Grey's Anatomy 17x13 Promo "Good as Hell" (HD) Season 17 Episode 13 Promo

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Rachel Kelly: I want Christina to come back and grab her ankles like when she drowned and tell her to wake her ass up.

kimmy cuthbert: I can't wait to see how Gisele is gonna screw this up and bring nancy and edward from andalasia and how Robert's life will be turned upside down

_idekanymore: I stopped watching when he died, I can’t do this again. Greys absolutely kills me.

Srishti Bais: I don't know why but Ellen said in a interview how do you end a show so iconic i have a dreadful feeling there are going to kill Meridith after all it's Grey's anatomy and it ends with grey ending and usually the narrator dies closing the show it will break my heart 💔

Aracely Martinez: im so excited

Sejdin A: In episode 12 Jackson is on his car and goes for an 11 hour car trip , I think he goes to see April because she will be a guest this episode ahhh so excited!

Tami Alt: I'm over mcdreamy...mcwidow is waiting! Lol This needs to be the time for mer to finally let Derek go and move on. There's isn't much I can do if they end the show with Mer dying, but how sad. After so many years of her fighting to survive and move on, to end it by her giving up is a true disservice to the fans; especially after this last year of the pandemic. We need her strength. Her survival. Her saying, man, that sucked but I'm going to move on and fucking thrive because I'm mer and I can. Hello, McWidow!

Shir Herzig: why am i crying rn

Michael Williams: Not me thinking they were gonna actually play the Lizzo song here

Bettina Bonoan: Fuck ang saket 😭

Mariam Rapalo: What if they bring in merediths kids and then by her hearing their voices that’s when she wakes up? Either way I’m loving her being with Derek because I know how much she misses him

Kary Nicole: Okay but if she dies I'm gonna need Alex Karev back or we need to throw the whole show away.

Alejandra Inclan: Come on Mer! Wake up! The show needs you back 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️

amcra1: Why is she still on this damn beach? This show is so stupid

Mylene Dalisay: Hearing the song, 'what a feeling' played when they did the p0st it, again, ...

Ashley Ives: I will always love Meredith and Derek but I am seriously shipping Meredith and Hayes together. The amount of chemistry between the two will never live up to Merder but it definitely comes in a close second. I need her to wake up for her kids, Maggie, Amelia and for her to get with Hayes.

McDreamyGeyer: This like a replica of the scene in the elevator when he was with Addison but he came up behind Meredith and smelt her hair etc and nuzzled her neck and then she said I can't.

Mia: This is a joke at this point, they milked it so much it’s no longer interesting

Michelle Mazzolla: I’m so sick of the covid crap, I’m also so sick of the protesting, I’d like to watch tv to get away from everything,sort of my escape, I don’t feel like watching the news, please get on with this, move forwRd, oh yeah that’s right we can’t bc the characters need to wear their masks still, so I’m done , the seasons have been going downhill anyway,I really don’t care it mer makes it or not.

Diana roper: Omg I happy to see Derek again but I scared to see what’s gonna happen to mer

King Creeper: God Bless ❤️


Meredith Lewis: If this is the final season, Meredith’s death would be the perfect way to end the series and wrap the story up. It would be a beautiful, fitting end for her to ride off into the sunset with the love of her life.

Vivi Bunga Ratih: I need Meredith and Derek be the end game

Sonia Zambrano Rodríguez: People say the serie is gonna end. I think first that is gonna happen... Christina needs to come back. Sorry for my bad English... jejej Saludos a todos

Jeanie Lopez: You. Come back the new peat season 17 on Netflix

melanie thelwell: I think she’ll choose to live and the season ending will show a small glimmer of a romance with Cormac Hayes that could be the series ending if they don’t renew or the season ending

Carrie Hillebrand: The song gives me chills, they're flirting even with death.

destiny stephens: Do anyone know the name is this song?

