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G D: why Mira's Tusk immortal has red on it?

Arian Arin: That storm spirit. Zip for nothing 🤣

Tamsin Stanley: Федот Ермаков, между тем к игре в online казино необходимо тоже подходить расчетливо. Естественно, например если вы играете в вулкан 24 там никогда не выведете деньги, а например если придти к вопросу более глобально то сможете понимать, что имеются такие как эльдорадо казино, созданные мошенниками и не несущие ответственности, а имеются игорные заведения с лицензией, там подкрутка автоматов исключена. По-этому не думаю что правильно решать на основе мошеннических сайтов. Перечень лицензионных игорных заведений онлайн можно увидеть тут:

Sergey Dev: V-tune is second Arteezy? XD

Linges M: man ramzess doesnt even play Mars and BM nearly as good as General. Hope General gets a good team. :(

Хэй Контрактор: Выebaны)

Bond Joeurve: ramzez bad on all team.....kicked from vp, from og from all over country

deez nuts: Nice extending the clip for an extra 10 min of nothing for extra $$$ ya bum

Jundrel: Iceberg so bad

Probinn Maisnam: Results for kicking general out...general be proud...they lost 2-0 to an underdog team after you left the team navi

JT: Alwayswannafly and the others that decided to kick General and get Ramzes should have known from OG that it is not about the quality of the players but the chemistry of the team. Pretty sure they would start to suck.

Akbar M.A: Ramzes just wanna get his money to Singapore back from NaVi. Sad General 😝

Andreas Julius: stop talking about navi flopness now talking about how good Tspirit especially torontotokyo

Enes Malik Aydoğan: hmm monkaS

apex venom: Kick general for this

zZWAR_Legends: is she saying yapzor?

Aca Hansha: Kicking General is a mistake. Ramzes is shit on Offlane.

Nureke KEk: Мыпошка

Eiji Oda: Moxxi voice is seductive when she starts to stop speaking

YOU time: bajito ese ramzes nomas diré

Kieth Lopez: *Ramzess offlane at Navi? Omegafuckinglul.*

Rian Syach: Wtf, there is lag at min 12?

Bake Zhangozha: 4:25 void spirit just gets deleted lol

Duy Hòa Nguyễn: iceberg play like dog trash both game, not ramzes

Sapiens: Hi! Looking for teammates to play dota. Here is my statistics, add me

TrixR4Kids: Love the anti-spoiler, I saw the time limit and thought it was a 3-game series. Very pleasantly surprised. WP Team Spirit.

Данияр Давлет: Что же чувствует General после этого всего говна рамзеса 😁

7th Seeker: for your information Ramsey is a team captain now

Tyron: I like how she pronounce YATOROO

Berubo16 baynteDesesays: So sad to see DENDI fall out 😭😭😭😭

Nathan: 4:26 bruh bet iceberg didnt see that coming

Sa Sa: No amount of anti spoiler can save this series

Ako si Obeca: Navi how to became a trash team real quick. Change general to ramzess LOL

Alexis dawn: Ramzes always be carry, never was Offlaner.

J Bars: The Ramzess Curse

marco narca: ramze should look for a team who badly needed a carry

Philip Jan Baruis: RamzEEs LUL

7th Seeker: Pasha, Ramzes, who's next? - Noone

7th Seeker: Ramzes sold his soul playing in Navi now

RozBuLLLaka1: really navi ramzess?

TI Logic ?? sobayed: 7 min freezing screen keke

first last: torontotokyo what a cool name

Super Salad: Watching Navi lose after what they did to General made my fucking day. And where was the Ramzes leadership they were talking about? The entire series they played like they have no clue wtf to do! Back to tier 3 Navi, maybe even fall to lower division season 3 and Rest In Peace there! 🤣🤣

Linh Ngô: Kick General for this ??

Duc Pham: Ramzee lol

Geronimo Carrizo: XD loved the no spoiler detail, thx man :)

Daryl Mangampo: That pronunciation of Moxxi's Yatoro is so hot

Bek Liammm: Ramzes used to be an amazing carry player , but when you watched him played in 404, you know that he has declined a lot. Now his offlane skills is not too bad, is decent, just like resolution playing offlane, but there is room of improvement.

Ngân Trương: ez arcanas

Enargy: General was a better fit, he makes play in the lane and in team fights. Ramzes is just not that good as an offlaner

Lisa Mano: GG

Thành Nam Nguyễn: BM 7.29 minion build. Gosu???

