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WhosImmortal: The Season 3 Update is looking promising so far! Thanks for watching!

ethan haines: I have that update loop and it's horrible. It says it's copying the update everytime

Spytihněv Koroptev: OH FUCK AGAIN? Hey Hi How Ya Doin?

METODY: this game ain’t even that hard. i barely ever die in fights. it’s always campers and people shooting me in the ass. am i just good or is this normal?

Harry Butterworth: Complains about full teams of roze skins. Uses full team of roze dkins

Yvony Leaf: Did u ever mention the skin glitches for the Mara and ghost skins where u could unlock old styles to them by doing the missions for them when the released

Darryl Blatcher: Cant wait for a 7000 terabyte update just to fix issues that never should've existed

Miranda - what is the name of the weapon at 7:59 and how can you get it ?

Joackim Lauridsen: Unless they: Aug/m16- damage drop of, bullet drop of, burst delay. Ffar- damage reduction, rpm reduction, speed reduction. Sykov-20 round only, less damage, more bullet spread, less rpm. Unless this is the change. Nothing will change. Just like that, but they wont do this we know raven

Brett: I just want an FOV slider on console

Scott S: This game is already so unrealistic as is. If they are going to adjust skins can they at least make other game elements more realistic (such as nerfing player movement, bunny hopping, slide cancel, quick scope drag snap-on shooting, instantaneous ladder dismounting. And buffing footstep volume when someone is sprinting right at you w/out dead silence).

Im_Lagging_Kid00: This guy is wayyyy more chillaxed than I thought he would be. Love it tho!

Ethanwinter96: Late to party for this one, been a busy weekend with a new job on Monday. Thanks a lot for the lowdown on all things new this next week! Should be a good one! Finally the Roze skin won't be so ridiculous, finally a (hopefully) better nerf against the top dog guns too! Cheers brother! Killin things as per usual!

Zu Kapo: They need to fix match making in Multi player and lag outs in Cold War Zombies.

Hector Garcia: When the update?

Mikaveli Eastwood: I can see it now. General The enemy soldiers are wearing colors that blend in better with the background And I can't see them very well boo-hoo, boo-hoo! Its not fair. Please make them stop daddy! Make them easy to spot clear across the map, make every gun they use worthless and tell them they can't hit me when I'm wearing my glasses... or my backs turned. Make it easy for me boo-hoo, boo- hoo.

giomar rivera: ive been having to re update my cod at least 12 times a day

g4m3r sye: how about the fov slider for console????????

Finn: Will you be live at the event?

DQ: We need fov for console. Idk what they playing at. It’s really unplayable now and unfair

Corbin Keller: Boys we all know the new super sweat skin is the baltic mil sim CAJ skin...streamers already use it bc it's equal to the rose skin...also it's slightly darker black ya love to see it ❤️

Santiago Campos: Imagine getting a comment from Zac

andrew lees: What's your opinion on the rumor that there is a white list of streamers/YouTube creators being white listed for bans due to generating more cash flow and such and have you heard of it before

islu!: What about Xbox players getting kicked out of half of the maps in the game before loading the map??

Honey Mustard: My friend accidentally bought the rc-xd so I knew then not to make the same mistake. Now I keep joking around every time I buy the loadout I say “oh shit I bought an rc-xd” and they flip lol

Babak Plus: Anything about lowering the ttk? Its like playing hardcore multiplayer. One milisec and dead. No time for gun fight. It’s becoming unplayable for me

Daniel Dean: Please do a top 10 broken guns that got nerfed. Number 1 is still the original DMR

LZR Gaming: day 19 of watching the best cod player out there

Akash 28042: Immortal: talks 'bout the cw aug... Also Immortal: using cw aug and spraying players at the same time!

Qbeus: Maybe Warzone is going to be playable again...i hope :(

iC l o u t y y: The rose skin nerf is so stupid bro. Like really really stupid. Turn your brightness up or get some glasses if you can’t “see” her. That’s the most bogus shit I’ve ever seen a community complain about.

Josh Gardner: Console FOV? And 120fps for PS?

Mutha Trucka: Goodbye rose skins 😂 I’m tired of mfs using the same damn guns

Deadmau5x5: What are they supposed to change on the sniper glint in MW? 🤔

Ssniper Mmonke: The main reason i bought tht battle pass was for the roze skin

House Wise: Figure out how Iceman went pro and apply yourself.

Mohammed Ashfaq: Is console FOV ever gonna come ?🤬

Ceaser: There’s Nothing wrong with the ffar

-_- vincent-_-: New meta gun Ffar:no Aug:abit Kilo:yes yes YES LOW RECOIL

Rydahh: Nerfing a skin now...the cod community needs to get a grip. Actually pathetic that people would moan about that tbh 🙄

Barret Andersson: FOV for next gen consoles please💩

YuriTartedLol: tbh I grew up with cod back then in black ops 1 what about you guys?

Gamer123 Yt: Season 3?

Zayaan Ladha: Hey I’m so excited of the roze skin update 2nd day of double upload u work hard take a break man

Thebigem 123: Imagine if they nerfed the Akimbo Sykov the same way they fixed the Akimbo FMG-9’s from MW3 (Slowing down the Fire Rate when Akimbo’d)

Kevinas Vaina: Hey Hi How ya doin? The new season sounds promising.. I’m kinda hyped!

Peter Pan: The better question is: why do they launch a Pistole with this insane power only to fix it few days later. Activion/Raven are a bunch of idiots with no brain

Callsign Chaos: Nah. Not interested. There’s absolutely nothing raven/IW/activision can do to save this game in my eyes. I quit playing this shit back in august, and it’s completely dead to me at this point. Literally the worst game I’ve ever played.