Didrik S Lundgjerdingen: I'm very sorry if season 17 will be the last. very much hope that there will be many more seasons

Hizzie’s Nation: This show is still on💀?

Naiara Alvarez: ayo why they so close? gotta social distance now

Ania K.: Meredith please fight for kids ! Please !

Aniyah Love: Derek🥺

liv i.: I’m still really mad that Derek had to die because like now I want Mar and Derek together but I really don’t want the kids to be orphans because that’s literally horrible

Sarah Jane: I haven't watched since christina left, but I'm really enjoying these you tube clips of the old good cast. The only thing that would make me watch a new episode is if they have a show with the living original cast members . They need Christina, Alex , Burke, Addison and Izzy back somehow and for me I would like it just originals Mer , Richard and Baily.

DePiscean1: Go away McDreamy! We don't want ya here! 🗣🗣🗣

P KAUR: Mc Dreamy is still dreamy as 🥺

Elfie Andvaka: We need Cristina to arrive and literally slap her back to reality

BibliophileColorist: We all started out rooting for Meredith and Derek to be together... Now, we're yelling at them to stay away from each other LOL

Jessica Hines: No mama would choose to leave her kids especially little ones. Geesh! Come on Shonda! Do better...period. And I'm sorry but why would Meredith get a choice to live or die from COVID? Others didn't. Let's be real. You can't make a show about the dire nature of this virus and then fantasize the recovery from it. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Kelvin Encantat: Caralho Meredith qq ce tá fazendo do lado dele ce quer morrer??

Ally Neron: How many times i've watched this since it's so short but it doesn't need to be longer cause Merder is enough to get our interest in a few short seconds.

Traci M: I’m so very over Derek and Meredith, she has moved so far past who she was with him. Plus Derek was always a selfish dick. I’m also over her coma, it’s been a dragging storyline for months now.

michelle thompson: This entire season is giving me the sense that this is the final season of Grey's Anatomy...

Alfred Chuah: the last scene: the dam broke....

Jasmine Mackenzie: I do not want Meredith to die this way she’s been through and survived extraordinary things and for this to take her out would be disappointing

Juliano C. Quirino: That's the song that played during the scene they got married with the post-it

Christy S: He is not the sun 🌄 are. Where is Cristina ??

Jash Bhavesh Shah: Meredith cannot die without Alex being on her right and Cristina holding her left hand. Just Cannot. JUST NO

Mia Alvarez Palacios: She better not die......

Rockas360: I'm calling it. She dies and the series ends. Goodnight folks.

vitor moreira: Já tá chato esse plot

Avalon Levi: I don't think she will die because it would be pretty f*ck to kill a character who survived to everything die of the coronova virus, it would be hella depressive to see even the great Meredith Grey fall from it. Like you are supposed to give us hope by using this real life trope.

patricia Bermudez: I haven't seen GA in years , what happened to her? Got the virus?

E.T Videos: I am confused. Is Meredith dying next episode? Derek said that if they touch each other, she will die and they were just hugging


ELM P: What’s the music? X

Gemma Gemma: I've probably watched this promo like 30 times.

n k: if they play the merder theme song next episode i’ll sob 😩

Kaylee Bala: This was the song that they used during the post it wedding 🥺

Jessica Mdsj: I really think it would be sad to end up this show while being under Covid19.. I mean, after almost two decades of stories, it would be very depressing...

Aunesti. 0fficial: I love this🥺I want her to be with her kids and just be with Derek but I can’t have both😭....

Janice Vasquez: I got flashbacks to when Derek was standing behind her in the elevator in either season 2 or 3 after he got back with Addison. Gave me the chills to see them in that same position. Omg, can’t wait for next week! Merder for life!!😩🥺😍

Emanuele Spichetti: she said "i'll never leave" she was touching derek and he said that if she touches him she automatically choses death... so i'm pretty sure that meredith dies and the show ends with her in the beach

Melissa Clark: Maybe she will get the closure that she needed. The guy that died because he did not believe in covid, I have zero sympathy for people like that.