Solomon The Great: That V-Tune got perma-stun kinda remind me of Saksa and Topson Earthspirit Duo perma-stunning V-Tune's Sven with Aegis, lmao

Dmark M: When they add ramzes, they became weak. Fucking sad

Reynor Thompson: not gonna lie TS played so well on this match

randel jeeve arabejo: Kicked general for this?? Ramzess paaaaa

John Lloyd Bulanhagui: What just happened to ramzes. He's good for offlane position before in EG team. After leaving EG then he decided to play pos1 then decided again to back at pos3. Wtf it looks like ramzes offlane has no impact to the game.

Faceless Void: I don't get it...Ramzess playing very shitty style of offlane from the EG time. Still good teams are picking him. May be he performs better in the scream but sorry to say he performs really really bad on the official games with his offlane role. In offlane her farms fast but plays really bad in team fights.

Adrian MACAYAN: Why ramzess playing offlane role? He is not good for that position better back to core role

Some Dude: 4:26 That burst on Void Spirit was brutal, too bad the casters didn't see it

demodca: n1 cast ...5x better then fucking odpixel

Magician: Where is General?? My favorite pos 3. He is very talented player.

Ze ro: Navi is back! Back to trash!

mamat: Navi needs an adjustment now..its pain to see how ramzes play. I would say general was better than him

Irdi Aru: Man, ramzes is good but in offlane general is still 10 times better.

Miko Ekman: Sorry to say but cuz of ramzes in navi, im against navi now...

Bots are currently Offline: Ramzes still mostly plays pos 1 on hes smurfs and orginal account , ranked is big part of training i don't think hes doing any good too hes team or himself he have to decide

Kanat Zhumagulov: Love antispoiler🥰

Rivaldo Tobing: NaVi looks so strong now,

Dominik Grlevic: Vtune will get kicked and ramzess will play pos 1 :) Remember my words

VAR BASOURU ULA: they knew Ramzes very well. destroy that child, he gonna be malding and lose this mind. anyway, who pick AM nowadays? AM is such a bad hero no matter how good the player is

Paulo Bruno: If they had Ramzes as their Pos 1 and General as their Pos 3, they could be a great team.

abdulloh kholid al-mukhtari: Karma for kicking general, omega lul

pome xo: They needed captain i guess

mardika guntoro: Gdi the pit. Morph rooted 7 times its really a well done root locked

mahathir saragih: Ramzess offline is a joke

020. Lalbiaksanga: Can u guys believe that General is kicked for a pos 1 player who thinks he can play pos 3 lol

Mera Numonpur: Typical CIS mentality when you sell even your mother to go TI

Mario Sergio Valdes: What a sadness, one of the best carry (RAMZES666), as well as one of the best Mid (Sumail) in the world, wasted as Offlaner

Hikken no Ace: Navi is back guys!

Nicholay Volkov: storm spirit isn't a hero this patch therfor ez lose

Nicholay Volkov: the woman talking bluh bluh xD "solar crest is so good" - mean while solar crest got nerfed lol

Ame: Vp, team spirit and monaco gambit for cis pls. Dont include navi cuz they deserve the karma aftet they kicked general lol

Ай ай ай ай ай что сейчас произошло: Kick GeneraL For This ? Why Get RamzEZ999

EMERSON MORAES: Trash ramsez

Hoodiee: Вот это я понимаю новая эра как в старые добрые... хуйней страдаем

Владик Дезолятор: new era xD

Cecep Gunawan: B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's —L—o—V—e—S—e-X———❤️😘 ..👍 Clickhere : !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1 1618602370

Erza Scarlet: Na'vi throw away gem to get germ... what a waste..

Yusuf Iğnak: What happened to General?

Søren Kierkegaard: Ramzes is the problem

KK 248: V-tune can you go tune your skill before playing carry?

Kiddie: With a new roster comes the testing of synergy match ups, its gonna be a long time before they get to know each other’s moves. Or let ramzes go and find a new team that fits him.

Cpp of uncle pio Uwu: This did not happen with General

Zy Ca1: ramzes is just bad, retire already.

PengxueYG: navi looks like they dont wanna commit to any fight. ramzees ult so late in fights and position is so off

Brigitte Alimagno: yo, people be blaming ramzes and Na'vi while lowkey discrediting the skillset that TSpirit has brought into this game. Can't it be that TSpirit just have better chemistry than the current Na'vi?? Of course the roster just effin changed like a month ago, what do you expect? Bunch of idiotic peeps who just wanna hate and be disregarding other factors, go Eff yourselves

Jessie Ellaga: Rodjer and Ramzees on the same team again,you already what's gonna happen.

Yashvardhan Pandey: Yatoro so that's how they pronounce it , thenx caster

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