ツSoup_likes_anxl: Day one of hoping to get a comment pinned by whosimmortal

Enrique Lewis: Bra how the heck did you see that rose skin at the end? 😂

iGAME iN COLOR: Idk why they keep putting that helicopter back lol also the gameplay footage is that how clear it is for you??

Thomas Mason: Everything is great, but can i have some fov

Moose Trax - Gaming: Anyone else have a glitch on console in rebirth where it gives you a black screen, and freezes after you win? Then you need to restart the application. Then it does not count the win/ kills during the game.

Ahiezer O: I did noticed that Slight Of Hand perk isn’t working when having it in Multiplayer.

Asta Da Gouki: I would take all of the OP guns and Meta just to have a anti cheat system installed. We need to cry very loud as a community so it gets done. All of the other outcries are indeed legit, but the anti cheat is just too important, as the game is becoming not fun at all to play. Can't wait for next week, but i can't expect nothing less than bare minimum with the franchise

that one guy: Hey hi how ya doin is stuck in my head

Ryan Sanko: Once the Roze skin is nerfed everyone is just gonna wear the all black Mil Sim skin. It’s not the skins that are that annoying, it’s the horrible lighting around Verdansk

Gabriel Caberte: so sad that their removing modern warfare guns :(

Die Kommunistische Kiwi: idk how people think the rose skin is hard to see lol, but i do hope this makes more people stop using it because its annoying seeing half the lobby be the same skin

Rick Taylor: They need to fix the black screen glitch and give me my 30+ wins that haven’t registered. Makes me not want to play and it’s my favorite game. Happens to me allllll the time. Last 3 or 4 wins I got black screened.

Isaac Rook: I got a nuke warning on warzone I can send you the video

Gladys Kennedy: They also need to nerf the sniper rifles....

Gladys Kennedy: Why don't they adjust the f****** hackers and cheaters that should be #1 on their list...

madskrillz2: Thank God something is finally being done about the Roze skin. I'm as colorblind as a dog, so it's not fun playing against lol.

ae4xo: Most of the guys I played cod with aren't playing anymore. Has anyone else seen lower numbers?

Mr. Quackerson Mcfat Duck: Hi, I'm late

Random Person-455: How much gb is this update gonna be for console

Dusty Hardcore Gaming: So ur tilling me the way the rose skin is camouflaged people are crying about it!! So in real life if ur camouflage really well people are going to cry and say you’re over powered??

Crimsonburn 500: Dark aether?

Hank Voight: A studio giving us what we want?!? This is unheard of!!

James B: So basically back to the Amax meta 😴

Alexander Garcia: I'm glad they are nerfing the rose skin I was so close to buying it bc I always got killed by it

Marz Camaro: Please don’t nerf the FFAr what’s wrong with you you tubers you guys think you own warzone

Hamato Yoshi: I honestly don’t understand why everyone complains about Roze lol 😂 Just hipfire and strafe, Oh yeah she’s invisible 😆 Silly me.

IMBUSTINCHEEKS: Susat multizoom on aug=NO RECOIL and no one knows it 😂 not even streamers

IMBUSTINCHEEKS: Just make the roze skin a different color lmao tf u wanna keep it black then jus add a vest that’s dumb

iiTzBenni Gaming!: I can’t cherish my last moments on the modern verdansk, the radiation zones are ruining my drops man, I play solos and the radiation zones are ruining everything🤣

TactiFugi: Things are looking promising but do you really believe there won’t be new things broken or messed up?? There will be.

Legendary Skinman: Wait so are wins not counting for everyone,? I swear 2 nights ago I didn't get a win

Clem Shamrock: “This is good let’s break it. This skin has tactical value let’s change that.” Bro I love your videos but stop crying.

TheGeechman: Can’t wait to be amazing disappointed by the “new” map.

Adam Maximus: People crying because they didn't read the menu before buying a rcxd is hilarious to me.

wes coby: I'm about to be done with COD, every damn minute they're nerfing guns. Sometimes to the point they're just useless. Now all of a sudden the M16 is a prob 🙄 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️. Utter crap!!!!!

IT's Shack: Hey zach hey hii how u doing

Doomster: Immortal,can I ask when's the best weapon loadouts for warzone coming out?

Supreme The legend: I’m so happy you mentioned the slight of hand perk ... I thought I was bugging when it was loading slow .. cause no one was covering it

Mini Fridge: I like how the roze skins are getting changed but there's still other dark skins out there (Russian atu mil sim skin, ghost Azazel skin, price dead of night skin etc.)

1rickopotamus: COD community:we need rose to be less black COD developers:👀😳

DTD: My sykov pistol is stuck at 3/5 for the akimbo .

Bubba Chunky: Something is up with the snipe rifles, I don't even get hit markers half the time period I think it was caused by the last update

Vanessa Smallman: I’m so sad that modern versdansk is being destroyed xx.

COD GG: I dont want to nerf Amax but in the saim taim iwant to nerf it 🤔

Darius May: Fov slider for consoles?

sparkytb Gaming: Even if they nerf the akimbo sykov One style sykov is op still bring back the c4 meda

Armando Arias: Is there going to be a fov slider for console?

ELITE JFM: will black ops cold war go free for a week?

UrbanChamp89: Make roze a bright roze color lol

Mathias Gustafson: My man, finally some good news

sukhman aulakh: Wake up ,get coffee, and listen to" hey hi how you doing ?! " .. life cant get any better 😄😄

TheCactus117: Anyone else have to install shaders every small update?

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