her model was most complete and she had ability to fly and she oldest know legend in the game

Mohammed Raizaan Emaan: valk

Irunaway: Anyone else noticed the fact that in the teaser trailer wraith teleports right away ? She’s also naruto running.....

Imagine Tracks: Respawn : we have a new legend ready and you will like it Me: is it a assault legend? We have seven of them and only two supports, why

Bloofus: wow. and when i first saw it i thought it was a mirage decoy floating in the air.

tdk: Yeah we better stop with the ash and blush hype. It ain’t happening this season

Shadowmaster938: Am I the only one who noticed wraith naruto running

Mirage Main: two pillars literaly say oasis, i dont think this will be at hammond labs

Kitione Palavi: That looks like pathfinder lol

Card Credentials: is it night time in the new map update i can't tell


High Peasant: It's Valk

Luzvimimda Pablo: Wraith has her naruto run back

E: im gonna guess its valk

Joe loe Toe loe: It looks like pathfinder

Marvel-Dc Jr: What’s happening on the 19th?

BashFisk: Actually they might not be floating, they could have jumped or something.... ...Never mind.

Bear: 100 million players and I can't even find a team mate on duos via my console?

Gabriel Rodriguez: I’m not gonna lie I laughed 12 minutes straight bc of ramparts “GRGRGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGAAA”

B e a s t _ 2 1 0 4: So wait is oasis destroyed and mirage voyage is there 0:29

J R M: That literally just looks like pathfinder.

Jonah Tontiplaphol: “WHAT IS THE MELODY” OW fans will get it lol

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