Tishie Lin: NO... MER!! I need you to be alive. Think about your 3 wonderful babies...

Hannah Jacobs: i think its beautiful they way the paid respect to merek relationship...i love that he keeps telling her to fight..but i think the writing will depend on whether theres a season 18...if there isnt a season 18 i think the season finale will be having all the remaining living characters come to say goodbye to meredith

Hannah Jacobs: i dont think theyre gonna wake her up if this is the last season...i think the only way meredith lives is if theres a season 18

Ja B: Does anyone know where jackson went? 11hrs??

Spit Fire: If Meredith chooses Derek over the kids, I'm going after Shonda! The kids should not have to suffer losing both parents.

Maya Richardson: I understand why Meredith wants to stay...because everybody in her life either left or died and she’s just tired. BUT SHE BETTER GET AWAY FROM DEREK AND TAKE CARE OF THEM KIDS😭

rosih emerim: Oh, no, the beach again???? Aren't we over this?

Karly Bretzing: "If I get any closer. I'll never leave" Shows Derek and Meredith hugging... WELL CRAP.

Karan Bhaip31: The song in the background is the same song they played when Meredith (soon to be Meredeath) got married to Derek.

Katie M: where is jackson going...(japril time?)

Sara Sultan: what if they’re bout to kiss and just right tht moment cristina holds mer’s hand and boom mer wake up.. not impossible in shondaland but seems like a perfect moment. remember every time, mer got dark and twisted and about derek and cristina would kick her ass, this is one of those moments. if you’re a die hard fan, yk what i’m talking bout

Sara Sultan: i mean yes she’s finally touching the love of her life but woman needs to wake up she can’t just choose death😞 this would be a sad af ending

Ana May Chavez: Its only episode 13.. she wont die. Maybe on the 20th or 21st

BJ Blast: Here is where she dies because rumor reveals this is it for Greys

Olivia Brodarick: This is so bittersweet


Emma Trabucco: she dead

Sarah Denzmore: OMG, I am going to lose it

Leian Edgar Lagaac: I heard this song from the earlier seasons! MerDer is really back :(((((

Savannah Johnson: Ok, I mean I’d love the ending to be Meredith to die and then them be together forever if they didn’t have kids. The kids already lost one parent, they can’t lose their mom too. Especially Zola, the worst scene in Greys Anatomy imo is Meredith explaining to Zola that Derek is dead, I do NOT wanna see Amelia or Maggie have to do that with her AGAIN

TedIsHere2: Unpopular opinion: Meredith needs to wake up now I’m getting tired of this lol

Robyn Capistrant: But....where is Jackson going??? That’s all I care about.

Subrina Ally: Bro but if they touch then she’s dead?! I don’t want this show to end on a COVID season!! Also where the hell is Jackson going??

Tyra Louis: It’s like I want her to be with him forever but I don’t want her to die😭

Abbey Irvine: if Mer dies, the show is over - not happening , it can’t

Mario Josué Pérez Alfaro: The song is the same song that played when Meredith and Derek makes their wedding vows.

Binta Kinteh: Meredith dies if she goes with derek

shootingcomet082: One more episode until April returns!!!

smileyfan16: Part of me thinks Meredith still hasn't forgiven Derek for dying too soon. She needs to let it go. I hope Derek can encourage Meredith to fight, to live and to be a mother to their 3 children. Meredith has a whole hospital who needs her. Meredith can't die. Derek needs to not be cuddling Mer from behind. I want Merder, but I want Mer to live and not die.

Ryan Braybrook: yeah honestly can't imagine feeling like u have nothing to live for and abandoning ur kids.. how could Derek even look at u if that was ur choice.

Al s: He is so handsome.😊

Maddy Gullahorn: bro istg if meredith leaves i’m crying

Alexandra Shepiro: If the kill her, they will have to change the name of the show...

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